Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1081 177. Can You Stop My Fist With Millions Of Years Of Skill?

Chapter 1081 177. Can you stop my fist with millions of years of skill?

Bu Laike received the guardian's token in the Hall of Origination, which made his subsequent communication with the tol'vir very smooth.

These brave big cats are very obedient to the instructions of their gods. Although they are afraid of the legendary weapon that brought disaster to their people, after hearing that this matter is related to the great cause of the Titans, the sun priest They immediately dispatched guides to lead the pirates to the depths of the desert where the cursed weapon was buried.

Bo Laike rode on the back of the winged tol'vir warrior, being carried across the sand by the flying cat.

The two weapons were buried in the barren dunes far from the city, a testament to the tol'vir's resentment towards it.

"I heard that the legendary blacksmith Irmaat who forged the 'Fist of the Heavens' is a household name in your race, and that blacksmith who was proficient in legendary skills also forged other magical weapons in his life.

Are they all in tol'vir hands now? "

Clutching the big cat's warm gray mane, Bo Laike asked in the wind.

And the big cat warrior wearing the traditional tol'vir mask of a dog's head or a jackal's head did not hide it. He used a strange six-point sunglasses to distinguish the direction, and replied in a low voice:

"Yes, the four scimitars of the wind left by Lord Ilmaat are sacred objects handed down by the tol'vir. It is said that the four knives contain the essence of the four wind lords of the sky wall.

A samurai who wields them can easily summon the power of the storm to crush the enemy.

Our three clans of the tol'vir each keep one of them.

The royal family of Ramkahen has the cold North Wind Blade, the Osis clan who guards the secret treaty has the extremely poisonous West Wind Blade, and the cunning but rich Neferset clan has the Nan Feng Blade that calls lightning. .

It's a pity that the most powerful blade of the east wind, which represented the rough desert hot wind, had perished in this vast desert along with Lord Irmaat's tragic defeat, along with his clan.

We also call it 'Hot Air Scimitar'.

Every year, groups of young lads cross the desert in an attempt to retrieve the powerful Scimitar, but unfortunately none of them can get their wish.

The sun priests said that it was the will of fate, and they wanted the three major tribes of the tol'vir to be vigilant and teach them a lesson.

Fanatical pursuit of uncontrollable power will lead to a tragic end like Lord Irmaat.

If a wise and powerful legend like him cannot resist the calamity of greed, then ordinary people like us should remain in awe of power. "

"I don't think Irmat's adventure failed because he was too greedy, and I don't think a legendary warrior like you can call himself an 'ordinary person'."

Laike scoffs at the notion that it's all down to fate.

Scanning the desert around him, he gave a small flattering compliment to the valiant tol'vir warrior who carried him in flight, and said:

"He was just unprepared, too reckless. The victory over the Lord of the Four Winds made him float, and he didn't realize that Al'Akir and the Lord of the Four Winds were completely different opponents.

He should be more cautious.

In other words, the lesson you can learn from the story of Ilmater should not be to restrain the pursuit of desire, but to learn the wisdom of perfection in order to grasp the veins of fate. "

"Perhaps, traveler."

The tol'vir cat didn't argue with the pirates, saying:

"I think what you said makes sense. This may be the wisdom that fate gave me today. I'm going to send you down. The Fist of the Heavens is buried in the ruins of the sand dunes in front of it. land of doom.

There lies the city of an entire tribe of ours and all their dead, and no one will come near it.

So you have to walk the rest of the way by yourself.

Fist of the Heavens

Take it with you.

Take it away from this desert forever, and take its curse and disaster away from here. "

"Wow, you guys are really generous."

Bu Laike rubbed his hands and said:

"Other civilizations will not hand over such sacred objects, although you don't know much about me, but please believe me, you have already obtained my goodwill.

When my mechanical gnome subordinates figure out a way to get rid of the curse of flesh and blood, I guarantee that this service will only charge you the lowest price.

This is my kind response to your generosity. "

"If you can really remove the curse of flesh and blood on us, believe me, traveler named Braike Shaw, we tol'vir will give you all the treasures in this desert."

The tol'vir warrior laughed and fell to the ground.

He handed the six-point sunglasses in his hand to Bo Laike, gave him a traditional blessing ceremony, and turned and flapped his wings to leave the desert.

"That's what you said yourself."

Bo Laike watched the tol'vir warrior fly into the sky. He played with the sunglasses in his hand and said:

"At that time, I will ask you for money, so don't refuse to give it. Oh, I forgot to ask your name, but the sun priest told me that you are also a powerful person."

The pirate looked at the sunglasses in his hand, and found a line of inscriptions at the bottom, with the name of the owner of the mirror written on it.


Bu Laike read the inscription, rubbing his chin and saying:

"In human language, this word should be translated as 'Sunkeeper', well, it is a good name for the tol'vir who worship the sun, moon and stars."

The stinky pirate gave a compliment, then picked up the sextant mirror and walked into the sand dunes in front of him.

Relying on this exquisite tool, he quickly found the ruins of buried weapons with the traces of sunlight differentiation, then summoned his own demon servants, pointed to the ground and said to the crazy and violent Clin Fran:

"Here it is! Dig hard!"

The devil really wanted to complain.

But it didn't want to offend its increasingly powerful master, so it could only drop its berserk magic battle axe, grab the shovel, and start digging downwards.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Bu Laike took out the emblem of the lamp god and kept rubbing it, and soon summoned the lamp god Al Abbas to this desert.

Djinn appeared in the wind as before.

But this time, it didn't immediately salute to Bu Laike. Instead, it looked around, and soon turned its attention to the desert in the distance. In the sound of the wind blowing the woods, it said with emotion:

"Well, Uldum, where endless secrets are buried, I haven't been to the land closest to the wall of the sky in this material world for many years. You summoned me, do you have good news to tell me? My dear collaborator .”


Bu Laike coughed and said to the Djinn:

"I have explained our plan to the Lord of War and his Titan Protector brothers, and they have expressed their approval. And promised to help us kill the crazy Al'Akir when necessary, and aid the Windchaser to become the new Fengshen.

I want to tell you the good news. By the way, how is your plan going? "

"Everything is going well, my friend."

The lamp god let out a deep laugh and said triumphantly:

"Your pirate friend Gaboa is very similar to you, but he is not you after all. He is not that difficult to deal with. After I told him that I could take him to the whirling cloud peak, he immediately chose to cooperate with me.

I have given him the Vial of Resurrection.

He is heading towards this sea area and will arrive here tomorrow.

He will help us kill Al'Akir's henchmen, collect enough Essence of Air, and take on the evil deed of assassinating Air Elemental subjects.

I know, he must have his own little abacus,

But I don't care, you promised him to deal with you, so I will not consider the threat he poses, which is something you need to consider.

Also, the blacksmith you recommended is amazing.

The dwarf named Bronzebeard has forged the prototype of the Quiet Wind Blade in the Sunwell, and soon, the elemental holy blade of the Windchaser will be ready.

We'll be able to wake him up soon. "

"I have to say, it's been a real pleasure working with you."

Bo Laike whistled and said:

"I will meet up with Gaboa tomorrow, and secretly guarantee that my ambitious colleague will fulfill his agreement, and we will not be involved in the negotiations between Al'Akir and the Titan Guardians afterwards.

When their negotiations break down, it will be the time for His Highness the Wind Chaser to become the God of Wind. And with Al'Akir's uncertainty and insanity, it's only a matter of time before the negotiations break down. "

"Well, I never doubted that."

The lamp god nodded.

It discussed some details with Bu Laike, and then decided to leave and continue working.

It is very busy now, and the priesthood of the god of trading is restraining it. But just as Al Abbas was about to leave, the demon digging nearby finally dug out what Laike wanted.

It was a weapon box that was sealed layer by layer. Bu Laike grabbed the floating Saramani next to him and slashed down with precision, splitting the weapon box open.

The moment it was opened, a gust of wind swirled in the desert ruins, rapidly increasing its power, intending to set off a big explosion here.

In response to the return of the Cursed Blade.

"Fist of the Heavens?"

The Djinn immediately exclaimed when he saw a pair of tol'vir-style fist blades in the box.

It waved its claws, and with the power of being a demigod of the wind element, it forcibly broke up the surging storm around it, and said to Bu Laike in a tone of regret in the splash of quicksand:

"Oh, if I knew you could find this pair of fist blades, we wouldn't have to let Bronzebeard forge the Blade of Calm Wind, these pair of fist blades are also elemental holy blades.

Although it is difficult for them to fully match the power of His Highness the Windchaser. "

"You have a good idea, why would I just give it up to other people? This is an extremely fast weapon, most suitable for assassins.

After Saramani became Soul Blade, I'm short of melee weapons. "

Bu Laike laughed a few times, and stretched out his hand to grab the two strange-shaped fist blades in the box. These things are not so much fist blades, but more like punches.

It is in the shape of a wide triangle as a whole, with sharp edges and a split center like a tuning fork. The handle is at the back, and the elemental energy gathered by the light blue gust core flows inside, making its surface covered with fine lightning.

When the pirate holds it, you can feel the wind around it.

This power is not tame.

It does not belong to Bu Laike yet, the master of this power is not dead, it is still remotely controlling the pair of fist blades to punish these madmen who covet the unruly wind.

"You get them, but you don't get all of them."

Djinn looked at Bo Laike swinging that fist and hitting a cool combo on the spot, it shook his head and said:

"Infused with the power of the Wind Rider, it won't allow you to mobilize the Unbridled Winds unless you kill Al'Akir and take the power for yourself.

After seeing you get them, I have a new appreciation for your determination.

How about this, I have been thinking about how to repay your help, and it is difficult for me to find a trading item that satisfies your desire. I can help you reshape this pair of legendary fist blades into the most suitable form for you to fight .

It is the Elemental Holy Blade.

It can change posture.

As a wind element, I can help you, do you need it? "


It is impossible for Bu Laike to let go of the benefit of being delivered to the door. He looked at the two fists in his hand, thought for a moment, and said:

"Forge it into a glove.

Allows me to hold them tightly for boxing, allows me to use weapons while wearing them, and attaches the wind force to other weapons. "

"This is very simple."

The Djinn stretched out its claws and held the Fist of the Heavens in Bu Laike's hand. When it was using its wind power, Bu Laike could clearly feel the changing posture of the elemental holy blade in his hand.

As if it had melted, it covered the hands of the pirates. The icy sharp blade was changing, and soon cooled to a shape as cold as a steel rock.

It wraps around the pirate's cane and fingers, forming a seemingly heavy but still very light shape, just like a boxing glove with split fingers. When the pirate closes his five fingers, there are blue lightning splashes.

On the backs of the two fists, the emblem of the wind element is constantly rotating, as if the power of the wind is really clenched.

"Yes, I am very satisfied."

Bu Laike clenched the big fists of both hands, put them in front of him and bumped them a few times.

Pulling out the dazzling lightning brilliance, he loosened his five fingers and clasped Salamani beside him. The moment he clenched the hilt, the power of the lightning soared to the blade.

"Itchy, itchy! Hate this feeling! Stay away from us!"

But his sword girl quickly expressed dissatisfaction.

In the two-channel screams of the two sword girls, they flew out of Bu Laike's big gauntlet. Obviously, Sharator and Eremeni didn't like being covered by the gauntlet covered with wind power. The feeling of holding.

The pirate put the gloves in front of his eyes, and the character card quickly gave the entry:

Name: Fist of the Heavens

Quality: Excellent · Legendary [Power Seal]

Attribute: [Curse of the Wind Rider · Invisible]

Item description:

Even if you hold it, it still does not belong to you. Al'Akir is eager to regain his power. You have become a stumbling block for the wind rider. Be careful of the cold wind blowing behind you.

"Woohoo, I'm not going to die with Al'Akir now, this hatred will make my allies trust me more, and it will also bring me new strength after the death of His Majesty the Wind God.

This is the reward I am longing for. Who would despise their magical weapons? "

Bu Laike raised the simple but cute big fist gloves in his hands, did a classic Hulk move, and then threw them back into the bag.

He dismissed his demon with a wave of his hand, and threw a Shadow Fury to smash the excavated traces. In the sudden wind and sand, he turned back and said to the lamp god:

"I can't wait to see the scene of the Wind Rider's defeat, so, can you send me a ride? My friend, send me to the Reaper in Gaboa.

Do me another favor by the way.

On my ship, there is a stupid blue dragon Little Xingxing who sent her and her loyal bodyguard.

Although I am serving the great cause of His Royal Highness the Windchaser, I would also like to satisfy my friend's small career by the way, as part of the reward for my loyal service. "

"Of course, your request will be granted."

The lamp god said indifferently:

"His Highness the Windchaser is a generous ruler, and the storms he evokes will reward friends, and friends like you are well qualified to share the power of the sky with us.

Take a deep breath, friend.

The wind will take you to your destination, and as a friendly reminder, it will be a little bumpy. "

(end of this chapter)

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