Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1079 175. I Have A Bold Idea

Chapter 1079 175. I Have a Bold Idea

The pirates finished scaring the Valkyrie, and watched the golden big sister leave with the Tidal Stone in a cautious attitude as if she was holding a nuclear warhead that would explode at any time.

He let out a nasty laugh.

The Xal'atath in him laughed equally vilely.

How can a Titan holy object be so easy to explode?

Even if the Tidal Stone is broken, its excellent quality forged by the Titans can guarantee that it will not lose control of its energy.

This wave is just Bo Laike's bad taste, deliberately molesting the rigid Valkyrie, as a punishment for her stern face and not chatting with herself along the way.

After laughing, Laike strode up the stairs leading to the upper level of the temple, and under the watchful eye of a large, overly stony titan-forged, he made his way to the high-tech elevator.

He also made a friendly gesture of goodbye to the guardian stone statue full of scorching light all over his body.

That thing is a demigod powered by titan energy!

Obviously, the titan guardians also knew the importance of this place, and they sent the most powerful and powerful creations to guard here to ensure that even if the ignorant entered the temple by mistake, it would not cause trouble.

Using a demigod construct to guard the gate also proves the tyrannical combat power system inside the Temple of Origin. At least with the current Bu Laike, it is completely impossible to force it here.

He can't even sneak here.

He can feel that the shadow power here is controlled by a more powerful individual, and any shadow rhythm will be sensed and restrained, and the void energy is as difficult to flow as if suppressed in this place.

The same goes for arcane magic, fully manipulated by someone more powerful.

Including the structure at the door that uses the light-like power, the hall of origin is clearly planned and deployed with the respective bearers of the six original forces.

Their strength is above that of the demigods, which ensures that they have the ability to guard the temple.

This is also very likely to be the place with the highest power level and challenge level in the entire Azeroth world except for Ulduar, the city of creation on the Northrend continent.

But given the importance here, there's nothing wrong with this arrangement.

Xalatas became much quieter after seeing this frightening battle. She tried her best to hide herself so as not to be caught and beat up.

With the rapid rise of the Titan Black Technology elevator, the pirates also saw the earlier structure inside the temple.

Many thick glass-like ducts are juxtaposed in the inner layer of the temple, filled with mysterious blue Titan energy flowing like a liquid, and some huge facilities are arranged and operated.

The operation of those gears, levers and large instruments makes this place full of a sense of mystery and futuristic technology, and it is very similar to some configurations that pirates have seen in the city of Mechagon.

A large part of the black technology of the mechanical gnomes comes from here, and those guys learned it secretly.

Even the production principle of their big killer homing bomb comes from a parody of the Hall of Origin, but it has to be said that the gnomes are indeed the smartest guys in Titan's creation.

If humans or dwarves sneaked in here, they would definitely not be able to learn these things that seem to make people's brains hurt.

This wave belongs to the addition of ancestral blood.


The crystal clear elevator stopped firmly in the "Throne Hall" on the highest floor of the temple, and the pirate who was holding a dwarf camera around to take pictures saw Odin's huge figure at a glance.

"Come here, Laike, and let me introduce you to my mighty brethren."

The Lord of War looked in a good mood, and he summoned the pirates to come over. As Bu Laike approached, he also saw four huge stone thrones in front of Odin.

And the four titan guardians sitting on the throne.

They have bodies that are not quite similar to Odin, each with a different appearance and lingering light of power due to the power they control.

Pirates are familiar with each of them.

He knows the power they have.

But now he has to pretend not to know, let Odin introduce him.

"Ansher, the power of brilliance, Ishset, the power of magic, Amne, the power of life, and Setesh, the power of chaos, these four are powerful warriors born in the furnace of will in Ulduar.

They made great contributions in the battle of masters, and were given a more important mission by my brother Rai.

In the past countless years, they have silently guarded the furnace of origin. They are synonymous with loyalty and strength, and they are the backbone of the Titan Guardians.

I've talked to all four of my brothers.

They are willing to help restore the strength of Valarjar Fortress, and are willing to participate in our cause of liberating Ulduar, the city of titans, if necessary.

Ah, it's a pleasure to see my brothers again after a long time in prison. I'm in a trance and returned to the time when I worked with my brothers in Ulduar. A day that people miss. "

Odin spoke the names of the four in front of him according to their identities.

Every time he said one, a titan stood up and said hello to Bo Laike.

The Lord of War has told his companions about the magic of Bu Laike, so that these proud guardians also think that the pirates in front of them are a help to the Titan's cause rather than a threat.

However, compared with Odin, the four Titan creations in front of him seemed a little silent.

They fit well with the ascetic qualities of the Secret Guardians, acting like real gods when sitting still.

These guys are the second tier in the titan guardian system, the commanders of titan creations under the guardian, and their identity is lower than Odin, the "limited edition figurines" made by the titans themselves .

But although the status is lower, the strength is not weak.

They examine Bo Laike.

Perhaps they are using their unique way of communication to share their views on the pirate in front of them. Among the four Titan creations, it is obvious that the "Sun God" Anshe, who is surrounded by scorching light all over his body, is the leader.

This guy is the sun god in the Tauren legend, wearing a huge golden mask with the head of a bull-headed eagle, and holding a glorious giant sword completely cast by flames in his hand.

Its shape is also very consistent with the tauren's description and praise of him.

To be honest, there is indeed a majesty of a god.

However, Mr. Odin, your feeling is a bit too much, right?

What does it feel like to be back in the good old days?

Why are you "self-exiled" out of Ulduar, don't you have any clues in your mind? The other guardians don't like the stubborn and assertive you back then.

Of course, such complaints cannot be uttered. Exposing the black history of the past can easily anger the face-saving Odin, and let the Lord of War pull out Gungnir and shoot him on the spot.

So in Xalatas' rant, the pirate who was full of desire to survive changed the subject sensibly, and he said:

"I saw the tol'vir outside clearing the desert of qiraji, did they used to harass the halls of origin?"

"More often than you think, Bo Laike."

When Ansher, the sun god, heard this question, he sighed, and he said in the tone of a titan:

"After the catastrophe of the Guardians falling apart, the Old Gods have been trying to break free from their cages and seize power, and the Forge of Origins has always been its coveted target.

Unable to leave the fallen temples of Ahn'Qiraj by itself, it sent its vile swarms to pierce the desert barriers of Silithus and Uldum.

Its swarms have fought the loyal tol'vir for millennia.

The cataclysm of time devastated its swarm, forcing it to live in peace for thousands of years, but as the qiraji repopulated, its vile infestation intensified once again.

The native tol'vir are overwhelmed. "

"Yes, the tol'vir are loyal, but the curse of flesh has weakened their strength."

Another gray-blue female titan, who has the appearance of a Vrykul woman and looks a bit like Hela, also said:

"We can see the efforts of the tol'vir to protect the holy land, but we are limited by our duties and cannot directly help them, we can only give them some power again.

However, the hidden dangers brought about by the curse of flesh and blood are a big problem."

The female titan Setesh, who controls the power of Chaos and Void, looked at the pirates with a strange gaze. Her eyes shone with purple light, as if she could see through the real situation of the pirates.

she says:

"The inability to dispel the curse means that the titan-forged will remain weak. Facing the repeated attacks of the swarm, the tol'vir suffered heavy losses. From this point of view, we should thank you for your dedication, Laike.

Your wisdom shines in Silithus, like the brilliance of a thousand suns, dispelling the shadow brought by the Qiraji Empire to the holy land of origin, you fulfilled the duties of your ancestors, defended the safety of the holy land in critical times, and served the world order has contributed.

Before your arrival, we were discussing the reward for you with Lord Odin.

I sense the power of the void in your body, she seems to be talking to you, maybe bewitching you. If you want, I can help you get rid of it, so that you can regain the purity of mind and body. "

"Uh, can I change a reward?"

Bu Laike rubbed his forehead, raised his hand and said:

"Although I know that it is dangerous to touch the void, I am used to this kind of power, and getting rid of it will make me weak. But the four adults want to reward me, if I don't want it, it will appear that I don't know the importance.

So, I ask for another reward. "

As he spoke, the pirate took out his unfinished Titan good luck dice from his arms, and said:

"I have always admired the power of the Titan Guardians, and I am collecting such power so that I can better serve the great cause of the Titan Guardians.

I have been very lucky to have collected the power of Lord Tyr and Odin, maybe I can also receive the blessings of the four here today, making me stronger. "

"The humble request of a warrior can certainly be granted!"

The sun god Anshe laughed and stood up. He said to his three brothers and sisters:

"I don't think this kind of reward is worthy of your contribution at all, but if that's what you want, then we will give you that."

Under the expectant gaze of the pirates, the four titans raised their hands, turning their respective powers into four different beams of light and injecting them into the pirate's good luck dice.

On Bu Laike's character card, the entry belonging to the Titan's lucky dice is changing rapidly:

Name: Bo Laike's Titan Lucky Dice

Quality: Unfinished [6/12]

Item effects:

1. Justice: slightly

2. War: a little

3. Brilliance:

Flip the dice, there is a 1/12 chance to get the effect of [Anshe·Bright Power], after the effect takes effect, it will be strengthened by Anshe's divine power.

Every attack of yours will be accompanied by the effect of [Scorching Sun Strike], applying [Solar Storm] group burning to the opponent. This burning effect can only be blocked by the weakening of divine power, and it will cause real damage to all magic protection.

After the effect of [Scorching Sun Strike] ends, apply [Sun Blessing] to yourself and the opponent, dispelling all negative effects and recovering 100% of HP.

The destructive power of this effect is greatly enhanced for creatures of chaotic alignment.

There is no limit to the healing power of this effect, but it can only take effect once each time [Anshe · Power of Radiance] is triggered.

4. Magic:

Flip the dice, there is a 1/12 chance to get the effect of [Ishset Magical Power], after the effect takes effect, it will be strengthened by Ishset's divine power.

Every ten attacks you make will trigger a [Meteor Shower], bombarding all enemies within 300 yards of you as the center of the circle, the destructive power of the meteorite depends on your upper limit of magic control.

This destructive effect ignores any shields that absorb damage.

The destructive power of this effect is greatly enhanced for creatures of chaotic alignment.

This effect can be further strengthened as [Loken Magic Power].

5. Life:

Flip the dice, there is a 1/12 chance to get the effect of [Amne Life Force], after the effect takes effect, it will be strengthened by the power of Amne.

You are endowed with [Vampiric Aura], which allows you and your teammates to absorb the vitality of the enemy every time they attack, and has a chance to apply [Wither] effect to the enemy, reducing the enemy's attack and casting speed by 60%, and slowing down the movement speed 60%.

The destructive power of this effect is greatly enhanced for creatures of chaotic alignment.

This effect can be further strengthened into [Freya: Power of Life].

6. Chaos:

Flip the dice, and there is a 1/12 chance to get the effect of [Saetxu·Power of Chaos].

When this effect is triggered, all your attacks will be converted into [Chaos Damage], ignoring any defense, causing full real damage, and applying [Chaos Beacon] to the enemy, making them unable to receive any healing effects.

The destructive power of this effect is greatly enhanced for creatures of chaotic alignment.

Item description:



The smelly pirate let out a cheer of joy.

Although there are still six sides of the Titan Lucky Dice in front of me that have not been strengthened, it has changed from an unhealthy toy to a good thing that can be used in battle.

Every time you roll the dice, there is a 1/2 chance to get a very good enhancement, which will effectively enhance the already terrifying combat effectiveness of Bu Laike.

Of course, he didn't come here today just to receive rewards, so after the strengthening of the good luck dice, Bu Laike raised his head, cleared his throat, and explained his real purpose to Odin and the four titans in front of him:

"Everyone, in order to better protect the furnace of origin and deal with the threat brought by the Burning Legion, as a mortal, I have a great plan to get permission from the five."

Odin laughed when he heard this.

He said:

"Speak, Laike, let me see what kind of surprise you have prepared for this world. If it can really strengthen Azeroth's power against the demonic threat, we will definitely assist with all our strength."

The other four titans also stared at Laike, waiting for the pirates to reveal their plans.

Seeing that the King of War is so condescending today, Bu Laike couldn't help coughing, waved his hands modestly, and said softly:

"Actually, my idea is very simple. I just want to break the seal of the sky wall in the sky of Uldum and release the wind rider Al'Akir."


Before he finished speaking, he was blocked by Odin's lightning spear and Ansher's brilliant sword in the explosion of giant blades. The remaining three titans also mobilized their power and pulled Laike into the sky.

In an instant, he fell into the predicament of being besieged by five demigods. As long as he couldn't say a word, his evil life would be over today.

"I'll give you another chance to explain! Bu Laike Shaw!"

Odin stared at Bu Laike with one eye, and the Lord of War said in a low tone, word for word:

"Tell me about your plan again, what are you going to do?"

"Be careful, human."

The sun god also discouraged:

"Form your language carefully."

"Don't be so excited."

The pirate who was imprisoned by the five divine powers rolled his eyes.

He didn't make any resistance, but just elongated his voice and said helplessly:

"At least let me finish talking before doing it, okay?

In your eyes, am I just a life-or-death bastard? Even if you don't trust my loyalty and integrity, you must at least trust my evil wisdom, right?

While I'm about to unleash the Guardian's enemies, trust me, it's for your own good.

Give me some time and let me convince you, okay? "

(end of this chapter)

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