Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1078 174. I Have An Appointment With Your God, And I Am Really In A Hurry

Chapter 1078 174. I have an appointment with your God, and I am really in a hurry

The desert of Uldum, surrounded by mountains on three sides, with the only coast still covered by storms, is a real "land outside the world".

Although it is connected to the Tanaris Desert by land, because the Titan seal here has not been lifted, no mortal can come here through the deepest mountain pass in the Tanaris Desert.

However, although there are many, many secrets under this desert, as well as the "decisive weapons" left by the Titan guardians in ancient times, Bu Laike has no intention of staying here for a long time.

After all, the Valkyrie has made it very clear that the civilization here does not welcome their arrival.

Those guys named tol'vir don't even give Odin face. For a group of real mortals, such an attitude is really arrogant.

However, Odin's servant Valkyrie didn't get angry because of this, but just felt depressed, which is enough to prove that the tol'vir people have a deep history.

People also have backgrounds.

The smelly pirate is well aware of this, and he has no plans to provoke the local tol'vir for the time being. After all, these guys can also be regarded as "combat race" in a sense.

And probably because of the transformation from stones to flesh and blood creatures, the tol'vir people are amazingly stubborn. Before getting a very hard-core "proof of friendship", Laike doesn't intend to touch their bad luck.


The golden Valkyrie carried him to the east of the Uldum desert, which was already very close to the Tanaris desert.

From here, you can even see the Great Rift Valley of the Swarm in the Tanaris Great Desert. The Sky Fortress in the sky was lowered and suspended above the desert pyramid temple below.

Casts its huge shadow over the nearby sand.

When Bo Laike fell, he also saw a lot of guys with cat heads, feline bodies and tails, patrolling around the area in groups.

The phalanx of these big cat people also carried their war beasts, which were huge lions with fluffy and majestic manes, and some lions were even covered with armor.

At first glance, they are well-trained elite fighters.

And outside their phalanx, they could see the piled corpses of different species, which were undoubtedly Qiraji.

And looking at the skillful movements of these catman warriors to kill the alien insects that emerged from the desert neatly, and pick out non-toxic insect meat to feed the lions, it is clear that their war with the Qiraji has been going on for a long time long time.

This is the tol'vir.

Their cat-like bodies allow them to move extremely swiftly and flexibly.

Human torsos allow them to skillfully use various weapons. Although the blood of the Titan creations has been eroded by the curse of flesh and blood, it still allows the flesh and blood tol'vir to maintain a body quality far superior to that of humans.

These tol'vir warriors wore unique one-piece armor, each of which was nearly four meters tall, with muscular lines like a tiger and smooth manes.

Using massive spears and axes, each blow easily slices through the silithid's carapace.

They also have spell casters.

Calling the power of the desert can create sandstorms and quicksand vortexes, there are sun priests who use the power of the scorching sun, and there are moon priests who can call stars and meteorites at night.

They must have guarded this ancient temple all year round, and there is an extremely complete camp here.

As Bo Laike approached, the fierce and silent catmen sized up the pirates with their animal eyes, and the mighty lions roared, the light in their eyes not friendly.

The tol'vir who guard here are taller than their kin.

There are also black wings folded on the back, which means they have the ability to fly, making them look more powerful and dangerous.

"Stop! Heroic Spirit, the Holy Land of Origin does not allow filthy mortals to enter!"

A tol'vir priest wearing a golden eagle mask, wearing a white robe, and holding a quicksand staff stood in front of Bu Laike and the Valkyrie. He shouted:

"This is our agreement with you."

"But I'm not a mortal, and I'm not filthy at all. I'm much cleaner than you big cats who don't like bathing. Next time, before you say that others are filthy, why don't you smell the cat feces on yourself?"

Before the Valkyrie could speak, Bu Laike spoke with a dissatisfied face.

The pure tol'vir language surprised the catman priest in front of him. Before he could speak, the pirate stretched out his hand and whistled, and soon a portal opened behind him.

This action caused the surrounding tol'vir warriors to raise their axes and spears in unison, and several priests also began to call out the scorching sun-like magical power. As long as there was a change in front of them, the stinky pirate would immediately die on the spot.

But soon, these vigilant cat people exclaimed.

In the streamer of the portal, the warlock trio used a cart made by mechagnomes to push the broken tidestone into the desert.

They wanted to have a few words with the captain, but they were stopped by Laike's eyes.

The pirate made a gesture, and the sneaky and unkind warlock trio obediently retreated into the portal. They looked at the big titan cats around them with gloomy eyes, and they were very sneaky. Looking at the huge desert temple in front of him.

I thought that the captain must have found something extraordinary again.

"As you can see, I am the guardian and holder of the Titan's sacred object, and I am also a member of the Titan's guardian system, and everyone is our own.

So don't be so nervous. "

Bu Laike patted the broken tidal stone beside him, and said to the catman sun priest in front of him:

"I escorted the Tidestone of Gorganeth to the Halls of Origination, charged it with pure titanic energy and sought to reforge the relic. As members of the High Guardian Ra's family, you can easily tell the authenticity of this relic. Fake.

I think you can also understand the necessity of my actions, and there is no need for me to explain further.

If that reason is not enough, then I will tell you. "

The stinky pirate looked left and right, stretched out his hand and hooked his fingers to the cat-man Sun Priest who was touching the Tidal Stone in front of him, and made a whispering gesture. The latter lowered his head with strong doubts, and heard the pirate whispering in his ear. said:

"To be honest, I am a very powerful prophet. I predicted the whereabouts of the great guardian Rai. Your god is not dead or asleep. He is thinking about life somewhere and lost himself.

He needs the help of you loyal ones. "


Wearing a golden eagle helmet and dotted with pharaoh patterns, the Sun Priest was startled when he heard Bu Laike's words, and his huge body also trembled

He brandished the golden snake stick, and angrily shouted:

"Bleaker! Heretic! How dare you slander all the tol'vir and the god of this holy place! I will tie you to a pillar and receive the punishment of the sun!"

"Don't be so loud."

Bo Laike flicked his ears.

He didn't care about the tol'vir guards who surrounded him, he turned his head and glared at the lions that were leaping towards him, those big golden armored cats immediately counted down their manes, screamed in horror and fled back with their tails between their legs next to the master.

The skill of the "scare the beast" hunter was so good that several big cat hunters immediately pulled out their extremely lethal sawtooth axes and surrounded them cautiously.

The smelly pirate played a show of prestige and whispered to the angry sun priest in front of him:

"The tol'vir are all long-lived species, you can live for a long time, I believe that the heroic tragedy that happened in this desert 15,000 years ago is still passed down from generation to generation.

As a holy sun priest, you must know a lot of inside stories, do you really want me to tell the terrible truth?

When Lei Shen, the mogu emperor who ruled the southern border of the mainland, entered Uldum, I don't believe your ancestors didn't notice his abnormality, about the abnormal divine power he wields.

That is not a power that mortal races can grasp! No mortal should be able to wield such power.

The tyrant forced the powerful tol'vir and the titan guardians guarding the furnace of origin to activate the self-defense mechanism of the furnace, detonating the energy of the titan to kill him.

The explosion destroyed your beautiful homeland and turned the whole of Uldum, along with Tanaris and Silithus, into the great desert it is today.

It leveled everything!

Ignorant mortals think that the Great Desert, which occupies one-fifth of Kalimdor, was created because of the War of the Ancients, but fortunately, I am not as ignorant as my fellow citizens.

I even know that it was because of the big bang that the sealed ancient god C'Thun discovered the secret of the furnace of origin. For countless years, it has been driving its dark servants to dig into Uldum and fight with you! fighting.

Even in the War of Quicksand a thousand years ago, at least half of the Qiraji Empire’s army was still on Uldum to perform excavation missions. It was you who helped the Kaldorei win that war. Unfortunately, the Kaldorei and the dragon Don't know all this.

You also have no intention of proclaiming your achievements to the mortal race. You consider yourself to be the family of the gods, not a member of the mortal soul.

To be honest, I admire your determination.

But I believe that you must have also guessed the terrible truth about your supreme god, the great guardian Rai. You just cover your eyes and don't want to believe it.

Don't be so surprised, my friends, I didn't come to argue with you.

I just bring a message.

Soon I'll be setting off to find Grand Keeper Ra.

Whether you are willing to come is up to you, but I have your place on my ship, maybe your three tribes can hurry up and discuss it.

Now, get out of the way!

Your gods are waiting for me, I have business to talk to them! "

The sun priest of the tol'vir was taken aback by Bu Laike's words, and the message hidden in the words of the self-proclaimed prophet really made him shudder.

He glanced at the smiling Bu Laike, hesitated for a moment, then raised his hand and waved the snake staff, and the tall and strict temple guards behind him all moved out of the way.

Bu Laike smiled in satisfaction, snapped his fingers, let the Valkyrie behind him pick up the broken Tidal Stone, and swaggered into the Temple of Origin in front of him.

The name of this temple is very domineering, and it is called the name of origin.

But it is different from those coquettish sluts with false names outside, it really deserves the name, this is indeed the origin and end of Azeroth.

This is one of several furnaces set by the Titans in Azeroth, whose sole purpose is to restart the world.

Just press a button.

Everything that exists in front of you, including those demigods, including Queen Azshara of the Deep Sea Empire, including the ancient gods plotting the world, and even including Odin and the guardians of the titans.

Also includes Boo Laike Shaw.

All existence in this world, no matter good or evil, beautiful or ugly, holy or depraved, humble or great, will be wiped out in an instant.

Of course, it's not that easy to press the button to destroy the world.

What exists in the Great Desert of Uldum is only the "Explosive Department" of the Destruction Machine, and its activation button is still far away in the city of Titans on the Northrend continent.

Even if you get the button, you still have to get a high enough authority in the Titan Guardian system, and contact the observers specially stationed in this star field by the Pantheon to confirm and verify the order before you can issue the order to destroy the world.

To be honest, after such a set of tedious procedures has been completed, Bu Laike can already think of several more convenient plans for annihilation. Of course, the order for annihilation in the Titan system is just the beginning.

After the completion of the first stage of annihilation, there will also be a second stage of world restart. According to the blueprint planned by the Titans, the restarted world will be directly sent to the most perfect civilization seeding stage, keeping Azeroth away from all dark and evil things. Restart a new story in this corner of the stars.

And the crooked ways that Bu Laike can think of don't have the restart function. They belong to a one-time "flexible plan to destroy the world", the kind that can be thrown away when it is used up.

Good kids, don't learn it.

With such a boring fantasy of annihilating the world, Bo Laike walks on the weathered but still magnificent golden staircase with a pipe in his mouth.

He felt the dense and rising Titan energy around him, and felt Xal'atath who was hiding in the depths of his heart, looking left and right curiously, and trembling.

It's rare to see the always bold Void Essence look so timid.

But there's no need to mock her either.

After all, there are at least five guys here who can crush her, just like a fat little pig happily opened the door and saw a tiger, a lion and a wolf sitting on the table playing mahjong. scene.

That's really eye-catching.

If Bu Laike were her, Bu Laike would also be afraid, for the sake of survival, there is no shame in cowarding.

"I'm going to find Odin, you take my tide stone to the lower temple to recharge it."

The pirate stretched his neck, turned his head and said to the silent Valkyrie behind him:

"Be careful when charging, the Tidal Stone has been broken, it can't withstand too much Titan energy, if there is an explosion in this place"

He made an explosive gesture, intentionally intimidating:

"We're all done, and Odin can't escape! So, in theory, the survival of this world is in your hands. I'm not trying to scare you, this stubborn golden lady who doesn't want to be named.

But for the sake of the safety of this world, please be cautious and remember to handle it with care. "

(end of this chapter)

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