Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1074 170. Evening Talk Around The Fireplace: Old Fording's Adventure Story (Part 2)

Chapter 1074 170. Evening Talk Around the Fireplace: Old Fording's Adventure Story (Part 2)

"There is nothing to say about our experience of crossing the Dark Portal. Basically, according to the information you gave, we went to that terrible world with the help of the cracks opened by the mages of the Quel'Thalas Sacred Relic Society.

Before seeing Dellano with my own eyes, I was full of disgust and hatred for orcs.

But to be honest, after seeing their world, I actually began to understand the war that the orcs were determined to wage. "

At a sentry post on the edge of the Cenarion Fortress, the great knight Tirion Fordring sat on a stone and held a glass of fruit wine in his hand. He looked at the quiet desert at dusk, recalling his journey in the world of Dellano, Say to Braike next to you:

"I never imagined that an entire world could be destroyed to such a degree. When I saw the scorched Hellfire Peninsula, I even prayed for the suffering of the orcs.

Although I know that they destroyed their own world with their own hands. "

The big knight shook his head, took a sip of fruit wine, and said:

"Although it is not worthy of sympathy, if the orcs had explained the tragedy to us from the very beginning when they entered Azeroth, perhaps the war would not have happened.

That land is dead.

I'm not a shaman, but when I set foot on the parched land, I could clearly hear the ground moaning in despair.

It was a suffocating world of death.

The stars I saw there were full of hopeless light, and the Silithus desert in front of me seemed rich in such a contrast, as well as those pitiful evil orcs.

Compared with them, the hideous green skins are so cute. "

"Evil orc? What is that?"

Little Xingxing who came to listen to the story held a pen and paper and asked curiously.

Fording took out a stack of photo-bound journals from his luggage, handed them to Little Xingxing, and said:

"This is some experience recorded by the Quel'dorei elves with dwarf cameras. I don't want to describe that fallen creature to you, Miss Blue Dragon. It is also difficult for me to describe the current situation of Dellano's world in words.

You can see for yourself. "


Little Xingxing cheered happily, took the diary from Fording, and ran to the side to share the good things with the idiot Fenner and Seianne.

Bu Laike didn't ask much

He obviously knows what evil orcs are, and he also knows the current situation of Hellfire Peninsula.

Just by the name, you know it's not a good place.

"Tell me about your experiences. There is no need to describe the tragedy of Dellano's world."

The pirate sat cross-legged on the stone, took a sip of rum, wiped his mouth and said:

"I am a prophet, I can see that world in my dream, but I am more concerned about the communication between you and the draenei, I heard that when you crossed the Hellfire Peninsula, you met the draenei waiting there people?"

"Yes, we met them."

When talking about this matter, Old Fording's tone was still surprised. He glanced at Bu Laike and said:

"Perhaps it was a tacit understanding between the prophets.

When we were attacked by a group of hell boars in the evening when we crossed the giant pit of Hellfire Peninsula, a group of draenei rangers appeared in time to help us disperse those terrifying beasts.

They were headed by a lady archbishop named Nellie.

She claimed to have been ordered by the Prophet Velen to welcome us to a place called Shattrath City, and said that the Prophet had prepared everything we needed.

Because of your reminder, I accepted the guidance of those draenei.

It was also there that we separated from the explorers of Quel'Thalas, who said they were going to a place called the Nagrand Grasslands to hunt for treasure.

The Draenei also specially sent someone to lead them through a place called the Zangar Sea, where they heard that there were fallen creatures. "

"You believe this kind of rhetoric, you are worthy of being an upright paladin."

Bu Laike shook his head and explained to Old Fording:

"The Draenei didn't have good intentions, but their hidden city, Teledor, was near Talador and the Zangar Sea. They didn't want the curious elves to discover it, so they gave it to the guide.

The suffering of the draenei in the world of Dellano is beyond your imagination, great knight, they have long learned cunning, and their shrewdness is more than you can imagine.

As for Nagrand, there are also draenei forces there.

After the orcs abandoned their world, the draenei have made a comeback, and this time, they have learned to play to their advantage.

Did your trip to Shattrath City go well? I heard demons appeared there? "

"The demons have not invaded the interior."

Old Fording said:

"At least when I left Dellano, they were still concentrating on attacking a place called Farren, which is said to be a mysterious island hanging off the mainland of Dellano.

The demons seem to want to use it as a base camp for invasion.

As for Shattrath City, it is very safe there, if it is not in a world of death, I would even think it is the City of Holy Light. There I saw the ultimate creation of the Light.

Those naaru who are wise and gentle, powerful and compassionate.

They have generously shared the wisdom of the Light with us, and all I can say is, I thank you for your offer, Bu Laike, without this trip, it would have been difficult for me to appreciate the higher levels of Light knowledge. "

The big knight said in an emotional tone:

"Except for the Prophet Velen, meeting the Naaru is definitely the most commendable thing on this trip. Many of my subordinates are still staying in Shattrath, helping the Draenei resist the demons and learning from the Naaru at the same time. .

As for Lord Velen, all I can say is that he is more of a prophet than you.

This is not to belittle you.


"I understand, no need to explain."

Bu Laike waved his hand and said:

"In the profession of prophets, Velen is the absolute leader.

He is the mightiest and best of us, and of all the self-proclaimed prophets of life in the stars, you won't find a better magus than he.

Compared to him, I'm an ignorant scumbag.

But I'm more curious, how does Velen evaluate me? You should tell him all about me, right? "

"Said, said a lot."

Fording drank the fruit wine in his hand, facing the cool wind blowing in the desert night, he groaned comfortably, touched his beard again, and said:

"Your Excellency Velen is very interested in you, and he took the trouble to ask me all the details about your story, especially about the means and causes and consequences of your involvement in those things.

He said a lot of things that I couldn't understand.

Probably because I am not a prophet and cannot understand your thinking.

But he clearly told me that you are a very good prophet, you make good use of the power of fate, you did not recklessly change but guide, he said, if he had half your wisdom, the Draenei would not Come to this point.

He said you are more qualified than him as a prophet. "

"Wow, as expected of Velen, the words are nice."

The pirate showed a smug expression, and he said:

"However, I am a little embarrassed to be praised so highly by Velen. I am different from him. He is a real technical streamer, while I may be more of a talent.

I also know that the Church of the Holy Light is actively establishing contact with the Draenei. This is what Faol told me personally. So, I am curious, what is Velen's attitude towards Azeroth?

Did he ever say that he was coming into this world? "

Facing Bu Laike's inquiry, Old Fording shook his head, and he said:

"I also asked the Prophet this question, he is a loyal believer of the Holy Light, so I invited him to our world, maybe we will unite against the devil.

But Velen refused.

He said he was the source of disaster.

He has already killed Dellano and the orcs, and he is unwilling to bring his own disaster into our world.

Although His Excellency the Prophet didn't say it clearly, I doubt that he may have made up his mind to die.

He said that he chose to escape when the world needed him most, so he probably made up his mind to live and die with Dellano this time. "

"Tsk tsk, I'm afraid of this."

The pirate said something endless, making Fording frown.

But before the Grand Knight asked, Bu Laike took the initiative to change the subject, saying:

"The little prince of Arthas doesn't seem to be coming back with you? Did he enjoy himself in Dellano? Or did he stay in Shattrath?"


The pirate's question made Fording show a very strange expression, and the great knight hesitated to speak. After thinking for a few seconds, he looked around and said in a low voice:

"His Highness Alsace decided to travel to that world, he brought his two loyal guard captains, and he found new friends there.

An orc who traveled to Dellano like him.

A young orc named 'Thar'. "


Rao Laike was ready, but his eyes widened when he heard the outrageous news.

The smelly pirate said in a strange tone:

"Didn't you draw your sword and slash at him when we met for the first time? When did Arthas have such a good temper?"

"He chopped it."

Old Fording said awkwardly:

"In the slums of Shattrath City, Alsace was cheated out of money by the cunning fallen arakkoa, and when he ran to reason, he happened to meet Thrall who was also cheated out of money by the arakkoa.

The two of them fought on the spot in the territory of the arakkoa gang.

That orc was quite powerful, and Alsace failed to kill him, but the two of them offended the arakkoa gang, and were hunted down by a group of arakkoa and had to team up to escape.

They went to the Tianya Tavern to fight again.

But when we found Alsace, he was already drunk, had a scene with that orc in the tavern, and was thrown into prison by the city defense army of Shattrath City.

Oh, what a queer story.

But that orc Thrall was different from other orcs.

I don't know how to describe it. Although he has the appearance of an orc, his conversational temperament seems to be a very orthodox human nobleman.

I think this is probably why Alsace tolerated him.

In short, when I returned to Azeroth with the lightforging knowledge gifted by the prophet, Arthas had already gone to the Nagrand Grassland with Thrall.

Thrall went to meet an old orc grandmother who was said to be highly respected in the local area. Alsace was looking for the holy place of the Burning Blade clan, a place called Havalor.

He didn't know which **** bastard had bewitched him, and he wanted to learn the way of the sword master of the orcs.

Oh, right. "

Old Fording seemed to think of something, he patted his forehead and said:

"Prophet Velen also made a prophecy specifically for Arthas and Thrall, but the result of the prophecy was very strange.

Velen told me that the fate of both children had been reversed, and he said it was very clever.

He said that one of the two children was pulled back from the miserable desolation to the bright world, while the other was pushed back from the great lonely sacrifice to the warm world of mortals.

He guessed you did it. "

The great knight stared at Bo Laike, and he said:

"I don't know about Thrall, but you must have predicted the fate of Arthas and changed it, right around the time of the Battle of Dalaran?"

"I didn't just change him."

Bo Laike shrugged, reached out and drew a circle behind Cenarion Hold, and said:

"Everyone who came here has been changed by me, including you, Lord Fording. You all owe me a favor, but I will not ask you to repay it.

At least not now.

Oh, this stinky Velen is really talkative and annoying. How could he casually tell other people about this kind of communication between prophets? didn't he find out

Am I also trying to change his fate?

It's annoying. "

Bo Laike seemed to have lost interest in the conversation.

He stood up and asked Old Fording one last question.

"What is the alliance between the Draenei and the orcs? Is Velen leading or Ner'zhul leading?"

"It was proposed by Ner'zhul."

Fording replied:

"I happened to witness that event, in the city of Shattrath, the Shadowmoon orcs sent messengers to Velen, and Ner'zhul confessed the terrible crimes the orcs had committed against the draenei.

He said that if they survived the demon attack, he would make amends to the draenei.

Velen's followers were outraged.

But the Prophet himself accepted Ner'zhul's request for an alliance, and the naaru also expressed their support. It is likely that the prophet saw the dire future from the prophecy.

Anyway, that's an important thing.

But based on my many years of experience, the alliance between the two sides is still only at the verbal level, and the hatred between the orcs and the Draenei is too terrible.

Greenskins and humans are immortal, and there is an eternal enmity between them and the Draenei.

It is not so easy to truly unite against the enemy.

However, the arrival of the demons is a good opportunity. According to the speed of the demons' attack in the world of Dellano, it is impossible for the two sides to join forces.

Moreover, I also saw the black dragon in Shattrath City! "

The big knight said in a puzzled tone:

"I don't know when those black dragons crossed the Dark Portal, but they seem to be trying to reach some kind of alliance with the forces of Shattrath City.

It is said that they were also attacked by demons in Gorgrond, and even the most savage ogres had to join forces with the black dragon.

The emissaries of the black dragons also said that vile demons killed their princess.

But I saw clearly last night"


Bu Laike raised his finger, put it to his mouth, made a silent motion, and said:

"You didn't see anything last night, Your Excellency the Great Knight. Alright, I know everything I need to know. It's time for your prayers, go and pray to the Holy Light.

I hope that the great Holy Light can stop the demons from burning, killing and looting in our world, at least it can be postponed for a few days. We are far from ready. "

After finishing speaking, the pirate waved goodbye to Fording in a friendly manner, and turned to the idiot Fenner.

Old Fording looked at the figure of Bo Laike, he felt that the stinky pirate must have a lot of things hidden in his heart, but Velen seemed to be the same.

Prophets are indeed a bunch of guys who like to keep silent on important matters.

The great knight shook his head, turned and walked towards the fortress.

It was getting dark, and he was really going to pray.

But ten minutes later, the big knight with a serious face came out again, he came to Bu Laike who was discussing various legends of Dellano with the little star, and whispered to him:

"Your Majesty calls you over, Bo Laike."

"I'm busy."

The smelly pirate said without looking back:

"This stupid little Xingxing doesn't believe that there are monsters in the world that can strangle black dragons with bare hands. I must correct her stupid idea."

"You must go there immediately!"

Fording put his hand on Bu Laike's shoulder, and he said with emphasis:

"That weird elf named Illidan has some news, and I want to tell you by name."

(end of this chapter)

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