Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1046 142..Yes, This Is All For World Peace! It's Not A Child's Affair

Chapter 1046 142 That's right, this is all for world peace! It's not a child's affair

"But I'm not telling you this to open your wounds, my beloved General Yuyue."

In the night of the great desert of Silithus, Bu Laike galloped forward and said to Shandris Feathermoon, who was sad alone beside him:

"You just get caught up in your emotions and ignore the situation we're facing right now.

The first intelligence from the Wardens should have been sent back to Mount Hyjal. They confirmed the threat of Dellano's Burning Legion, in other words, Azeroth is about to face another War of the Ancients.

This time, the demons were even more aggressive, and the gods in the mortal population like the King of War personally gave a warning.

And the demons remember the failure of thousands of years ago, and they hate the Kaldorei who brought them shame. Once they enter Azeroth, I don't know if other civilizations will survive, but the Kaldorei will definitely die first.

Demons are a group of vengeful bitches. They are powerful and can lose countless times, but you lose once and it's over.

In such a situation, you have to be fully prepared.

In addition to mobilizing the legion and preparing supplies, shouldn't the legendary commander Jarod Shadowsong who led you to victory in the War of the Ancients 10,000 years ago be invited back immediately? "

The smelly pirate said in a drawn out voice:

"Or, do you think that without the leadership of a legendary figure like Garald, who is skilled at dancing and has a strong will, you can also defeat the demon?

If you really think so, then I think your confidence may be a little too high.

Look at how alienated you are from other allies in the past ten thousand years. Without Garrod as the mediator, you simply can't organize the strong defense line ten thousand years ago.

His presence is necessary to you. "


Shandris froze for a moment.

She really didn't think about the problem from this angle.

The news of the demon's return has been confirmed by the Sisterhood of Elune, but no one has brought up Jarod Shadowsong in several meetings.

After all, the man who was almost elected as the king of the elves because of his achievements in leading the elves to victory in the War of the Ancients had lived in seclusion for more than nine thousand years after he retired.

This long time is enough to make many people forget him, and the elves born in the peaceful era have never even heard of Jarod Shadowsong.

Although reluctant to admit it, the Sisterhood of Elune is secretly erasing information about Jarod.

They did this for the internal stability of the Kaldorei theocracy, and Shandris knew it was necessary.

Although it was a bit unfair to Garald, considering that Garald had lived in seclusion, that very bold man probably didn't care about these false names.

His act of retiring back then already represented his unwillingness to fight for power.

"Look, it's actually a very simple truth, and you figured it out, right?"

Bu Laike turned back on the horse, glanced at General Shandris Yuyue's thoughtful expression with a touch of excitement and excitement, and he smiled softly.


"Jarrod Shadowsong can be forgotten in peacetime, but once the war begins, his excellent strategist and military strategist will be of great significance to the Kaldorei.

He maintains an impossibly good relationship with dragons, druids, and wild demigods and their kin.

In the kingdom of elves, there is no other diplomatic talent who is as good at dancing as him, and I am also amazed by his art of war.

You must reinstate Jarod as commander of the Kaldorei military forces before the demons arrive, and this will make your resistance much easier.

Let me put it more bluntly, his existence can save many of you from dying.

But here comes the more important question.

Who is the most suitable person to invite a legendary figure who has lived in seclusion for more than nine thousand years to come out of the mountain again?

You see, even though Jarod's seclusion was his own decision back then, I think he could feel that the Elune sisters would suppress him.

Not to mention that he almost died by Illidan's knife.

It is said that Garrod was unlucky and broke Illidan's conspiracy, but I think it is not that simple.

It is likely that the priests of the Sisterhood of Elune took advantage of Illidan's love for your mother and used Illidan as a knife for Tyrande's superiors to cut off rivals.

He almost died in a political conspiracy, who can swallow that breath?

It won't work if your mother sends anyone, even if she goes by herself. No matter how she explains it, it won't change the fact that she is the biggest beneficiary after Garrod's seclusion.

For a person like Garald who doesn't like politics but is almost born with full political talent, he may have already determined that Tyrande was behind the "assassination" on the top of Mount Hyjal back then.

In order to protect his wife and children, he will not accept any kindness from the Kaldorei higher-ups.

except one person

Except for the one that Garald never forgets, the one who once made a vow with Garald under the World Tree, the one who swore to stay with Garald for the rest of his life but finally let go. "

The stinky pirate made his voice longer. He squinted his eyes and said to Shandris Feathermoon, who clenched the reins tightly and became short of breath:

"except you!"

"Except for you, no one can persuade that legendary figure to return to the camp of elves, but I guess even if you go, you may have to pay some 'price' to heal the shadow in Jarod's heart."

Bo Laike gave an odd smile and said:

"But wouldn't that be better?

It's good in public and private, isn't it?

It's justified, General Shandris, this is not for the weak things like the love between two people, but for the life and death of Kaldorei and the whole world.

This is for world peace!

This is great work.

You have to be willing to die for a great cause, well, physically.

tell me.

As a sentinel general, you who are born with the mission of defending the people, will you refuse such an honor? Are you having trouble convincing yourself? Do you want me to give you some more reasons?

Once you know the result you desire, it is too simple to use the result to deduce the cause. I can think of ten or eight casually.

By the way, would you like me to give you a bottle of love potion?

For the sake of our familiarity, I will charge you 20,000 gold coins. "

"Enough! Shut up! Despicable pirate! Don't allow me to insult my mission and my personality like this."

Shandris Feather Moon blushed and scolded loudly:

"This is not a cheap conspiracy as you said, this is for my people! For this world! Even if I really want it, it is a noble sacrifice!"

"Yes, just think so, just tell yourself so, good boy."

Bu Laike snapped his fingers and said persuasively:

"Thinking like this will make you enjoy the good night in the future more, and it will also make it more natural for you to persuade Garrod, remember these words taught by your brother-in-law, and deduce them in your mind repeatedly.

It's best to memorize it and tell him when the time comes.

If he doesn't listen, give him a drink.

After a night of bewilderment, he would definitely agree.

As for Sarah Hill

You don't have to worry about her at all.

That girl is a good girl in the true sense, and she will give her both hands to anything that is beneficial to Garrod, let alone such a major issue that concerns the safety of the world.

Garrod's wife also knows that the relationship between the two of them was accomplished by you.

Ten thousand years ago, you generously fulfilled them.

Now, it's her turn to fulfill you. "

"You are nothing short of a devil!"

Shandris didn't want to hear any more.

General Feathermoon of the Silverwing Sentinel stood restlessly on the saddle behind the Mistsaber.

The stinky pirate's statement was really too low, but helplessly, this statement was like a key, which suddenly opened the love lock in her heart that had been dusty for thousands of years.

All kinds of thoughts kept coming to mind, and Shandris was thinking about it while scolding Laike.

What outstanding priests, what legendary hunters, what sentinel generals, all the majesty disappeared at this moment, and the calmness accumulated over thousands of years also completely disappeared.

It was as if she had returned to the youthful time of first love ten thousand years ago, her mind was full of the love that she had given up and couldn't get back. Seeing Shandris' eyes wandering, Laike blinked.

A few seconds later, while Shandris' mind was fluttering, he suddenly asked:

"Did you see me in the War of the Ancients 10,000 years ago?"

"What? How could I have seen you?"

General Sentinel froze for a moment and said:

"Are you talking nonsense? How could you go 10,000 years ago? And I was always by Mindo's side to help her fight, so it is possible to see you?"

"Uh, you misunderstood, what I really mean is, have you seen such a vicious guy like me in the war ten thousand years ago?"

Bu Laike took advantage of the opportunity to bring the topic to Jarod Shadowsong again, and he asked:

"Compared with your little lover, who do you think is more powerful in strategy?"

"How can you compare with him?"

Shandris sneered and said:

"Jarrod is a legendary hero recognized by dragons and other races. He led us to win the battle of the ancients. You are just a stinky pirate with dark wisdom."

"Hey, although I have prepared for it, this answer is really disappointing."

Bu Laike rubbed his forehead and said something in a regretful tone.

He looks ahead.

Under the night of Silithus, the southernmost wall of the Great Desert is casting a huge shadow in the desert.

The wall spanning the entire southern part of the desert has powerful energy, interwoven with the magic of four-color dragons, which makes it capable of resisting the large-scale impact of insects.

It is a guardian enchantment standing here like a city wall, isolating internal and external communication at the spatial level, and sealing the dark city of the Qiraji in a dimension outside the world.

It is impossible to rely on climbing to cross this majestic and sacred place.

In fact, no non-Kaldorei race would have been able to come within a hundred yards of the Scarab Wall if it hadn't been for the lack of quicksand shards that rendered the Scarab Wall unenchanted.

This thing is the most powerful "spectacle" that dragon language magic can create in Azeroth.

Even though it seems to have been weathered and weathered over time, it still divides the desert into two with its majestic presence.

Between the farther south where it is located and the sea cliff, there is a giant city with a strange style that is unknown to the world.

Its interior is full of strange black crystal obelisks, countless bugs come and go in it, and occasionally one or two twisted and weird bug figures can be seen, leading the bugs to worship their dark gods.

Under the moonlit night, the strange actions of these bugs filled the place with an aura of both mystery and evil.

But if you look at it from a height, it is not difficult to find that this city full of war-torn traces is somewhat similar in structure to Ny'alotha, the Sleeping City of N'Zoth the Corruptor.

They are all past memories built by the ancient gods to commemorate their "hometown" after the era of the dark empire ended.

Just the dark city above the surface, those buildings that have been destroyed by wars are comparable to Stormwind City, but this is just the tip of the secret iceberg buried in the Silithus Desert.

With the qiraji's tradition of building more tunnels underground to expand their living quarters, the exaggerated space that exists under the invisible surface will definitely shock everyone.

In fact, the native druids have been trying to measure the dark city beneath the great desert of Silithus for thousands of years, and they have come to very pessimistic conclusions.

Even with the most conservative data, the mantle layer beneath the entire desert should have been hollowed out by at least one-third.

And when Shandris saw the majestic and majestic wall of beetles in the distance, her mood quickly calmed down.

The tragic memories of the quicksand war thousands of years ago easily dispelled the fantasy of love between men and women, and let the weather-beaten veterans enter that warrior's posture in an instant.

She straightened her waist and said to Bu Laike beside her:

"You can't imagine what kind of price we paid to build this wall. Rather than sealing the swarm, it is protecting us and this land.

I never imagined that I would one day come back here with the idea of ​​defeating the swarm for good.

No matter what you think in your heart, and no matter what your purpose is, I have to admit that your plan has given me a glimmer of hope, Mr. Laike.

I apologize for my previous indifference and provocation.

I sincerely hope that your dark wisdom can create a miracle, no longer use the casualties of innocent people as war sacrifices, but use the sacrifice of warriors to completely end this war between elves and swarms.

I am willing to give all of my strength to your plan in order to win. "

"It's so formal all of a sudden, I'm not used to it."

The stinky pirate on the saddle picked up the jug, unscrewed the lid and took a sip into his mouth. He glanced at the moonlight above his head and said:

"Now, what I need you to do is simple.

Get Jarod back, by any means, before the demons invade. You are right, Jarod Shadowsong is a hero countless times more qualified than me, he is the Commander of the Heavenly Legion of the Legion of Resistance.

With him here, I can save a lot of trouble.

As for now, what I need you to do is also very simple.

See the desert beyond the Wall of Beetles?

Find the closest hive, no matter how big or small.

Take this shovel, we are going to crawl through like bugs. Why do you look at me like this? I'm not crazy, and don't think that the way the bugs get over the wall of beetles is so mysterious.

Even the enchantment set by the giant dragon with its life can't stop the continuous excavation for nearly a thousand years.

As far as you can see, the majestic city wall is already full of cracks, and the glory of the millennium will collapse with a slight push.

In this world, nothing is eternal, and those things that claim to be eternal will be defeated by themselves.

dig it.

Hurry up!

I don't want to spend the night in the desert, thinking about sand getting into my clothes is uncomfortable. "

(end of this chapter)

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