Chapter 1202

"Gianna is injured, she can't stay here any longer, she should go back to accompany her mother, and prepare for the next semester by the way."

In the large and elegant captain's cabin of the Wang Quan at sea, Dai Lin took off the crown on his head, and removed the cumbersome royal sash. He said to Fenna, who was crossing his arms behind him, with a displeased expression on his face:

"I intend to ask you to help me escort your sister to Tol Barad."

"Tol Barad? Are you mad?"

Fenner's eyes widened when she heard the place name, and she said:

"That is the site of undead pirates, you want to send your daughter to the pirate's lair?"

"Wrong! That's the territory of the Nazaras Academy of Magic. As for the pirates entrenched there, they are nothing but servants of a powerful and ancient magic inheritance in this era."

Dai Lin seriously corrected Fenner's statement, he blinked and said:

"What? Didn't Jaina tell you yet? She will receive a two-year advanced study of magic at Narsalas College next semester as an exchange student, and she will do a good job in studying for the title of 'Grand Arcanist' in the magic system of the Elven Empire." Prepare.

Her mentor, Lord Meili Dongfeng, has reached an agreement with Ms. Alya Blue Moon on this, and her mother has also agreed to the proposal.

For the next two years, she will spend at Narsalas College. "

"And this?"

Fenna exclaimed, then curled her lips in dissatisfaction and said:

"That little idiot kept it a secret, but that's good. I can live with her when I'm not out of the sea. No wonder you, a bad old man, want me to send her back. Are you worried about other people?"

"Well, I'm really worried about some people."

Dai Lin glanced at his eldest daughter. He didn't say who he was worried about, but he believed that although Fenna was a standard fighter, she would definitely understand his worries.

"Okay, I agree to this."

Fenner patted the armor on her chest, and said carelessly:

"I get along well with little Jaina, she is indeed a perfect sister in every way, after I finish the last few things in Pandaria, I will personally send her back.

I'll take care of her over there, so don't worry about it. "

"Very well, seeing the two of you get along harmoniously, I have nothing to worry about, family members should trust each other and take care of each other like this.

In addition, your little brother Tenred will also enter the Narsalas Academy with Jaina, but it seems that he is going to the Academy of Art.

You also take care of him for me.

This is your responsibility as a big sister. "

Dai Lin laughed and talked about Tenrad again, Fenna suddenly complained with some dissatisfaction:

"I'm not the one who looks after your children. I also have my career. Jaina is fine. She's very smart and powerful, and she can take care of herself, but Tenrad is a standard brat.

I feel like this will be a hassle.

I'm starting to regret it. "

"He called you sister, this is your inescapable responsibility."

Dai Lin didn't say too much about this matter, and he settled the matter in a fatherly tone. Although Fenner was a little upset, she didn't refute it in the end.

Later, the admiral took out a bottle of good wine from his wine cabinet and was about to open it, but was stopped by Fenner.

The stupid warrior proudly took out the Pandaren wine she had collected in Pandaria from her bag, and shared it with her weak and nagging old father.

The father and daughter shared this rare good wine, and after drinking a few rounds, the atmosphere became more harmonious.

Then, Dai Lin stroked her beard and said another thing to Fenner.

"Before I set sail, your mother told me something."

Dai Lin, who was sitting on the captain's chair, glanced at his carefree and warrior-like daughter, and said softly:

"Your mother said that you are not young anymore. She arranged for you in Quel'Thalas to have a few talented people, so that you have time to go back and make friends with them."


Fenner, who was smiling just now, suddenly turned cold.

She smashed the wine glass in her hand on the old man's table and shouted:

"You guys like to meddle in your own business, don't you?

What's wrong, one by one, I handle my own affairs, I don't need you to intervene! She is really addicted to being a queen, she feels that she can arrange anything, and that everyone has to obey her?

She really looks more and more like you, more and more annoying. "

"Hey, you kid, how can you talk like that? That's your mother!"

Dai Lin blew his beard and scolded, then lowered his voice and said:

"But I don't agree with this matter. I am on your side this time. My daughter is so outstanding. She is already famous all over the world at a young age, and she is a famous new fighter star in Azeroth.

I don't think those unmasculine Quel'dorei male elves are good enough for my daughter, and you see, there's no one else here either, just tell your father me.

Do you have someone you like? "

"whispering sound."

Fenner snorted, took a sip of wine, and said:

"Although I am very happy that you support me, do you think I will tell you my secret so easily? Don't worry about it, I live my life by myself."

"Is it Bu Laike Shaw?"

Dai Lin blinked and made a guess. Fenna's expression made him feel depressed. He put down his wine glass and said with a serious expression:

"I can accept anyone in the world to be your husband, except him!"


Finner yelled:

"Leave me alone! You can't control me either."

"He's your brother! Damn it!"

Dai Lin slapped the table and roared angrily, scolding:

"It's your half-brother, the Proudmoore family can't have this kind of scandal!"

"Ha, you get it."

Not to be outdone, Fenna smashed the wine glass and stood up. She snorted and said with a straight neck:

"I just like my brother, why? No one in this world suits me better than him. Besides, I'm an elf, so don't use your human ways to restrain me.

Mom is so eager to arrange for me what the hell kind of talent, maybe she also found out?

Oh, she still has the face to care about me, my grandparents are real siblings!

In order to maintain the purity of the family's bloodline, the Golden Sword family did the same despicable practices as other elf families. In other words, this was the tradition of the Golden Sword family. "

"you you you you you"

Dai Lin's outstretched fingers were trembling in anger. He pointed at the aggressive Fenner and shouted:

"You're trying to piss me off! No matter what you say today, you're not allowed to go back to that Nizi again!"


The elf holy sword came out of its sheath with a hiss, and it fell into Fenner's hand with a bang. The stupid warrior shook his hair and said to his father:

"How do you plan to prevent me from leaving? Do you use the way of a warrior? It just so happens that I have learned a lot from this trip to Pandaria. Do you want to come and make gestures, old man?"


With a roar, Dai Lin also drew out her command knife.

The two soldiers just started fighting in the captain's room.

This movement quickly alarmed Jaina, who was resting in the next cabin. Dragging her injured arm, the little mage pushed open the door of the captain's cabin, and was stunned by the messy scene in front of her.

My father was fighting with my sister.

Both men sparked anger.

The old fight is fierce.

"Don't fight anymore."

Jaina has never seen this formation before, and she has never seen the experience of the father and daughter wishing to hack each other to death in the battle for the Supreme Warrior, and she suddenly shouted in horror:

"Is there anything you can't talk about, Fenner, put down the knife! That's my father!"

"Shut up! Little idiot, go aside."

Fenner stormed and said:

"This is the tradition of the Proudmoore family! If you want to be a real adult, you must defeat your stubborn father, and you will have to go through all of this in the future.

Watch it!

I only demonstrate once. "


"Didn't you go to see Dai Lin? How did you make yourself like this?"

Most of the day later, in the Niuzao Temple on the Mantis Plateau, Bu Laike, who had just finished dinner, stared at Fenna with a bruised nose and disheveled hair in front of him in a daze.

This guy seemed to have just finished a battle with a hundred tauren. Not only was he beaten miserably, but even his armor was left with scars.

But despite the appearance of embarrassment.

But he was in a good state of mind, and his miserable face looked like he had returned from victory.

Seeing how miserable she was, Braike had no choice but to help her remove the armor, picked up the ointment to help her deal with the bruises all over her body, Fenna lay comfortably in the arms of the stinky brother, and patted the stinky brother's cheek carelessly .

She whispered:

"Don't look at me so miserable, Dai Lin's bad old man is also having a hard time. I shaved off his beard. That bastard actually wants to marry me.

But apart from you, no man can make me undress willingly. "

"Hey, you won't tell him your crazy thoughts, will you?"

Bu Laike said helplessly:

"This is the rhythm that you are going to piss him off."

"What can't you say? You humans are very hypocritical."

Fenna closed her eyes a little irritatedly. She moved her body to make it more comfortable for the stinky brother to hug her. She whispered:

"I didn't ask you to make a decision now, we are still very young."

"Then I guess you're going to be disappointed."

Bu Laike helped Fenner apply the ointment and said:

"My love life is really not going well, Fenner, can you stop burdening me? As you said, both of us are still young, maybe you will change your mind in the future.

After all, there are still many outstanding men in this world.

Oh, I won't say it, let go! Hell, I'll help you apply the medicine, get up quickly, eat something, and we'll go to the Buffalo territory in a while. "

"What are you doing there?"

Fenna opened her eyes in doubt and said:

"Shouldn't we go to Pass of the Setting Sun? I heard that the mantid are still attacking there. Are the Qiraji swarms not moving? Shouldn't we take advantage of the victory and chase down the Klaxxi mantid?"

"The qiraji want to wipe out the mantid under the command of the Grand Queen, we just destroyed the command of the Grand Queen's faction, and there are still a large number of loyal mantid roaming the Dread Wastes.

Those Qiraji worms were urgently catalyzed. They can only live for less than a month. It is a race against time to complete the extermination of the Great Queen's faction before the worm swarm dies in large numbers. "

Bu Laike explained:

"As for the Klaxxi mantid, I don't intend to attack them, I want to keep them."


Finner blinked and said:

"Don't you still expect those lunatic mantid who crazily worship the god of darkness to serve you? There is no way to deal with such fanatics. They have their own set of indestructible mad logic.

This is what you told me. "

"That's right, we can't reason with them."

Bu Laike smiled meaningfully, and he said:

"But that doesn't mean we can't control them. I can't tell you if there are too many of them. It can only be said that I have a new style of play that will definitely satisfy them and me at the same time.

As for the Buffalo.

Kane is negotiating with his ancient 'brothers'. As you know, the buffalo of Pandaria are the ancestors of all tauren. These wild and disobedient guys may also become our allies.

We even want savage centaurs, don't we?

The Buffalo are much more civilized than the centaur, and they even have their own gods. "

The smelly pirate patted Fenner's scarred waist and said:

"Okay, the ointment is finished, get up, eat something to clean up, let's go to watch the fun, maybe we can still get a few fights.

Isn't this your favorite? "

"Tch, that's enough for today."

Fenna stretched lazily, hugged the smelly brother, buried her head in his arms comfortably, and said:

"I'm a little tired. I'll sleep for twenty minutes. You'll wake me up later. Damn Dai Lin, you're so ruthless. I'll be really strong in the future, and I can't spare him!"

Complaining so, Fenna quickly let out a low snoring sound, and hugged her brother tightly in her deep sleep, as if she was afraid that he would leave her and run away.

The pirate maintained this action, trying to let Fina sleep better.

"Tsk tsk, look what I saw? Is this something I can see without paying?"

Xal'atath whispered in Bu Laike's ear in a strange way:

"It's all over, why are you still wearing clothes? As a soldier, Fenna is willing to fight her father in order to be with you. I think this is the longest confession of love.

My little master, you are really a sinful man, the kind of evil and charming villain you often say. "

"I don't want to discuss this with you."

Bu Laike said with a wooden face:

"And I think you, as my dark little girlfriend, are a little too open-minded in this kind of thing? Does someone rob you of a man to make you excited?

Xal'atath, you really are hopeless. "

"Other women dare to approach you, and I will turn her into a despicable lunatic in a second, but Fenna is different."

Xalatas sneered and said:

"Fenna is someone I can completely control, I can even let her become my 'clothes' willingly, I am happy for her to join this game, so that I can face the sultry Sephiel and the damn Maiev , the chances of winning will be much greater."

"I think you really deserve some punishment."

Bu Laike took the initiative to end the topic, saying:

"Stay away from Fenna, okay? I will cover this little idiot, and any evil that comes close to her will be severely punished by me, including you."

"Hahahaha, your duplicity is so cute."

The dark essence licked her lips again, but she didn't continue to tease her.

Thirty minutes later, Fenner revived from a full sleep. While chewing on the big chicken drumsticks, she and Laike rode the Serpent to the Buffalo territory of the Mantis Plateau.

As a result, before he fell down, he saw Kane, the old bull below, wrestling with a group of Buffalo men with his upper body naked. There were already a dozen downed Buffalo lying down beside the old cow.

"Wow, there was a fight! Awesome!"

Fenna jumped down from Xianglong with bright eyes, and cheered:

"Kane! Don't be afraid, your powerful elf friend is here to save you!"


Kane, who had already gained the upper hand, raised his head blankly, and looked at Fenner, who howled and jumped into the battle ring with a heroic jump, rounded his fist with a chicken leg in his mouth, and began to attack the surrounding Buffalo people.

He doesn't need help!

He's almost overwhelmed this group of stubborn buffalo Hey, where did you come from, you crazy elf? Boo Laike, get on with your crazy sister!

Her brain disease is getting more and more serious, is it okay to take her home and lock her up?

Don't make trouble!

(end of this chapter)

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