Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1082 178. We Are Close Comrades Who Want To Stab Each Other To Death

Chapter 1082 178. We are close comrades who want to stab each other to death

The storm outside the Uldum Desert cannot be dispelled by normal means. Except for the special ship Naglfar, which can pass through the sea and is escorted by the tide stone, this sea area cannot allow other ships to be safe at all. pass.

Gein the storm that enveloped Uldum was not an unearthly wind.

It comes directly from the wall of the sky.

It is one of the defensive measures used by the guardians of the titans to protect the holy land of Uldum. In addition to the storm, the entrance of this great desert at the southern end of the Tanaris desert is also protected by the enchantment set up by the titans.

The entrance had actually been discovered long ago.

According to the records of the Dwarves' Explorers' Association, an explorer named Renault discovered the Titan-style closed entrance in the depths of the desert more than thirty years ago.

He also wrote several exploration papers to prove that the closed entrance temple must be connected to an incredible place.

The dwarves have organized several expeditions to this desert, and they believe that there is a good chance of finding information related to the mission they have been looking for.

But unfortunately, every time I go excitedly, what I get is cold disappointment.

Especially in the past ten years, because of the orc war, the Explorers' Association's exploration of various ruins in Kalimdor has essentially come to a standstill.

This is actually a good thing.

Judging from the ability of the dwarf explorers to cause trouble, if they continue to explore, maybe there will be some big troubles.

Brian Bronzebeard is just the most outstanding of the countless dwarves, but without him, the dwarves can still make all kinds of strange accidents.


Wrapped in cloth in the surging sea wind, Laike appeared on a small uninhabited island outside the sea of ​​Uldum. The stinky pirate let the sea wind disperse from his body, and took out a telescope to look around.

He could vaguely see a fleet coming this way, led by a troll-style black warship.

Their speed is very fast, and they are obviously sailing against the wind, but the sails are full of wind.

At first glance, it is not a serious fleet.

And the troll pirate flag raised from their ship can also tell their identities, that is the cursed pirate fleet of the new generation of troll pirate king Gaboa.


The smelly pirate put down the binoculars in his hand, spat at his feet, and cursed:

"From such a distance, I can smell the disgusting voodoo smell coming from the ship. It looks like it is full of poisonous things. It will definitely make me sick if I touch it casually.

Fortunately, I got my baby before departure. "

Bu Laike took out his Luna armor from the luggage. The pitted baby armor that was corroded by C'Thun's stomach acid has been restored to the most gorgeous and complete posture under the ingenuity of the blacksmith of the Hall of Valor.

Those blacksmiths also reinforced the armor with an additional metal layer, which did not have the entry of "never wear", so that it changed from pure black to matte black.

It looks more textured.

The pirate swiftly put on his armor, put Maiev's cloak behind the armor, and let the thick Warden's cloak cover his body.

He stood on the shore of the island in the standard battle posture of a watchman, like a black sculpture.

This is not just for pretending to be mysterious or deterring the old troll pirates, but also for more substantial purposes.

The voodoo magic of the trolls is the type of magic that Laike knows the least and has not even had much contact with. However, it can be passed down to the present as the most original magic faction in Azeroth, which proves that voodoo magic is indeed desirable.

Gaboa is proficient in all kinds of ancient voodoo, and while Bo Laike doesn't think the cunning fellow will set a trap on his ship, it doesn't hurt to be cautious.

Of course, it is also necessary to pretend to be mysterious and deter opponents. Any good pirate captain should learn to use ghosts to strengthen his majesty among the never-obedient crew.

As Gaboa's black warship approached the edge of Uldum's waters, the old pirate obviously found Braike standing here. His warship slowed down in the stormy sea, and sent a small boat towards the uninhabited island. Greet Braike aboard.

The boat propelled by the water element hadn't reached the shore yet, another gust of sea wind blew up, and with Little Xingxing's signature scream, she and the vigilant Cyanne were also sent to the uninhabited island.

"Hey hey hey! Why are you here, captain smelly?"

Little Xingxing poked her head out from behind Sienni, looked at Bu Laike curiously, and said:

"Still fully armed, is this going to war? Why did the lamp god send the two of us here? By the way, do you know? Brother Saurfang and old Kane are looking for you, it seems I want to beat you up!

And they carry axes!

How did you mess with them? "


Bu Laike looked at Little Xingxing speechlessly, he said with a wooden face, in a low voice:

"What's that thing on your face?"


Only then did Princess Blue Dragon realize her gaffe, and hastily tore off the paper that was all over her face, crumpled it up and threw it into the sea to destroy the corpse.

she says:

"Just now I was playing cards with Sefiel, Naglfar, and Fenna, which is the magic card that the elves of Quel'Thalas often play. I was unlucky today and lost a lot.

Fortunately, the Genie brought me here, otherwise I would have to take off my underwear. "

"What kind of devil game are you playing? Do you have to take off your clothes if you lose?"

The smelly pirate said in a strange tone:

"You really have confidence in your IQ, but can that idiot Fenner beat you?"

"That's not true, Fenner is cheating!"

Little Xingxing said angrily:

"She grew up in Quel'Thalas since she was a child, and of course she is good at that kind of magic card. Her hands are all proven advantaged decks, and every chapter is of golden legendary quality.

My cards are all gray cards, how can I play against her?

She must have done it on purpose.

She learned badly from you. "

"Tsk tsk."

The pirate made a teasing sound, which made Little Xingxing grind his teeth in anger, but before Princess Blue Dragon's bad temper broke out, the boat sent by Gaboa came ashore with a bang.

The two troll zombies driving the boat staggered up, and made a very funny "please" gesture, and even took out a gorgeous troll-style red carpet, spreading it from the coast to the boat.

"Wow, a real troll mummy! This is the first time I've seen one."

Little Xingxing rounded his eyes.

She looked at the two troll zombies in front of her. They wore Zandalari-style golden battle helmets, but the exposed parts of their bodies were indeed covered with bandages like the mummy that Little Star said.

This is the Zandalari troll's unique corpse-grabbing technique. It is an evil thing similar to a walking corpse made by draining the body fluids of the corpse and combining some special voodoo rituals.

It is said that the Zandalari trolls can make quite powerful mummies through the combination of voodoo, and their destructive power will be maintained at the same level as in life, and they will even have some residual thoughts.

Old Bwonsamdi was good at that.

Now it seems that Gaboa is also a leader in this line, and he really deserves his title of "Cursed Pirate King".

The two mummies in front of me are quite strong. According to the information fed back by the pirate's detection technique, they are all at the level of high-level professionals. Considering that they are undead, they may have other attack methods that are naughty and gods, and their real combat effectiveness may not be as good. Be taller.

If any sailor on Gaboa's ship is such a powerful thing, then Bo Laike needs to re-evaluate the strength of the cursed fleet.

"Go, get on board."

Bu Laike stepped forward to step on the red carpet and walked into the boat in front of him.

Little Xingxing was a little hesitant, she felt that a guy who could use two evil mummies as messengers must not be a good thing. But seeing Captain Smelly urging, Little Xingxing hesitated for a moment, but decided to believe him.

She and the vigilant Sianni also boarded the boat, and two more water elementals gushed out from the sea, pushing the boat to turn flexibly and rushing towards the docked Reaper.

"Captain, what are we doing here?"

The closer she got to the Reaper, the more uneasy Little Xingxing felt. She twisted her body and said in a low voice:

"If you want to do something bad, just say it in advance. I'm still injured, but I can't help you fight."

"I need you to help me fight?"

Bu Laike said in surprise:

"You are so confident, my lord, have you never considered the possibility that if a fight really starts, you will be the one who is the one to be dragged?

Do not worry.

There will be no fighting.

It's a good thing to have you here specially, haven't you been recruiting dragons to join your cause? Where we are going next, there happens to be a kind of Wurm that is rarely known.

In the territory of the sky wall, the wind elementals will share their power with some dragons they love, which are sub-dragons that only exist in the territory of the wind element.

Calling themselves the Dragons of the Four Winds, they are servants and heralds of the Lords of the Four Winds and the Wind Gods, and they existed long before the Dragon Aspects were born.

The four wind dragons show different shapes and attributes due to different blessed powers. Their combat effectiveness in the material world may be so-so, but their sense of mystery and appearance are really high.

It is very suitable to be the guard of honor of His Royal Highness Little Star, and it will definitely have a miraculous effect when pulled out to bluff people. "


Little Xingxing immediately became interested when he heard this.

She said with bright eyes:

"Then will they be willing to follow me?"

"Well, I don't think it's something they would like to do."

Bu Laike said very implicitly:

"After a while, these remnants of the Lords of the Four Winds will line up to apply to join your Yalong Legion for refuge. You must prepare the roster and identification in advance."

"I've already prepared that kind of thing."

Little Xingxing complacently showed the posture of a prophet, and said:

"Early before I laid down this great plan, I had designed very beautiful medals for my future followers, and they would wear those little shiny things to testify to their service to the Great.

Cyanne also said I was doing too much.

But lo and behold, doesn't this come in handy? "

She turned her head and gave her guard a "I'm the smartest" look.

Seianne sighed while watching.

Soon, the small boat carrying the guests came to the side of the Reaper, and it was quite impressive to observe the cursed pirate's flagship up close.

Probably in order to show his "majesty" in front of Bu Laike, Gaboa deliberately put his mummy sailors into the honor guard armor of the Zandalari trolls.

A row of tall troll zombie pirates with axes and guns lined up on the side of the ship, and several undead armored pterodactyls hovered in the sky carrying the empty knights.

Several soul sword guards from the Underworld lined up on both sides of the lowered ship plank in an illusory posture.

Surrounded by Halaz, the first mate of the troll spirit warrior wearing a lion-head mask, and Aspicus, the second mate of the snake man covered with terrible burn marks, the lord finally made his belated appearance.

The leader of the cursed pirates, the nightmare of the Zandalar Sea, the Reaper of the South China Sea, Braike's close comrade-in-arms and eternal enemy, the pirate king Gaboa who has returned from seven thousand years, is wearing a blood-red handsome pirate suit, wearing a red jewel inlaid The troll Sailor Knife, with a small ruby ​​crown slanted, stood on the side of the ship with open arms and laughed, welcoming his distinguished guests warmly.

When Laike stepped onto the deck, the two pirate kings, each ruling a piece of sea, hugged each other hypocritically.

The scene was like a reunion of long-time friends.

The zombie troll sailors next to them also cooperated and clapped stiffly. The whole scene of the "welcome ceremony" was filled with harmony for a moment, but the little star behind him looked contemptuous.

She whispered to Seianne:

"They obviously want to kill each other's enemies, so how can they be so shameless to greet each other? Look at Bo Laike's terrible state. He doesn't even have such enthusiasm for his mother."

"Although it is between two groups of dirty pirates, this is politics, my lord."

Sai Anne whispered:

"When you become the Dragon King in the future, you have to do the same when communicating with other beings of the same identity, unless you don't go out for 10,000 years like Lord Malygos.

The disgust in their hearts stinks, only a sweet smile can neutralize it.

If someone else smells bad, even the superficial peace cannot be maintained. You have to learn from them, Your Highness, you have a natural and perfect manner, and you only need a little practice to make everyone feel like a spring breeze.

Enemies who can be dealt with with a smile do not need to resort to blood. "

Hearing Si Anni's persuasion, Little Xingxing's face collapsed again.

The nasty greeting between Gaboya and Bu Laike is still going on, the old troll patted Bu Laike's Luna armor and said enviously:

"Your armor is so handsome, old man. Old Gaboa looked greedy. I would give everything I have for such a cool suit. Unfortunately, I don't even have the means to get it."

"Your ship is not bad, either."

Bu Laike looked at Gaboa's flagship with an expert look, and he said with emotion:

"I want to exchange a fleet for it to be my backup flagship, but I know you won't give up. Okay, okay, don't waste time chatting.

I guess the scene where we two pretend to be in love with each other must be disgusting, didn't you see that my respected Highness is about to throw up?

come on.

Talk about business. "

The smelly pirate patted the back of Gaboa, who was taller than him, and said:

"I'm just an invited spectator this trip. I want to witness the birth of another great event on the endless sea. I guess you must be fully prepared to let the majesty of the storm spread over this sea.

When are you going to do it? "


The troll pirate supported the gorgeous scimitar at his waist, looked at the wild sea area full of storms in front of him, his snake-like eyes showed a smug light, and said:

"At dawn tomorrow!

My fleet will be crowned under the laurels of the storm, and when I have power as strong as yours, I will cleanse my dear friend of his nightmare. "

Gaboa turned to Boo Laike with a "sincere" smile and said:

"In the name of friendship, I will take Dai Lin's head off for you, I know it's not convenient for you to do so, it's okay, this is the meaning of existence of friends.

you are welcome. "

"Then I really want to thank you."

Bo Laike's voice from under his helmet remained the same, even a hint of joy. Facing the troll old pirate who vowed to help him kill his father, Bu Laike, the stinky pirate, said sincerely:

"What a touching friendship. It's my life's luck to know you. Don't worry, when Dai Lin breaks your bones, I will sew them back up for you with my own hands.

Don't thank me.

That's what I would do to my friends. "

(end of this chapter)

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