Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1197 293. This Is My Escape Route, Shake Hill!

Chapter 1197 293. This is my escape route, Shake Hill!

Sheksiel fled.

Although this ancient way of survival is shameful, it is very useful if it can be passed down.

Of course, as the great empress of the mantid, her escape is completely different from that of ordinary people who flee in embarrassment. She has her own plan, and her escape route is also completely different from ordinary people.

"Your Majesty, your decision to break out is really wise!"

Loyal Vizier Zor Locke has lost a hand, wounded after fighting back against a qiraji attack from above.

This represented the loyalty of this sycophant to the Great Empress.

This will be accompanied by the empress leaving the palace, and the prime minister also displayed his superb skills. It chattered endlessly to the silent Shake Hill:

"The rebellion of our ancient compatriots was unexpected. The cunning Pandaren must have made a vicious agreement with their leader of the Lachong to launch a rebellion against the great empress at this moment. Your noble majesty cannot put yourself in danger. .

The gorgeous palace can't hold it anymore.

We should now go to the front to meet your loyal and powerful Lord of Blades, and then the army commanded by the Sky Lord will escort you to safety. "

The royal prime minister seemed to feel the empress's shame, and said eloquently:

"Although it hurts to give up the majestic palace, it is also a helpless move.

You don't have to feel heartbroken, as long as you as the leader reach a safe place, we can always regroup and take the palace back.

All it takes is a victory to bury today's small defeat, which will also become the legend of your supreme wisdom. "

"No, Zoel Locke, we're not going to the front."

The Grand Empress stood on the fringes of Heart of Fear's palace, and without the Sha of Fear interfering with her thoughts, the few wits of the mantid leader in his prime were returning.

Her Amber-colored compound eyes, adorned by a golden crown and a mask, looked at the dark gray sky in the distance, and the flapping of her tiny wings, which had degraded to the point of flight, made her make a strange hum.

she says:

"The gods of the pandaren have all been dispatched, and our ancient opponents are as determined as we are to end the ten thousand years of confrontation and reincarnation with this war.

The fact that the pedantic panda people actually cooperate with the brutal Qiraji is enough to see their determination.

When we go to the front line, we will only be surrounded and annihilated by crazy panda people, and the damned Klaxxi Council doesn't care about my life or death at all, those lunatics who dedicated everything to their faith are just using me to attract the attention of the pandaren coalition forces .

They are not even willing to leave me a mighty Yingjie!

They have made me a sacrifice to the dark master they worship and worship. My rebellious subjects and my enemies together plotted my defeat today!

What a shame!

But this failure was inevitable. "

Sheke Hill looked at her delicate arms decorated with amber gemstones, the Sha energy brought by the Sha of Fear was fading from her body, and the body covered with black and white spots was returning to a noble and majestic form middle.

She felt like she had a damned dream in the past, the power of Sha Demon strengthened her and affected her, making her recklessly decide to go to war.

But now is not the time to regret.

Being able to stand out among countless candidates and become the Great Empress to command the Mantid Empire, although Shaksil may have various flaws as Xalatas said, she is not outstanding enough.

But she is definitely not an incompetent idiot.

Especially at this moment when life is at stake, the eldest queen's IQ was on the line, and she began to think hard, and soon, she had a genius-like attention.

"Zor Locke! Summon my loyal guards, and we will break through!"

Shake Hill waved her insect limbs, causing the gorgeous purple queen robe she was wearing to swing. She let out a sharp humming sound, and gave new orders to her dog legs:

"Pandaria can't stay here anymore, there is no place for the mantid to stay here, since the Klaxxi council and those damned depraved sea sages can treat me as an abandoned son, why can't I pay them back with this?

Let's get out of here!

We leave the wasteland of fear that has survived for thousands of years, and we go beyond the mist! Go to those outsiders' worlds to find new lands, more fertile lands, holy lands that belong only to the mantid!

We will be the pioneers and conquerors, let the ten-thousand-year confrontation between the queen and the elders die!

The new empire will be built by me. "

"Ah, I adore you for your supreme wisdom, my lord, such a courageous decision proves your ambition and your future greatness."

Grand Chancellor Zor Locke felt that the queen's idea was a bit whimsical, who knows what's going on outside the mist?

It's really not a good choice to rush across the sea with the last family fortune.

Moreover, the life of the mantid has been highly specialized for ten thousand years. Their adaptability is far less than that of the qiraji. They need a specific environment to reproduce in large numbers.

But it doesn't directly refute it.

For now it must obey the Empress to survive this terrible war.

As the voice of the queen, it immediately ran to gather the last guards, and the great queen also used the will of the swarm to give orders to the two loyal and powerful generals who were evacuating from the front line.

Ask them to abandon their armies and join her on the coast with some of their best warriors.

They have to cross the saline mudflats first, rest on Zanivis Island off the coast of the Dread Wastes, and then go west through the mist that is already spreading, leaving the continent of Pandaria to find life again.

This plan was hasty, but given the dilemma of having pandaren before and qiraji later, this was already the best coping strategy the Great Empress could think of.

And she has an advantage.

The mantid army is attacking the pandaren in two ways, and the Klaxxi council's legion is about to invade the legendary Vale of Eternal Blossoms, and the pandaren will not sit idly by.

Once she chooses to retreat, the Pandaren will definitely shift their energies to the Elder Legion, where there is a powerful Yingjie leading the legion, which is destined to buy enough time for the Great Queen's faction to evacuate.

Hehe, this is the "final allegiance" that the shameful rebels can offer to their Great Empress.

At the same time when the great queen of the mantid, Sheksiel, commanded her last loyal legion to break through, on the western coast of the Dread Wastes, the Pandari, which was reorganized from the Kul Tiras Second Fleet headed by the Naglfar, Sub-vanguards are landing fast.

The Qiraji swarm on the frontal battlefield had gained a crushing advantage, and the mission of these fighters in the rear changed from assisting in attacking the fortifications to cutting grass and roots.

Admiral Jaina and her adjutant, her idiot sister Fenner, walked on the wet coast, and observed the surrounding terrain through scouting magic.

This wasteland of fear, where the mantid have lived for thousands of years, is definitely not a place where people can feel comfortable. The gloomy sky is always covered with black clouds, and there is a pale light in the center of the clouds.

After looking at it for a long time, you can feel the layers of malice on this land. After all, few people can quickly adapt to a ghostly place with a sky that looks like a drain hole.

Less than twenty minutes after landing, some sailors have already used "the devil's X-eye" to describe the terrible sky of the Dread Wastes.

It's a vulgar statement, of course, but even little Gianna has to admit it's pretty graphic.

"The holy tree of the Heart of Fear palace will be handled by the Qiraji swarm, and our task is to burn down the Kypa holy trees Ik and Zaal, which are necessary for the survival of the mantid.

If only they could be burned, the legacy of the mantid would be dealt a fatal blow. "

Jaina pointed to the map in her hand and said to the commanders beside her:

"The two holy trees of Amber are not far away, we don't need to divide our troops, but now we have to march quickly, we must burn down the holy tree before the battle of Heart of Fear is over to hit the morale of the mantid.

Fate sent us to this continent to take on this heavy responsibility. We will be the first legion to win glory and victory in this strange land!

We are the pride of mankind!

This is for those brothers who died! Also for the glory of the Kul Tirans! Do it, everyone! "

Just a few words of appeal made the captains around Jaina surge with enthusiasm, and being able to say inspiring words so skillfully also represents the growth of little Jaina in her military career.

This also made Fenner, the idiot who followed Jaina, both proud and jealous.

He is proud that his younger sister is indeed a genius of the Proudmoore family, and after only a few battles, she already has the aura of a qualified commander.

What I'm jealous of is my little sister's terrifying talent in all aspects.

Compared with her, I really look like a reckless woman who can only wield weapons.

"Sister, once you meet the mantid guards, it's up to you and your shield girl striker to open the front line. Ordinary soldiers are really powerless against the elite mantid."

Little Jaina's voice woke up the dazed Fenner, she squeezed her eyes, patted her chest and said:

"Leave it to me, you use your brains, I use your fists, we cooperate seamlessly, come, I will carry you behind my back, you have to save your magic power and fight for a while."

After finishing speaking, amidst the screams of little Jaina, Fenner involuntarily picked up the little mage by the collar, carried it behind her, cheered and charged forward with a sense of vitality unique to a fool. .

But this happy march didn't last long.

Half an hour later, when the Kul Tiras vanguard had just captured the Kaipa Holy Tree Zaar and was about to set fire to the mantid holy tree, the bad news reached the commanders.

"A large number of mantid elites are passing through in the northwest! Our scouts have spotted the figure of the suspected mantid empress, Sheksier! Headmaster Zhu Taran and his monks are there to prevent the mantid from escaping.

But there are so few of them, and they need help! "

The assassin of the uncrowned man appeared in front of Fenner and Jaina with a whole body of blood to convey an important message, and the little Jaina looked back at Fenner.

The foolish warrior has already brought up Suthas, the troll sword that drank the blood of bugs.

She said to Jaina in a serious tone:

"You stay here and continue to direct the soldiers to burn this tree.

I took the shield girl to support, the big queen must die! Otherwise, the mantid's will of the swarm would always exist, encouraging those worms to keep fighting, and this battle would not be over in a short time. "

"Let's go too."

Jaina shook her head, and the little mage said equally seriously:

"Sect Leader Zhu Taran's initiative to ask for help shows that the situation is critical. It is useless for you to bring such a small number of people there. This is a war, not a duel."

Seeing that Fenner still wanted to refute, Jaina scowled and scolded:

"I am the commander-in-chief, and you are the adjutant. You must obey my orders! That's the decision. You are not allowed to sneak away, General Fenner, or you will be sent to a military court."

After finishing speaking, the little mage turned around and said loudly to the captains behind him:

"Immediately contact the fleet on the coast and get them as close to the battlefield as possible. I need fire support! This is the special skill of the Kul Tirans. Don't let our Pandaren allies look down on us.


The 1st to 5th marines come and assemble, I will send us directly into the battlefield with mass teleportation! "

With Jaina's orders issued, the Kul Tiran Vanguard sprang into action.

While hundreds of marines gathered, Fina also took out the communication stone that she had contacted with the Nagfar, and told the ghost ship the news.

She asked the ghost ship's spellcaster, Mr. Sakir, to take all the spellcasters to the battlefield immediately, and also made the bombing team of the mechanical gnomes ready.

After everything was ready, in the magic light of the archmage-level group teleportation that Jaina used independently, the imposing marines were accurately projected to the flanks of the escape route carefully chosen by the Grand Empress Shake Hill.

"Bugs! My sword longs for your heads!"

The moment it landed, Fenna roared and rushed towards the battlefield aroused in anger.

During the charge, she still did not forget to slap the armor on her left shoulder hard. The halo of the heart of anger of the Atama crystal inlaid on the shoulder armor unfolded, and instantly enveloped the shield maidens and warriors who were charging on the bear behind them. Their morale was overwhelmed, and they rushed into the mantid's flank with red eyes and howling.

Fenner herself is even more incredible.

Relying on the troll sword in his hand, which is a special attack on insects, he rushed into the army formation and raised the knife for a moment, splitting the head and body of a mantid commander.

In the sway of the blade storm, more than a dozen surrounding mantid that couldn't dodge were involved, twisted and smashed.

The arrival of reinforcements boosted the morale of the Shado-Pan masters who had been surrounded by the Great Queen's elite army. Zhu Taran personally acted as an assassin, and with the assistance of other monks, he held the Dragon Staff and charged towards the last of the army. Grand Empress Shek'zeer in the center.

The master monk's black and white eyes were full of absolute killing intent.

He would rather give up everything and kill the leader of the mantid here. This is the best dedication he, a vulgar warrior, would make for his clan and his hometown!

Jaina did not join the battle.

Because the little mage wants to lock the space, blocking the last possibility of the big queen's escape.

Shek'zeer is one of the most powerful spellcasters in the mantid, and she can do any mass teleportation that Jaina can do, given her time.

Once you miss this opportunity to assassinate the king and give Xia Kexier time to breathe, it will not be so easy to assassinate next time.

"That damn mage!"

The large-scale teleportation that Shake Hill was preparing for was interrupted and failed in the middle. She immediately locked the position of the interferer, and shouted at the mantid blade lord who was guarding beside her:

"Get rid of her!"

The most powerful and loyal warrior general among the mantid immediately took off, broke through the speed of sound in an instant and jumped into the shadows, and appeared from behind Jaina brandishing four Amber swords.

The fierce whirlwind killed several soldiers guarding Jaina in an instant, and the arc of the sword swirled drove the cruel light to swirl in the next instant, and it was too late for the little mage to use the flash.

He could only instinctively swing his hail magic sword and throw a ball of ice orbs to protect himself.


Amid the crisp sound of slashing, the beautiful magic sword shaped like ice cubes shattered, turning into beautiful ice flowers and blooming in front of the little mage's eyes, together with a mass of blood.

Jaina appeared in a flash a few yards away.

Her drooping right arm was covered with blood, and the scar on her heart was even more shocking. The mantid's fatal blow almost killed her.

But she didn't seem to feel the pain, she stared blankly at the hail broken sword with only the hilt left in her hand.

An incomparable anger erupted in the eyes of the little mage, she raised her head, and stared at the cruel and powerful Lord of Blades in front of her in a splash of magic power.

she screamed:

"Big Brother gave me this! Bugs! Damn you!"


Sensing that Jaina was in danger, the stupid warrior immediately activated teleportation and sent himself to the little sister. When she saw the blood on the little sister's arm, she felt an empathetic pain that stimulated Fenner's anger like a roaring tide.

She held the Troll Excalibur upside down, and pulled out the Elven Holy Sword Quel'Sera with a wave, staring at the Blade Lord in front of her with a deadly gaze.

she says:

"How much did your empress pay you to be a hero? Is it enough for your funeral expenses? Bug."

(end of this chapter)

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