Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1056 152. Ravencrest: The Dead Don't Die, They Just Wither!

Chapter 1056 152. Ravencrest: The dead don't die, they just wither!

The ruins of Qiraji are quiet tonight.

For the bugs, tonight is no different from the past. Under the instructions of their respective lords, they have been working hard for thousands of years.

Fortunately, the bugs are not very good at thinking, let alone the meaning of the word "boring". Their only duty from birth to death is to serve the bug swarm.

They have nothing of their own, and they don't need that.

They will not be afraid, will not flinch, and will not be curious, except that they do not have chips, these bugs are no different from the clockwork warriors made by the mechanical gnomes.

uh no.

They are better than clockwork warriors.

When the will of the swarm requires them to charge and bite, their bodies, which have been designed to be killers in the evolution of generations, can burst out with terrifying destructive power in an instant.

Of course, flesh and blood are not invincible after all, they will go through the trial of fire tonight.


The shining Eye of Invention was catapulted high into the air from the sea cliff, and smashed into the corner of the ruins of Qiraji to the cheers of Naglfar.

Creeps are being piled up by worker insects here, preparing to provide a venue for the next batch of hatched larvae. The metal bumps shining with crimson streamers are hitting the center of the spread out creeps, but they don't cause the dozens of bugs around to panic. any attention.

They focus on their work, and that is the only reason for their existence.

Then, at the moment when the crimson light swept across the surroundings, strange sounds resounded in this silent place.

"Incompatible flesh and blood detected. Purification begins!"


A scorching light emerges from the bow of the Nagfar, and the flesh purification cannon that has not roared for a long time roars again tonight

Streaming light flooded into the sky. Although the light did not turn around, after being refracted three times by the filter under the aircraft controlled by the mechanical gnomes, the purified light still precisely hit the location where the Eye of Invention fell.

In the cheers of the ship spirit waving its arms, the streamer she saw swept across the ruined city of the bugmen like a giant blade, and hundreds of worker bugs were disintegrated into ashes in the splash of light.

Those wet creeps were directly ignited and turned into flames.

The light was still beating, and the mechanical gnome craftsmen adjusted the frequency so that the second wave of bombardment fell in a scattered manner. That scene was extremely beautiful.

Just like the crimson meteor shower falling from the sky, it instantly illuminated the night sky above the ruins of Qila.

Bugs don't know how to appreciate this beauty.

Otherwise they must have been applauded for this wonderful fireworks display, as Bo Laike is doing now.

The pirate stood on the head of Sefiel, who had turned into a dragon, and let the first mate dragon carry him from the sea cliff into the bugman ruins under the shooting of the crimson streamer.

He looked at the light rain falling in the sky, and blew a long whistle. Sefiel responded with a dragon's roar, and both of them felt that the beginning of this chaotic night was so beautiful.

But the next moment of change is not beautiful.

The next second after the black dragon rushed into the ruins from behind, a huge obsidian war sword swirled and smashed towards the shadow in the sky. On the wings of the black dragon.

This is why the qiraji never defend against attacks from the sea.

The bug people used the forbidden knowledge given by the ancient gods to create the most powerful creations, and placed the obsidian dog-head titan named Anubisath behind the ruined city.

Any enemy who wants to cross the sky to attack the Qiraji Empire must pass them first.

In the thousand-year war of quicksand, it was the anti-air tactics of these Anubisath titans that caused terrible damage to the guardian dragons.

But Seifel is not afraid of such an attack.

The second the wings were torn apart by the obsidian war sword, the huge black dragon figure suddenly disappeared into the air.

The obsidian titan that threw the huge sword below was slammed with two claws by the black dragon that suddenly appeared in front of him, and was knocked down by the sweep of the giant tail.

The light of time magic still remains on Ms. Black Dragon.

Sefiel accelerated his time, and while avoiding fatal injuries, he created a chance for a surprise attack. She and the obsidian titan fought to the death on the sea cliff platform, and the battle between the two terrifying behemoths shook the ground of the entire ruins.

As for Bu Laike.

He had already left the dragon's back before Seifel was hit, and he had slipped away to nowhere.

His mission prevented him from wasting time on the surface.

He had to rush into C'Thun's fallen temple at the fastest speed before the swarm was fully mobilized, and complete the assassination of the ancient god.

This is nearly the most difficult trial of the shadows a mortal assassin can face on the world of Azeroth, confronting the most horrific corrupted creatures born from the dark side of the stars.

Most importantly, he felt he could win!


At the same time as the Nagfar launched its attack, the tunnel in front of the Beetle Wall was also detonated, and the roar of a huge amount of explosives created a blow like a titan under the ground of the great desert.

A huge amount of sand was blown away by the explosion, creating flying dust that covered the sky.

The conduction of energy caused the ground on the other side of the Beetle Wall to bulge and then collapse. The underground tunnels that had been continuously excavated by the Qiraji for thousands of years were completely connected together, forming a U-shaped underground passage.

In the violent vibration of the wall of the beetle, the death knight army commanded by Lord Ravencrest himself drove the ghost leopard into the pit that was still echoing with sand, dust and gunpowder smoke.

The lord of ten thousand years ago, the current death commander, swung two extremely cold wind blows to the left and right during the march.

The death energy surged to form a thick ice cover, supporting the wide underground pits and clearing the way for the follow-up army to charge.

At the same time as the big bang created a passage, the old lich Merigao holding the staff of Atiesh raised the staff of the guardian, and the power of the magic net under the great desert was accurately extracted and reshaped by the lich.

He can perceive the call from a distant place under the dark night, which is a signal molded by magic power.

A super-large teleportation magic is being activated, it only needs a precise coordinate as a space anchor, and it can tear a gate connecting the two places.

A smile appeared on the corner of Meili Dongfeng's mouth.

Just like what he has done countless times in the past, he solidified his magic power in the direction in front of him, forming a precise guiding coordinate, as if pointing out the way forward for the travelers in a dark and boundless sea.


The magic power around the entire wall of beetles rolled up at this moment, like a violent wind and waves on the ocean of magic power.

With this level of energy transmission, even if a slight mistake causes the magic power to pour back, it can completely tear the death knight forward waiting to be transmitted.

Fortunately, the old lich's magic manipulation is powerful enough.

The halo of blue and white magic power hit the surrounding desert like a heavy fist, and the lingering light of magic power was drawn away. A black-clothed black armor, the silent death knight army was teleported to the outside of the beetle wall.

They had already completed their formation in Eresalas, and the moment they were teleported, under the leadership of their respective commanders, they filed towards the ice-covered passage in front of them.

During the death knight's ruthless charge, occasionally some elves in blood robes could turn into blood bats and dance, locking and killing the bugs rushing out of the pit under the quicksand.

These elven blood mages who came and went like the wind made old Meili frowned, and he felt deep malice from these guys.

"The magic power was well positioned just now."

Behind the old Lich, the hooded old man Sakir approached on the floating magic carpet, and said in an arrogant tone:

"It's more than enough to be my apprentice."

"and who are you?"

The old lich glanced at the man with a broken head, and under the hood covered with inscriptions, he saw only a burning skull with a magnificent jeweled forehead.

"You'll soon find out who I am."

Saqier stretched out his hand with a sneer, and took a spine scythe haunted by ghosts from the apprentice who was also dressed beside him. Old Merry knew the scythe, the weapon that Bo Laike used to cast spells.

So he sneered and said to the mighty Sakir:

"Who did I think it was? It turned out to be Bu Laike's dog leg. I didn't mean him. His standard of accepting dogs is getting lower and lower."


Sakir didn't object.

After all, the old man is a man of style, and he only talked to him because he saw that the old Meili was good at casting spells. Other rookies should not let the old man move his mouth.

Facing Merry's sarcasm, the Initiator Master didn't care.

He jumped off the magic carpet, and with a wave of his hand, the surrounding quicksand spun around his body, sending him to the other side of the beetle wall.

Soon, under the surprised gaze of the old lich, more than a dozen flying fel meteorites were summoned by Sazier's waving of the sinner's spine scythe, and bombarded all over the ruins of Qiraji.

Tonight this ancient and evil spirit has the permission of Bo Laike.

He has no taboo tonight.

Come on, come on, bugs!

Come and compete with my demon army, the loser will keep his soul! Tsk tsk, the pathetic creature may not even have a soul, but it doesn't matter, so does leaving flesh and blood.

Demons have mixed tastes, and they also like flesh and blood.

"Oh! Go forward, the captain's order tells us to go forward, there is no treasure here! So, kill! Let's kill!"

The death knights rushed into the surface ruins and fought against the swarms of insects everywhere. On the line near the coast, the ghost sailors who rushed out from the fog on the sea also climbed up to the city of the insects with difficulty.

These disembodied guys are nothing but cannon fodder.

Bo Laike didn't expect them to achieve anything decent at all, but the scene of a dense group of ghost sailors bursting out of the fog is quite shocking.

These noisy guys quickly attracted the attention of the swarm lord, and a bug that was supposed to stop the death knights changed direction and rushed towards the ghost sailors on the flank.

This won enough "casting time" for Lord Ravencrest who had just rushed to the side of the Mountain of Bones.

The death knight lord jumped down from behind the Spirit Saber holding his rune sword, and quickly walked up to the "hill" in front of him, which was shaped by the bones of the dead from the quicksand battle thousands of years ago.

He had been told by Braike before that there was such a pile of elf bones in the ruins.

Now, after witnessing the blasphemy of the dead by these bugs, the dead Lord Ravencrest also ignited a ball of anger in his dead heart.

Although he does not have the same beliefs as a highborne and a night elf, as a lord who died thousands of years ago, he has no more contact with these elves who died in battle.

But at this moment, seeing the despair and coldness emanating from this hill of bones, the high lord only needs to close his eyes, and he seems to be able to hear the unwilling roars and painful wailings of the dead.

Those souls are still here!

Ravencrest could feel it.

In this place extremely far away from the World Tree, the souls of these dead could not return to the Holy Land of the elves, and they were bound by the power of darkness to this degenerate place the moment they died in battle.

They witnessed their corpses being used as nourishment by the bugs, they watched their own existence wither and weathered in time, and they knew that they had been forgotten by the world and could not be freed.

They wandered on the battlefield thousands of years ago, aimlessly moving forward on the land of the bugs that killed them.

They have been tortured for too long.

And what they look forward to is not just rest.

"The dead are howling, they are roaring and longing for revenge, right here, on the battlefield that belonged to them thousands of years ago, they are praying to me, they are eager to finish their war with their own hands.

they said.

at all costs. "

The death knight lord half-knelt on the top of the mountain of bones, and he reached out to caress the uneven bones in front of him.

Those skeletons that were already grey.

Those dark eye sockets.

Those arms that can no longer move.

Lord Ravencrest seemed to be talking to himself, but also seemed to be talking to those invisible dead.

He pulled out his dragon-shaped long rune sword with his backhand, chanted the funeral song of the Elf Empire in the chaotic night, gathered the death aura in his body on the sharp blade, and stabbed fiercely at the pile of bones under his feet.

He felt the unwillingness of those gathering.

He wants to wake them up!

"Come on, angry dead, unwilling warriors, forgotten soldiers! Come on, continue this war, continue to charge until victory!"

Under Ravencrest's call, the purple-red death aura was like a flash of lightning, igniting explosions on the mountain of bones under his feet.

Ms. Tyrande, who walked into the ruins of Qiraji at this moment, looked back as if feeling something, and saw the first skeleton without an arm staggeringly standing up from the dreadful dark bone pile.

Its Sentinel uniform has long been weathered, its emblem has faded, and it has no weapon in its hands, only a femur club.

But the skeleton still tried its best to straighten its back, as if it was still alive, as it was when it fought these bugs!

Then came the second, the third

In just ten seconds, there was an army of skeletons in front of Lord Ravencrest.

No one knows where the incomplete souls that support the activities of these bones come from, and whether they are really the ancient souls that have been in the desert for a thousand years.

But that doesn't matter anymore.

The warriors from millennia ago are back.

Under Tyrande's prayerful gaze, the soldiers who had been forgotten in the desert gathered again. They may have forgotten who they are, but they still remember the purpose of coming here.

Pairs of faint blue flexible flames were ignited in the dark night, and soon joined together, creating a cold and dead ocean.

"Target, the swarm ahead!"

Lord Ravencrest pointed his rune sword forward, and time seemed to stop at this moment amidst the hunting of the blood-red cloak.

Until the death lord indifferently issued an order:

"I order, Silithus Sentinel Legion."


(end of this chapter)

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