Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1199 295. Appeared! Legendary Magic Dailin Summoning!

Chapter 1199 295. Appeared! Legendary Magic Dailin Summoning!

The mantid empress disappeared into the battlefield with hundreds of palace guards.

As soon as she withdrew, the remaining mantid became chaotic in an instant.

The number of mantids who broke out with Shake Hill was not many, they all left the frontline army and retreated urgently, but they were surrounded by two ends on the escape route chosen by the Great Empress herself.

In the front, the pandaren monk shouted to kill, and there was a thunder dragon raging in the center, and the qiraji in the rear launched a siege net to kill.

This situation is already very obvious, if you don't run, there will be no hope at all.

The mantid are not brainless qirajis. The evolutionary path of these guys is biased towards the sharpening of individual strength. Each of them has a very easy-to-use brain, which is both cunning and vicious.

When the queen was there before, the mantid were still able to fight to the death due to the suppression of the swarm's will, but now that the queen left, the smart bugs immediately dispersed and went their separate ways.

Zhu Taran was still leading the Shado-Pan monks to intercept and kill the swarm commanders, but Bu Laike had already let go of Bai Jianjian, allowing her to automatically search for and kill the enemy.

The stinky pirate glanced at the little star that was flying in the sky and constantly emitting lightning and thunder to stop the bugs from escaping. He shook his head, took out the hozen mask and put it on his face, and came to Proudmoore with a flash. Gemini here.

Fenna was alright, except that she had scars from fighting the Lord of Blades, but as a warrior, she was used to the pain, and she relied on her fighting instinct to avoid her vital wounds in hand-to-hand combat.

Now the whole body is full of blood, which looks scary, but most of them are skin trauma, and a legendary warrior like her has super self-healing power, such injuries probably won't even leave scars.

But little Gianna was different.

The knife slashed by the Lord of Blades earlier broke her right arm, and the wound on her heart was even more shocking, and her heart would be pierced by a few threads.

"Why are you so careless?"

The pirate half-kneeled beside Jaina, regardless of the little mage's struggle, he picked up the ointment and helped her treat the wound, while Fenna supported the little mage's body to prevent her from moving.

"I couldn't escape."

Jaina bit her lip and emphasized:

"I felt it. I thought I could avoid the worm's attack with a flash, but obviously I underestimated it."

"These bugs are fierce."

Fenner wiped the blood on her cheeks, and replied with some displeasure:

"Their swordsmanship can manipulate the wind, and can fold the wind into an invisible blade, so the attack range is much greater than the length of its Amber knife.

You really scared me to death just now, why didn't you use ice to protect your body?

Don't you mages always use this trick after being approached by soldiers? "

"The ice shield can't move."

Jaina gave her stupid sister a white look and said:

"Using that kind of magic in front of a fast-moving enemy like the mantid is not equivalent to turning yourself into a living target? Only a stupid mage will freeze himself when the enemy approaches."

"You two are in the mood to say this."

Bu Laike shook his head, quickly helped the little mage make a temporary splint to wrap up the broken arm, then threw the ointment to Fenner, pointed to the wound on the little mage's chest, and said:

"Help her with the rest. She is growing her body. It's better to heal the arm injury naturally. Don't run around in the next three months. Go back to Dalaran or Kul Tiras honestly.

Stop worrying your big brother.

If this matter were any more serious today, I would have to apologize to your big brother for committing suicide. "

"Just don't tell big brother"

Little Gianna lowered her head, feeling a little scared.

Afterwards, she struggled to pick up the broken hail magic sword at her feet. Now there was only one hilt left of this beautiful magic sword, and the blade had already been shattered into pieces by Lord Blade.

The little sorcerer's face was ugly, and she was almost crying in grief. She put the hilt of the sword in her arms, bowed her head and said nothing.

"I know that thing is very beautiful, but for the sake of your victory today, you should at least show a smile."

Bu Laike whispered:

"Everyone is not interested in what you are doing."

"You don't understand."

The little mage said sullenly:

"This is the first gift that big brother gave me after he came back to life. Although it was sent by you, it carries my fond memories of big brother.

This is my favorite thing, if big brother finds out that I broke the gift, he will be very sad too. "

"With your big brother's stupid look, how could he be uncomfortable?"

Bo Laike reached out and fiddled with Jaina's hair, causing the little mage to scream angrily, and he laughed and said:

"Maybe he will bring you back a better gift, don't be sad, I will write a letter about your performance in Pandaria and send it to your big brother.

He'd be proud of you if he knew that his little sister defeated Grand Empress Shek'zeer with the remnants of Kul Tiras' defeated army.

Speaking of which, Dai Lin is coming soon, right? "

The pirate's eyes fell on the silver anchor pendant on Jaina's neck, which was glowing, indicating that people close to Jaina's blood were approaching.

And Bu Laike noticed that the necklace worn by the little mage's neck had traces of being melted by dragon fire.

It wasn't her necklace, it was Drake's.

"Father should be walking through the fog, but the distance is not far away."

Fenner put a bandage on the face of the little mage, making her look like a female warrior after the war. She sat resting on the spot, looked at the distant coast, and said solemnly:

"He will definitely be able to help us get rid of the Great Empress Shekthir who has fled to the island in the outer sea."


Bu Laike rolled his eyes and complained:

"I suspect that he might let the Great Empress go because of her 'beauty', after all Admiral Dai Lin is famous for liking women other than humans.

Okay, okay, no kidding. "

Noticing Jaina's glare, he shrugged, took out the scroll and pen to write on it, and whistled for Miss Thisalie Crow, who landed on Braike's shoulder with sharp claws The green blood of the mantid remains.

It looked like he just had a good time hunting in the chaos.

"Send this letter to the deck of the Wang Quan at sea, and tell our Majesty Dai Lin that his precious daughter has just been bullied by the mantid, and now he is waiting for the invincible Big Daddy to help her avenge her."

The smelly pirate handed the letter to Hisalley, and the druid lady glanced at him, then turned her head to look at Jaina who was sitting there resting, and Fenner who was standing behind her.

Miss Hei Ya complained in her heart, these three guys are really interesting.

It's obvious that the whole family insists on playing this kind of cat-and-mouse game, so why don't you do me a favor and take off the mask on the stinky pirate's face right now?

Hmm, that sounds interesting.

But I guess my end will not be too good, so forget it.

Lezi can watch it at any time, but life-saving is the most important thing.

Speaking of which, the Proudmoore family's "Daelin Summoning" is really powerful. Whenever they encounter danger in the endless sea, they can summon the admiral and a fleet to come to support them.

If this is a summoning spell, then at least it should be a legendary spell, right?


With this kind of nonsensical thought, Shen Jun's black-feathered falcon flapped its wings and flew into the sky. It rushed to the sea with the letter in its mouth. Bu Laike turned his head, glanced at Fenner and Jaina, made a motion to leave, and said:

"Then, the two princesses continue to wait here. I have to leave first. The battle at the Setting Sun Pass is still going on. I have to go and have a look."

"Are you afraid of meeting Dailin, Mr. Pirate."

Fenner folded her arms and said very bluntly:

"Are you worried about being beaten up by him? Or are you worried that a well-known pirate like you will live in harmony with the admiral, and if word of it spreads out, your 'reputation' will be ruined?"


Bu Laike shrugged and said solemnly:

"I just simply hate seeing him, just like I simply like the light of the pile of gold and silver treasures blooming in front of us, things like eyes have always been very magical.

Besides, Miss Fenner, are you a little too crazy?

Although you are now the commander of the Kul Tiran Second Fleet, don't forget that you will still be returning to the Naglfar later. Oh, yes, about the Naglfar."

The smelly pirate looked at Jaina and said:

"Since His Majesty Dai Lin is coming, Commander Jaina's headquarters can be transferred to his flagship, and it is not very convenient for my ghost ship to appear in front of Dai Lin.

So, let's withdraw first, no problem? "

"Of course no problem, I really appreciate your help during this time, Mr. Bo Laike."

Little Jaina stood up with her sister's support, and she leaned over to thank Bu Laike very seriously, saying:

"Although this experience still can't make us in Kul Tiras accept the existence of pirates, I think that both me and the soldiers under my command have seen the difference between you and other pirates.

Maybe we can cooperate again in the future, after I meet my father, I will ask him to revoke your reward."

"Uh, there's no need for this."

Bu Laike waved his hands and said:

"Living in the Endless Sea, without a reward from the Kul Tiras Admiralty on my head, it would appear that I have no respect, and this incident was just an accident.

I have no intention of changing the relationship between me and Kul Tiras, and please don't publicize what happened here, after all, it is not honorable for both of us that pirates help the navy. "

He looked at Jaina in front of him, and the short journey gave the originally well-behaved little girl a little more resolute temperament.

She was wearing a bandage on her arm at this time, and the soldiers around her would salute her when they went back and forth. With the bloody Fenner and the tragic battlefield behind her as the background, little Jaina also had the look that a young commander should have.

This experience has undoubtedly allowed her to grow.

"So, Admiral Jaina, see you next time."

Laike stood up straight, gave Jaina a non-standard sailor salute, then turned around and disappeared into the shadows under the gaze of the little mage.

"Did Mr. Bo Laike come to see me specifically?"

Little Jaina glanced at the splint and bandage on her arm, she looked at Fenner, and said softly:

"Does he care so much about his friends?"

"No, he has always left his friends behind regardless of their lives. It's rare to see him care so much about someone. Be careful, my stupid sister."

Fenner deliberately threatened:

"It's not a good thing to be remembered by a very bad pirate. Maybe he pays so much attention to you to use you to plan a conspiracy against Kul Tiras."

"would not."

Jaina shook her head and said:

"Although I don't know much about Mr. Bu Laike, he is obviously a person that Big Brother trusts very much. Big Brother will not allow him to mess around."

"Can your big brother control him?"

Fenner snorted, shook her head and said:

"You're a little too optimistic, aren't you? Can you still move around? We still have a planned mantid holy tree to attack. I'll continue to fight on your back?"

"I'm all hurt! Do you want to continue?"

Little Jaina complained:

"War is no fun at all, I hate it."

"Yeah, fighting is fun, war is not fun, and I hate it, but there is no way, isn't this the fate of soldiers? Don't complain, you are the commander now, even if it hurts, you have to endure it.


My sister is going to fight on your back. "


Outside the palace of Fearheart, already overrun by the Qiraji swarm, Laike looked at the unsightly Garalon of the Bastion Behemoth, which was being eaten by the swarm.

This mountain-like "Invincible", with brown armor and shaking the ground when walking, didn't understand that the queen he was loyal to had fled, and it performed its duties until its death.

Fend off the attack of the Qiraji swarm outside the palace gates.

Just looking at the remains of the worms piled up like hills around its huge body, one can know what kind of terrible battles this big guy has experienced during his lifetime.

In fact, two-thirds of all the losses suffered by the Qiraji swarm attacking the palace were caused by the berserk lord Garalon, who blocked the swarm for at least twenty minutes by himself.

Although its wings are short, it is not impossible to fly.

The reason it didn't fly away was because its queen ordered it to stay here until the end. It was the queen's favorite pet, and it did not disappoint her until its death.

The sheer emotion of the beast stopped the hunter, Laike, as he watched the dead beast be divided and carried away by the qiraji.

Obviously, the Qiraji swarm needs to use its excellent genes, and deciphering that gene may allow the Qiraji to regain the behemoth units inherited from the war sequence of the Yaqi Empire.

"I am full?"

Bu Laike looked away from the loyal big worm, and looked at the palace that had been completely occupied by the Qiraji in front of him. A large number of workers came in and out of it, carrying the supplies needed by the swarm.

The pirate asked casually.

In the lingering beating of a few wisps of black smoke, Xalatas returned to her warm lair with a sense of satisfaction of "returning from hunting". She said lazily:

"Sure enough, the 'stocked' Sha Demon tastes better, the power of the Sha of Fear has already surpassed the aggregation of the other five Sha Demons, absorbing the fear of the Mantid Empire to make it extra delicious.

There is also good news for you, my little master. "

The Dark Essence whispered to Bo Laike:

"The seventh Sha, the Sha of Pride has also found the host, and when you opened the mist seal, it used the leader of the Corruptor's servants as its carrier.

That cunning guy obviously knew where Y'Shaarj's dark heart was, and she also used the Sha of Pride's Sha power to convince the Klaxxi Council. We must hurry into the Valley of Eternal Blossoms.

We are already behind in this chase. "

"What's the use of going early?"

Bo Laike grabbed at the wreckage of the Sha of Fear that Xal'atath had brought in front of him, clutching another scarlet orb of anima.

He admired the Anima Ball like a misty gem in front of him, and said:

"The Heart of Darkness is buried deep in the ground and guarded by Guardians. It will take more than a day for them to find and dig it up. Let them bask in the joy of victory and complete the final excavation for us.

After the fall of the mantid, the initiative in this contest is now in my hands. "

After finishing speaking, he glanced back at the coast and complained:

"Hey, if Dai Lin didn't come to join in the fun, this would be a perfect ending."

(end of this chapter)

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