Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1200 296. Are You Bullying My Precious Daughter? Fleet, Give Me A Blast!

Chapter 1200 296. Are you bullying my precious daughter? Fleet, give me a blast!

Let's talk about Admiral Dai Lin who was summoned by Jaina's "Daddy Summoning".

After getting help from her youngest daughter through the iconic anchor necklace among members of the Proudmoore family, Dai Lin, who was searching for the Second Fleet in the Endless Sea, immediately took her flagship and several fast ships with her. The battleship broke away from the Third Fleet.

Fortunately, his location was not far from the misty sea area. After three days of rapid sailing, he was about to sail out of the misty area in the South China Sea.

The Wang Quan, which was as huge as a monster, walked quietly through the fog. Several first-class warships formed a sailing queue behind the flagship, using special searchlights to communicate with each other to avoid getting lost in the fog.

Although there are no tidesages who can control the sea, the hired priests from the Order of the Tides can barely use it.

Driven by their call for sea water, the speed of this temporary fleet is astonishingly fast.

Of course, Dai Lin was able to pass through the fog so smoothly, mainly because Bu Laike opened the fog barrier.

The fog core of Yongchun Terrace dissipated, allowing the chaotic time in the fog to be calibrated. Otherwise, even if the world-recognized strongest old sea dog dared to stray into the fog barrier, he would still end up lost.

But a smooth sailing does not mean that the admiral is in a happy mood. In fact, after learning from Jaina that the Second Fleet entered Pandaria by mistake and suffered heavy losses, the admiral's heart has been very heavy.

Not to mention that my twelve-year-old daughter is actually going to be the temporary commander of the Second Fleet, hunting down the vicious Church of the Storm cultists and pirates, and fighting some monsters called mantid.

Martial arts is the tradition of the Proudmoore family, but my God, she is only twelve years old!

Dai Lin didn't dare to think about what kind of blow her life would suffer if something went wrong with Jaina.

He can't pass the test of his wife alone.

He almost buried his son in the war before, and now his well-behaved and sensible little daughter is also threatened by war, which makes him full of complaints about the arrangement of fate.

Perhaps the price for the Proudmoore family to receive the blessing of the sea is that every member of them will not have a smooth sailing life.

And in this bad thing, the only thing that comforted the old father, Dailin, was that Jaina told him that Lord Bu Laike Shaw, the great pirate of the endless sea, would help her for some reasons.

And her eldest daughter, Fenner, will also serve as her adjutant.

This relieved Dai Lin's worries. With the help of such an outstanding sister and big brother, little Jaina's war journey should not be too bad.

But even so, there was still a smoldering anger in Dai Lin's heart. All these bad things happened because of the lingering ghost of the damned Church of the Storm and N'Zoth the Corruptor!

This is a fight with Kul Tiras and the Proudmoore family!


Sooner or later they will be raised!

With such ferocious thoughts in mind, Dai Lin pushed open the door of the captain's cabin and walked out of the poop. He stood on the railing and looked ahead. His eyes were filled with a gray mist, and he couldn't see the way forward at all.

There is also a vast expanse of white around him, as if he has strayed into an endless foggy world.

In such an unfamiliar sea, the navigator can’t play a role at all, and no tools can assist the ship’s navigation. This is a very dangerous situation. Unable to recognize the direction and get lost, spinning in circles.

Currently the only way to confirm the course when sailing is from the connection between Dailin and Jaina's anchor pendant, which at least allows the Wang Quan at sea to plan a direct sailing route.

Fortunately, the priests of the Tidal Order were able to use the communication with the water element to confirm that there were no dangerous sea conditions full of hidden reefs in the nearby sea area, allowing Dai Lin's fleet to pass quickly.

And even sailing in such a dangerous sea area, the sailors of Kul Tiras still maintain extremely high morale.

The non-commissioned officers were patrolling the deck, the sailors were arranging the cables on the deck, and in the cabin that Dai Lin couldn't see, the gunners were also counting the shells and maintaining their tools.

The sailors on shift were resting, and the whole ship was in order. Everyone knew what they were going to do, and they didn't need to be instructed by the officer.

This is an army full of discipline, they are almost integrated with the ship under their feet.

This scene made Dai Lin's unhappy mood a little better this morning. As an old navy who had joined the army since he was a teenager, he liked the scene in front of him.

It made him very proud.

The glory of this fleet was forged by successive generations of the Proudmoore family, and in Dai Lin's generation, this fleet finally glowed with endless sharpness.

Their prestige resounds in every ocean of the entire world. Although they have suffered terrible setbacks recently, Dai Lin, as the commander, is very happy to see that the spirit of the soldiers under his command has not been broken by the disaster.

On the contrary, he tempered an aura of getting more and more frustrated,

That's how it should be!

This is the fleet he is proud of.

"It shouldn't be far from the land."

Wearing his beloved command knife, the admiral was about to go down to the cabin to see the situation of the soldiers. He walked on the gangway, touched the anchor pendant hanging on his chest with his hand, and felt the surging information and energy.

It was shimmering, and the rhythm was very frequent, indicating that the distance from the other pendant was shortening.


However, just as Dai Lin stepped down from the deck, there was a sharp hissing sound in the mist. The admiral suddenly raised his head, and saw a black-feathered falcon flying through the mist to the deck of Wang Quan on the sea. .

The sudden appearance of the falcon stunned the sailors on the deck for a moment, and then they cheered in unison.

There are no such birds of prey on the sea.

Its appearance represented that they had really approached the continent in the mist.

Although it is impossible to complain because of military discipline, the sailors on board have actually been under a lot of pressure in recent days.

They are extremely loyal to their admiral and king, and they are willing to follow His Majesty Dai Lin to the cape of Tianya. No matter who the enemy they face, they will not have the slightest cowardice or fear.

But fighting is one thing, dying silently in a stupid accident in the sea of ​​mist is another.

However, amidst the cheers of the sailors, Dai Lin's expression became strange. He pushed his three-cornered hat and looked at the falcons flying around above his head.

He recognized the bird.

He had seen this bird land on the shoulder of his "unfilial son" before in the battle for the Supreme Warrior. It was a bird of prey domesticated by Bo Laike.

And it has a letter in its mouth


Miss Hisalie Black Crow folded her wings and landed on the handrail of the gangway in front of Dai Lin like black lightning. She tilted her head and looked at the admiral in front of her.

Although it's not the first time I've met Dai Lin, every time I see Dai Lin, Miss Hei Ya feels that the admiral's body, appearance and temperament are particularly masculine.

Even though she doesn't like humans because of stinky pirates, as an elf woman, she has an inexplicable affection for the general in front of her.

Well, no wonder Bo Laike keeps complaining about his daddy having superlative "elven female affinity".

It seems that this is indeed a talent that others cannot envy.


Sisali dodged Dai Lin's hand trying to touch her head, dropped the letter in her mouth into Dai Lin's hand, and spread her wings to summon a strong wind and disappeared into the misty sky with a whoosh.

"This falcon is so handsome, my son has such good eyesight."

The admiral watched the black-feathered falcon disappear, rubbing his chin, thinking how his father, who is an unfilial son, should have a pet that fits his status.

How about getting a falcon for yourself from the falconers in the Drustvar Mountains? Among other things, having such a falcon is enough to ensure safety just for scouting when sailing at sea.

With this in mind, Dai Lin opened the letter with a wave and only glanced at it.


His hand holding the gangway suddenly crushed the handrail in his hand, and the wooden handrail was crushed by the admiral.


Dai Lin called out to her chief guard and first mate in a gloomy tone, and soon, the Royal Knight Commander in armor appeared behind Dai Lin.

"Level 1 battle preparation!"

The admiral looked at the precise chart drawn in his hand.

He looked at the fog ahead, and the outline of the Pandaria continent was already looming in the fog. His eyes were bloodshot, and his words were full of indifference.

"After driving out of the mist, I turned to the southeast, aiming at Zanevis Island. I received a message from the commander of the Kul Tiras Second Fleet. The great empress of the mantid is hiding there with her remnants.

In order to show the kindness of the Kul Tirans to the pandaren allies, we will set foot on their land with the head of Grand Empress Shek'Zir.

I heard that it is a kind of etiquette for panda people to bring valuable gifts when guests come to the door. "

After finishing speaking, Dai Lin touched the command knife on his waist again, and he said to the loyal great knight Cyrus:

"In addition, after the shelling is over, I will lead the marines to land on the island in person."

"Your Majesty, this is too dangerous. We know almost nothing about creatures like the mantid."

The great royal knight persuaded:

"Let me do it."

"Oh, Cyrus."

Dai Lin's tone suddenly became low, and she said to her most trusted grand knight with a tone of conversation between old friends:

"I have to go, the damn queen hurt my Jaina, if Fenna hadn't rescued her in time, she was almost pierced through the heart... This makes me very guilty.

I came close to having another nightmare of losing Drake.

I have to do something to make it up. "

The great knight understood immediately.

He didn't want to get involved in His Majesty Dai Lin's extremely complicated family affairs, so he turned around to convey the order, and the silent great knight felt a sigh of relief.

As a loyal minister who accompanied Dai Lin for decades, he almost witnessed the "dramatic changes" of the Proudmoore family in the past few years, and felt tired for his Majesty.

If I had such a rebellious son, I would definitely beat him to death!


It seems that I am not married yet?

And I don't plan to get married for the time being, uh, then it's fine, how cool it is to be single, go to Sailor Street after work, is it because the dancers are not enthusiastic enough?

Or is the wine bad?

Why not marry and have children?

Look at His Majesty Dailin, a wild man who can conquer the endless sea, but can't even discipline his own sons and daughters.

Tsk tsk, there is nothing wrong with not getting married.

As the order was conveyed, the silent and stern Wang Quan seemed to come alive in an instant. The sailors began to prepare for battle under the scolding of the sergeant, the gunners in the lower cabin began to open the shell boxes, and the marines began to wear armor.

Several other ships also received battle orders, and they also began to prepare. Under the eager gaze of the sailors, the fog in front of them began to thin out, and the legendary new continent was about to reveal its true face to them.

And they will use a hearty victory as their first gift to Pandaria.


"Your Majesty, don't die!"

Far beyond the shores of the Dread Wastes, on an island near the edge of the mist, the sycophant mantid Grand Vizier watches over Shek'zeer, Grand Empress sealed in Amber.

It was full of fear.

He thought he had escaped, but just after the large-scale teleportation technique ended, his great queen fell to the ground in a miserable posture with her arm cut off by a sharp blade and cursed by vicious magic.

The Queen's heart has marks from a quick puncture.

The vicious sneak attacker pierced the queen's heart with a sharp blade at the moment the teleportation spell took effect, and such an injury would have been fatal even to the mantid.

Fortunately, one of the Queen's favorites, Amber Shaper Onshook, who followed the Great Queen to break through, is a genius among mantid spellcasters, and is especially good at using Kypa Amber to shape various alchemy products.

And the mantid has always inherited the mysterious Amber secret technique. When the noble mantid is about to die, they can be sealed in Amber, so that the vitality can be preserved and the injury can be slowly recovered.

"Stop howling! The queen is not dead yet, she can live for thousands of years! But if you are so incompetent and attract pandaren to chase after you, we will die tonight."

The sculptor who was enclosing the Empress who had only one breath left in Amber turned around and kicked the flattering Prime Minister, who took over the small breakout team at this time by relying on the empress's favor.

But the Shaper is not a mindless mantid. After bullying the Grand Chancellor, he turned his head to look at the Wind Lord who was guarding the queen with an Amber saber.

it whispered:

"It's not safe here, my lord.

We must take the Queen out of Pandaria before the pursuers come after us. As long as we find a livable land and plant the seeds of the Kaipa Sacred Tree, the Queen can slowly cultivate and our power can slowly expand.

The queen's great plan has been more than half completed, but the next step is to rely on your command to fly across the sea. "

"Of course."

The proud Wind Lord nodded while leaning on his saber, looking at the desolate island in front of him. This is the place where the mantid used to exile prisoners, and it is indeed not a good place to stay.

it says:

"We still have thousands of capable warriors, which is enough for us to complete this journey, but we need supplies. My idea is to go to Krasarang Forest first and unite with the savage lizardmen there.

Then, we will start our expedition along the route that Pandaren Farstrider Liu Lang left Pandaria, as long as we... Well, what's the sound outside? "

The Wind Lord felt something was wrong, and rushed out of the house with Amber Shaper and the Prime Minister, only to see a huge black ship coming towards us in the distance at a glance.

On the mast of the huge and mighty battleship that Pandaria has never seen before hangs a banner that makes the mantid angry, that is the people of Kul Tiran!

But why is there a strange blood-red pennant hanging above their flag?

Does that have any special meaning?

(end of this chapter)

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