Chapter 1054

"How long are you going to follow me?"

On the icy Zul'Drak wilderness in the distant Northrend continent, the cloaked Sylvanas Windrunner screamed angrily at the uninvited guy behind him:

"Stay away from me! I am carrying out a secret mission in Quel'Thalas, and I warn you not to try to sabotage it, let alone make an enemy of me!"

"There's only one way, Master."

Nathanos Marris, who was also wearing a hunting cloak, spread his hands helplessly and said:

"If I don't go here, I can only fall off the cliff. Besides, I don't seem to be following me, right? I got here before you, and the snow leopard goddess Hakeya is calling me."

"Don't call me a mentor."

Sylvanas snorted.

The second sister of Windwalker leaned on her halberd and let the hunting cloak fly. She blocked the narrow road and said coldly to her former disciple, the human ranger who almost developed into a lover:

"You traitor who is in league with pirates! You have betrayed me."

"I didn't betray anyone."

Over the past year, Maris has grown a lot, he is no longer the young man who blushed when facing Cirvanas.

Faced with the scolding of the goddess in his heart, the human ranger behaved very gracefully.

In the falling snowflakes of Zuldak, he said calmly:

"I was just trying to protect you from the harsh truth, and you could see it as a betrayal, but everything I said to you that night was from the bottom of my heart.

I can say that I came to Northrend, in addition to shouldering the task of the hidden passage, part of the reason is that I am worried that you will encounter danger in this place.

It turns out I was right.

You're heading to the temple of Ques'lun, but that wind serpent is a cunning and vicious loa, and I don't think it summoned you to help you find the wandering spirit beasts.

I obviously gave you a map, why do you still get lost? "

"I'm not looking for that soul beast"

Cirvanas pulled her hood and said in a hoarse voice:

"I said, I came here on a national mission, so don't guess my mind."

"It was Quel'Thalas who decided to go to war with Braike's fleet in the North Sea. Their rangers and assassins couldn't break through the line of defense that the Uncrowned placed here, so they sent you to gather information?"

Marius shrugged and said:

"Then I have a reason to ask you to go back. The Windrunner family shouldn't be involved in this war. You have no chance of winning. This is exactly what I have to warn you on this trip, huh?"

Nathanos' persuasion was interrupted by a looming figure in Blizzard.

He and the second sister of Windrunner turned their heads at the same time, and saw a strange guy speeding towards him in the heavy snow.

The slender jawed dragon with the red turban flew to Nathanos, looked him up and down, then took out a letter from his bag and threw it to him, before disappearing into the falling snow in the blink of an eye.

Nathanos opened the envelope and took a look, then at the Arcane Portal Stone that came with the letter.

He hesitated for a moment, and said to Cirvanas not far away:

"I am in a hurry to leave for a few days, and whatever your reason, do not come too near the temples of the loa in this land, where savage trolls and their equally savage gods have no tolerance for elves.

If you need a spirit beast, just follow the information I gave you to find it.

I'll be back as soon as possible.

Take care of yourself. "

After speaking, Nathanos crushed the teleportation stone in his hand, and a gleaming portal opened at his feet.

Through the rotating arc of the portal, Cirvanas could vaguely see the desolate scenery of the yellow sand desert on the other side, as well as a looming fortress that existed on the ruins of the elves.

what is that place

The second sister of Windwalker frowned.

She watched Maris strode into the portal, watched the stream of teleportation dissipate, she pursed her lips, and glanced back at the desolate and savage Zul'Drak.

Seeing Nathanos' serious expression before he left, she knew that her former disciple would definitely be going on a dangerous mission.

She was a little worried, but in the end she didn't choose to follow.

Everyone is not a child anymore, everyone has their own missions and responsibilities to fulfill, and personal love must be postponed in front of these things.

As for those unforgettable pasts, let them go.

What about protection.

When did the women of the Windrunner family need a man to protect them?

What an unreasonable stupid idea!

When will the pathetic machismo of you smelly men be put away?

With such thoughts in mind, the second sister of Windrunner pulled down her hood, turned around and walked into the dark and indifferent snow of Zuldak.

She didn't have much time to follow Nathanos' actions.

She still has her own investigative mission to complete.

Mom has already joined forces with the pirates, and the big sister doesn't know what's going on in her mind now, and she has an ambiguous posture in the court, and she even seems to let it go.

The younger sister and younger brother can't count on it even more.

Vereesa ran towards that human mage Rhonin all day long.

And the little brother Lilas went too far. It is said that he found a black skin elf as his wife, and he seriously borrowed his wife's family background, planning to negotiate with Quel'Thalas officially.

The Windrunner family is full of loyalty!

Of this generation of windrunners, at least one must be loyal to the motherland, right?

If they are unwilling to take responsibility, they can only come by themselves.


As the second sister, she really paid too much for this family.

On the other hand, Nathanos Marris had just arrived at Cenarion Fortress, and was jointly given a "political lesson" by Pope Faol and Grand Duke Mograine.

The Grand Duke didn't make long speeches, he just talked about facts and presented evidence.

He outlined the battle plan this time, and described the consequences of the swarm being controlled by the orcs. Marris immediately boarded the "thief ship".

As a veteran who participated in the orc war, although Nathanos was young, he had a lot of hatred for orcs.

He couldn't accept the result that the orcs got the weapons of war from Ahn'Qiraj, but the humans had to return empty-handed, so he swore an oath to the Grand Duke and the Pope on the spot that he would also obtain the mysterious power of the swarm for human civilization.

But after walking out of the house, Maris regretted it a little.

Just now, he was summoned by the Grand Duke, and his hot blood agreed, but now that he thought about the difficulty of this task carefully, Nathanos suddenly felt a headache.

Especially when he saw his companion in the secret passage, Rexxar, the ace animal trainer on the green skin side, was also carefully observing the alien bugs captured in the fortress, his pressure was even greater.

Most of his animal taming skills were learned from Rexxar.

Now he was going to compete with Rexxar on the same stage, which made Maris a little unconfident, so he decided to find out first.

"Why didn't you see Misha?"

Nathanos pretended to meet him by chance, and walked up to Rexxar, who was reaching out to touch the black variegated worm in front of him. He leaned against the cage, folded his arms and said to the silent orc:

"Isn't it inseparable from you?"

"Misha was sent to Un'Goro Crater by me. Not only Misha, but also Spire and Hofer were temporarily sent away by me,"

Rexxar didn't care about Nathanos spying on the information, he maintained the posture of sensing the alien insects without raising his head, and said honestly:

"I don't want them to be 'polluted' by the emotions of the different species. Taming this kind of wild bug is an experience I have never had before. This unique rebellious life is completely different from ordinary beasts in every way.

They lack the emotions that animals should have.

He has become accustomed to accepting the instructions of the swarm's will, and after leaving the swarm, he can hardly think, and the remaining emotions are only the instinct of fighting and killing.

I feel the pressure.

Rare stress since I can pick up a tomahawk. "

The Beastmaster's words made Nathanos serious too.

He also squatted beside Rexxar, looking at the black soldier worms locked in a cage in front of him. The compound eyes of the latter were observing them, but as Rexxar said, there was no emotion in those eyes.

It is doubtful whether this kind of bug can really be tamed by hunters.

"What do you think is the difficulty?"

Although Nathanos hates orcs, he still admires Rexxar's beast taming skills, so he will take the initiative to ask:

"I'll tell you the truth, I was summoned to Silithus just to help the human camp capture at least one swarm lord. I believe that the orcs want you to do the same, right?"


Rexxar replied without any emotion:

"They did make such a request. I wanted to refuse, but... because of some reasons in my family, I couldn't refuse. But you don't have to worry that I will bring the swarm to attack you.

I will take them into another world.

If they desire to kill, then in my homeland, I will lead them to drink the blood of demons. "

"I trust you, but I don't trust your people."

Nathanos looked at the black bug in front of him, shook his head and said:

"So I will do my best to complete my mission. If you attack us with bugs in the future, I will definitely give you a good look. But for now, let's cooperate.

It can make a Beastmaster like you feel tricky, I guess if I'm the only one, it might be a bit confusing. "

"Well, a very sensible idea."

Rexxar pouted, retracted his hand, and said to Nathanos:

"I observed these bugs for two days, and I can tell you responsibly that it is very difficult to tame them.

I have read the "Insect Taming Technique" left by Ms. Lin Ge. The most difficult part of taming the alien worms is that we have to fight with our own will and the will of the swarm carried by the worms.

The stronger the bug, the stronger the will of the bug swarm, and if we want to have our own bug swarm, we must at least tame a bug swarm 'Baron'. "


Nathanos asked in surprise:

"Have titles been created within them?"

"Of course there are titles. The internal civilization system of the Insect Empire is quite complete. Not only the Baron Lord, but also His Royal Highness the Princess. Maybe I can find an Insect Princess as a partner for my good-for-nothing brother.

As long as you can bear her mucus and mouthparts, then if someone bullies you in the future, you can shake people in your 'natal home'.

I'm also glad to see you two finally understand how difficult what you have to do. "

Bu Laike made a teasing voice behind Nathanos and Rexxar, and the stinky pirate came down from the stairs above, shaking the bottle, and said to Nathanos:

"But think about it, if this job is easy to do, I don't have to ask you, right?"

"I think I'll let you enjoy the Insect Princess, anyway, your appetite has always been very mixed."

Nathanos punched Laike in the chest and said:

"Aren't you going to join the hunt?"

"I'm going to hunt C'Thun, my idiot brother."

Bu Laike rolled his eyes and said:

"How can I have time to catch bugs with you? However, there is good news."

He reached out and patted Nathanos on the shoulder, saying:

"Someone has already taken on the most difficult task of taming for you. I just confirmed the task goal with the high priest of the moon, and she is responsible for the most difficult part.

The death knights will cooperate with you to kill a high-ranking Zerg and Zerg commander General Rajax in the ground ruins outside the temple, and then tame the remaining two lords.

Look, I've brought you all the target information. "

The smelly pirate took out a map of the ruins of Qiraji from his hand, unfolded it in front of Nathanos and Rexxar, pointed to the two red Xs drawn on it and said:

"'Hunter' Ayamis, the high-level swarm lord, commanded the Qiraji flying insects. And 'Swallower' Bulu, the high-level swarm lord, was in charge of commanding the Qiraji workers, and was the hatching of elite eggs protector.

These two are tameable bugs, as confirmed by my fieldwork.

They are powerful, each guarding one side, has its own swarm, and can also share the will of the swarm, which is just right for you two to flex your muscles.

But you know I don't really care about that.

I have a lot of confidence in the strength of the two of you, especially Rexxar, so let's talk about something interesting. "

The smelly pirate squeezed his eyes, patted Nathanos on the shoulder and said:

"By the way, you've been to Northrend for a while, have you met Cirvanas?"


Nathanos sighed and said:

"Before I came here, I was chatting with her, and it was fine."

"Yo, not bad."

Bu Laike was full of admiration and said:

"Is there any specific progress? When will you get married?"

"Isn't this too fast?"

Maris was a little embarrassed, and said shyly:

"She has her own mission to investigate the strongholds of the Undead Fleet in Northrend, which is the mission of the Quel'Thalas military, and you know that she is always very focused when performing missions.

We didn't talk much about it. "

"Uh, your self-deprecating explanation and your attempt to change the subject, why does it make me feel a little bit bad?"

The smelly pirate narrowed his eyes and said:

"Tell me honestly! Did you have the dog-licking syndrome again? You have been silently guarding her side, and you didn't show up to meet him? Do you still feel awkward about what happened last time?"

"I don't!"

Nathanos retorted subconsciously.

But looking into Bu Laike's dark eyes, he turned his face away and whispered:

"I'm just not ready, I've been waiting for the best opportunity to explain these things clearly to her, but today the Snow Leopard Goddess Hakea deliberately summoned me, causing her to feel the fluctuation of breath.

It happened quite suddenly, and I was a little panicked, so "


Bu Laike waved his hand angrily, pointed at Nathanos and was speechless, with a look of hatred on his face.

He said:

"I even gave you a guarantee in front of the instructor, saying that you will definitely make her daughter happy! General Liresa also thinks that you are a good young man because of my persuasion.

I think you have a sense of responsibility and ideals, and you will be able to make a career in the future.

But look at your poor performance.

Rhoning in Dalaran asked Vereesa out several times, and Vereesa ran to Rhoning in the name of traveling, and they were about to live together.

Our Great Knight of Turalyon sends love letters to the Tower of the Windrunner several times a day, and when he catches the opportunity to patrol the border, he will go to sit there and cultivate his relationship as needed.

You look at you again!

Take the initiative, brother, you're a crazy start!

I took so much effort to send you to Northrend, not for you to protect Sylvanas!

The second sister of Fengxingzhe's family has a much thinner skin than you. Didn't I analyze all of this arrogant and black-bellied girl for you last time? She took the map you gave her, and going to Zul'Drak means that she still has you in her heart.

Do you still expect others to take the initiative in this situation?

Let me tell you what's good about you! "

Bu Laike cursed a lot, picked up the dwarf pipe angrily, lit the fire, and said in a drawn out voice:

"I can tell you, my tutor has already said it.

The three daughters in her family are not young except for Vereesa, and she plans to intervene in their family affairs after dealing with the secret passage.

She prefers Lord Halduron, he is young and promising, handsome and has a good family background, he is an elf and has a lot of common language with Cirvanas, and there will be no problems with life expectancy.

The Mingyi family has always been closer to the Windrunner family.

If she opens the mouth, Cirvanas' character probably won't refuse. If you don't hurry up, don't cry to me when the duck flies away from your mouth.

Then I won't bother to talk to you, understand? "


The true and false words of the stinky pirate put great pressure on Nathanos. He felt that Bo Laike might be lying to him, but the problem was that he didn't dare to bet.

"So this time, show it in front of the instructor."

Bu Laike said to Nathanos:

"Go back to Northrend as soon as you're done. Take your family as far away from the North Sea as possible. Once she decides to join the conflict or war that may arise between me and Quel'Thalas, don't count on my subordinates Show mercy!

If your wife is missing an arm or a leg, you will be responsible for taking care of her for the rest of her life. I know you won't dislike her.

Understand? "

(end of this chapter)

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