Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1095 191. Black Crow's Secret Mission---Happy Holidays, Goddesses【1/3】

Chapter 1095 191. Black Crow’s Secret Mission——Happy Holidays, Goddesses [13]

"Kane! Your 'guests' are threatening me with the lives of their people as a bargaining chip. As a chief, do you just watch like that?"

Under the undisguised threat of evil from Bu Laike, Magatha Grimtotem was a little numb. She turned her head to look at Kane Bloodhoof next to her, and asked in a tone of astonishment:

"You who swore to shed the last drop of blood for the clan, how could you allow such behavior!"

Her character is stubborn and tenacious, and she would not be so panicked under random threats, but the stinky pirate in front of her has already accurately stated the hidden location of the Grimtotem under her command.

Moreover, news of Kane's battle in the Silithus desert has spread throughout the clan in the past few days through the elf outpost stationed at the northernmost tip of Desolace.

Even the little calf in the tribe who has just been able to speak has already known the great cause of Chief Kane.

Those hunters who can control the Qiraji are also part of this story, and they are still a very important part. The information is superimposed, and Magatha cannot help being flustered.

But before Kane could speak, Hamuul Runetotem beside him wagged his tail and spoke first:

"When those young people ignored Kane's persuasion, insisted on abandoning the responsibility of protecting the clan and chose to flee the battlefield, they were no longer the warriors of the Bloodhoof clan.

Kane swears to protect the clansman because of his high moral character as the great chief, but don't the clansmen have any responsibilities and missions for the clan?

It wasn't Kane who abandoned them!

It was they who abandoned us first!

Magatha, you don’t have to kidnap our great chief in such a moral way. Kane’s greatness and his benevolence are empathetic to every Tauren. What we are discussing now is your problem!

Don't change the subject. "

"well said!"

Bu Laike, who was watching from the sidelines, appreciated Hamuir's righteous words very much. He snapped his fingers to attract Magatha's attention to himself.

Spreading his arms again, he said:

"This is between me and you, don't bring other people into it, Kane is my friend, he knows my style of behavior very well, he knows that even if he joins this discussion, it will not change my mind.

By the way, there are only nine minutes left, are you still wasting time?


Let me give you some 'suggestion'. "

The stinky pirate pursed his lips, and the little star behind him raised his hands. In the release of a mysterious dragon language magic, a mirror condensed by ice was released in the air.

From a bird's-eye view, it reflects a long and narrow canyon full of strange rocky peaks thousands of miles away from Desolation.

Several Valaghar storm dragons flew mightily across the sky, spewing storms and lightning towards a huge and towering rock platform below.

There was already a fire there.

And on the looming barren land under the rocks, large swaths of black bugs are attacking and climbing towards the curved mountain roads of the rocks.

The resolution of the magical images released by the Blue Dragon Princess is very high, and Laike can even clearly see a desperate tauren jumping down from the edge of the mountain.

Poor guy wanted to kill himself to preserve his "honor".

But he was pierced by the flying insects in mid-air, and was taken to the enemy base under the Black Cloud Peak amidst howling.

Besieged they can't even die

"Oh, when you're weak enough, everything you do is so cute."

Laike raised his voice and tossed an elven runestone engraved with the mark of the hidden passage up and down in his hand. He squinted at Magatha Grimtotem who was trembling with anger.

He brought the rune stone close to his mouth again, blinked at the female black dragon, activated the rune stone and said to the other side:

"My chief retainer, my negotiations are not going well. Dear Madam Magatha seems to be hesitating. She is hesitating between the lives of her followers and her shameful dignity.

She doesn't seem to want to throw in the towel to a stinky pirate.

I can understand such persistence, after all, this is all she has left.


Come on, give Ms. Magatha a hard job! "

As soon as Bu Laike finished speaking, the advancing insect swarm on the Thousand Needles battlefield reflected in the magic mirror instantly became violent, and the tauren who could resist the insect swarm on the winding steps were instantly drowned.

Outside the base camp of Black Cloud Peak, the Qiraji flying insects, led by the Storm Dragon Vanguard, began to forcibly break into the desperate tauren camp.

They are ordered.

The will of the swarm gave the order for the final assault, like a ruthless verdict.

This cruel scene was seen by Kane, and the old cow's breathing was a little heavy. He wanted to speak, but Hamuul beside him grabbed his wrist tightly.

His brains shook his head at him.

Magatha has been cornered, and she will grab at straws, but the Bloodhoof clan does not need such a stubborn leader who has already made substantial divisive moves.

Kane would do no good by keeping her, and there would be no end to trouble.

We must take advantage of this opportunity and use the hands of Bu Laike, a guy who doesn't mind being a big villain, to completely clean Magasa and her forces out of the clan.

It's like digging out the cancer in the body!

This will make the clan weak, but after the root cause of the disease is removed, the Bloodhoof clan can have a healthier future.

"Your followers are brave."

On the coast where a needle can be heard falling quietly, Laike admires the battlefield reflected in the floating ice in front of him,

He said:

"If other people faced such a swarm, they would have surrendered long ago, but they are still persisting, they have been defeated but they are still persisting.

They trust their powerful leader, Lady Magatha the Grimtotem, to save them.

They are loyal to you, they have really believed your nonsense about 'Tauren Supreme', and they have shown their loyalty to you.

War crones, it's up to you to show them mercy.

Or, you don't actually have that stuff at all?

But this is a good character that a qualified leader must possess. Let me ask you, Magatha, do you think you are a qualified leader? "

Bu Laike's voice is clear and gentle, like discussing an interesting matter with a friend.

But this gentle voice fell on Magasa's ears like a thunderbolt exploded one after another, making her mentally exhausted.

She felt as if she had fallen into a spider's web, her hands and feet had been bound, no matter how hard she struggled, she could only watch the evil predator approaching her.

She has become delicious prey.

But maybe.

She can control the pirates in front of her eyes!

She can use the elemental power blessed by Mother Earth to hold the stinky pirates in front of her as hostages, so that she will have a bargaining chip with these villains!

Wisps of lightning echoed in the fingers behind Magatha's hiding back, the wind was also blowing, and the entangled sand began to cover, Magatha's dark eyes danced with fire, and the sea tide behind him washed the coast more powerfully.

As a gifted and legendary war shaman, Magatha can instantly set up a strangulation formation, trapping everyone on the shore in elemental rage.

And I don't know if it's an illusion, the fire element is extra active today, Lie Yan's will seems to be calling her to do it, and kill the stinky pirate in front of her here!

Flame promises to help Magatha.

The war crone was breathing.

She's about to start.

Then, she saw two legendary water elemental warriors appearing in front of Bu Laike, one on the left and the other on the right, in the surging torrent, and the cold ice spear and the torrent sword intertwined in front of Bu Laike.

The two ice-blue legendary water elementals roared towards Magatha. They sensed Magatha calling for the elementals, and they appeared to protect His Excellency the Earl of the Sea, who was favored by the tide hunters.

And Bo Laike was laughing.

The stinky pirate smiled happily while pinching his own cranium jug.

He looked at Magatha, pointed to the sky, and said:

"Do you want me to summon another demigod of wind element for you to have fun? Don't be silent, I know you want to see it as a shaman.

And I'm also related to Sky Wall.

My friend is a baron under the command of the Wind Rider. Although I don't trust his integrity, I feel that if I ask, he should meet my needs.

Well, there are still seven minutes, but I think your subordinates are going to be overwhelmed.

I guess they are going to surrender.

How about you? "

Magatha, who was completely isolated, looked at Kane tremblingly. This time, the war old woman's eyes no longer had the arrogance and stubbornness of the past, and only prayed.

She threw in the towel.

But she wanted to surrender to Kane, not the evil outsider.

Bo Laike also looked at Kane.

He promised to help Kane solve the troubles in the clan, and he didn't ask for any payment, but it was not because of his generosity, but because he would take what he wanted.

Now, the pressure is on the old bull Kane.

"Kane, as a chief, he must not only be loved by his tribe, but also feared by those malicious guys."

Hamuul Runetotem said in the ear of his old friend:

"Magasa has split the clan. No matter what standard you look at, her actions can be called betrayal! During the time you left the clan, she has already bewitched many people."

"Sunwalker will support all your decisions, Kane."

Chief Sunwalker, who had been silent all this time, suddenly said:

"You don't need to have any scruples. All the tauren on this land know who to follow, and we are also looking forward to the victory you promised."

The old cow clenched his fists.

He was obviously going through a very complicated ideological struggle, which made Magatha think that he could still be saved, but after a few seconds, Kane opened his eyes again.

He looked at Magatha and said:

"You are no longer a member of the Bloodhoof clan! Magatha, I expelled you not because you disrespected me, but because of your obsession for so long.

You use your vicious ideas to confuse innocent people and make them abandon their responsibilities and become wandering thugs. As the leader of the shaman, you should protect them.

But you poisoned them with your dangerous thoughts.

Your fate has nothing to do with the Bloodhoof Clan!

Also, Bu Laike, stop it, those bewitched tauren can still be saved, they are just too young and went the wrong way, they can still return to the clan. "

"Of course, I have always been faithful to the reasonable demands of my friend."

The pirate chuckled, and used the elven rune stone to contact Windrunner's mother in the distance. Soon, the swarm retreated from the top of the Black Cloud Peak. They stopped attacking, but did not stop besieging.

They can come back anytime.


The war crone Magatha seemed to have lost all her strength. After seeing her followers survived, she collapsed on the ground with desolate eyes, and the black stone element staff in her hand also fell to the ground.

She had never been so weak.


A pirate emblem was dropped on the land in front of Magatha, and Bu Laike said casually:

"In three days, go to the Valley of the Spears and report to Elder Drek'Thar. Of course, you can try to escape, or sell yourself to some evil rats in the hope that they can save you from the sea of ​​suffering.

I have always praised the survivors for all their efforts to survive, as long as you can bear the price of betrayal again. "

The pirates crossed the distraught Magatha, and Cain and the others headed for the ancient elven ruins above the coast.

There they will discuss the final details of the war against the centaurs and launch a simultaneous raid on the three barbarian clans this afternoon.

"I'll give you some advice, poor man."

First Mate Long Seifel squatted down, picked up the black stone staff on the ground, and stuffed it into Magatha's hand.

She said to the legendary shaman in front of her:

"Don't turn to the Stone Mother, she will soon be our ally, and the only choice left for you among the four elemental monarchs is the Balrog King.

You could go to the Firelands and change form, but we'll get to you eventually.

Fleets are short on shaman talent right now, so work hard.

Your future is endless. "


While Boo Laike is helping Kane with "big family troubles," the Stinky Pirate's beloved black-feathered falcon is flying from the night elves' outpost in Desolace toward the pirate's shores.

Miss Thisalie Crow This will be stressful.

She had just been given an important quest by the Cenarion Order, er, it might be inappropriate to say that it was a quest, it was a request directly from Moonglade.

The druids have confirmed the pirates' movements, and they know that Laike and his evil forces are about to intervene in the private affairs of the forest king's son Zaetar and the earth princess Therades.

They enlisted the help of Thisalie Crow, who was "close" with Bo Laike, to calm the situation before the conflict between the tauren and the king of the forest erupted.

The druids were not afraid of the tauren's questioning, but they were worried that Braike Shaw would be a hindrance.

Judging from the stinky pirate's vicious record, once the pirate intends to take advantage of this, the king of the forest will immediately fall into a terrible crisis.

After all, Bu Laike just killed an Old God and two fallen demigods in the Silithus Desert, which has already made those guys who are not familiar with Bo Laike's energy aware of the threat of stinky pirates.

"But even if you say so, how can I persuade him?"

Miss Black Crow stretched her wings and quickly moved through the air.

While looking at the looming elf ruins, she complained:

"You really underestimated the difficulty of this matter, you underestimated that guy's mind too much, as a 'pet', it is really difficult for me to change his mind.

So what if you promised me the title of Archdruid for this kind of thing?

The title of the youngest Archdruid in history is indeed very popular, but I can only do my best. "

Miss Hisalie looked melancholy at the desolate scenery in front of her, she let out a long sigh, and said:

"Smelly Pirates often say that there is no free lunch in this world, and I don't know what I have to pay to complete this mission this time, I hope he doesn't ask for too much"

(end of this chapter)

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