Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1047 143. The Good News Is That Hunters Have Added Super Cool Pets That Can Be Tamed

Chapter 1047 143. The good news is that hunters have added super cool pets that can be tamed


A soft sound sounded at the southern end of the Beetle Wall, where theoretically no living creature could reach it.

At the end of a fine tunnel reclaimed by the similarites, as the sand broke apart, the head of the stinky pirate poked out from below like a groundhog.

He vigilantly turned his head to look around, and turned on the watcher's endless hunting perception. After confirming that there were no patrolling qiraji or bugmen within a hundred yards, the pirate retracted his head again.

A few seconds later, the hole above his head was widened, and then he jumped out of the hole flexibly, squatting on the edge of the tunnel under the shadow.

Holding the crossbow of the light chaser, the black and white swords hang on both sides of the shoulders, ready to attack at any time.

Or see that the situation is not good, sell teammates, and run away.

Behind Bu Laike, Shandris Feathermoon, who was completely unaware of the evil intentions of the stinky pirates, also quickly climbed up the tunnel.

She doesn't have the concealment ability of a pirate, but she has the blessings from nature and the moon god. She raises the wide elf cloak blessed by the moon god behind her, covering her body for a moment, and completely blocks her aura under the convergence of moonlight.

She's not just a hunter.

She is also a priest of the moon.

"The power of the thousand-eyed demon shrouds this place."

From the shadows, Bo Laike warned Shandris behind him:

"I'm not afraid of it. C'Thun can't find me until I don't take the initiative to show my existence, but you don't have to. If there is an illusion in front of your eyes or a ghost sound in your ear, even if there is only a trace, tell me immediately .

I will leave you here in a hurry, and before you are killed by the swarm, I will send the news of your death back to Mount Hyjal, and use the anger of loss to lure your foster mother to come to help.

Tsk tsk, thinking about it this way, maybe I should yell now, it might be more in my interest to leave you here. "

"Stop talking nonsense, Mr Pirate.

Elune has blessed me with protection from the power of the Fall. And you are also watched by Elune, if you dare to do this to a moon priest, you will become the enemy of the moon god. "

Shandris snorted and said without fear:

"I am not a burden to you, Lord Bo Laike!

I am also proficient in stealth combat, you don't have to worry about me exposing myself. But the wall of beetles has actually been weakened to this point, which I didn't expect. "

General Sentinel looked back at the wall of beetles standing not far behind her. She couldn't imagine that she and Bu Laike had actually crossed the wall by "digging a tunnel".

"If I were you, I should be alert when the first large hive appears in the desert."

The smelly pirate groped forward along the shadow of the black city, and at the same time said to the Sentinel General who followed behind him:

"Even the enchantment formed by the giant dragon will be quickly corrupted when exposed to the power of the ancient god for a long time. I heard that even the frontiers of xenomorphs have appeared in the Un'Goro crater and the Feralas jungle.

The large crack nest in the Tanaris Great Desert is devouring the desert every year, increasing its area.

They are obviously expanding their power, why do you still think that the wall of beetles is so strong? "

"Because the bronze dragon didn't warn us.

It is very difficult for Cenarion Fortress to ensure that the worm nest does not break through Silithus. The monitoring in a wider area has always been the responsibility of the Time Corps.

Our bronze dragon allies don't think these are problems, they can handle it. "

Shandris looked vigilantly at the twisted insects patrolling back and forth not far away, and at the alien flying insects flying around in the sky, she replied:

"We have always trusted the giant dragon, but who would have thought that the entire bronze dragon army would suddenly disappear overnight? This caught us off guard.

In fact, the Sentinel Legion is ready to send troops to the south of Kalimdor even without you popping up to gather others to deal with the qiraji.

We were ready to clean up Feralas, Un'Goro Crater, and Hive Tanaris, we just didn't expect the situation in Silithus to deteriorate like this in less than two years.

I know that the Kaldorei Luna Kingdom is widely rumored to be extremely powerful, but the military strength we can mobilize in peacetime is also limited. The calamity of the Emerald Dream has not been cleaned up yet, and the druids can't tell more power now. "

"So you should thank me even more."

Bu Laike complained:

"I am the savior hero who suddenly appeared in your longing. I took up the banner of fighting against the evil insects without hesitation, and pointed out the direction for you.

If you elves have any conscience, after this battle is over, you should open your treasury, invite me into it, and give me enough time to choose a reward that satisfies me


found it! "

The pirate held up his left hand in the shadows.

Shandris stopped immediately and looked forward in the direction of Bo Laike's finger.

It wasn't that the two of them were so lucky that they found Namuria Linge who died in battle thousands of years ago when they entered the city of the Qiraji, but that the Qiraji didn't hide these bones at all.

The bugs are pretty tidy.

They piled together the bones of enemies left over from battles thousands of years ago.

Those weathered skulls and bones were piled outside a black insect nest, like a mountain of bones, with many beetle-like larvae crawling around on it.

They seem to use these bones as "toys".

The pirate silently glanced at Shandris beside her. The Sentinel General clenched her fists, her whole body trembling. She tried to calm herself down by silently reciting Elune's name.

But to be honest, just looking at the scene in front of you, it is not difficult to imagine what the bugs did with these remains after their failure.

They really aren't "wasted" at all.

"I swear I'm going to burn this damn place down."

Shandris said something hoarse.

Bo Laike absolutely believed how fierce the anger of the Sentinel General was at this moment, he rarely teased her, but signaled her to stay where she was and be vigilant.

The pirate flashed out by himself, entered the hidden state of the moonlight under the cover of the night moonlight, and quickly came to the terrifying mountain of bones.

He could still find some fragments of the Sentinel Legion's battle armor and some broken blades from the pile of bones in front of him, which were the traces of ancient memories left in time in such a tragic way.

Looking at the piles of bones in front of him, it is not difficult to imagine the tragedy of the Quicksand War.

Being able to be "converged" to the bones already shows the luck of these elf warriors. In the battle of quicksand, there were so many warriors who ended up with no bones left.

The warriors who died in the ruins of Qiraji cities were the worst.

They don't even have the possibility of returning their souls to the World Tree. In the fallen realm of the Old Gods, the treatment these souls would encounter in the millennia caused even Laike to feel pain.

But to find the remains of Ms. Lin Ge among such a large pile of bones in front of him, even for Bu Laike, who has endless hunting perception, it is almost impossible to accomplish.

Fortunately, the bugs used the remains of elf warriors as nourishment for hatching larvae, and these bones were stained with weird glue-bound substances.

This allows them to escape the fate of weathering in time, and also allows some of their characteristics to be preserved.

Soon, Bo Laike's sense of endless pursuit brought him a surprise, in the place of death where piles of bones piled up, he sensed a dim light flickering away.

The pirates quickly dug towards the place.

Being completely hidden under the moonlight, he didn't have to worry about attracting the attention of the bugs around him. A few minutes later, he found a broken hand bone from the pile of bones.

This thing is very strange.

Even after a thousand years of death, the hand bone still maintains a clenched posture, and on the index finger of the left hand bone, there is a natural green tiger's eye stone ring.

It was one of the easily recognizable traits that Emmoreel Shadowguard described about her mentor.

It is said that this unglamorous ring was given to Ms. Lin Ge by her lover, but unfortunately her lover had already died in the battle between the ancients and the demons.

Bo Laike whizzed off the Mountain of Bones, clutching the bones of his clenched hands, back to Shandris.

Without saying a word, the two returned to the excavated tunnel along the original road. They returned to the other side of the beetle wall without any danger and buried the tunnel.

In the big desert outside the bugman territory, under the moonlight, the two squatted there, looking at the twisted hand bones in front of them, the atmosphere fell silent for a while.

Although one of the two is a big villain who kills people without blinking an eye, and the other is a veteran general, at this moment, neither of them seem to be very willing to touch the gray hand bones.

The pirate finally made a "please" gesture.

So Shandris reached out to break the bone.

But no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't get rid of the curled hand bones, and the fingers that had lost flesh and blood were tightly clenched, as if they were holding the whole world before dying.

General Ranger has a complicated expression.

For a legendary ranger to make such a move to protect the secret before his death, one can imagine what kind of terrible pain and despair Ms. Lin Ge suffered at the end of her life a thousand years ago.

She probably knows how important the taboo knowledge she discovered is to her compatriots, so she would rather bear the pain of being killed by thousands of insects, and she must leave her own message.

"Although I really want to laugh at you, Ms. Lin Ge's behavior makes a villain like me admire, so I will let you go tonight, and you will see a silent Laike.

Cherish it, this opportunity is rare.


Hide aside and cry.

I'll take over. "

Seeing Shandris struggling silently, the stinky pirate who was drinking at the side shook his head.

He stopped Shandris, who was in a complicated mood, from wasting time, moved his fingers, intending to crush the bones of his hand to take out the thing tightly held in his hand.

Shandris didn't stop her, she just half knelt beside her, praying for this loyal soul who had died for a thousand years under the moonlight of the desert.


The pirate used the divine power of the void, burned it with the dark purple void fire, and squeezed it hard. The bone in his hand broke into gray and white pieces, and the thing that was held in the palm of his hand was finally exposed.

It is a withered and curled up seed, which looks like it is extremely dehydrated.

"A scroll of petrified bark."

Shandris took a look and said in a hoarse voice:

"Crafted from the bark of the ancient tree of war, a technique only used by veteran druids and elf rangers, it will reopen when it comes into contact with water.

In the water-scarce desert, it is the best means of keeping secrets. "

"Good stuff, I'll get some if I have a chance."

Bo Laike took out his own skull jug, twisted off the lid and poured the wine on the seeds, and the thing unfolded quickly, eventually becoming a boxy piece of bark paper.

There are dense inscriptions in Salas language on it, and the traces are slightly chaotic. It seems that it should be written in a state of emergency.

The smelly pirate glanced at Shandris, who was collecting the scattered bones on the ground, which was the last proof that Ms. Lin Ge could find and remained in the world.

General Sentinel also gently picked up the tiger's eye stone ring that fell on the ground, and blew off the gravel on it.

This is the last relic of Namuria Linge, and it should be handed over to Ms. Lin Ge's only relative, that is, her student, Emeril Shadowguard.

"Want to watch it together?"

Bu Laike took a sip of his wine and asked a question. Shandris nodded silently, leaned over, and looked at the bark in front of him under the dim moonlight above his head.

The first sentence on it made their eyes widen:

"I'm Namuria Linge, the Ranger General of the Silver Wing Sentinel Legion. If you read this letter, it means that I have died at the hands of the insects.

Don't feel sad for me.

This may be the best ending for me who walked into the taboo. I was already mentally confused. When I stepped into the bugman's empire, I even saw a monster made of eyeballs.

That is the evil god they believe in.

And I come to die.

I'm being hunted by qiraji warguards.

Those swarm guards will not allow an outsider who has cracked the mysteries of the swarm to live, and I can still hear a strange voice calling me to the dark temple.

Elune protects my heart, but I can't last long.

My sanity is faltering from merging with the will of the swarm, and I have made a terrible mistake.

I will record all the secrets I find about the qiraji as a warning to those who come after.

Silithids can be tamed!

But never try to integrate into the will of the swarm like me, because what is waiting for you at the end of the chain of will is not the commander of the Qiraji, the Twin Emperors, or the vicious Hahoran!

I'm wrong.

It wasn't until I really integrated into it that I discovered that the source of the swarm's will is the fallen god C'Thun!

Before defeating the evil god of darkness, any attempt to tame the swarm will make you fall into C'Thun's despicable trap!

Our will is far from enough against a god.

Trying to end the war by taming the silith is just a seduced future! C'Thun uses it to capture champions of the forces of nature.


Don't try until the throne of the evil god has fallen!

Finally, tell little Emmoreel for me.

I will pray for her in the never-ending darkness and I know she will make me proud.

Well, the gate of the temple is near.

Those bugs made way for me.

Their evil gods will feast today, and I am that delicious tribute. "

(end of this chapter)

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