Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1075 171. I Must Regroup My Troops

Chapter 1075 171. I must regroup my troops

"You said Illidan sent a message? Was it through Zela, the leader of the Legion of Light?"

Bu Laike walked into the temporary prayer room under Faol's crown with a serious expression, and asked the most critical question.

For the first time in his life, the old Pope who took the initiative to interrupt his prayer also had a serious face. Facing Bu Laike's question, he nodded and said:

"Just now, the will of the Holy Light that you warned me to be vigilant took the initiative to show me a picture and sent me some news about Illidan Stormrage."

"How did he get mixed up with Zela?"

Bu Laike said in a surprised tone:

"Is he living enough and planning to commit suicide?"

"No, they are not united."

His Majesty Faol shook his head, he struggled to decipher the information in his mind, and explained to Bu Laike:

"It was Lord Zela's warriors who discovered the message left by Illidan Stormrage in a world called Argus. It is very obscure, but there is a clear mark on the inscription.

This information is for you.

He seems certain that the message will reach you.

But compared to this news, Your Excellency Zela seems to be more interested in Illidan Stormrage himself. She asked me how Illidan Stormrage entered the Twisting Nether.

I told her what happened in Dalaran.

Therefore, Your Excellency Zela exchanged the news, and she hoped that you could help her persuade Illidan to let him join the Legion of the Holy Light and fulfill his innate mission. "

"I reject!"

Bu Laike didn't think about it at all, he shook his head and said to old Faol:

"When you pray tomorrow, please convey my words to Zela exactly. She is a prophet, and I am also a prophet. There cannot be transactions between prophets and prophets.

Especially under the premise that I have already determined that she is a stubborn lunatic, I will not have any cooperation with her.

Also, help me remind her to stay away from that lunatic Illidan, if she doesn't plan to return to the source of the Light now. "

After speaking, the pirate turned and left.

But was blocked by Faol.

"Don't you need to hear the message Illidan Stormrage left you?"

"No need."

The pirate waved his hand and said:

"I can probably guess what he's going to say, and I guess I'll see him soon. I don't want to owe Zela any favors, and I don't want to have any contact with that magic stick.

Your Majesty, I want to remind you one more thing, be sure to stay away from Zela.

That guy is crazy.

You can understand her existence as a bottomless me, who claims to be the Mother of Light, and she believes in a horrible creed that she can use extreme means for the right purpose.

Even when necessary, she will sacrifice herself without hesitation.

That's a shitty thing even a stinky pirate like me can't do.

Also, if you plan to send the Church of the Light into Dellano, you can do so now. "

Bu Laike reminds:

"Although I don't know what Illidan plans to do, I don't think it should be a good thing.

Illidan is also a stubborn lunatic. In order to destroy the devil and protect his beloved sister-in-law, the lunatic things he can do are definitely far beyond your imagination.

That jerk is probably going to play a big ticket.

He knew he couldn't do it alone, so he asked me for help, hey, what a troublemaker. "

The smelly pirate left Faol's prayer room while complaining.

His Majesty the Pope stood alone in the house. He looked at the Holy Light Icon behind him. After several minutes of thinking, he called the great knights to convey an order to them.

Soon, Old Fording, Uther, and Mograine were sent back to the Eastern Continent in the transmission of Lich Meri.

His Majesty Faol and Dathrohan stayed in the desert. They will meet with Tyrande Windspeaker tomorrow to discuss a possible mutual assistance agreement between the two sides in response to the demon invasion.

After the Great Battle of Silithus, the Church of the Holy Light and the Church of the Moon God already had a basis for mutual trust and cooperation.

At the juncture when this disaster will erupt soon, the two sides must be in unison.

Although there is an endless sea between the two continents, it is difficult to help each other in military cooperation, but at least the exchange of intelligence and resources must be guaranteed.

In the face of another outbreak of the War of the Ancients, civilizations must watch each other and help each other, otherwise no one will be able to stand alone in the face of such a world crisis.

As for Laike, he has more important things to do.


The door of a hidden house on the top of Cenarion Fortress was kicked open. Braike, who appeared from the shadows, was about to speak, but saw two panicked demon hunters jumping up from the bed in a panic. Find clothes.

This scene made the stinky pirate dumbfounded.

He looked at the shy Elisanna Ravencrest who was hurriedly getting dressed with her back turned to him, and Marius Momo, who was standing naked in front of her.

The corner of his mouth twitched and said:

"When did you two get together? No wonder Lord Ravencrest has been gloomy for the past few days. I thought it was the death knight's stinky face.

Now it seems that the great lord also has something to worry about.

Well, you Maris, it's okay, you hooked up with the daughter of the noble family of Black Rook Castle without making a fuss, and easily realized the class transition.

You are much better than the other useless Maris.

Get dressed quickly!

You bastard.

I don't want to see you look so bad? Tsk tsk, but the legend about demon hunters is actually true, and your tattoos really cover 'everywhere' of your body. "

"This is all to strengthen mana manipulation"

Marius Demon Calamity made an embarrassing excuse, but sensing that Bu Laike had summoned his weird living blade, the demon hunter didn't dare to talk nonsense, and quickly put on his pants.

"I'm not telling you, Mr. Bo Laike, you'll have to learn to knock next time."

Miss Elisanna lowered her head and complained with a blushing face:

"You have to understand that everyone has their own privacy"

"Okay, tell your Lord Illidan about this, and see how he answers you."

Bu Laike crossed his arms, looked at the pair of "fel energy mandarin ducks" in front of him, and said in a drawn out voice:

"Lord Illidan worked so hard to resist the demons in the Twisting Nether, and gave everything for the peace of Azeroth, only to sacrifice himself to a paranoid lunatic goddess stick.

The dark warriors he personally trained hid in the desert playing fish and kissing games openly and aboveboard. If I were Illidan, I would definitely kill you two bastards with my own hands!

The world is coming to an end, and you guys are still in the mood to fool around!

Aren't you afraid that your inner demons will lose control after being so indulgent after the war? "

"Tsk tsk, you can still reprimand other people so righteously, you are indeed my shameless little master."

Xal'atath whispered in Bu Laike's ear:

"Who was fooling around with Sefiel last night and stayed up until midnight? How did you train Sefiel to be so obedient? Maybe you can teach the two in front of you your experience.

It's better to have fun alone than to have fun together. "

"Shut up."

Bu Laike scolded in his heart:

"Be serious, this is training others."

Amidst Xalatath's weird laughter, the stinky pirate coughed and said to the two ashamed demon hunters in front of him:

"Illidan has a letter. He is on a very dangerous mission. Although I don't know what he wants me to do, I think it is better to gather demon hunters now.

The leisurely life of the two of you is over, now, return to Suramar immediately!

Tell this news to your commander Altruis, gather all the demon hunters to go to Tol Barad Island to rest, wait for me to complete this voyage, and you will follow me to the orc world Dellano.

Illidan may show up there.

Even if he doesn't show up, there are plenty of demons in that world for you to hunt and kill.

Even Miss Elisanna Ravencrest, who has suffered a lot and has a deep hatred, has started to raise a boy pet, and the degree of "degeneration" of other demon hunters must also be shocking. "

The smelly pirate snorted, and said in a tone that hated iron and steel:

"Illidan handed you over to me. I can't return a group of fallen people to him. That would make me appear incompetent. Why are you still standing there? Carry out the order!

Do you really want me to whip you? "

"Uh, it's not that we don't implement it."

Marius Maulbane said, embarrassed:

"Elisana and I have left Suramar, we can move freely, but our companions are still assisting Elisande in name, the Grand Magister probably won't let them go so easily.

We need time to rally. "

"That's your problem!"

Bu Laike said coldly:

"not mine!

Are you a bunch of retarded blind people who need me to wash your diapers? Don't blame me for not taking you if you haven't assembled before the end of my voyage. "

After speaking, the pirate turned and left.

After taking two steps, he turned back to Maris and Elisanna and said:

"Take precautions, bastard!

Young people are just ignorant, evil energy only strengthens your body, pecks your eyes blind, but does not destroy your reproductive ability.

Do you really want to hunt demons with a big belly?

Illidan will hack me, bastard! And before he kills me, I'll kill you two first! "

"No, Mr. Pirate."

Maris tried to explain:

"Magic can bind me"

"Damn it, don't tell me that! You nasty blind bastard, I don't want to hear about the evil tricks of a demon hunter."

Bu Laike scolded, turned and left angrily.

There were two big-eyed and small-eyed demon hunters left behind, and they didn't feel embarrassed for long. The news about Lord Illidan, the "eternal loyalty" of the Illidari were soon activated.

Elisanna ran to bid farewell to the gloomy old father, and that night, she and Maris traveled to the Suramar wilderness with the help of the old lich.

Speaking of which, Merry the Lich is really busy tonight.

In addition to constantly opening doors for these bastards, he also has to help his apprentices adapt to the "new power".


Little Gianna, who just woke up from a three-day long sleep, was holding a table knife. Like a child who got a new toy, she poked the table knife towards her wrist in a dangerous posture.

But when the blade touched the skin, there was a strange crisp sound.

Under the old lich's research-like gaze, the sharp blade of the table knife rolled up, but there was no injury on little Jaina's wrist.

"Wow, it's amazing!"

The little mage's eyes widened, and he stroked his white and tender skin that felt nothing.

She raised her head and said to the instructor:

"The big brother didn't know where he found the magical power, and gave it to sister Fenna and me. Sister Fenna is a warrior and has the ability to be immune to magic. I am a mage, and I have also been strengthened so that I am not afraid of swords.

It can also be sent to each other.

In the future, Sister Fenna and I will be able to have a spiritual dialogue. "

"This is not physical immunity, my disciple."

Merry shook his head and said:

"According to Fenner, this kind of power can grow, and the enhanced protection you and she got is just the most basic ability now.

It might make you invulnerable to ordinary swords, but magic weapons can certainly still hurt you.

You can't be careless just because you got it.

Fighting skills still have to continue to learn. "

"Yeah, I know."

Little Jaina sat cross-legged on the bed and stretched her waist. She stroked her wrist, blinked her beautiful eyes and said:

"I always thought that Big Brother was alienating me, but he still loves me, he has been paying attention to his family in his way, he is protecting me, and he is also protecting Fenner.

Mentor, tell me, does Sister Fenner know where Big Brother is?

Surely she knows?

She is so good, she can definitely help the big brother, maybe she is serving the big brother like Mr. Laike, but she is always mysterious. "

The little mage frowned and said:

"I tried to ask her about big brother and she kept silent.

He is obviously stupid at ordinary times, but he is too shrewd in these matters. But now with the power of twin souls, I can listen to what Fenner is saying while she is not paying attention.

Maybe this way we can find the trace of the big brother. "

"No, don't do that, my disciple."

The old Lich raised his eyebrows, and he said to his outstanding disciple very seriously:

"You're testing humanity, but remember the lessons I taught you? Humanity can't be tested, little Jaina.

You are taking the risk of destroying the family relationship between you and Fenner. Once she finds out that you are using her, with Fenner's character, you are likely to be strangers.

You should trust her.

As she sees fit, she'll tell you everything you need to know.

All you need to do is just wait patiently. "

"Well, that's right."

Jaina tilted her head, poked her cheek with her finger, and said:

"The instructor is right, I don't want to damage the relationship with Fenner. Although she is careless, it is not easy to be accepted by her.

She is family and I have to trust her.

It's decided, I don't think about it anymore.

Teacher, when shall we go back? My classes have dropped a lot and I have to catch up, oops, Dean Lanyue's private lessons are so hard. "

Little Jaina rubbed her head and said:

"When I think about going to Natharas College as an exchange student in Dalaran next semester, I have a headache. I heard that Dean Lanyue is a very strict tutor.

Mentor, do you think I can get her approval? "

The old lich did not answer the question.

He is still wondering how to tell Bu Laike the news, can't he just say it?

Hey, smelly pirate, your sister is going to take classes with you at Dean Alya Blue Moon, are you happy?

Well, if I really said it so bluntly, I guess the stinky pirate would have to tear his old bones apart even if he tried his best.

But there is no way.

Who made Lan Yue take the initiative to propose the exchange student at the magic exchange meeting last time?

I will devote myself to the defense and counterattack against demons in the future, and I don't have so much time to teach Jaina. Only Lanyue or Aegwynn can control her terrifying talent.

But Aegwynn still has to watch the kids.

Oh, I have a headache.

(end of this chapter)

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