Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1057 153. Hehe, Weak Souls Are Always Easy To Catch... What The Hell? --Add More【1/5】

Chapter 1057 153. Hehe, weak souls are always easy to catch. What the hell? -- plus more [15]

"These death knights are really fierce."

On the steps leading to the fallen temple of C'Thun from the ruins of Qiraji, a stinky pirate carrying a black box is standing on top of a weathered sculpture, looking at the battlefield in the ruined city.

The battlefield behind him has become a raging fire.

The death knights of the Black Crow Squadron were fully deployed. After entering the city, they attacked like precise scalpels according to the combat strategy formulated by Lord Ravencrest, defeating and occupying important areas in this bugman city.

These dead people communicate with each other through the connection of souls, so that their attack efficiency is comparable to the mobilization and counterattack of bugmen.

Lord Ravencrest's awakening of the undead from the Mountain of Bones is a stroke of genius. There are a large number of these awakened undead, but their combat effectiveness is very average.

They basically do not have complete skeletons, and it is impossible to maintain their original combat effectiveness.

But they are crazy!

This is enough to make up for their lack of combat effectiveness.

Probably stemming from the tragic memory of the Quicksand War, these skeletons were awakened and then launched a suicide attack on the insect swarm with a desperate attitude.

The undead in this place alone prevented almost the same number of elite soldiers and insects from supporting everywhere, creating an excellent opportunity for the death knights to cut off the confluence of insect swarms in various parts of the city.

But if you look carefully, you can see that the death knights' combat methods are very conservative.

After occupying the position, they hardly took the initiative to attack at all. With the assistance of two blue dragons and ten storm dragons flying above their heads, they put on a defensive posture to prevent the swarm from counterattacking.

The five-headed bone dragon belonging to the Black Crows also played.

But they didn't stop the swarm that had started a large-scale counterattack on the frontal battlefield, but fought with the tall Anubisath dog-headed titans behind the ruins of Qiraji.

Confining the Swarm's behemoth units to their swarm crystal-studded platforms, relying on the dead's ghastly body that is immune to physical attack.

This is a very correct tactic.

Anubisath obsidian dog head titan has shot down many dragons in the battle of quicksand a thousand years ago, and they are a great threat to the air units commanded by the little star.

Once they are allowed to enter the battlefield, the death knight's blockade defense line will be quickly broken.

The most important thing is that tonight's battle is a surprise battle, and the victory or defeat is not determined by how many bugs the death knights killed, but by time.

If the Old God can't be killed, if the connection between the Swarm Lord and the Bug Lord can't be severed, then it doesn't matter how many bugs die.

Once they regained their composure and regained the blessing and command of the will of the swarm, they would be able to use their best attack of the sea of ​​insects to crush all the invaders.

The battle became fierce from the very beginning, and Laike, the stinky pirate, was very satisfied with the super fighting power shown by the death knights.

He was already looking forward to the appearance of this army of death on the demon battlefield.

He was even thinking, if the Black Crows were given enough time to prepare, and then they were given enough cannon fodder, perhaps these death knights would not necessarily lose when the swarms were fighting head-on.

"Hey, what are you doing?"

Flying around in the sky, the little stars that breathed ice and breath towards the ground screamed and flew over, and at a glance they saw Bu Laike standing on the steps watching the excitement with a dwarf pipe in his mouth.

Princess Blue Dragon suddenly lost her temper.

She fell from mid-air and landed next to Bo Laike in human form, grabbing his wrist and shouting:

"We are desperate, you are still playing here! Why don't you hurry up and kill Ke'thun? Time is the decisive point, isn't that what you told us?

You see the bug people are all assembled, if we are surrounded by them on both sides, we will be finished. "

"I did say so, but there is no rush for such a thing."

The stinky pirate glanced back at the Temple of the Fallen God, which cast a huge shadow under the moonlight. A large number of elite Qiraji were rushing into the ground from their nests in the ground, and many strange-shaped bugmen were also gathering.

Obviously, the battle in the ruins of the city on the ground has alarmed the bug people underground, and they are gathering large armies to support them.

Bu Laike squinted his eyes under the owl helmet. He carefully looked at the appearance and posture of those high-ranking bugmen, comforted the little star beside him, and said:

"Don't be afraid, do your thing, and I will deal with them."

"only you?"

Little Xingxing rolled his eyes and said:

"Although I have great confidence in you, but"

"Then continue to have faith in me, have I let you down? Look, after realizing that the similarites could not gather smoothly, the bugs finally appeared.

Their reactions are not slow at all, and they are indeed the 'fighting race' personally shaped by C'Thun. "

The pirate interrupted the blue dragon's complaints, and he refocused his attention on the battlefield of the Qiraji ruins. At the end of Braike's line of sight, the insect army stationed on the other side of the city ruins finally stepped onto the battlefield.

That is the absolute main force of the Qiraji people in the ruins of the ground city.

These insectoid warriors are more than four meters tall, and they wear thick black horny armor. Although they are humanoid, they look like undeveloped freaks.

On the heavy torso like a half-titan, there are still sharp claws like giant pincers, and their brute force is as shocking as their ugly and crazy appearance.

Its inverted triangular head has weird mouthparts that keep opening and closing, and the compound eyes in its eyes are full of eerie cruelty, and its walking is not as smooth as that of a humanoid life.

But when these guys limped and charged in groups, they could shake the ground under their feet.

Commanding these Qiraji heavy-armored gladiators was a black bugman general two times larger in size, which was more fully developed than those deformed gladiators.

Although the right hand still has a ferocious giant claw, the left hand already has complete fingers, and it also holds a ferocious giant sword forged from the limbs of a swarm of giant beasts.

The guy even speaks smooth Thalasso, probably learned in a millennium of quicksand battles.

"Cowardly elf! Throw yourself into a trap!"

The bugman general roared.

It wields a huge sword and brings its heavy armored bugmen to charge in its own city. Every time it swings the huge sword, the undead blocking the way in front of it will fall down like felled wheat.

The worm general Rajax who was stationed in the ruins of the city easily crushed the line of defense in front of him, and held several elf death knights who couldn't dodge in his giant pincers.

It closed its giant claws like a crab, and cut the death knights in half on the spot.

"Where is Fandral? Poor Buckhelm did not dare to come?"

Throwing away the corpse in his hand, the berserk General Bug cursed:

"That idiot will whimper and beg me to spare his life, just like his cowardly son! Since you are here, don't go, the humiliation of more than a thousand years will be washed away today!

The Qiraji Empire no longer needs to stay within this stone wall, we will have our vengeance soon!

Even the dragons tremble before our wrath! "

"Look, it's challenging you."

Bu Laike patted the little star beside him and said:

"Go and kill it! Do what your dragon predecessors failed to do, and Rajax's head will become your best collection to boast of power."

"But it's so fierce."

Little Xingxing gritted his teeth, stared at the violent General Rajax, and said with a little fear:

"I'm like, um, maybe, maybe I can't beat it."

"Don't be afraid, I have specially arranged someone to help you."

Bu Laike whispered to Little Star:

"As long as you fly over and turn around, they will show up and attack the black bugman, all you have to do is make up a knife at a critical moment, so that the legendary story of His Royal Highness Xingxing can continue.

You should be the best at this, come on, don't be afraid!

I'll be here rooting for you. "

"it is good."

As soon as he heard that there was a helper, Little Xingxing's courage value was immediately full.

With a howl, she rose back into the air, and with a very brave attitude, she went straight to General Rajax who was attacking the death knight's line.

The berserk General Bugman also noticed the surprise attack in the sky, and seeing the lifeless blue dragon flying towards it, the compound eyes of the Bugman General shone with cruel light.

The giant sword in its hand drooped to a dangerous arc, intending to use the tactics against the giant dragon, throwing the weapon out to shoot down the blue dragon.

It did this thousands of years ago.

The wings of the blue dragons are too fragile compared to other giant dragons. It only takes one blow to make these arrogant lizards fall to the ground, and then die miserably by being bitten by the swarm.

"Come closer, come closer!"

Rajax sneered, and when the little star entered its attack zone, it was about to throw the giant blade, but its attention was attracted by the blue dragon in the sky, eager to get a dragon head as its reward.

It ignores the ground.


The orc warriors mixed in with the death knights attacked from behind, and the flaming charge smashed through the general's insectoid guards, and a lethal slash with a tomahawk accurately slashed on Rajax's stamina.

Va Locke Saurfang's deadly attack almost cut the neck of the Bugman General, and the rupture of the black horniness made the Bugman instantly feel the fear of death.

It screamed and swept across with its sword, but the orc avoided it nimbly.

Wa Locke fell to the ground, glanced at the shattered night battle ax in his hand, and cursed in a low voice with some headaches.

The shell of this bug is really hard!

Hella's tentacles are not so difficult!

General Rajax, who was almost headshot, was about to command the chase, but he saw the sand under his feet cracked, and the dense bloodthirsty vines surged like giant snakes, and the body wrapped around it tightened and fixed Rajax on the ground.

Little Xing Xing let out a icy breath mixed with storm and thunder, and sprinkled it on the head, freezing General Insect Man halfway, and quickly flapped his wings and lifted into the air to a safe distance.

In the chaotic battlefield between death knights and insects, General Rajax saw a familiar figure appearing from the wind and sand. The guy wore a hood to hide himself.

But it will never forget that bastard!

In the battle of quicksand thousands of years ago, it was this guy who made it taste ignominious defeat.

"Stag helmet!"

The bugman struggled to break the tighter and tighter vines, but it couldn't do it. It could only watch helplessly as the bug guards around it were swept away by the giant dragon in the sky with its breath.

In front of him, Fandral Staghelmet and that damned green-skinned orc were attacking it again.

The old druid raised his hand, and the vines that had sucked the blood of the bugman twisted and grew beside his hand, and were stripped and broken under the control of the druid. In the blink of an eye, a vine wooden ax shining with blood was crushed The deer helmet was in his hand.

The old elf threw it to the unarmed orc beside him without even looking at it. Wa Locke caught the strange ax and swung it twice on the spot.

Very light, but also very tough.

Very nice weapon.

"Remember what I said, I'll come to you after I kill the other bugs, Rajax."

Old Buckhelm raised his head.

The pale hair under the hood fluttered wildly, and the eyes that were too cold to look like a druid should be lit with the light of cruelty and revenge.

"I've changed my mind."

Fandral Buckhelm sneered.

The moment he charged forward, he turned into a natural war bear in heavy wooden armor. This guy's natural incarnation was at least three circles larger than the ordinary druid war bear form.

It's about the same size as Ursoc's jelly bear, and he is indeed a man who can be the leader of the Cenarion Cult!

While roaring, he slapped the bear paw twice horizontally, and knocked the heavily armored bugman to the ground. There was no longer any obstacle between him and Rajax!

He wants to end the millennium enmity between himself and Rajax today.

This worm has destroyed the world of his own mind.

Now, he will destroy everything it guards with his own hands.

And Va Locke Saurfang, who got a new weapon, is also eager to try. The powerful bugman in front of him is the kind of opponent he most desires as a warrior.

Strong enough, tough enough.

Enough for him to chop for a long time!

However, the stinky pirate no longer pays attention to the battle here. He has left his "viewing platform" and walked into the "lively" Qiraji Temple alone.

On the huge square leading to C'Thun's cage in front of Braike's eyes, the real elite army of the Qiraji Empire has assembled, the flying predators roared over the stairs, and the Anubisath dog-headed titan on the ground chopped at Qiraji The spirit walks down to the surface.

There are also elite swarms of swarms called by the swarm lord that cover the sky and block out the sun.

In this swarm of swarms that would overwhelm any mortal kingdom, there are two true titans.

They are C'Thun's loyal servants, they are the fallen gods created by the thousand-eyed demon after being imprisoned, and they are the true rulers of the Qiraji Empire.

They are the emperors who rule this great desert.

"Cowardly waste, struggle in the sea of ​​blood! The Qiraji Empire has never been afraid of challenges!"

The worm emperor holding a huge sword saw Bu Laike standing alone on the stairs blocking them, he laughed and sarcastically said:

"Look, the goat is in the mouth of the tiger! The dwarf is also trying to challenge the god?"

"It's like moths to a flame."

The other emperor holding a magic wand sneered at the stinky pirates in coordination with his big brother like singing poetry:

"You look like a hero of mortal legend? But it's too late to escape now, you're doomed! I want to hear your screams resounding through the skies!

I want to use your fear and confusion to complete the performance of the desert symphony poem! "

The declaration of war that the two emperors uttered in coordination with each other echoed like thunder.

They are arrogant.

But they have the qualifications of arrogance, and Bo Laike throws out the detection feedback information and tells him that these are the two fallen gods.

Their strength has reached demigod.

Once the army of insects under their command rushed into the rear battlefield, the rebel army that Bu Laike worked so hard to pull up would collapse in an instant, but the pirates were not afraid.

Just a demigod.

It's not that they haven't been slaughtered.

"There are so many lines, you don't look like a good person at first glance."

Bu Laike stood on the steps ahead of the swarm army, and he shouted:

"But I didn't come alone, I found many friends to play with you, wait a minute, they will come here soon."


Qila Sword Emperor scolded, and swung the giant sword forward, as if giving an order.

In the next moment, the terrifying swarm of insects surged forward like a tide, trying to completely submerge the overconfident stinky pirates. The pirates naturally stood still, as if they really wanted to meet the impact of the entire swarm of insects by themselves.

The dim moonlight in the desert tonight disappeared at this moment, and it seemed that he couldn't bear to see Braike Shaw's tragic ending, but then the shining rainbow light replaced the gentle moon, pouring the scorching sun-like power into this fallen land. on the land.

The swarm was screaming.

They are screaming.

They are retreating, they are afraid!

Between the pirates and the Twin Emperors, above the tumbling sea of ​​insects, the battle flag belonging to the King of War was held high in the blazing light that crashed down.

Gatekeepers stormed out of the Rainbow Bridge, and Valkyrie flapped their wings across the battlefield.

Amidst the deep buzzing of the horn of Galar, the Legion of God, which has been absent from this world for a hundred thousand years, returns to the battlefield tonight!

The entire battlefield fell silent at this moment.

Fenna, who was slashing a worm-man to death with a sword, widened her eyes. She glanced at the golden fortress hovering above the night sky above her head, and said to the Supreme Shield Maiden Heya, who was also numb in her claws:

"My younger brother said that he could destroy the Qiraji Empire by himself. I always thought he was bragging. I was wrong. My stinky brother is already invincible."

(end of this chapter)

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