Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1066 162. I Must Know Everything So That I Can Know What I Shouldn't Know

Chapter 1066 162. I must know everything so that I can know what I shouldn't know

Facing the invitation from Bu Laike, the archdruid seemed a little reluctant.

But there would be only the three of them in the cave, plus a legendary Queen of the Swarm, Malfurion knew he couldn't escape. He wasn't worried about the pirates violently injuring people, he was well aware of the limit of Laike's current strength.

In the case of himself and Tyrande joining forces, Bo Laike could only kill one at most, and under the watchful eyes of the moon god, he would not choose such a risk with his pirate character.

The archdruid is such a warm man.

He summoned some vines to make a makeshift bed for his resting wife, and then he got up and followed Bo Laike to the edge of the huge hatch.

Bu Laike cautiously released a small enchantment that could insulate sound, then picked up his pipe and looked at the archdruid.

He said:

"We've only just met, but I already know a lot. Maiev, Illidan, Huln Highmountain, maybe even Queen Azshara, and you.

I know, I went 10,000 years ago, I may have participated in the War of the Ancients, and I won’t hide it from you, I don’t know why I went and what I did.

I'm guessing you have some taboo that keeps you from telling me everything, but if you've ever met me and know me, you'd know that I'm a very curious person.

So I suggest you, it is better to break the taboo today.

Because I have cards that can threaten you.

I don't want to do that, but if I don't get what I want, I have to take a chance. "

Bu Laike coughed and said to Malfurion directly:

"I know, you and the king of the forest, Cenarius, are as close as father and son."

"You wouldn't do that."

Malfurion sighed, stroking his long beard dotted with green leaves and blooming flowers, the archdruid said softly:

"Because I know you, I'm sure you won't risk antagonizing the Cenarion Order, the Green Dragonflight, and the demigods of the wilderness just to learn something from me that you will know later.

Laike, all I can say is that we are not enemies and that the person who forbids us from revealing information is none other than you!

It is you who will make sure that the trajectory of your life will not be disturbed.

Because you know that once it is disturbed, it will cause terrible and terrible things. You will lose a lot of things you don't want to lose, and all you can get are some prophecies that are meaningless to you.

You are a prophet, aren't you?

You know that disturbing the past is worse than disturbing the future. "

"Ah, this is really troublesome!"

Bu Laike said with a headache:

"I feel that my current self is playing games with my future self, or my past self. It is difficult for you to understand this bad experience. It would be great if I were a bronze dragon.

Feel free to call in your past or future self for a chat.

But since you said that, I'll ask it in a different way. "

The smelly pirate exhaled a smoke ring and said:

"You just need to answer yes or no, and I will ask questions."

Malfurion glanced at him with a complicated expression, nodded, and said:

"I'll only answer questions that don't affect you.

If I keep silent, you should know what I mean. Tyrande will wake up in ten minutes, and it will be difficult for us to see each other for a while, so you don't have much time.

Try to ask questions that put you in a good mood.

You and I both know that you are actually a gossip person in your heart, but I don't suggest you waste your time, such as asking some personal questions about Tyrande and me

It makes me feel like you have a bad personality again and you are boring. "

"So, Tyrande doesn't know of my existence?"

Bu Laike blinked and said:

"Only you and Illidan know?"


Malfurion nodded and said:

"You have always had a problem with Tyrande. You have admitted it yourself. You don't like her style of doing things. You think she is reckless and brainless. It's just luck that you got Elune's attention.

You have been complaining about what happened to Maiev, perhaps because of the complicated relationship between you and Maiev. "

"Have I met Azshara?"

Bu Laike asked, squinting his eyes.

The archdruid nodded, shook his head again, and said:

"I'm guessing maybe, and Illidan said you must have, but we have no proof of that, and Queen Azshara has never revealed any details.

We haven't seen her for 10,000 years, and naturally we haven't exchanged your questions. "

"I entered 10,000 years ago after the Burning Legion's full-scale attack?"

Bu Laike thought for a while and asked again:

"It should be after Ravencrest was assassinated? He doesn't seem to have seen me."


Malfurion nodded, but did not explain in depth. Obviously, this question touched some cores.

"I don't have anything to do with dragons, do I?"

Bu Laike took a deep breath and said:

"None of the dragonlords know me, save Nozdormu.

The issue of time cannot be concealed from it, and now I feel more and more that the withdrawal of the bronze dragon from the timeline is not because I destroyed the integrity of time, but that this matter itself was arranged.

Am I sent ten thousand years ago by Nozdormu? "


Malfurion said:

"The Bronze Dragon King will not come back after leaving. This is what you told me when I was young."

"I was there to save the world?"

Bu Laike raised his eyebrows and said:

"Or for other reasons?"

"Do you think you're the one who saves the world?"

Malfurion asked back.

"Hey, don't play tricks like this with me! Don't take rhetorical questions as answers!"

Bu Laike said dissatisfied:

"Guys like you who don't follow the rules of the game will be punished. Believe it or not, I'll poke a few holes in your wife right now to calm you down?"

"Don't be angry."

The archdruid seemed to enjoy the feeling of "teasing" Bo Laike, he laughed and said:

"Of course you didn't go back to the past to save the world, you are far from that great, but you did go voluntarily. I also guessed what you will ask next.

I will answer you.

yes! "

Malfurion took a step back, looking into Boo Laike's eyes, and said:

"The three people who destroyed the Well of Eternity. Me, Illidan, and you! This is the last question I will answer for you. Don't ask any more. The next area is something you shouldn't step into.

I think Lady Elune has warned you too. "

"No, Ms. Elune never cares what I do, I'm just a wild child she picked up."

Bo Laike snorted and exhaled the smoke ring nonchalantly.

But he couldn't hide it from himself.

On the translucent character card in front of his eyes, Elune's reminder is already in sight:

Ms. Elune advises you to stop playing this dangerous game, it will make her think you are immature.

The two fell silent for a moment.

Nearly a minute later, Bo Laike folded his arms and said to the Archdruid:

"Then I won't ask about the past, let me ask about the present. Since you met me ten thousand years ago, I think you should have received my 'warning', right?

After finally defeating his younger brother and grabbing Tyrande's heart, why did he spend so much time sleeping? In these ten thousand years, as long as you stay awake for a little longer, Tyrande should have at least one child.

You are such a waste.

Might as well entrust her to Illidan. "

"I refuse to answer that question."

Malfurion said something with a wooden face.

The natural battle marks on his face were trembling, obviously because the annoying Bo Laike asked a question that shouldn't be asked.

But the pirate just raised his eyebrows and made a speaking gesture.

What he meant was obvious. If Malfurion really understood Bo Laike's character, he should know that the smelly pirate would not give up until he got a satisfactory answer.

Under the gaze of the pirates, the archdruid finally shook his head helplessly.

He looked at his wife with a gentle look, and said softly:

"It's not what you said, it's just that we made an agreement.

This is what Tyrande asked of me when she chose to spend my life with me. If possible, Tyrande doesn't want to hurt my relationship with Illidan because of her.

But love is so unreasonable.

We were too young, too reckless, to force the girl we loved to choose between us, and Tyrande felt guilty all the time for hurting Illidan.

She wanted to reject both of us and give her life to her beliefs.

It's all my fault.

I got my wife but left my brother adrift all his life, we decided not to have children, this is our apology for Illidan's life in exile.

It is also my comfort to Tyrande's soul.

She doesn't need to choose between Ms. Elune and me. We already have each other who loves each other dearly, and offspring are no longer a necessary option.

Besides, we are elves.

We have eternal life to be with each other. "

The pirate stared at Malfurion's face, listening to Malfurion's words.

He didn't doubt the authenticity of the arch druid's words, and he also got the answer he wanted from this weird question.

I definitely didn't tell Malfurion everything, such as the fact that the elves will lose their eternal life in the future, or that I prevented the destruction of the World Tree.

Of course, knowing this is meaningless.

But at least it can give the pirates a little bit of certainty about the future direction.

"Okay, that's all I want to know."

Bu Laike dispelled the enchantment and said to the Archdruid:

"Hurry up and take care of your wife, and heal her pet by the way. The life link between the hunter and the war beast will allow Ha Huoran to absorb the vitality of Tyrande to heal himself.

that process

Not comfortable”

He walked out of the cave and said to Malfurion again:

"I'm going to Moonglade in a while, will I meet you there? Maybe I'll want to talk to you again."

"Not anymore."

Malfurion shook his head and said:

"I will be stationed in Val'sharah in the future. The nightmare's corruption of the Emerald Dream is far beyond my imagination. For a long time to come, the Cenarion Order will devote its energy to restoring the dream.

I would also like to thank you for this, without your prophecy, it would have been difficult for us to prevent Xavius ​​from continuing to damage the Kaldorei.

So, I will thank you in my own way.

You don't have to worry about Rendehui anymore. "

The archdruid shrugged and said;

"I will call them all back to Val'sharah. Compared with the natural balance of the material world, the Emerald Dream needs the strength of these fellow citizens full of faith and vitality."

"do not!"

Bu Laike said in surprise:

"I think it's quite interesting to play with them. How boring the Eastern Kingdom would be without this group of treasures. Let them stay there.

I also wish Gilneas would be more lively. "

"Are you serious?"

Malfurion glanced at him, and Bo Laike nodded gravely, saying:

"I'm not joking, let Ren Dehui continue to enjoy his vacation, and when they see how the devil destroys nature with their own eyes, I believe they will definitely explode with 500% destructive power.

I believe that every life in this world has its own meaning of existence, it is nothing more than whether you can discover their advantages.


The pirate pointed to his eyes and said:

"I have a pair of eyes that find beauty."

With that, he disappeared into the hive with a whoosh, leaving Malfurion and Tyrande to rest there. After leaving the nest of the queen bug, Laike continued to walk deeper into the nest.

Along the way he found many strange bugs.

They wander around the nest aimlessly, doing nothing like drunk, which is in stark contrast to the busy bugs in the past.

Even when Bo Laike walked between them, he would not be attacked by the fierce hive guards, which was obviously a change brought about by Tyrande's taming of Princess Harholan.

Of course, it may also be because of the chain reaction triggered by the other princess being tamed.

Under the "guard" of the swarm, Bu Laike turned all the way into a very remote corner of the worm's nest. There is also an incubation room here, but no matter the size or scale, it cannot compare with Princess Haholan's lair.

The smelly pirate walked into this remote and narrow cave, and at a glance, he saw Windrunner's mother sitting on the stone platform at the end of the cave, resting, and the huge blue armored insect lying beside her.

That was Princess Alki.

A "child" who is not liked by C'Thun.

Although it was born in the same hive as Princess Haholan and has a very noble bloodline, its treatment obviously cannot be compared with Princess Haholan.

Just look at this shabby lair and you will know the embarrassment of the princess.

"Huh? Why don't you see Princess Yarki's husband?"

Bo Laike looked around in surprise.

In this cave, there is only Princess Yaerki, who looks silly but has a beautiful color, and there are no other two worms in his memory of the "Three Auspicious Treasures".

But soon, Bo Laike realized his mistake.

Princess Yarki married Lord Kerry and gave birth to a "cute" baby Wim. It was more than ten years later, and now Princess Yarki is still a single "lady".

"She's not ugly either."

The pirate went into the cave, admiring Windrunner's mother's new pet, and said:

"I like this blue shell very much. Speaking of which, Teacher, has the staghelmet left?"

"Well, he helped me tame Yarki and left."

Mother Windrunner looked up and said to the pirate:

"He said he's waiting for you on Mount Hyjal, and whatever job you have for him to do, he'll do it, and he has one thing to ask."

"Needless to say, I know, that's a poor man, too."

Bu Laike waved his hand and said to his mentor:

"Let's not talk about him, the matter of Moonglade can be put on the agenda. I just confirmed that Malfurion will not be there for a long time, which is suitable for us to act.

Now it's up to Mentor your daughters to complete their work on time.

I know you and I don't want to force them.

But after all, it’s not like doing something bad, right? "

(end of this chapter)

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