Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1094 190. Kane: I Found The Correct Usage Of Smelly Pirates

Chapter 1094 190. Kane: I found the correct usage of smelly pirates

Boo Laike didn't sleep well that night.

His dark wisdom rarely went wrong, which made him feel that he was a failure. Of course, the more important reason was that he was thinking about a very strange problem.

If what Anaris and Lilas said is true, and Lilith Yuejun fell in love with the little milk dog Lilas at first sight, then it means that Lilith is probably a shameful beauty!

But more than a year before Lilith Yuejun met Lilas, she had seen her own.

If you admit the true love, doesn't that mean that in the eyes of Lilith Yuejun, she is not as handsome as Lilas Windrunner?

how can that be?

I am the Kugai who was absorbed by Ms. Elune of the beauty party as a reserve member of the Luna God Chosen!

He is a cool pirate who is full of masculinity and takes a decadent and dark route!

He even conquered the proud warden Maiev, let an emotionless Void Essence fall for him, and let the first mate dragon who was already a spirit body take the initiative to offer love.

Not even his stupid older sister can resist his wild charm.

How could it be even worse than Lilas?

You are wrong to say that the aesthetics of the elves is different from that of humans. Fenna is an elf, or the Quel'dorei elves who are notoriously harsh in their aesthetics.

This is definitely not my problem!

This is definitely Lilith Yuejun's problem.

Maybe Miss Yuejun likes the type of little milk dog who is obedient and obedient?

Well, that makes sense.

This is the same as normal men like mature big sisters, abnormal men are interested in green and legal loli, but there are always some reformed guys who should be destroyed by humanity like to have heat with tentacle girls.

XP has always been free.


This makes me feel more comfortable.

Boo Laike, who was tossing and turning in the captain's cabin, felt that he could finally leave this question behind and fell asleep peacefully.

He yawned, stretched comfortably, turned over, and then, a ray of sunlight hit his face from outside the window, making all the sleepiness of Bo Laike dissipate in an instant.


After finishing the test papers and learning magic, I thought about this question all night.

I have fallen.

This dark history must not be known by others.

Bo Laike sat up on the bed with a blank face.

He thought that once other people knew that he would think about such a boring thing for so long, he would not be a cool guy, but a flip cover.

That future is simply too scary.

"Ha ha ha ha"

In his ears, Xal'atath let out a burst of laughing while hugging his stomach. The void essence could feel the stinky pirate's emotions and thinking fluctuations, and Laike couldn't hide from her the problems he had been thinking about all night.

She really didn't expect that the stinky pirate who has always played with the world coldly had such a childish side.

She laughed and said:

"Little master, you look so cute when you think about this question, I will never get tired of watching your happy frown turn into a disappointed smile.

Actually, this problem is solved very well.

Although in my heart, the little master is the only shining light in this sad world, but other people probably don't see it that way, they lack the eyes to discover beauty.

So we just poke their eyes out.

If this is too troublesome, we can choose an easier way to kill those guys who are considered more handsome than you, little master, such as Lilas Windrunner!

Scratch their faces!

Then you are the most handsome pirate baby on the endless sea. "


Bu Laike jumped out of bed, flexed his shoulders in the sunlight from the window, and said to Xal'atath:

"That would be too troublesome. I'm not a guy who depends on my appearance, why should I compare myself with others? What I have to think about is more serious issues.

World order, world peace, understand? "

"What are these questions worth thinking about?"

Xalatas retorted:

"Little master really wants world peace, it's too simple, if you put yourself in a certain cage, the chaos in this world will be reduced by one-third in an instant.

If you choose to kill yourself, Azeroth will immediately enter a good and beautiful era.

But that world would be too boring.

So, my little master, who are we going to fool today? "

"Hard to say."

The pirate took out a bottle of wine, unscrewed the lid and rinsed his mouth with a gurgle.

He glanced at the distant desolation outside the window, and said:

"Let's go to Kane's tribe today to take a look. Didn't I accept the commission from him to help him deal with the 'dissidents' in his tribe?

Although he can't give me anything good as a reward.

But considering that I really lack talents who are both high-end shamans and scum villains, why don't we first look at the role of the war old woman who gave Kane such a headache. "

Bu Laike snapped his fingers, and in the shadow cast by the golden sun, he said happily:

"As long as she is half as difficult and crazy as Kane described, I think she is qualified to be a part of the undead fleet. After all, we are an evil force in other people's mouth.

There has to be a bit of a face-to-face, not all messy people."

Before the pirates finished speaking, they saw the little murlocs leading a group of joyful murloc pirates rushing across the deck of the Naglfar in the early morning eyes, cheering loudly Jump into the sea for morning exercise.

I don't know when this funny scene started, and it has become a "repertoire" on the Nagfar.


Bu Laike desperately stretched out his hand and patted his eyes, he said in a tone of lovelessness:

"Forget it, pretend I didn't say it."

Ten minutes later, the stinky pirate ate the breakfast brought by the chief mate himself, wiped his mouth, and swaggered away from the ghost ship with his own "evil power" and set foot on the coast of Desolace.

On the coast of this barren land where you can hardly see any green at a glance, Black Horn, a soulwalker wearing the robes of the Highmountain priest, is performing an unknown ceremony in the morning light.

Seeing Bo Laike approaching, Noire originally wanted to say hello.

But thinking of Ms. Maiev's warning, he pretended not to see Bo Laike, turned the black bull face to the side, and said "out of sight is out of mind".

This gesture made the pirate angry.

Hello you black horn!

Put this aside and pretend to be a blind tauren for me, right?

Believe it or not I'll shatter your shameful black dragon disguise with a void spell, everyone.

"That black bull with antlers is so strange."

Stupid Fenna was biting the ears of Little Star behind Bo Laike, she stared at Black Horn, and said to Little Star:

"I always feel that the tauren is weird, he gives me a very awkward feeling, he is definitely not a decent tauren, maybe it is an evil thing in disguise.

You go and try him. "

"Why let me go?"

Little Xingxing snorted and said proudly:

"I'm the noble Blue Dragon Princess, lowly tauren or something, don't even try to get close to me!"

"You two are enough!"

Sefiel, who was wearing his favorite clothes and holding an umbrella, scolded in a low voice:

"Kane brought his people over here, be serious, don't embarrass the captain."

After saying this, the first mate, the second mate and the bosun behind the pirate immediately raised their heads and chests up, making majestic gestures.

Following behind them, the caster Saqier and his new follower warlock trio also straightened up, pulled down their hoods, and tried to show a sense of evil that the dark forces should have.

But these actions are nothing deterrent compared to the violent actions of the shield girl leader He Ya.

As for why the warlock trio came to serve as Sakir's followers again, that's a tragic story.

They already knew from their own channels that Miss Nagfar, the thigh they had finally picked up, would soon be studying with Dean Lanyue.

This golden thigh is worthless.

They must find new backers.

And also a warlock, a powerful enlightener who is willing to share knowledge, is obviously a very good target to follow. They know that the old man Sakir and the captain are so close that they can wear a pair of pants.

Being valued by Sakir means that they will become an important spellcasting force under the captain's command.

It's miserable to say the least.

The news that Nagfar was going to school was known to everyone except Nagfar himself, even the shield girls who only cared about fighting and the murlocs who were busy fighting snails knew about it.

But everyone worked together to hide this "good news" and prepared to give the respected and silly lovely Miss Chuan Ling a "surprise" on the first day of school.

Hehe, all the villains deserve their reputation.

"Your Excellency Bu Laike, this is Chief Dezco Dawnchaser of the Sunwalker tribe and the most important branch ally of the Bloodhoof clan. They are all paladins born under the belief of the sun god Ansher.

I've shared with him what we've discovered along the way. "

Kane Bloodhoof strode forward, and on the barren coast, he introduced to Laike a tall and strong brown-black tauren chieftain with a shining golden diamond hammer on his back and a penance in his silence.

The cow was as strong as Kane.

But unlike Kane's extroverted warrior temperament, his power is restrained. Although there are some slight differences in the form of expression, Braike can feel the connection with the Church of the Holy Light from the Dawn Chaser chief in front of him. The big knights have a very similar aura.

Especially when the "sun cow" in leather armor walks, the golden halo that appears and disappears around his body represents that he is also practicing a bright road.


This brown-black holy light cow must have a lot of common language with the old man Faol.

"Hello, Chief Dawnchaser."

Bu Laike nodded to the Tauren Sunwalker who was looking at him, and said softly:

"Anshe, the sun god, does not accept pilgrims for the time being. He shoulders the mission of the gods, but I am closely watching the situation in the great desert where mortals cannot set foot.

As soon as permission is obtained, I will send you to him immediately. "


The silent tauren paladin nodded.

He seemed to have no doubts about Bo Laike's commitment, but the next second another person expressed his dissatisfaction.

As Kane was about to continue to introduce his brains and close comrade-in-arms to Bo Laike, the brother-like shaman Hamuul Runetotem, an old and cold voice came from the cattle behind Kane.

"Another outsider who speaks slanderously, he recklessly commented on our ancient beliefs, he has no respect for this land, he named his evil servants as allies, and sent them to set foot on the land of the Bloodhoof clan majestically.

I saw nothing but darkness in his eyes.

Kane, you think you've brought back friends, but in my opinion, you may be too optimistic!

Your friend is like a centaur, he outshines the savages in the use of evil, he is a marauding marauder with a heart of indifference and darkness.

Allowing them to participate in the affairs of the clan may bring more terrible disasters to our clansmen. "

This talking guy doesn't shy away from other people at all.

She didn't even intend to hide her existence.

As Bo Laike looked over Kane's tall shoulders, he soon saw a dark-skinned, tall cow with bright eyes but full of hostility.

Magatha Grimtotem.

The "War Crone" of the Bloodhoof Clan.

Uh, this is just a very old honorific name in the tauren tribe, it has the same meaning as "prophet", and it doesn't mean that Magatha is really old.

In fact, she was in her prime, not even a few years older than Kane.

The black cow, with her double braids hanging down her shoulders and her battle marks painted with white paint on both sides of her bullish nose, is looking at Laike and the "evil forces" behind him with a hostile look. ".

"What are you talking about, you arrogant cow?"

Before Bu Laike said anything, the warlock trio first started to make noises. Like the most qualified vicious dogs, they growled towards Magatha:

"Apologize! Immediately! Disrespectful cow!"

"Apologies to our supreme and evil captain! You are humiliating the entire Undead Fleet!"

"Kneel down! Or I'll tear your mouth apart!"

"Hehe, you dog leg who plays with evil forces."

Magatha dismissed the wild words of the three warlocks. She leaned on a simple black stone staff and said with a sneer:

"Come on, let's see who Mother Earth prefers."

"Back off."

Laike flicked his fingers, and the angry trio of warlocks subsided in an instant, leaving the warmed-up stage to their wicked captain.

The smelly pirate nodded slightly to Kane, who was a little worried, and signaled him not to worry.

He looked at the hostile Magatha and said:

"Kane, who fought in the sands against the cultist known as the Twilight's Hammer, is worried that you're sending the fanatical, belligerent, stupid young men of the Bloodhoof Clan to the point of no return.

But I know his worries are unnecessary.

Magatha Grimtotem, you are an unreliable careerist and plotter, but your devotion to Mother Earth and the elemental forces is impeccable.

You despise the scum who associate with the corrupted void.

You didn't send your loyal tauren into the Twilight's Hammer, you just smuggled them into Thousand Needles, protecting the essence of your tribe and using it as a turnaround in times of crisis.

What I said was more accurate, they are now in Heiyun Peak. "

Bu Laike sneered, and looked at the old war woman whose expression changed drastically.

He snorted and said in the voice of a prophet:

"You also know that staying in Desolace is a dead end for the Bloodhoof clan. You oppose Kane because you think Kane is cowardly and incompetent, but you don't want your clan to be destroyed by centaurs.

You may just be using your own way to protect your own people.

You believe in the prophecy that your father told you before he died, confirmed by the wail of the ancestor spirit at midnight, and the painful moan of Mother Earth makes you believe that what you have done is right.

'Outsiders will bring disaster'! "

Bu Laike spoke in Tauren language the prophecy hidden deep in Magatha's heart and told her by her most admired father. This alone was enough to shake Magatha's heart.

Because she never told anyone the prophecy she believed in.

this guy

Have a little skill!

But Laike is not as simple as "something".

He stared at Magatha's evasive eyes, and although he only said a few words, he completely overwhelmed her in momentum. The stinky pirate coughed a few times and said to Magatha:

"I'm not the same as Kane who has always tolerated you. I don't have that much sympathy for other people. I don't have much sympathy left, and that's definitely not for you.

I'm also familiar with how to deal with villains, so let's cut out the red tape.

I give you a condition, and you give me an answer.

I will break the seal of Deepholm and release the Elemental Sovereign Stonemother. I need a legendary shaman to help, and two would be better of course. Elder Drek'Thar of the Frostwolf Clan has already gone to the Valley of Spears under my arrangement.


Magatha Grimtotem.

Either you be good and help out, and I'll give you a new job with my fleet when this is over, and leave the Bloodhoof Clan forever and don't give my friends any more trouble.

Or, get ready to collect the bodies of the tauren you hid in Black Cloud Peak, surrounded by horrors born from the great desert of Silithus.

Just say 'no' to me and their succulent beef will be food for the bugs.

how about it?

Is my request reasonable? "

The pirate smiled implicitly. He took out a pirate pocket watch and looked at it. He waved it in front of Magatha again and said:

"Tick tock, you have ten minutes to answer."

"Countdown, start!"

(end of this chapter)

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