Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1196 292. What? Big Queen Pigeon?

Chapter 1196 292. What? Big queen pigeon?


A deep and painful roar resounded on the ground leading to the palace of Heart of Fear. Under the impact of the violent qiraji worms fearless of death like a tide, the giant beast worms like the walking fortress of the mantid have been wiped down. three heads.

This scene was very much like a piranha hunting for prey. The khaki worker insects swept away, leaving only a miserable and incomplete corpse in place.

And workers.

This is just the lowest level of cannon fodder in the Qiraji combat system, and the scythe springtails and armor insects that follow behind to harvest have not officially entered the field yet.

It appears that the evolution of the mantid wasn't perfect either.

The advantage of being able to fly made them ignore ground forces, and it would definitely be no problem to rely on those huge fortress bugs that walked like mountains to deal with pandaren.

But when facing the savage Qiraji swarm, it immediately showed its shortcomings.

As a result, the quantitative advantage they gave up for the sake of quality advantage became their biggest weakness at this moment.

But the battle of the Qiraji swarm was not all smooth sailing. Their leader worm suffered a crushing defeat in the confrontation with the Grand Empress Shakothir, and was almost defeated along with General Liresa's will.

However, at this critical moment, the appearance of Xalatas directly reversed the situation of the battle. The moment she appeared, the will of the swarm belonging to Princess Yarki was transferred to the dark essence.

Even the pressure brought by the great empress Shake Hill was taken over by Xalatas.

The transfer of the swarm's will made the Qiraji who were advancing so loudly confused for a moment, but soon, the dark will belonging to Xalatath shrouded the simple minds of these bewildered worms.

They feel that their fallen God of Darkness seems to have returned at this very moment!

That dark glory once again shrouds the ignorant and sad souls of the qiraji, their last flaws filled!

They have found the meaning of living again!

For the God of Darkness!


A few seconds later, General Liresa and the swarm hunters under her command stared dumbfounded at the already frenzied Qiraji once again entered into a crazier fighting stance.

Those cannon fodder worker bugs even began to charge and self-destruct in a crazy way to open the way for the fighting bugs in the rear, and the mantid's ground line, which was already able to withstand the impact of the bug swarm, was crushed in an instant.

Like a very boring reef trying to block the beating of the waves, but was easily submerged by the incoming tide.

The swarm consciousness sang over the weak soul of each qiraji, like a charge, igniting the dogma of devotion to the supreme dark god engraved in the ancient blood of the qiraji.

The charge of the bugs, at this moment, truly has a soul.

And the swarm hunters finally discovered the supreme secret of the Qiraji swarm. Only when it is commanded by an ancient god or similar dark stuff, can the swarm truly burst out with destructive power that overwhelms everything.

They were born to be the loyal servants of darkness!

Their existence would be meaningless without darkness.

"As you are now, you still have the face to call yourself a swarm hunter? You are really ashamed of this imposing name!"

While applying the enraged BUFF of "Devotion" to the charging swarm, and starting to launch a swarm-conscious duel to Shaksil, Xalatath also taunted those on his side ruthlessly and arrogantly.

Especially Liresa Windrunner, whom she has disliked for a long time.

She viciously spread the power she had just mastered in the consciousness of Windrunner's mother, she turned words into sharp blades, and wantonly attacked Liresa's soul.

she says:

"Look at your weak appearance, are you worthy of his protection and attention? Do you really think that he is your student, so you can ask him to do everything for you?

Do not be silly.

You're just a 'little pet'.

Look, you can't even fight yourself, your efforts are lovely, Windrunner, but can you keep up with him?

Doesn't looking up at the back make you despair?

give up.

Accept your sad fate of being forgotten.

Only a strong woman like me deserves to stand by his side! Maiev Shadowsong is not bad, Sefiel is not bad, Alya Blue Moon is not bad, but you.

Tsk tsk, you are a little far behind. "

"Xalatath, your attempt is very interesting, you can continue, but I am a necromancer, and I know that you are trying to plant some strange things in my soul.

I can feel it. "

Mother Windrunner scoffed.

She patted Princess Yarki who had recovered from sitting down, reached out and took out the spiritstring longbow behind her back, and shot a few arrows forward without looking, piercing through the heart of a group of elite mantid flying overhead.

Facing Xalatas' malicious ridicule, General Liresa responded blankly:

"Do you think standing next to my disciple is the greatest honor of your life? Tsk tsk, look, a tamed puppy is barking at people.

Has the ambition to destroy the world once fallen to this point?

You are really pathetic! "

"Sharp mouth! But it's a pity that you and I both know that what I just said didn't just irritate you, I was just stating the facts. Windrunner, you are already the reverberation of the previous era.

There is no place for you in this era! "

Xalatas snorted and ended the meaningless confrontation arrogantly.

She withdrew her consciousness after leaving one last sentence, and began to focus on dealing with the great queen Shakesir who had already sensed something was wrong and began to run away.

After the dark essence took over the head of the swarm consciousness, Princess Yarki became a member of the swarm, and she hummed to her master with guilt.

Probably because he was confessing his own weakness, which caused the master to be humiliated as well.

But General Liresa didn't care, she just patted her war beast to cheer it up.

This is just the beginning.

As Princess Yarki re-entered the battle, the expressionless Liresa waved her hands and gathered a cloud of dark spiritual energy to sway backwards like fire.

The moment she drew the war bow, the corpses of the bugs within dozens of yards, not counting the qiraji or the mantid, were all infused with the death aura of the dark ranger and staggered up again.

This allowed Windrunner's mother to have a "dead guard" in an instant.

The precise shooting belonging to the legendary ranger weaves a curtain of death in the sky. Any mantid who approaches will be shot in the head with an arrow. The combination of hunter and swarm is by no means an ordinary beast master.

This is the complementarity of the two forces.

The qiraji swarm continued to march forward after suffering a slight obstacle, and they were getting closer and closer to the palace of Grand Empress Shak'zeer.

They are getting closer and closer to victory.

As for whether Xal'atath's vicious words have any effect on Windrunner's mother?

Probably, only she knows.

The battle outside the Heart of Fear palace was raging, and the Grand Empress's desperate move to send her elite army to the front line brought her great trouble.

Facing the tunnel-digging and attacking flaming Qiraji swarm, after the swarm's will went wrong in the confrontation, Shakzier has no good way to stop these ancient kin.

In such a sudden situation and the opponent has an absolute numerical advantage, the flash of inspiration and other tricks are completely useless except to comfort himself.

She can only rely on the tight defense of the Heart of Fear Palace to buy herself more time to deal with it.

The moment Xal'atath took over the will of the Qiraji's swarm, Sheksiel ordered the front-line mantid legion to come back, and she was only fortunate that the decisive battle with the pandaren was in the Dread Wastes. The border strikes.

The frontline battlefield is not too far from the Heart of Fear Palace. With the super-fast maneuverability of the mantid, as long as her palace defenses last for an hour, her loyal elite can rush back to rescue her.

"Zoel Locke! Go to the outer hall to oversee the battle yourself!"

The empress's sharp neigh echoed in her throne room, and she gave an order to her loyal prime minister:

"Release Galalon! Release my invincible war beast, and we must keep the invaders out of my palace, these shameful traitors who surrendered to humble lives!

Their existence is a disgrace to the ancient glory of the Aqir Empire! "

"As you order, my lord."

Zor Locke, the royal prime minister who was in charge of communicating with the fallen sea sages before, was also in a panic.

Under the pressure of the sudden army, there is really not much time for the mantid nobles to think.

However, it still has a touching loyalty. After receiving the Queen's order, the royal prime minister, whose legs were frightened, still led a team of palace guards and rushed to the periphery of the palace battle line in person.

In less than a few minutes, there were low-pitched insects chirping outside the palace gate, and the sound of the ground shaking meant that a gigantic beast had been released.

The Qiraji swarm lost their Colossus units after the Anubisath Sentinels in the Qiraji Ruins were destroyed, but the mantid have war behemoths like the Bastion Kerror.

And as the favorite pet of the Grand Empress, Garalon, the giant fortress, is a symbol of the invincibility of the mantid empire.

Its mountainous size and brute force to crush the Serpent's Spine make it the most dangerous creature in Pandaria, even if swarmed by qiraji.

"Little sister, I'm coming."

Xalatas' malicious voice echoed in the dark court of the Great Empress, interrupting the boring fantasy of the Great Empress who was extremely active because of the possession of the Sha of Fear.

Mixed with the will of the qiraji swarm, this dangerous opponent exploded in Shak'zeer's palace full of gray and dangerous sha energy in a mental shock gesture.

The mantid guards who guarded the Great Queen have black and white spots on their limbs, which means that they are also affected by the power of the Sha of Fear, and they have also been strengthened!

But this kind of single enhancement stemming from fear is as fragile as paper in the face of the concentrated explosion of the five sha energies that Xalatas has swallowed.

There was a flying mantid guard on the spot who was overwhelmed by despair and fell to the ground with a bang bang bang, throwing away his weapon and holding his head trembling.

There were also guards who were dazzled by the rage and hatred, and under the guidance of the vicious thoughts that suspected that their companions had betrayed, they shouted "Defend the Queen" and waved their Amber halberds towards their nearest companions.

The most wonderful thing is that the angry aura is exploded by the vicious dark essence, adding a collective rage buff to these fighting mantid.

It's very easy for them to chop up their own people.

One minute after Xalatas descended on the palace, the Grand Empress Shakesir, who was loyally protected by the guards, became a naked commander. Her last two loyal guards fought each other right in front of her eyes. perish together.

The most amazing thing is that when the two guards killed each other until they fell to the ground, they were still shouting slogans for the Great Queen.

This bloody scene made Shake Hill also feel hopeless.

She felt the threat from the same source as her own power in the will of the invisible devil in front of her. The possessed Sha of Fear dispelled her fear and encouraged the Great Queen to fight back.

Apparently, the Sha of Fear, who grew rapidly by absorbing the fear of the mantid empire, also felt the crisis.

It is already ready to abandon the incompetent host, Shake Hill, and escape. This guy in front of him can devour Sha Energy, and he is simply the natural enemy of Sha Mo's remnants!

"I guess the Sha of Fear must have told you worms that the fearless mantid are the most powerful civilization in the world, in order to encourage you to attack the ancient enemy."

Xalatas sneered and sneered at the great queen standing in the sea of ​​corpses and blood:

"The sha within you does allow you and your minions to defy fear and fill you with courage, but accepting the 'blessing' of the sha of fear means that your mind is also no longer in front of its 'brothers'. fortify.

My poor little sister, your glory is worth nothing in my eyes, your faith means nothing!

The humble little queen is like a plate of delicious pastry. She dresses herself up beautifully, and then pours the soup of despair and delivers it to my eyes. Now, I am free to taste you however I want.

for example

so? "


The big queen who didn't know how to fight back against an invisible consciousness felt sharp teeth biting her soul fiercely, and a piece of her soul was gnawed off by her.

The pain from the heart made the mantid queen twitch and back away.

Her four sha-dyed spider legs and insect limbs covered with black and white sha spots were constantly waving in the air, and the sha-filled mantid sound waves and magic balls danced everywhere.

But it couldn't hurt Xalatas who was laughing wildly at all.

She is a conscious ghost incarnated by the power of the Sha Demon. There is no entity that can be attacked. The only way to defeat her is to fight her head-on on the battlefield of will.

But Shek Hill had tried it just now.

In the case of also enveloping the will of the swarm, she is not an opponent of the dark essence Xal'atath at all. Xalatath, who has swallowed the remnants of the five-headed demon, can already be regarded as an "incomplete Y'Shaarj" .

But the strengthening power that Shake Hill is proud of is only one-seventh of Y'Shaarji's remaining will.

Weak and helpless, she is no match for the dark big sister Xal'atath in every sense.

"Your soul stinks, it makes me almost gulp."

The dark big sister commented disdainfully:

"Ambition but no means, ambition but no talent, wisdom but no perseverance, talent but no effort. From the perspective of emperors, you are really the most incompetent queen I have ever met.

No wonder the mantid elders of the Klaxxi Council want to depose you.

Under your 'wise' leadership, the mantid empire will come to an end sooner or later, and only in this way will you be deceived by the Sha of Fear's rhetoric to become the host of the Sha.

I guess, seeing this, those foreign servants of N'Zoth easily provoked your ambitions and used your obsession with power to start a war.

The queen in charge of this ten thousand year old empire has become a tool in the hands of mortals, you are really pathetic!

Unleash the Sha of Fear, then you can go. "

Xal'atath said in a voice that lacked interest:

"I'm not interested in you anymore. Your head is destined to become a trophy for others to show off their victory. Or do you want to continue struggling in desperation and create more fun for me?"

This blunt sarcasm made Grand Empress Shake Hill extremely ashamed and indignant.

She worked so hard because of her heart, and the Sha of Fear surging in her spirit also encouraged her in this way.

But in the end, under the satisfied gaze of Xalatas and the angry and terrified roar of the Sha of Fear, Shake Hill made the most wise decision in his life.

She gave up decisively.

The power of the Sha of Fear was voluntarily discarded, and as the off-white Sha energy with a hint of scarlet was continuously released, the Great Empress quickly escaped from her own Sha-stained palace.

And Xalatas did not pursue her as promised.

In front of the dark essence, the Sha of Fear, which has absorbed the fear of the mantid empire and grown rapidly, has lost its host, and has been forced to appear as a twisted entity that is a combination of a seven-eyed black goat and a giant worm.

Its mellow aroma of fear made Xal'atath gulp.

This is what she wants.

As for the runaway empress, hey, it's just an incompetent and failed monarch. After losing the strengthening of the Sha of Fear, what kind of troubles can the weak woman make?

(end of this chapter)

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