Chapter 1067

The swarm is retreating!

At a certain moment that no one expected, the violent qiraji that had completely broken through the death knight's defense line and were about to encircle the invaders began to retreat without warning.

It was as if the courage of the swarm was pulled away at once.

Visible to the naked eye, they have changed from a combined whole to an unconnected individual, and it is like a machine that is functioning normally has been turned off.

The bugs became bewildered.

Under the speechless gaze of the high lord of Ravencrest who was slashing with a knife, the fierce Qiraji royal guard in front of him actually started to excrete on the battlefield.

And ignoring himself, the guy who had fought with it before, he got back under the muddy sand full of bug corpses and covered by weird smelly body fluids.

They gave up resistance.

Or in other words, the will of the "tamed" swarm gave them an order not to resist.

The vicious soldiers and insects were ordered to return to the army camp, while the diligent workers and insects lost their mania in an instant.

They began to drag the nearest dead bugs, dragging them back to the destroyed hatchery, where they would rebuild the creep and prepare for the next batch of bugs to hatch.

The chaotic, terrifying and deadly battlefield suddenly became "peaceful". The rapid change made the soldiers feel a little at a loss, but it didn't matter, they quickly noticed the stubborn enemies who were still fighting.

Those bug people!

Unaffected by the will of the swarm, they still fight the invaders, but this is no longer for the glory of the Qiraji Empire, but for survival!

The shadow of the dark god C'Thun over the Qiraji Empire has dissipated, and no evil god has sheltered them.

The invincible twin emperors are also dead, right in front of their eyes.

The brave General Rajax was also killed in the chaos. It should be a brave green skin who hacked it to death.

The elite insectoid army commanded by Rajax is still fighting bravely, but without the aid of the insect swarm, they have been surrounded by flying dragons in the sky and undead marching on the ground, and it is only a matter of time before they are wiped out.

The power system of the Qiraji Empire has been disintegrated tonight. If the insects blessed or cursed by wisdom do not want to be buried with the collapse of the empire, they can only choose to flee.

The area leading up to the Scarab Wall from the Qiraji Ruins is overrun by raiders, and it's no longer possible to go there. The remaining insects wanted to escape, so there was only one direction left.

sea ​​cliff!

From the side of the Qiraji ruins near the sea, use the flight to leave this defeated land and go to other places to make a living again.

The Great Desert of Silithus can still provide them with a hiding place, but this desert is no longer safe.

In the Tanaris Desert and Feralas and Un'Goro craters, there are worm nests established by the frontiers of the xenomorphs. Perhaps it is not bad to settle down there.

"Stop them! Those flying insects are going to run away! Sienni, come and help me!"

His Royal Highness Xiao Xingxing, who had been on the edge of OB on the battlefield before, but participated in the battle to kill General Rajax, saw the bugman fleeing after the collapse, and immediately mustered up his courage.

She rushed out from a bunker where she was hiding, flapping her wings bravely and flying into the sky, using her dragon's breath to prevent the Qiraji from evacuating to the coast.

Amidst her calling and calling, the loyal Sienigosa rushed over quickly.

Unlike Little Xingxing who didn't have a single wound on her body, and didn't even have much dirt on her body, Sienni really went through a series of hard battles today.

The blue dragon lady who can fight has been fighting the behemoth units of the worms, those Anubisath obsidian dog head titans, those guys are the dragon's enemy in the battle of quicksand, and they used the greatsword throwing tactics to shoot down And killed several dragons, including several members of the blue dragon army.

Cianne is here for revenge today!

She single-handedly knocked down five Anubisath sentries, and countless bugs died under Cyanne's icy breath.

This series of fierce battles increased the scars on the blue dragon's body a lot. Those broken dragon scales and dragon blood made her look extremely fierce, not at all like the blue dragon known for its elegance.

"Aww, don't try to run away!"

Little Xingxing will be very refreshing.

She dived into the air close to the sea cliff, cutting off the escaped Qiraji flying insects, breaking up their formation, and shaking her head and tail, spewing ice to make those insects fall to the ground.

This kind of tactic of beating a dog in the water made Little Xingxing feel the bravery of charging forward.

Of course, His Royal Highness Xing Xing's battle was so smooth, mainly because the insects were in a hurry to escape, especially the nobles and commanders of the insects, they didn't waste time ordering their subordinates to besiege the flamboyant little Xing Xing.

The two blue dragons couldn't completely seal off the airspace, and many buggers rushed out of the Qiraji ruins.

They divided into several roads in a mighty way, and left their beloved hometown at the darkest hour of night and dawn. From then on, they will call themselves wanderers, and they may never return to the ruins of Qiraji in their whole life.

It's a sadly bad thing.

However, compared to dying in battle in the disintegrated hometown, it is not a bad ending to be left alive.

They are intelligent bugs who understand the value of life when they have lost their allegiance.

But in the face of the war arranged by the legendary pirate Bu Laike Shaw, it is obviously not as easy for the bug people to escape from the sky as they thought.

In the calm and dark sea under the ruins of Qiraji, on the deck of the ghost ship, the ship spirit Naglfar pointed to the dense black spots on the sky refracted by the sea, and she shouted loudly:

"The bugs have escaped! My brave war beast friend Gazrella, don't sleep, get ready to fight! Dad told them not to run away, and the murlocs!

Bring them back and I'll decorate my deck with their heads! "

Amid Miss Chuanling's excited roar, the murloc pirates commanded by the little murloc rushed into the sea from the side of the ship with croaks. They spread out and prepared to hunt in the water.

And in the deep sea below the ghost ship, a huge monster with three heads stirred the sea water and quickly floated up.

In the gloomy night, the surface of the sea rolled up into a vortex, the moment Gazrella's three heads separated from the sea and rushed out of the sea, there was a dazzling thunder gliding on the scales of this deep-sea monster.

The six eyes of the Sandfury Holy Beast are full of disgust for bugs.

It laughed, and in the reverberation of the giant beast's whimpering roar, dense lightning nets rushed from the sea into the sky, hitting the crowd of insects who were caught off guard.

The insects with wings that could fly fled in all directions in the night illuminated by lightning, but the paralyzed insects still fell towards the sea like raindrops.

Then they were caught by the murloc pirates waiting in the sea with tattered fishing nets and dragged them to the deep sea.

Let them drown in pain!

The qiraji living in the desert have not evolved the ability to live in the sea. Their combat effectiveness in the water is so bad that even a murloc warrior like Old Blind can poke them to death in the water.

The evil little murloc, Benbo Erba, grabbed his beloved two salted fish hammers and wandered quickly in the sea. When encountering struggling insects, he rushed over and swung the salted fish hammers to beat their faces and heads.

Beat them dizzy.

Stop them from rushing to the surface and watch these guys suffocate and drown in the water in agony.

After the Naglfar floated to the surface of the sea in the flash of lightning triggered by Ghazrilla, the cowardly mechagnomes also ran onto the deck, boldly attacking the chaotic insects in the sky with their homemade strange weapons people.

It's a pity that the flesh and blood purification cannon had already exhausted its energy when supporting the battle in the city ruins, otherwise it would be able to kill a lot now.

"Wow, witness the power of the Naglfar, you ugly bugs!"

The ship spirit stood on the figurehead, waving the command knife that she stole from her father's collection cabinet majestically, waving it in front of her eyes.

She also put on a very dignified posture like her little star sister.

Under her command, the warlock trio who stayed behind on the ship pushed the tidal stones onto the deck and worked together to trigger a lightning storm, and Gazrilla's constant urging of divine power and lightning sealed off the airspace, preventing the escape of the insects and forcing the insects to escape. Return to the battlefield, and then be ruthlessly crushed by the ground army.

The enemy army that appeared on the sea cliff completely blocked the escape route of the buggers, just like the war puzzle was finally pieced together.

The buggers who returned knew that there was no way to escape, so they could only make up their minds to fight to the death.

But this has brought unexpected "trouble" to His Royal Highness Little Xingxing, who is enjoying the fun of dish abuse.

After the Bugman and the only remaining Anubisath Sentinels joined, the obsidian dog-headed titans got command and began to execute dangerous anti-air tactics again.

The four obsidian giant swords were thrown into the sky at the same time, aiming at the two blue dragons flying around, Sienigosa avoided the three swords hitting her with a dexterous spinning flight.

But Little Star made a mistake.


Amidst her earth-shattering screams, the heavy obsidian giant sword was hitting her exquisite wings, and the severe pain made Princess Blue Dragon howl "crash".

She whirled in the sky and fell headlong into the sand on the ground, making a hole there.

Seeing the princess being attacked, Cianni's eyes immediately turned red. Blue Dragon Princess roared and folded her wings and rushed down to save her highness, but was entangled and blocked by three Anubisath titans who rushed forward.

"Hide! Your Highness, run! You can't deal with it! That's the legendary 'Unscarred'! That's the dragon butcher! Be careful! Get out of the way!"

Lan Longji frantically pounced on the obsidian titan in front of her with her dragon claws equipped with armed steel claws, and then used her icy breath to counterattack the enemy while anxiously warning.

Her yelling was heard by the disgraced and dazed little Star.

The latter struggled to crawl out of the sandpit with its broken wings, and saw an oversized blue dog-headed titan rushing towards her with a giant hammer.

That guy is bigger and more vicious than the average Anubis titan.

Its dog-headed face is covered with an exquisite eagle beak mask, covering its cheeks, and the blood-red sun scarab emblem lingers on its shoulders. When it charged over, it roared, and swung its heavy frosted warhammer towards the little star. The dragon head with wide eyes smashed down.

The shot was fierce and deadly, precise and violent, and the strong wind brought up by its brute force kicked up sand and dust. If this blow hits, Princess Blue Dragon will die with ten lives.

Little Xingxing was frightened.

It was the most dangerous situation she had faced since she had traveled the world with the stinky pirates, aside from facing the fallen Ursoc.

The time I faced Archimonde was not counted, but I had a fetish like the Tears of the Moon God on me that time.

But this time, she didn't have a magical object that could make her invincible.

She watched helplessly as the blue Anubisath's war hammer hit her head, and memories of her short life even appeared in front of her eyes.

Although the blue dragon has many ways to avoid such a deadly attack, it is difficult for her who is not good at combat to make a correct response in this situation.

Could it be that the great dragon life that I just started is about to end here?


Fortunately, there is no limit to the path of the dragon, at the moment His Royal Highness Little Xingxing was about to be killed by the obsidian dog head titan, a loud noise sounded behind the blue titan.

In the khaki quicksand light, a huge black dragon appeared from the time-accelerated magic, and a fierce head hammer hit the back of the blue titan who was beheading.

Sefiel, who came to save his life, mustered up his strength with this blow, fully exerting the power of Onyxia's Dragon King bloodline, like a dragon-shaped torpedo's slamming impact, hitting the obsidian titan's body out of balance.

The smashed warhammer rubbed against Little Xingxing's dragon horn and hit the side of her forehead.


It wasn't until the warhammer hit the ground that it set off a cloud of sand and dust, and the vibration on the ground woke up Little Xingxing.

Her Royal Highness screamed embarrassingly, the whole dragon curled up and trembled, and tears poured out of its wide-open eyes.

Scared the baby.

"What are you still doing shrinking there? What a shame!"

Sefiel pushed the blue titan away with a sweep of the dragon's tail. The black dragon's mouth was brewing with deadly shadow flames, and it hated iron and iron to beat the little star's head with its dragon claws, shouting:

"Go and help Sai Anne, and then help me! Ossirian the Unscarred is not something I can deal with alone, go! You shameful fellow."


Little Xingxing was a little ashamed by Seifel's scolding, she rushed out of the sandpit with her tail between her legs.

The wings are sore, she can't fly, and she feels wronged, she is just a young dragon, this is not the battlefield she should come to at all, so she can only open her mouth and face the three obsidian titan breathing dragons that besiege Sai Anne in front of her. interest.

But these Qiraji's final decisive weapons have a tough body made of obsidian, which is extremely resistant to magic. Sienni can only use dragon tactics to fight them.

Little Star's magic is useless.

But is Her Royal Highness the Blue Dragon Princess an ordinary person?

After she calmed down, she immediately adopted her best tactics. Although she is not good at fighting, she is good at shaking people!


The sharp whistle of the dragon sounded in this tragic desert battlefield. As the little star blew the whistle, the magic clone of her powerful grandfather Senegos appeared in the magic vortex.

When the ancient blue dragon saw his beloved granddaughter's broken wings and her disheveled appearance, she immediately became angry.

Roaring, he grabbed an obsidian colossus with its huge dragon claws and lifted it into the air, and smashed it on Sefiel who was fighting Ossirian the Unscarred like a war hammer.

If it wasn't for the speed of the first mate dragon, this blow would have knocked her down.

"No! Grandpa! You hit the wrong guy!"

Little Xingxing shouted in embarrassment:

"That black dragon belongs to us"

"Black dragons deserve to die! Bugs deserve to die too!"

The ancient blue dragon roared and spewed arcane breath downward from high altitude. Its magical power was naturally not comparable to the small water splash of the little star. A wave of breath shattered the body of an obsidian colossus.

"Little idiot, the captain is waiting for you, hurry over in a while."

Seeing that the situation was not going well, the chief mate Long secretly threw a word at Xiao Xingxing and then rubbed the soles of his feet with oil.

Senegos wanted to pursue him, but at the begging of his granddaughter, he stayed where he was and fought the fierce Unscarred.

Seeing his grandfather's incarnation suppressing the blue obsidian titan, the disgraced little Xingxing finally heaved a sigh of relief.

She looked at her broken wings and the scratches on her body without tears, and helplessly stretched out her tongue to lick the painful root of the wings.

Alas, it was hard to survive again today.

The big desert or something is really annoying!

I won't come again next time.

(end of this chapter)

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