Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1080 176. Today's Wisdom Can Be Summed Up As Follows: Treat Guests, Behead Them, And Ac

Chapter 1080 176. Today's wisdom can be summed up as follows: treat guests, behead them, and accept them as dogs

In front of the five titan guardians, the pirate said that he wanted to open the cage of the elemental realm.

What's even more exaggerated is that Odin personally instructed Hela to build the elemental territory back then, and the elemental monarchs who were imprisoned in it were defeated and sealed by these guys in front of them.

This is equivalent to saying in front of the jailer that he will release the most vicious prisoner.

Odin didn't stab the stinky pirate to death immediately, and gave him a chance to defend himself, which fully demonstrated the Lord of War's trust in Laike.

This trust was based on the collapse of Hell, the death of Hela, and the fact that Ke'suen had just been killed by the two together, and a series of victories served as a foreshadowing.

But this trust is still not enough to make Odin lose his mind and blindly support any suggestion made by Bu Laike.

From this point of view, Laike is still a little far from "domesticating" the Lord of War. He must use his extraordinary wisdom to continue to influence Odin to make trust blind.

It's hard to do that.

But it wasn't impossible for Bou Laike.

He's had a lot of people start following him blindly, and now it's time to do it again.

But right now, what he has to do is to convince the five furious titans in front of him, lest he suffer some unreasonable disasters. You know, after C'Thun's death, its cage has been repaired and emptied.

Perfect for holding a Void Forerunner as heinous as the Stinky Pirate.

Once the Titan Guardians do this, there will definitely be many people applauding.

"You heard me right, I do want to release Al'Akir the Wind Rider, but not out of my personal desire, but to fight against the great cause of the Burning Legion."

Bu Laike, restrained in midair by the power of three titans, spoke eloquently.

He didn't seem to care about his current bad situation at all, as long as the three titans restraining him exerted a little force, he would suffer extreme pain.

If they had pushed harder, he might have been torn apart.

But the pirate's voice remained steady.

He said to Odin who could make up his mind:

"I've done this once before, when I unleashed Neptulon, the Lord of Water Elementals, and His Excellency the Lord of War witnessed the entire battle in Kul Tiras.

I have proven that elemental monarchs can contribute to the cause we carry out.

They really are a bunch of disorderly bastards.

But disorder means that they are natural scumbags, and they will help whoever is stronger. Just give them a push, and they can move in the right direction.

Neptulon can help us fight the ancient gods, why can't Al'Akir help us fight demons?

They are elemental monarchs.

They can exert their power anywhere in the material world, and this world is their home field, where demons can only be slaughtered by them.

With all due respect and bluntness, the Lord of War, they can play a role in large-scale wars, even more useful than the Heroic Legion under your command. "

Bu Laike didn't blush, but said with a glib tongue:

"Not only will I release Al'Akir, but I will also release Therazane the Stonemother in Maraudon, the earth elemental fortress in Desolace, and I will bring the elemental army back to Azeroth.

The return of the elemental monarch will bring Azeroth into a glorious era of elemental echoes. Any race and civilization with shamanic heritage will produce a large number of elemental power users in a very short period of time.

This will greatly enhance the world's 'anti-risk ability'.

The power of the magic net will also be enhanced by the active elements, and the casters will be strengthened accordingly.

It's a great plan.

I don't think you have any reason to object to it.

Everyone's goal is the same, and dealing with the Burning Legion's attack is the most important thing right now. As for the troubles caused by the activity of the elemental monarch, we can wait until the disaster of the devil is eliminated before making plans.

Even if it takes ten thousand steps back, if the elements have trouble in the future, wouldn't there be you.

You could have captured them alive millions of years ago when they were void-enhanced in their full glory, and you can do the same now. In the face of the great enemy, it is not at all in line with the wisdom of the victor to allow the powerful forces to be idle. "

After Bo Laike finished speaking, the entire throne room fell into an eerie silence.

Although the sun god An She knew that the stinky pirates were nonsense, he felt that what the pirates said made sense. He looked at the chief manager Odin, whose one-eyed eyes were still shining with anger.

Lord of War says:

"When Neptulon was released, I was still in prison for a long time, and I was powerless to stop it. Facts have proved that the Tide Hunter did make the right choice with your advice.

I admit that the existence of the Hydraxian Water Elemental Legion is now beneficial to this world.

But you can't transfer the experience of the lord of the water element to the wind rider. Al'Akir is different from Neptulon, he is an unreasonable lunatic! "

"That's right, Master Odin is right!"

The female titan Setesh of the Power of Chaos nodded and said:

"I still remember that during the battle of the master, I followed the leader Lai to fight against the strong wind. While fighting with us, the crazy wind rider also sent his own army of endless winds to attack the territories of the other three elemental monarchs .

It is not the most powerful of the elemental monarchs.

But it is definitely the most concentrated expression of the chaotic nature of elemental creatures that is naturally disordered.

I may accept the reappearance of Neptulon, but I can't trust Al'Akir, whose temperament is as unpredictable as the wind, and it is very likely that he will defect to the enemy at a critical moment."

"To whom did it betray?"

Bu Laike rolled his eyes and asked:

"As the basis of the existence of Azeroth's reality, Al'Akir's madness also has a bottom line. Once this world is over, they will also perish.

Will the Burning Legion give up destroying the world just because they want the allegiance of an air elemental lord?

The demons are in awe of Sargeras to the depths of their souls, and the Dark Titan wants Azeroth to fall apart. Who dares to play tricks under such an order? When we face other enemies, we may have to worry about the backstab from Al'Akir.

But the devil.

Humph, their ferocity will calm the Restless Wind.

The most important thing is that my idea is based on my understanding of 'command' and 'control'. In my opinion, command is what you tell the cannon fodder to do.

And control means that you can restrict what your subordinates don't do.

Treat a guy like Al'Akir, let's not control it! We just need to be able to command it, and that's easy to do in the context of a demonic infestation.

Of course, of course, I know that you, being creatures of order, are tired of such uncontrollable factors, and you want to see everything under control.

So I also prepared a backup plan.

Please release me first, please? "

The pirate moved his bound body and said:

"If I want to escape from the eyes of the five of you, I must at least be twice as strong as I am now, and if I want to assassinate you, I must at least gain three times the strength.

I am like an ant that can be crushed to death in front of you, why should I be so serious?

put me down.

I will show you the source of confidence that I can control the walls of the sky. "

Bu Laike looked at Odin and said:

"Don't you want to see your most loyal think tank dare to risk his life to make this deadly proposal in front of you?

Give me some confidence, okay?

Lord Odin, I will not let you lose face in front of my brothers. "


Odin retracted the lightning-wound Gungnir spear.

He gestured to the three Laike-bound titans behind him, and the next moment, the lingering divine power was withdrawn, and the pirate rolled in the air and landed on the ground.

He exaggeratedly wiped the non-existent sweat on his forehead, took out another item from the bag, and presented his hands in front of the titans.

The Eternal Prison that imprisoned Sunderland the Windchaser was sent to eye level with the five titans in the levitation that Bo Laike used magic.

The faint whisper of the wind surged in this sacred hall, representing the unyielding and resistance of a tenacious element for millions of years.

"This is Sunderland?"

Setesh, the power of chaos who had personally participated in the battle to seal Al'Akir, blinked. This titan with a female Vrykul face quickly recognized the elemental aura in the cage.

She said in a surprised tone:

"Sunderland the Windchaser, Prince and General of the Air Elemental, was defeated and killed in battle with the Fire Elemental before we launched our attack on the Elemental Sovereign.

It is precisely because of its death in battle that the Sky Wall and the Land of Fire have become endless enemies.

Fantastic Bu Laike Shaw, where did you find it? "

"The point is not how I found it, the point is that I have already started preparing to resurrect Sunderland with another demigod of wind element."

Bu Laike snapped his fingers and said to the titans in front of him:

"The initiative of this project rests with me, gentlemen.

This is my 'backup', if I release Al'Akir, but the Wind Rider still has the same bad temper and is unwilling to give his strength for this world, then we can."

Pirates didn't say so.

But under his dark expression, he made a gesture of reaching out and cutting across.

Its meaning is self-evident.

He said:

"It is said that Sunderland is a very peaceful and wise Prince of Wind, and even after millions of years, there are still loyal ministers serving him, which shows that it has an extremely deep influence in the wall of the sky.

If its father is unreasonable, we can push it to the top.

The Skywall will return to the material world, Azeroth will be protected by the Legion of the Restless Wind, the shamans of the world will rejoice, and our odds will increase.

Everyone will be satisfied, except Al'Akir, but who cares about the feelings of an old lunatic who can't even see the situation clearly? Do you care?

I don't care anyway! "

The pirate spread out his hands and said to the Lord of War and his brothers and sisters:

"I believe that the Windchaser will not let us down, just like I will not let you down. How about it? Everyone, can my plan still catch your eyes?"

Sun God An She looked at his three compatriots, and he saw hesitation.

He looked at Odin again.

The anger in the one-eyed eyes of the always decisive Lord of War had turned to admiration and satisfaction, and it was clear that the insolence of arranging the throne of an Elemental Sovereign was to the gallant warrior's liking.

A face-saving guy like Odin certainly believed in his heart that, as the leader of the Titan Guardians, he had enough authority to arrange such a "abolishment".

He didn't even have to do it himself.

All he needs to do is sit on his golden throne and gesture to his think tank, and the wall of the sky thousands of miles away will change the dynasty due to his will!

That's the taste, that's right.

"very good!"

This is what Odin had to say about Bu Laike's plan.

The pirate also smiled with satisfaction, which was exactly what he wanted to hear, which meant that he had the full support of the Lord of War and the four guards of the Forge of Origin.

"Then, there is one last thing, all guardians."

Bu Laike retracted the core of the wind chaser. He spread his hands and said to everyone in front of him:

"In order to better control the direction of the situation, and to lure Al'Akir away from his Fengshen Throne at a critical moment, I need one last thing before opening the sky wall.

And it's hidden somewhere in this great desert.

The greatest blacksmiths in tol'vir history have used the power of the wind to strengthen the weapons they forge, and as far as I know, one of these weapons has been infused with the essence of the wind that belongs to Al'Akir.

As the creation of the unruly wind, it destroyed a city of the tol'vir when it was born, and set off a violent wind and dust to bury it forever under the great desert.

It disappeared into history along with its forger, but the tol'vir have always had a tradition of remembering history. I believe that the wisest priests among them must still keep the whereabouts of the weapon.

I need them to open up this secret to me.

I want to get it! Use this as a means to check and balance Al'Akir.

But the tol'vir are as stubborn as stones, probably because they were born from stones, and they only obey the will of their gods.

I need the order of the sun god and the other three guardians, the only way for the tol'vir to cooperate.

Also, I have an army of mechagnomes working to return to the titan-forged form. Their ancestors slipped into the furnace of origin to learn the knowledge, but they didn't learn the truth of the titans.

I want you to give them a chance to come back here and learn the truths they didn't know.

This is also very important to us. "

The stinky pirate thought about it and added:

"As far as I know, the local tol'vir have been looking for a way to get rid of the curse of flesh, and maybe my mechanical gnomes can give them a chance to realize their dreams.

Once the tol'vir were freed from the curse of flesh and returned to a more powerful form of pure titan-forged form, the Forge of Origination would also be better protected.

It does you no harm. "

"Mechanical gnome?"

Sun God An She was stunned for a moment, he looked at his brothers and sisters, and said:

"Speaking of which, I seem to remember that many years ago, the temple encountered an invasion, and many bold little men dug tunnels and slipped into the temple, and they almost caused a moderate energy out-of-control crisis.

I thought Anhur melted them all.

Unexpectedly, they escaped. "

The other three titans were also amazed at this. Of course they were bored guarding the Hall of Origin for many years, and any small matter could be discussed for a long time.

And Odin, after hearing Bu Laike's words, asked:

"Is Dai Lin's change just because of?"

"um, yes."

Bo Laike nodded.

The Lord of War thought for a moment, and said:

"Then let those magical mechanical gnomes try it. If they can indeed remove the curse of mortal flesh and blood without affecting the soul, it is not a bad thing."

"Then carry out your plan, Bu Laike, we look forward to hearing from you."

(end of this chapter)

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