Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1198 294. Bu Laike Condemned The Assassination And Drake Was On His Way

Chapter 1198 294. Bu Laike condemned the assassination and Drake was on his way

"The mantid are retreating! Looks like the swarm's raid is working."

In the sky of the Mantis Plateau, the stinky pirate who just came here from Qingri Peak stood on the head of the Starlight Dragon Eragon and looked down. Although there was still some distance from the battlefield, he could already clearly see the dense army of mantids. "Charge" backwards.

Apparently feeling the threat, the Great Empress Sheksiel was summoning her legion back to "escort". On the periphery of the battlefield, the Cloud Serpent Knights had begun to cover the pursuit of the Pandaren monks.

And the centaur cannon fodder took this opportunity to crazily attack the mantid's flanks. These barbarians were not afraid of life and death and had a high fighting will, because the pandaren issued a reward.

Each mantid head can be exchanged for several catties of food.

This bounty is too appetizing for the centaurs. Since the moment they were born, they have not had enough food.

If they had found a big patron like the Pandaren earlier, why would they need to fight the Tauren in Desolace for nearly a thousand years?

"The unrestrained insect swarm is so powerful. No wonder the night elves wanted to fight the battle of quicksand. With such an attack speed, it is only a matter of time before they sweep Kalimdor unrestrained."

The little star next to the pirate sighed.

She seems to have completely forgotten what she complained about the swarm in the ruins of Qiraji back then, and she will look at the battlefield below like watching the excitement, without any "dignity of the strong" at all.

"Don't just watch, get ready, I didn't bring you here just to watch the excitement, Your Highness."

Bu Laike rubbed his forehead and said helplessly:

"The number of swarms that can reproduce on Shanze Island is not enough to create an absolute advantage for all the mantid, we must slow down the speed of this mantid army returning to help.

Also prevent Klaxxi's stubborn mantid elders from suddenly changing their minds in favor of the queen. Although the chance of this happening is quite small, it cannot be ignored.

So gather your dragon army and head to the battlefield together. "

"Ha, I'm familiar with this."

Little Xingxing laughed, and said amidst the thunder all over his body:

"Just like before, I showed up when they needed me the most! With the feat of turning the tide, I added another touch to the legendary story of His Royal Highness Little Xing Xingxing!

But this time is different from before, the mighty little Xingxing Highness finally doesn't need to pretend to be a tiger, this time I will shine on the stage with unparalleled strength! "

"Tsk tsk, co-author, you also know that you used to be a fox pretending to be a tiger."

Bu Laike complained:

"It's great to have self-knowledge, isn't it? Your Highness Little Xingxing?"

"Noisy! You cowardly and cunning human servant, don't disturb my emotional preparation."

Little Xingxing put her hips on her hips and screamed imposingly:

"His Royal Highness is still preparing for his lines! It must be more handsome and mighty, in line with the current status of His Highness."

She was really excited, causing thunderous white to appear in both eyes.

It looked really majestic.

Of course, if His Royal Highness Little Xingxing can say something that really fits her current status, it will be even more majestic.

However, after receiving the support of Yulong Tianzun, Little Xingxing's giant dragon army has already become so magnificent.

As she blew the horn, Sienni and Melinsera turned into dragons and roared, while Lord Candle Dragon who was waiting for orders below shook his head.

Although he still has some doubts about the leader, Little Xingxing, he has to fulfill his duties.

The golden cloud serpent soars into the sky, followed by a swarm of colorful serpents, joining Little Star and her followers.

As the leader of the giant dragon army, His Royal Highness Little Xingxing turned into a lightning-splashing giant dragon in the air, she spread her wings freely and enjoyed this rare sense of power.

Flying around the sky again, it brought the dragons down to launch an impact.

Bu Laike didn't go with the little star, he was sent by Eragon to the city wall of Beaulieu's Spine, and he saw Master Xueliu in armor standing on the side of the city wall and looking at the battlefield.

The pandaren Grandmaster's black and white face was full of complex emotions. After noticing Bu Laike approaching, he said:

"The entanglement between the mantid and the pandaren has lasted for tens of thousands of years. When Emperor Shaohao was incarnated in the mist, he hesitated whether to shelter these vicious enemies who had been hostile for many years.

They bear no resemblance to us, they serve their queens and evil gods wholeheartedly, and all they want is a burning world.

I still can't figure out how beautiful and complicated emotions must have been in Emperor Shaohao's heart when the fog descended.

But I also have to admit that it is the once-in-a-century threat of the mantid on the continent of Pandaria that keeps the Pandaren and other races protected by Serpent's Spine united.

Those differences, those conflicts, those different ideas must give way before this question of survival.

But now, with the help of your powerful outsider, the mantid empire is about to crumble, and that may be a good thing for the pandaren.

But can the harmony of Pandaria continue without a common enemy?

Especially now that the fog is about to open"

"You monks like to think too much, learn from Zhu Taran, how transparent are they?"

Bu Laike complained in a low voice:

"The unity of being united by the same enemy only temporarily covers up the problem instead of solving it. I think that with the pandaren's behavior, you don't have to worry about getting into a real life-and-death enemy.

And it is precisely because the fog is about to open, the pandas need to get rid of the burden of the mantid for thousands of years, and travel lightly.

This is not a peaceful world for you to integrate into, Master Xueliu, and if you worry about not having a strong enemy to add to the pressure on the pandaren, you are bound to be disappointed.

There are many evils outside.

A war between demons, ancient gods, and mortal races.

It is a chaotic and disorderly world, and what you have to do is not to be contaminated by the chaos, and to spread your way of peace in this unpeaceful world.

Those outsiders don't know how magnificent civilization can be bred by 10,000 years of peace, but you are the most vivid example. Your existence is the best rebuttal to the absurd statement that 'war promotes civilization, and chaos creates order'. "

As he spoke, the stinky pirate stood with his hips akimbo on the dais of the mighty Beaulieu's Spine, looking at the flames burning in the distance under the gray despairing sky of the Dread Wastes.

He said:

"You said, if I had come to this world as a pandaren, how happy would I be now? But unfortunately, I don't have such good luck, so we should uh."

Before the stinky pirate finished speaking, he suddenly felt a pain in his heart.

This rare state made him clutch his chest, frowning and looking forward. This feeling appeared once before, when Thakir used the blood ritual to determine the specific position of Bu Laike in the mist.

A rare, blood-linked warm sensation felt last time.

But this time, the pirate felt only slight pain.

Is it Fenner?

Or Jaina?

"What's wrong? Your face is ugly."

Master Xueliu asked in surprise.

"It's nothing, the black-clothed guards here can go to the Setting Sun Pass to support them, and the mantids won't be able to fight back in a short time."

Laike stood up straight, and the emotionless expression on his face just now disappeared, replaced by a changed coldness. He patted the non-existent dust on his body, and said softly:

"I suddenly feel a bit troublesome about family matters, so I won't go to Setting Sun Pass with you, I'm going to deal with private matters."

After speaking, the blood-red Shadow Gate was activated, and Bo Laike leaped from the city wall to high altitude in an instant, landing on the forehead of Little Star who howled and spewed thunder towards the mantid in the air.

"Leave it to them here, let's go ahead."

The pirate patted the little star with lightning splashes and the beautiful dragon horns decorated with gold rings, and said something to her. The abusive and upright Princess Blue Dragon asked dissatisfiedly:

"Why go to the front? I want more"


The pirate snorted suspiciously at the rebellious words, and Little Xingxing's huge body trembled suddenly. Although Laike's tone was calm, everyone who knew him knew that the calmer this guy was, the more terrifying he was.

How long has it been since you saw this kind of murderous Bu Laike?

Wow, it seems that some unlucky guy really messed with him.

The cowardly little Xingxing didn't dare to refute anymore, turned her head and told the very reliable, powerful and powerful Lord Zhulong in the dragon language, and handed over her dragon army to the adjutant to lead.

She carried the stinky pirate Bu Laike who had begun to sharpen her sword, and chased towards the direction where the big queen was escaping.

The situation on the coastal battlefield is very anxious.

The mantid who came out with Shakehill, and the mantid who joined them again are definitely the elite soldiers of the empire. Shakehill is also a very powerful spellcaster, and she also has two powerful generals of her own to assist.

Blade Lord Tayyak is the master of swordsmanship among the contemporary mantid and the strongest in melee combat.

The wind lord Melgarak is the empire's master tactician, a hero of air combat, who is extremely good at launching deadly attacks on the enemy from the sky, and can also use very powerful wind magic.

If there is no accident, these two outstanding and powerful mantids will be sealed in the mysterious Amber container with the title of "Hero" when their glorious life is coming to an end, and they will be isolated from time.

Wait until a certain era in the future, when the mantid empire needs them to fight again, they will be awakened,

And now, in order to give their loyal queen a chance to break through, the two swarm lords are also desperately fighting. The tall blade lord wields four Amber blades and Fenner, who is waving two swords and is haunted by anger.

The Lord of the Wind suppressed the little mage Jaina at high altitude, and from time to time came a "death from the sky" high-altitude raid, trying to kill the young Jaina with one blow.

But although the little mage was not as good as it in terms of absolute combat power, the endless magic methods made the wind lord return without success time and time again.

The most terrible thing is that when it cooperates with the Lord of Blades to fight, there is no strange connection that will strengthen the strength and heal the wounds of both parties in close combat.

But the opponent has it!

The mutual strengthening of the twin queens made Jaina and Fenner more courageous in the battle, and healed the cut wound of the little mage. Although Fenna still needed protection, the two miraculously fought against the two contemporary heroes of the mantid. There is a return.

Even gain the upper hand.

This brought great trouble to the Grand Empress.

The entanglement of two field commanders was fatal, and her elite regiment was already entangled by death-defying Shado-Pan masters and Kul Tiran marines.

Several Kul Tiran warships on the nearby coast have already begun to calibrate their bombardment, and a large-scale bombardment will come soon.

no more!

A decision has to be made, for those who break out, time is life! The Qiraji swarm in the rear had already changed direction. Once they caught up, he would be doomed today.


Large chunks of flaming meteorites fell from the sky, and the spellcasting power on the Nagfar was deadly and timely.

Following the opening of the portal opened by Prince Farondis on the edge of the battlefield, as well as the constant appearance of the halo of evil energy in the position and the scenes of the summoned demons rushing out, the empress' already anxious state of mind completely collapsed.


She recklessly threw a large-scale group teleport within a few hundred yards of her side, as if planning to abandon her army and flee alone.

She has completely lost confidence in the development of the battle situation.

Xal'atath's evaluation was indeed vicious and accurate. Queen Shekhill was not a persistent monarch, and her ability to resist pressure was really poor.

Perhaps in her opinion, as long as she, the Great Empress, is still around, the mantid empire will not be over.

Well, in a sense, this statement is actually true. But the question is, it's like this now, can the enemy still make you really run away?

"Panda people! The mantid empire will return, and then we will settle the score!"

Under extreme anger and anxiety, Xia Kexier left a word and rushed to activate the group teleportation before Farondis and the old man Sakir jointly blocked the space.

The beating light wrapped around the mantid guards, and the flattering Grand Chancellor howled and rushed over, finally catching up with the last wave of teleportation.

However, at the moment when the teleportation took effect, the roaring Thunder Dragon roared down from the sky, and its huge claws slapped Xia Kexier fiercely with lightning surges.

With a loud bang, Little Xingxing's thunderous explosion almost illuminated the entire battlefield, just like a large net of lightning flashing down from the sky, paralyzing nearly a hundred unlucky mantid around them.

The dozen or so guys who were closest were directly burned to coke.


Little Xingxing raised his paw, looked at the empty palm, and whimpered in dissatisfaction.

But the stinky pirate stepped out of the dancing shadow beside her, glanced at the blood-stained white sword Sharator in his hand, and looked at the severed limbs under his feet that were still throbbing and twitching on the ground.

He tilted his head, and said to the little star who was eager to try again:

"Don't worry, you can't escape."

"Let her run away! Damn it!"

On the other side, after Fenner finally executed the slaying and beheaded the Lord of Blades in victory, the stupid warrior looked at the disappeared great queen of the mantid with great displeasure.

She felt her raid had failed.

Although killing a good bug fighter, it can't make up for the loss at all.

But Jaina looked at the mantid wind lord who fled the battlefield, and some little mages who had lost too much blood felt dizzy. She covered her head and said to Fenner:

"Don't worry, you can't escape."


When Fenner turned her head, she saw the little girl sitting on the ground in a state of embarrassment, holding a shiny silver anchor pendant in her hand.

A smile appeared on her pale face, and she said weakly to Fenner:

"Look, sister, father is responding to our call, he has arrived in the direction of the idiot queen's teleportation, just on the way father is going.

She is dead. "

(end of this chapter)

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