Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1093 189. I Will Talk To You About Dark Wisdom, But You Will Tell Me About Infinite Love?

Chapter 1093 189. I will talk to you about dark wisdom, but you will tell me about infinite love?

The coastline of Desolace is long, but most of it is blocked by mountains, and there are only two places where you can actually land.

The coast of Sutheris above is closer to the ancestral lands of the Bloodhoof clan, where they have a stronghold that will be taken over by an evil group of warlocks a dozen years later and named Thunderaxe Fortress.

It's not far from the coast and the terrain is flat, so Bu Laike's undead fleet is docking there.

The coast below is narrow and close to the centaur ancestral land in the mountains, so it is not suitable for landing but it is very suitable for surprise attacks.

The Naglfar encountered a scout ship sent by Anaris Moonshire here, and the Nightborn Pirate King seemed to be planning a raid here.

Among other things, this strategic vision has proved that the rebellious girl Miss Yuejun, who was not good at what she did back then, has grown a lot now.

Of course, it is also possible that this order was not given by her but by her chief think tank and fiancé, Lilas Windrunner, and Braike also received a very "very" from the first officer of the nightborn pirate Ms. Horror" news.

"What did you say?"

In the captain's cabin of the Naglfar, Bu Laike stared at the former chief arcanist wearing a pirate mage hood in astonishment, and said in a surprised tone:

"Say it again! What did that good baby Lilas do in Moon County Manor?"

"Do you really want me to repeat something so nasty?"

Ms. Talisa, who was born noble, glanced at her pirate commander. Although she has joined the Undead Fleet for a long time, she still retains the noble demeanor of an Arcanist back then.

She played with the gorgeous wand in her hand, and said in a low tone:

"It's not a glorious feat, it's just like a disgrace.

I have never seen such an outrageous thing in ten thousand years. Who would have thought that a white-skinned elf like a little milk dog would be so charming and ambitious.

Of course, it is also possible that it was purely a peachy incident brought about by drinking too much magic wine.

In short, now His Excellency Lilas Windrunner is not only the fiancé of Miss Anaris Moon County, but also the fiancé of Miss Lilith Moon County.

The three of them have done a piece of shit that's extremely scandalous even to us elves.

The ten thousand years of glory of the Yuejun family has been humiliated. "

"What a shame, under the rule of Elisande, the whole of Suramar has no glory at all."

Laike scoffs at the pessimism.

But he didn't discuss this issue further with Talisa. He was more curious about how Lilas Windrunner accomplished this almost impossible thing.

Driven by such a good (eight) odd (gua) force, the Nagfar moved faster, and successfully reached the fleet anchorage of Anaris Moon County two hours before midnight.

The Nightborne pirates came with eight ships this time, including their magic flagship "Pride of the Moonshire", and three troop carriers of the orc Maim.

The tonnage of the ships coming this time is not large, and they are not warships for battle. They mainly transport the two reinforcements of the Warsong Clan and the Blood Totem of the Kaolin Bull.

Grom's clan came in full force.

Nearly a thousand orcs have been hunting down nearby centaurs on the coast of Desolace to "warm up".

Their "official statement" is to support the tauren brothers' war, but it is true that they can't get along in the eastern continent.

The orcs stayed in the Hinterlands and wanted to take a breather, but they had already been besieged several times by the Wildhammer dwarves and the human army. Next to them were the Vilebranch trolls and the elf strikers of Quel'Thalas.

Although Grom is powerful and the Warsong clan is brave and good at fighting, the greenskins have to hurry up and turn in when they are outraged by the public.

After all, they are not engaged in Mao's God's Choice, and there is no way to use my power of thinking to come up with black technology that sweeps the world.

After all, Northern Xinjiang is the base camp of human beings. Orgrim, who is both wise and brave, can't please him here, let alone Grom.

As for the small number of soldiers who came to support Gaoling Niu, the blood map freed up 300 soldiers, but they were all strong-bodied tauren blood warriors, perfect for assaulting infantry.

Not to mention that Ulan Gaoling also used the artifacts of the Gaoling clans for the sake of his brothers and clans far away. This friendship cannot be said to be strong enough.

In addition to these two forces, there are nearly 1,500 melee fighters from the Undead Fleet who are average in melee combat but have powerful magical powers, Nightborne Pirates,

The pirates under the command of Captain Anaris Moonshire are very distinctive, and even the lowest-level sailors among them can scare people with a decent fireball.

Thanks to the unique magical talents of the Shaldorei elves, this force is a veritable "Magic Pirate".

Of course, the orc marauders commanded by Maim cannot be ignored.

In the past few months, this group of orc pirates has gained a reputation in the South China Sea. They are known for their daring to fight, coming and going like the wind, decisive actions, and quick attacks in the South China Sea.

Some people call them "Wolf Cavalry in the South China Sea".

Maim took it for granted that this was a compliment to his own fleet, but in fact it was not just a compliment, but a malicious derogation.

The orc wolf cavalry is notoriously looting like the wind, but also notoriously poor in endurance.

In the later stage of the Orc War, they were completely beaten by humans on various battlefields with a combination of light and heavy cavalry.

The same is true for the fleet that is now switched to Maim.

As long as the opponent withstood the first few waves of crazy attacks by this group of orc pirates, it would be very difficult for Maim's fleet to achieve impressive results. This is also the characteristic of this orc pirate team.

Come fast, go fast.

Like a typical young man.

When the ghost ship merged into the bay where the two pirate fleets were moored in the night, the nightborn and orc pirates burst into cheers, welcoming the return of their vicious and powerful commander.

They really don't want to line up to welcome the goddamn Bo Laike in the middle of the night.

But the captains gave orders.

Whoever does not come will be whipped, and whoever cheers quietly will be punished as cannon fodder to lure centaurs.

Under such vicious orders, when Bu Laike stood on the bow of the ghost ship and "inspected" his pirate fleet, the cheers of mountains and tsunamis erupted under the torches everywhere, which stunned Bu Laike for a moment.

He felt more like an admiral reviewing his fleet than a pirate commander commanding a bunch of thugs and scum.

"Did these incompetent idiots take the wrong medicine tonight?"

Bu Laike turned back to Seifel who was also puzzled and said:

"Why are they so excited? What's there to be happy about going to fight a barbaric centaur? Don't they think they've won?"

"Maybe they just admire their leader."

Seifel rolled his eyes, flattered him a little, and said:

"After all, your massacre in Tanaris and your victory in Silithus have already been announced. Who wouldn't like to be led by an invincible commander when they go to the battlefield?"

"Well, it makes sense."

Bu Laike nodded approvingly and accepted Seifel's explanation.

He proudly stood on the bow of the slow-moving ghost ship, and waved to the pirates on the left and right sides. Not every pirate has such good eyesight as he is blind.

But every time Laike waved a hand, there was a roar of applause in the corresponding direction, under the murmurs of the savvy captains.

This fully satisfies the leadership desire in the stinky pirate's heart.

But he soon lost interest in this boring game. Rather than accepting the cheers of a group of scumbags, he is obviously more interested in the "legendary story" of how Windrunner's younger brother conquered the Yuejun sisters.

"Let the word out that our army is well-groomed and won my heart. I will cook an extra bone in everyone's pot for supper tonight."

Bu Laike waved his hand and gave instructions to his first mate.

Seifel curled his lips, saying that this stinky pirate is really stingy, how many bones do you give when he comes out to perform so hard at night? Do you really want to send fur seals away?

But the wisdom of pirates doesn't stop there?

He walked back to the cabin touching his chin and whispered:

"In addition, I will charge at least 10% of all the captures in this battle, and distribute them to my subordinates who have worked so hard to show off, and let them go back to sleep.

It's still cold at night. "

Well, it turns out you knew the reason all along.

Chief Mate Long felt even more contemptuous.

This stinky pirate said he wasn't interested, but didn't you just have a good time yourself?

A few minutes later, the leaders of the Nightborne and the orc pirates came to the captain's room of the ghost ship to report and follow instructions.

Meme doesn't need to say much.

Bu Laike sent him to the Saurfang brothers, so that these two brave orc old sword kings would lead the orc pirates to meet Grom's Warsong clan tomorrow and go ashore to kill people.

As for the nightborn pirates who are good at magic attacks, Bu Laike has another reuse.

After chatting with Maim about the robbery story in the South China Sea, the orcs were sent back to rest for any reason. After Mame left, Anaris Yuejun, who was dressed in a female pirate costume, immediately felt guilty.

She took the hand of the silent, embarrassed fiancé, and the young couple looked at Bo Laike carefully, as if they had already guessed what the pirate was going to ask.

"That... about Yuejun Manor"

Bo Laike pretended that he was not interested in the love life of his subordinates at all, and he said in a long voice:

"What's going on? Didn't you agree to go back to see your parents? Why did you even take care of your parents?"

"Captain! It's easy to be misunderstood when you speak like this. It's just my sister."

Anaris complained embarrassingly:

"As for that night. We just drank too much, and that's the whole story."

This perfunctory answer certainly did not satisfy Laike.

He said with a straight face:

"I am familiar with most of the theories of the human magic school. I also have research on arcane magic. I am a master warlock. I can use void magic. Recently, I am still studying the advanced use of evil energy in the stars."

What he said made Anaris and Liras' eyes wide open, not knowing what to say.

The pirate picked up his pipe, leaned back on the chair, put his feet up on the desk, and said in a drawn out voice:

"I mean, I'm not an idiot, I'm smart, and you two are trying to make me an idiot. Let me guess what really happened that night.

Let's start with Lilas.

You have been trying to use your own efforts to prevent the war between the Undead Fleet and Quel'Thalas. You need the family background of the Moon County family to discuss this matter with the Sunstrider family.

You need to increase your influence.

The rebellious second lady of the Yuejun family is definitely not enough, but coupled with the wise and intelligent Ms. Lilith Yuejun who holds the real power in Suramar and is still a single girl, it must be enough.

If you marry these two sisters, you will be able to use all the influence of the Yuejun family. Just this surname, which was more noble than the Sunstrider ten thousand years ago, is enough to make you a guest of the Sunstrider family. "

"Not so, Captain."

Little brother Lilas waved his hands with a blushing face and said:

"I swear, I never thought of that, it was really just a joke"

"I haven't finished talking yet, just wait a minute."

The pirate reached out and interrupted Lilas Windrunner's defense, and looked at Anaris Yuejun again, and said:

"Even though Second Miss Yuejun reconciled with her sister, she has been holding back her energy to prove to her sister that she is no worse than her.

This sisterly rivalry is all-encompassing.

However, the second Miss Yuejun has worked very hard, but in the face of her sister who has made great progress in Surama and has become Elisande's most trusted political minister, she can be said to be under one person and above ten thousand in Surama. At that time, the pirate faction she pieced together was still not enough.

In the foreseeable future, Anaris will always live in Lilith's shadow. Is there any way to easily change this dilemma?

After thinking about it for a long time, she soon had a bad conspiracy in her evil little mind, which was deeply influenced by a group of scum pirates. "

Bu Laike spread his hands, blinked and said:

"If you can't compare with your smart and capable sister in terms of career, why not open another track, such as love

Let her sister also fall in love with her fiancé, so the proud Lilith Yuejun had to accept the bad reputation of a third party.

In this way, Anaris won easily on the moral level.

How to do it is also very simple.

All she needed was a well-arranged family banquet, some spiked magic wine, and a handsome, dashing white-skinned elf puppy who obeyed her orders.

After all, everyone has the love of beauty.

The genes of the Windrunner family are so good, with handsome men and beautiful women, it would be a pity not to make good use of them. I suspect that the relationship between you and your sister has changed dramatically since that silly incident.

She who has always been strong must be very weak in front of you now.

Umm, no need to say anything else, you just need to tell me if I'm right or not.

Yes or no? "

"Uh, although it is true as you said, my sister has been obedient to me recently, asking for my health."

The black elf Anaris said with a strange expression:

"However, the situation is really not as dark and evil as you think, Captain. This incident really does not have as many details as you guessed. It is just an ordinary accident."


Bu Laike patted the table and asked:

"Then tell me, if there was no conspiracy, why did Lilith Yuejun, who has always loved herself, not choose to resist but accept it obediently after that shameful incident happened?

I heard that she has also entered into a formal marriage contract with Lilas' little brother, and you Yuejun sisters will marry the last man of the Windrunner family at the same time, aren't you?

My years of experience tell me that there must be tricks in it.


Tell the truth, my wondrous subordinates, tell me about your evil plans, and I can help you perfect them.

I'd love to do that. "


Facing the captain's persuasive temptation, the handsome and handsome little brother Lilas sighed helplessly, and blinked his charming warm eyes.

In a low voice, with a hint of shame and tenderness, a hint of nostalgia and gratitude, he said to the pirate:

"Lilith accepted this engagement only because she fell in love with me. Captain, I can assure you on the reputation of the Windrunner family that we really didn't play any conspiracy."

"I can prove it!"

Anaris stretched out his hand, stopped his fiancé's arm again, and said loudly:

"My sister really fell in love with Lilas. She even wrote shameful love letters of unrequited love in her diary that she wasn't going to show us. It's incredible, but love at first sight is not uncommon in our elf world.

Especially my sister still has the chronic disease of an incurable literary girl in her bones.

You have seen her too.

You know she has a morbid insistence on things that are about idealism. "

The answer left Laike stunned, as if struck by lightning.

He twitched his eyes, and asked a little frantically:

"So, I've made so many reasonable and dark speculations along the way that I'm just cranky? Is this really a naive story about love?

Lilith fell in love with the little milk dog, in Suramar that night when the stars slipped?

But no matter how you look at this incident, it is a perfect display of the conspiracy theory. It makes no sense. In my opinion, this is obviously the most standard beauty trick!

I was still exclaiming that Lilas Windrunner had finally grown up.

He finally discovered his most terrifying weapon as a handsome guy in his cruel life and made good use of it, but in the end it was just an unintentional coincidence

Is there something wrong with you elves?

Is entrusting feelings so casual?


Don't you dare to laugh, Lilas, I'm going to tell your mother and your three sisters about the nasty things you did.

See what they will do to you! "

(end of this chapter)

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