Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1045 141. Rounding Up, You Should Call Me Brother-In-Law

Chapter 1045 141. Rounding up, you should call me brother-in-law

Bu Laike watched the idiot Fenner and Little Xingxing leave. He picked up his pipe and looked melancholy at the great desert in the distance.

The brain started working again.

When the meeting was adjourned before, he said that he wanted the help of the druids, but he didn't mean to ask the druids to mobilize the army.

To put it bluntly, this tactic is an enhanced version of the beheading operation. He has his own tricks for ground raids. What the stinky pirates mean is that they hope that the Druid Order can send real bosses to help.

For example, Cenarius outside the forest, such as Archdruid Malfurion Stormrage, a guy who can take care of himself.

If you can't get such treatment, you should also take some senior members to help the hunters appease the irritable xenomorphs to promote the smooth development of the taming work.

At least in this action, time is life.

But speaking of it, if Tyrande Windtalker is confirmed to take on an important mission, then Archdruid Malfurion, her husband, should come along with her.

That would give Laike a better chance.

But anyone who is familiar with the stinky pirate's style can be sure that Laike didn't reveal all his plans and preparations.

He is used to always hiding half of what he says, so as to maintain his mystery and deterrence as a prophet.

Bu Laike maintained the action of looking at the desert and thinking. A few seconds later, amidst the rising smoke, he said:

"Have you seen enough?

Hiding in the dark and peeking at me, a handsome pirate always feels that you have ulterior motives, but if you really admire me, then I don’t mind showing my fanatic fans how to stab the peeping eyes with a sword.”

"I did not see anything."

The cold voice of General Shandris Feathermoon came from the shadows of the rear room. She had changed into a set of ranger leather armor for easy movement, wore the long cloak of the Silver Wing Sentinel, and carried a yew wood horned eagle on her back. bow.

She said to Bo Laike:

"What big brother sister, what pirate prince, what turned against each other, I really didn't hear anything."

"So, you wild elves who live on trees and eat wild fruits really deserve a beating!"

The stinky pirate said angrily:

"But I will not directly target General Yuyue, I know you are difficult to deal with, the combination of a first-rate moon priest and a third-rate legendary hunter is a very difficult enemy even for me.

I will teach you a lesson.

Let me think about it, what is the greatest weakness of the great and tough general Shandris Feathermoon in the legends of the elves? "

"Hehe, of course you are looking for my weaknesses."

Shandris folded her arms and sneered:

"From the beginning of the War of the Ancients to the present, countless enemies have tried to find my weakness, and countless opponents have tried to put me to death, but they are all dead and I am still alive.

I really look forward to your success. "

"Indeed, you have the strength to protect your body, your faith to arm your mind, and your actions are resolute. You are simply perfect and have no weaknesses at first glance."

Bu Laike nodded approvingly.

Then, rubbing his chin, tilting his head and rubbing his forehead, he said:

"Well, then it seems that if I want to make General Shandris sad, I have to go back to my old job as an assassin. Let me think about it, Mr. Jarod Shadowsong, who was almost the king of elves, is now Where is it?

The current him should still be living in seclusion in Ashenvale, right?

His wife, Ms. Sarah Hill, appears to be pregnant.

Tsk tsk, what a heartbreaker, he played with Ms. Shandris's heart but didn't touch her, and instead did some shameful things with a simple girl from the country.

Would you like to place a bounty on me, General Shandris?

Assassinating a pregnant woman is heinous, but since I have done so many bad things, I will definitely go to the hell of humans or elves in the future.

One bad thing is hell, so why not do more? After I have done ten thousand bad things before going on, I will be the new legend in hell!

So, if you ask a high enough price, I can lose my conscience. As long as Sarah Hill and the child in her belly are dead, the lonely Jarod Shadowsong may return to your warm embrace.

Just be proactive.

Well, speaking of which, I'm going to sell my gold medal love potion again.

This thing is really powerful, only half a bottle is needed to satisfy your lonely desire for ten thousand years.

Let you and Your Excellency Garrod spend a perfect tender night, do you need me to prepare another wedding room full of flowers for you? If you want, I can knock him out and strip him naked and stuff him on your bed.

Don't you fair-faced, dirty-hearted elves just like this tone?

Don't be shy.

Tell me, you are an excellent guest, General Yuyue, I am willing to serve you."


Before the pirate could finish his malicious words, the sharp and cold elven saber was pressed against his neck. It only took Shandris to swipe lightly, and the stinky pirate would die here.

But at the same time, the black and white swords also touched General Yuyue's slender neck in tandem.

As long as she dared to move, both sides would suffer.

"You're mad, aren't you? I can see that."

Bo Laike reached out and squeezed the sharp blade, pushing it away from his neck bit by bit, and he looked back at Shandris, whose eyes were spitting fire and murderous intent on his face.

With a sneer, he reached out to take off his magic mask, shook his golden hair, and said to Shandris:

"Now you know how uncomfortable it is to be prying into your heart? I hope you can learn the lesson that Tyrande didn't teach you. It is very important to you.

After all, you need to defeat a lot of people to get my weakness.

A legendary warrior who is clumsy but really good at fighting, a wimpy princess who can summon a great ancient blue dragon with just a whistle, and her loyal knight Ji who is as loyal as a mad dog.

And a crazy old man who would rush to Darkshore with the Armada to kill 10,000 elf civilians on the spot as long as you hurt little Jaina's finger, and declare that this is "equal revenge".

And I want your weakness, just snap my fingers.

Immediately there will be countless people rushing to Ashenvale for Jarod Shadowsong's life. I can absolutely guarantee that even if you rush back now, you can only collect his body.

Or stitch his poor corpse up from a pool of blood, I hope your needlework is good enough.

Tsk tsk, look at how angry and scared you are.

So cute. "

The stinky pirate laughed, and he waved his hand to find Sister Saramani, or pointed his finger and said:

"You may think that I am nothing more than that, but poor girl, when you really face me, you will know that only ridiculous confidence can't protect you.

let's go.

Let's take a tour of the territory of the Qiraji Empire.

On the way, I will share with you the secrets of the Shadow Song family. After all, if you look at it from the perspective of kinship, you should call me 'brother-in-law' now.

So don't be angry.

Just treat it as your brother-in-law making a little joke with you. I will take good care of you this journey, poor little one. "


Shandris Feathermoon scowled.

The Silver Wing General hadn't been so angry for a long time. She rode on her fogsaber saddle, staring at the stinky pirates in front of her in front of her.

The left hand is holding the rein, and the right hand is stroking the yew wood horned eagle bow.

The legendary hunter calculated the distance between the two sides and the angle of the shot in his heart, and only needed one arrow.

That's right.

An arrow with the power of the moon god is enough to send the evil person in front of him to hell. A full shot at the limit is enough to ensure that Laike Shaw will get the arrow before he can react.

"It's not that simple, I can guarantee that your first arrow will never hit me."

Just when Shandris' thoughts entered into an impulse to be executed, Bu Laike's faint voice came from the wind and sand under the dark night ahead, with a sense of ridicule and indifference.

He said:

"If you want to complete the lore, you have to find a way to seal my legendary power. To be conservative, you need at least three high-level moon priests to cast spells together to create a magic forbidden zone with an area of ​​at least 200 yards.

You also have to make sure that your first arrow must have divine power beyond legend, otherwise even if you hit it, you won’t be able to instantly kill me, and if I still have the power to fight back, then you will be dead.

Well, that seems a bit presumptuous to say that.

So let me put it another way.

Before I die, you must lose a good life first.

I'll make your exquisite head into a collectible, and every bad night after being hunted by Tyrande and the Sisterhood of Elune, I'll take it out to admire.

Recall the beauty of the moment that took your life. "

"Stop provoking!"

Shandris said coldly:

"Do you think I will be fooled by this childish method? Calmness is a virtue shared by all Silver Wing Sentinels. We will not act recklessly out of anger."

"Oh, then you are really amazing, I admit that I underestimated you, I apologize for my ignorance."

Bu Laike said something without sincerity.

He looked at the wall of beetles that was at the end of his sight, and when he and Shandris crossed a sand dune back and forth, he slowed down the speed of his hell steed and walked with Shandris.

And whispered in the wind and sand:

"You know I'm a vicious pirate, right? A bastard like me never suppresses my twisted desires. Maybe I'll enjoy my prey before I kill you.

By the way, before Garald went into seclusion, you didn't taste the forbidden fruit with him, did you?

So, you are still a pure one?

The virgin of ten thousand years? "


The elf sword was unsheathed again.

Facts have proved that Bo Laike's taunt is as powerful as ever. Facing the fire-breathing General Shandris, the pirate held his stomach and laughed and said:

"Ha, you're in a hurry! You lost, have you been provoked by me? What about your calmness and rationality that you are proud of? Is that all you can do? Little girl."


Shandris looked at Bo Laike's smile, she felt that the bastard in front of her was unreasonable!

This is no game, how could he say such obscene and obscene language without any burden?

How could Ms. Maiev be with such a person?

Tucao to Tucao, Shandris did not doubt that Laike said he had an intimate relationship with Ms. Shadowsong. As the general of the Silver Wing Sentinels, Shandris also has her own news channel, and she knows the inside story of some changes in Watch Island.

Although there is no real proof, Shandris thinks that Bo Laike's words should be true.

He was indeed ambiguous with Ms. Maiev.

However, Shandris refused to admit Laike's exaggerated statement. From the perspective of relatives, she should call him "brother-in-law".

This is outrageous!

Not to mention that he and Ms. Maiev did not have a public relationship record, but he and Jarod also belonged to the type of fateful mandarin ducks who had no relationship.

The two have never been together, so naturally they will not be involved in the internal affairs of the Yingge family.

But that said.

Shandris actually wanted to call Laike "brother-in-law".

Unfortunately, she really couldn't do it.

Because of Bu Laike's previous provocation, the two should have been at loggerheads, but because of the existence of Maiev Shadowsong, although they have been confronting and quarreling, there is no deep hostility and hatred between them.

"I said, don't tell me you don't know Garald lives in seclusion in Ashenvale."

Bu Laike galloped towards the Wall of Beetles, and said to the silent General Feathermoon:

"I think Garald must have given you news before he went into seclusion. I can understand that others don't know. After all, that guy's concealment method is really excellent.

But it's impossible for you not to know.

The relationship between you and him is simply the perfect and exemplary couple.

If it weren't for the presence of your adoptive mother to compel you to intervene in the politics of the Kaldorei, you and Jarod would have come together, and that poor girl Sarah Hill would have never had a chance.

Why not go find it?

You have to guard Feralas alone for thousands of years, do you really miss him?

Even talking is fine. "

Shandris was silent.

She is not willing to reveal the secrets in her heart in front of outsiders, especially related to feelings.

After all, for ten thousand years, Shandris Feathermoon has been known in Kaldorei society as an iron-blooded soldier. But when facing a prophet, it is impossible for her to take the initiative to talk, and it's not that she can't talk about it if she doesn't want to talk about it.

She doesn't even have the right to be silent.

She knew that if she didn't answer Boo Laike's question, the seemingly omniscient villain would surely reveal more of himself.

In desperation, Shandris could only be forced to "let go of his defense".

General Yuyue took a look at the dim moonlight tonight, she was running in a silent desert, and said in a melancholy and dispirited tone like a literary girl:

"What if we meet? He has already made a choice. Although I know that he suffers as much as me, it is irreparable.

Both of them felt uncomfortable when they met, so it would be better not to see each other.

At least I know that he can enjoy peace in Ashenvale, no longer be coerced by those annoying politics, and he can finally live the life he wants.

Sarah Hill is also good, a good girl who can take care of people.

I can only bless them. "

"you sure?"

Bu Laike squinted and said:

"Is there no resentment at all in your heart? You know, if you weren't Tyrande's adopted daughter, then you and Jarod might have three or four children by now."

"How can I resent my Mindo?"

Shandris glared at the rambunctious Bo Laike, and she said:

"If it wasn't for Mindo, I would have died long before the start of the War of the Ancients. What's more, the tragedy between me and Jarod is not Mindo's fault. Mindo has been encouraging me to come together with him.

She even supported me to give up my responsibilities to chase my love, I just... I just can't leave Mindo alone and carry the heavy responsibilities of Kaldorei alone. "

"Indeed, Ms. Tyrande is a very good lady and a basically qualified ruler in every aspect. When the Elune Sisters secretly forced Garrod to live in seclusion, it was a correct choice to push her to power. "

Bu Laike nodded and said:

"But you, mother and daughter, are just as weak and passive when it comes to emotional matters. Tyrande chose Malfurion, but hurt Illidan, causing the three of them to become entangled.


You are even more 'excellent'. You could get happiness if you walked with Garrod at that time, and your mother agreed, but you still stubbornly stayed.

Come up with this embarrassing look.

In this respect, you are indeed inferior to Rashahir.

That country girl knows that when she has to make a decision, she can't hesitate, and if she decides, she has to go all the way to the end.

But you don't understand.

You hurt yourself, and you hurt the man who loves you deeply. "

Shandris' expression under the hood became more and more sad. Although she hated Laike very much, she had to admit that this stinky pirate really understood people's hearts.

Just a few words hit the biggest regret in her heart, and she couldn't maintain that iron-blooded soldier's posture.

"It's useless to say that now."

Shandris gritted her teeth and said:

"He has chosen Sarah Hill. They are very happy. I don't want to disturb them. Don't talk about this topic again, you villain. Will you be happy to see me sad?"


Bu Laike nodded shamelessly and said:

"I enjoy other people's pain, your sadness makes me happy, this is the secret of my good mood, don't tell anyone else.

But if you can stop being wary of me and treat me as a trusted friend, I can give you some advice.

Don't you want Garrod to come back to you on his own initiative? "

"What nonsense are you talking about?"

General Feather Moon scoffed at Bu Laike's words, she said:

"Not to mention that letting down our vigilance in front of a world-famous conspirator and big villain is simply courting death, even if I am willing to believe you, so what?

The matter between me and Garrod is too complicated to be bridged by your random idea. "

"Of course you can think so."

Bu Laike whistled, and the desert wind blew his blond hair, and he said casually:

"But it doesn't hurt to hear it, does it? Maybe I can do you a miracle?"

(end of this chapter)

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