Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1053 149. Nathanos Marris, Come Back! There Is An Important Task For You In The Organization

Chapter 1053 149. Nathanos Marris, Come Back! There is an important task for you in the organization!

Buckhelm returned to the material world.

Before his eyes, the shining light of Elune's Tears dimmed little by little.

Such is the unique power of this Pillar of Creation, which bridges the worlds of the living and the dead.

This power is meaningless to most lives, but in the hands of those who know the secret, it can achieve many, many strange uses.

"my son."

The old deer helmet looked blankly at his empty hands.

He felt as if he was in a dream, but there still seemed to be the unique aura of Chilan Xianye on his body.

After several minutes, the old druid took a deep breath, and he sincerely half knelt before Elune's tears, and he sincerely thanked the moon god for his kindness.

Although his tired heart is still empty, the broken soul has been healed again because of the short-term warmth.

Confused, he already knew that in the future he would meet his son again one day, and he would have a new home outside the world of the living.

This prophecy of what would happen in the future was enough for Staghelmet to make many decisions.

He walked out of the Moon God Temple calmly, reached out to take his little granddaughter from his daughter-in-law, hugged her in his arms, and kissed her hard on the cheek.

The old deer helmet looked at his daughter-in-law, he showed a warm smile, and said:

"Come on, Lyanna. We have accepted the dark goodwill, and it is time to go to Silithus to fulfill our duties."


Leana's face was full of surprise, she looked at her father, and Staghelm smiled at her, nodded to her, and said:

"He's there, he hasn't forgotten us, he's waiting for us as we miss him. It's a wonderful heaven where our loved ones have a place."

Leyana's tears burst out instantly, and she wept with joy.

Just as a father loves his son deeply, she also loves her husband deeply, and now the thousand years of waiting have finally paid off. But compared to Old Staghelmet who had already made a choice, Leyana was still a little worried.

She looked at her father and said:

"If. If the darkness demands our complicity"

"Then fall."

The old deer helmet held his granddaughter in his arms and looked at a green forest under the moonlight outside the Moon God Temple. His tone was gentle and he said indifferently:

"This seemingly bright world, is it good for us?"



The door of Pope Fao's room was pushed open.

In this quiet desert night, Grand Duke Mograine walked into the room.

He saw His Majesty the Pope in prayer. The latter did not change his living habits after becoming a Lightcaster, and daily prayers were a must.

The Grand Duke did not disturb His Majesty's prayers.

He stood quietly behind the Pope, also meditating on the sacred scriptures.

The golden gleam emanating from the Pope's crown enveloped him, calming down the slightly restless Grand Duke's heart, allowing him to think more comprehensively.

Half an hour later, the Pope stopped chanting scriptures, stood up and ended today's chanting with a standard pope symbol, looked back at Mograine, and said:

"You are supposed to be carving the Sin Tablet, Alessandro, is there anything important to come here at this hour?"

"Yes, and it's very important."

The Grand Duke took a deep breath and asked:

"Did Your Majesty read the battle plan sent by Bu Laike Shaw?"

"Well, I have seen it. It is a very risky plan, which is in line with his usual style, but he took the initiative to undertake the most dangerous task, which is enough to silence any voice of doubt."

The old man Fao said in a serious tone:

"What do you think of this plan?"

"Opinions, no. Worry, but many."

The Grand Duke made no secret of his sorrow, and said to Faol:

"Especially regarding the post-war distribution of the Qiraji, please forgive me for being so utilitarian, Your Majesty, but besides being a paladin, I am also a nobleman of the human kingdom.

I have to look at this plan in terms of racial interests.

Tyrande took on the responsibility of taming the queen of the swarm, so as to ensure that the xenomorphs and bugs are separated. This is a great choice, and she deserves our admiration.

Hunters of the Unseen Passage are also tasked with taking and capturing lesser swarmlords to break up the qiraji.

It's a great idea, but we have to think about the consequences.

Your Majesty, the Swarm fought the Kaldorei in the Quicksand War a thousand years ago, and even with the participation of dragons, they still caused terrible damage to the Kaldorei.

This is a testament to the destructive power of the swarm as a weapon of war.

We are separated from the elves by the endless sea, and the swarms controlled by the elves are no threat to us, but I have learned that the green-skinned orcs seem to be planning the same thing! "


Faol's gaze suddenly became more serious.

He looked at Mograine and asked:

"Where did you get the news?"

"Just now, when I was discussing the tactical arrangement with Your Excellency Liresa Windrunner, I accidentally learned this information from her Elf Ranger Adjutant Ryan Wolfwalker."

The Grand Duke whispered in a grave tone:

"According to the elf ranger, Brother Saurfang secretly found Rexxar Rema, who is also an orc, after getting the battle plan.

They commissioned and persuaded Rexxar to follow Tyrande's crowned battle plan, requiring him to capture at least one swarmlord in battle.


Orcs also long for their own swarm.

And the orcs are now entrenched in the Black Rock Mountain, under the crown, which is very close to the Stormwind Kingdom. Once the green skins have evil intentions, with the speed of reproduction and destructive power of the swarm, they can create a terrible battle within a few days. massacre.

I asked Ms. Windrunner for confirmation.

She told me that Rexxar is a very good hunter, especially good at leading herds to fight. If it weren't for Tyrande's crowning jewels, Laike would have entrusted the task of taming the Queen of the Swarm to the greenskin. "

The Grand Duke shook his head, and said in a slightly indifferent tone:

"While the orcs have promised to fight by our side when the demons come, I have little faith in the greenskins' credibility. This threat of war is real, and we must deal with it.

We can't let the Stormwind Kingdom and Varian, which hang alone in the southern border of the mainland, face this threat alone! "

"Rexxar Rema, I've heard of this name before."

Faol thought for a while with a serious expression on his face, and said:

"It is said that he saved Lothar and Varian from Kargath Bladefist in the Battle of Dalaran. He is not a warlike orc.

He is very different from his compatriots.

He may not be a threat. "

"No! Your Majesty."

Mograine shook his head and said:

"We can't pin our hopes on the integrity of an orc. The Seven Years' War should make us vigilant against these green skins. As you can see, I am not a warlike person.

But it is a virtue of wisdom to be fully prepared in advance of a possible crisis.

After all, we are responsible for our own people.

We will not initiate war, but we must be prepared for it. This is the painful lesson of the orc war, and we will not be fooled by the greenskins again. "

Faol nodded at Mograine's words.

The old pope walked back and forth in the room a few times, he said with some embarrassment:

"I can mobilize Lord Leopold, the legendary hunter who serves the church, to come to Silithus to compete with the orc hunters. But as far as I know, Lord Leopold is not good at taming beasts.

We humans are not rich in excellent hunters. In this regard, it is difficult for us to find a wilderness warrior who can rival Rexxar Rema.

Perhaps we should ask the Farstrider rangers of Quel'Thalas for help? "

"No, Your Majesty, we have an excellent hunter, he is better than most of the elves, he studied under the windrunner and is outstanding, but he is too low-key.

Nathanos Maris, the ranger general of the Kingdom of Lordaeron, is young, but according to Ms. Liresa, he has the potential to rival Rexxar Rema.

He will be our best hunting warrior. "

The Grand Duke said in a deep voice:

"What's more, according to Braike's description, there are not many hive lords in the Qiraji Empire that can carry the will of the swarm. If they are regarded as a special strategic resource, then rashly introducing competitors will benefit mankind. no good.

The elves might not come either.

As far as I know, they are currently integrating their navy, and it seems that they plan to make a big splash in the frozen sea. "

Faol frowned at Mograine's suggestion.

He has always disliked such political considerations, but the sad thing is that even if he is the pope and the leader of human civilization and belief, he can't change all this.

Mograine is right to be concerned.

If the Grand Duke told the other great knights about his thoughts, there was a high probability that he would get their support.

Things like hatred and positions are often unreasonable.

After a minute, Faol nodded and said nothing more.

He acquiesced to Mograine's arrangement, and the Grand Duke got the pope's permission, and immediately went to find the old Lich Merry to implement his plan.

And all of this was seen by Bu Laike who was hiding in Cenarion Stronghold.

In the room of the stinky pirate, he happily shared the vision with the black-feathered falcon, watching Mograine walk out of the Pope's room, his face was full of a feeling that everything was under control hateful smile.

"I just knew that these guys can do things according to the plan you give them, but if you introduce a little competition, they will go out of their way to do 100 points of work and make 120 points of perfection.

Hehe, want a reward?

Give me all to work honestly! "

In the dark room, Laike leaned on his chair, proudly picked up the dwarf pipe, and looked at the dilapidated and dim beams above his head.

He thought:

"Subjective initiative is really a good thing, so try your best to grab it! Treat it as a gift from God, and snatch those bugs back into your own territory.

They will make you stronger, and they will make me stronger.

You may make a small profit, but how can I lose money? "

A few seconds later, the door of the pirate room was pushed open, and the mother of the Windrunner walked into the room with an indifferent face. She looked at the cloth Laike with her feet on the table and said:

"I'm busy, what did you call me for?"

"Teacher, your battle pet is only Minnie, right?"

Bu Laike asked:

"Interested in catching another powerful beast?"

"I'm a dark ranger, not good at taming animals."

Liresa resolutely refused:

"What's more, to tame a rather troublesome creature like a heterogeneous worm, hunters like Tyrande and Rexxar can't guarantee a success, let alone try."

"What if I arrange help for you?"

Bu Laike blinked and said:

"With the full assistance of a senior archdruid, do you have the confidence to tame at least one swarm lord?"

"I don't think Malfurion Stormrage will help me."

Windrunner's mother curled her lips and said with a hint of ridicule:

"The Stormrage family is rich in love. How could he abandon his wife when he has the deepest love for Tyrande?"

"It's not Malfurion, it's another guy."

Bu Laike shook his head mysteriously and said:

"Calculating the time, he should be rushing to Silithus now. He will try his best to cooperate with you, but there is a requirement that his existence must be kept secret and cannot be known by anyone.

Your taming process must also be kept secret.

Before the critical moment, you can't tell others that you have tamed the swarm princess.

Nobody can know but me. "

"Wait! What did you just say?"

Mother Windrunner widened her eyes and said:

"Princess of the Swarm? Harholan? Isn't that what Ms. Tyrande is trying to do?"

"Who said there is only one princess of the swarm? As far as I know, the generation of Qiraji is very lucky. They have two princesses. In addition to Harhoran, there is also a princess Yarki.

It is not as good as its 'sister' in every way.

But it has a noble status, and it also has the bloodline suppression of other swarm lords.

Ms. Tyrande can get the best, but we can also get the same excellent one. Perhaps at some point in the future, it will create a surprise for the world.

Who said that only hunters manipulate war beasts?

In some extreme cases, hunters will also be held hostage by war beasts in turn. "

The pirate snapped his fingers.

In the darkness, his eyes glowed with lavender light, and he said softly:

"It was I who came up with this very creative plan, it was I who wanted to distribute the power of the swarm to my companions, it was I who took the initiative to undertake the most difficult work.

That being the case, why can't I take the most attractive gift among them?

I can't do it myself, many people are staring at me, but you can, mentor, under the shadow of the big scene I made, you can move freely and get the reward I deserve for me.

Teacher, you don't have to worry too much.

I'm not going to make you ride the swarm and destroy the world, that's not going to do me any good, I'm should I put it?

Get yourself an insurance policy.

As you know, being a pirate always comes with a lot of inexplicable malice, and that's my professional risk. I don't know when I will fall into the situation of betrayal, what if I fall down in the future?

I have to prepare myself for a way out.

my dear mentor.

As my chief retainer, you will definitely help me, right? Also, I just got some bad news about your second daughter.

Our Ms. Sylvanas is really not well-behaved. "

Rubbing his forehead, Bo Laike said to Mother Windrunner:

"I have warned her, but she still insists on working for the Sun King of Quel'Thalas, wandering around Northrend, collecting information for her country about my North Sea Fleet's strongholds in Northrend .

My men found her, but it was difficult to track her down, and now I am inseparable.

I really don't want to hurt her.

It's not because of how powerful she is, it's just that I don't want to destroy the good relationship between you and me, so after this incident is over, I can trouble you to go to the Northland.

Advise her for me? "

"Where's Nathanos?"

Windrunner's mother raised her eyebrows and asked:

"Didn't you leave this matter to him?"


Hearing this, Bo Laike was upset, and he complained:

"My brother is a lover. Tell me, what can I expect from a lover? I would rather exchange one lover for twenty dogs. They are definitely more useful than him.

But what can I do?

After all, he is your chosen son-in-law.

He has a true love in his hands and is confident, maybe, I should teach him a lesson? what do you think? "

(end of this chapter)

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