Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1203 299. In Order To Make The Tauren Great Again, The Bloodhoof Clan Will Start The Fire Tr

Chapter 1203 299. In order to make the Tauren great again, the Bloodhoof Clan will start the Fire Trial

Kane and the yaungol of the local Osur tribe were not simply fighting.

This is an ancient ritual among the tauren. When two clans conflict, in order to avoid large-scale wars, they will send warriors to duel to resolve their differences through victory or defeat.

This ancient ritual was so barbaric that the Bloodhoof clan long ago abandoned it in favor of negotiation to bridge the conflict, but the yaungol of Pandaria still held fast to the tradition.

When Kane came to communicate with the Yaungol on behalf of Kalimdor and the Tauren of the Broken Isles, hoping that they would no longer oppose the Pandaren and invite them to ally with their own kind, the Yaungol chose to refuse.

But Kane was unwilling to give up, so he started this ancient ritual.

The buffalo of the Osur tribe said that they were willing to obey Kane's advice as long as Kane could defeat twenty of the strongest warriors in their tribe with his bare hands.

In the eyes of the Buffalo, this is completely impossible.

But Lao Niu used practical actions to reinterpret another meaning of the word "possible" to them.

If the idiot Fina didn't suddenly appear to disrupt the situation, Kane could complete this 1V20 challenge in at most five minutes, thus convincing the stunned Osur Buffalo.

But Fenner's presence is the real bad news

"The vile foreign cattle interfere with the sacred ceremony!"

An old Buffalo who was almost blind raised his cane angrily, and shouted to the surrounding Buffalo warriors:

"This is a blasphemy against the oath of fire! Shameful foreign cattle have played a damned plot before the holy fire, warriors of Usur!

In the name of fire!

kill them! "


Under the scolding of the elders, a group of crazy buffalo people grabbed the weapons around them, and their flame shaman temporarily enchanted the weapons of the warriors, so that the long knives and halberds were covered with raging fire.

They didn't talk about any old rules anymore, they jumped into the battle circle screaming, and started to attack Kane and Fenner indiscriminately.

Kane sighed helplessly, and stretched out his hand to pull out his desert halberd. Fenner knew that she had done something bad with good intentions, so she smiled awkwardly at the old cow, and drew out her sword and shield to protect the old cow.

But it's not enough to say that Kane is angry.

Lao Niu is a wise warrior.

After seeing the elders of the Yagold give the order to kill so quickly, he also knew that even if he really passed the ancient power ceremony, this group of cunning Yagnol would not obey so easily.

They didn't even think about accepting Kane's peace offer.

They were just using the power ceremony to delay time, and at the same time used the name of the ceremony to kill Kane justifiably.

This kind of sinister thought made Lao Niu very dissatisfied with his "distant relatives" in Pandaria. Although these buffalo people looked simple and honest, they were actually very narrow-minded.

"Come up, don't fight, don't waste time!"

Bu Laike flew the serpent over the arena of the Osur Tribe, and shouted to Kane and Finna who were attacking the Yaungol below:

"Killing them all won't solve the problem, Osur is just one of the yaungol tribes all over Pandaria, come up, Cairne, we have other ways to solve this problem.

And Finner!

Stop fighting, hell, haven't you killed enough mantid in the Dread Wastes? "

Pirates flew around with the Xianglong, and then dropped the rope ladder, as if they were staged a big retreat. Kane and Fenner cooperated with each other to retreat while the buffalo people were shouting and killing, and the Xianglong was lifted into the air while holding the rope ladder away from this battle zone.

The yaungol also tried to hit the serpent with their crossbows, but Laike threw Shadowfury down.

Also these cunning guys are out of luck.

The moment Shadowfury was thrown down, a void crack was "luckily" torn open under Braike's stunned gaze, and then there was a deep void roar, a monster like a big praying mantis covered with purple void gems came out Which rushed out.

This is the first time that Bo Laike has summoned a real void creature since he has used magic so many times since he got the legendary power of the black emperor.

That thing is very powerful, and killed several Buffalo as soon as it came out.

However, its strength was not strong, and it was quickly overwhelmed and ignited by the Buffalo's counterattack with flames.

But the appearance of this "cute void" also allowed the three stinky pirates to evacuate here undisturbed.

"Hey, those buffalo are really cunning, they want to kill you with numbers, Kane!"

Fenna said to Kane indignantly:

"You see, they have prepared their weapons long ago, even if you pass the ceremony, they will swarm up and hack you to death, fortunately we arrived in time.

We saved your life. "

"Well, I don't think they can kill me, but there's nothing wrong with your statement, so thanks, my reckless and powerful elf friend."

The old cow flicked his tail, stood behind Xianglong who was going away, looked at the Asur camp behind him, shook his head, and said a little depressed:

"Sigh, the dark thoughts of these buffalo people really don't resemble the traditions of our tauren people. At least I'm a guest of the same family who came from afar. No matter what, they shouldn't have such sinister thoughts."

"That's right."

Fenner was also a little curious, she shook her head and said:

"I thought the worst villains among the tauren were guys like Magatha, but these yaungol are far more evil than Magatha.

No wonder such friendly Fat Guns have been against them for nearly ten thousand years. These guys are too bad, as bad as the mantid.

How did they change from simple and honest tauren to what they are now? "

"Because of faith."

Bu Laike said to Kane, holding the cloud serpent's reins:

"Have you noticed? Kane, when you entered their camp, those totems represent faith."

"Well, I noticed it at first."

The old cow frowned and said:

"It stands to reason that all tauren should believe in Mother Earth, which is the oldest and most unified source of our beliefs. We Bloodhoof tauren and Highmountain tauren have been separated for thousands of years, but we still have the same belief.

And Magatha.

Although she made a lot of bad decisions in my opinion, Magatha is also a fanatical believer in Mother Earth, which is the consensus of almost all tauren.

But the Buffalo of Pandaria are different. They believe in fire.

At first I thought they believed in Anshe, the sun god, but then I found out that the flame they believed in was a very unorthodox flame, which made me feel very uncomfortable. "

Kane rubbed his head and said:

"How on earth do they have such beliefs?"

"Because they have their own Vulcan."

Bu Laike searched in his luggage, found a volume of "Pandaria Customs" written by Pandaren travellers, and threw it to Kane, but Lao Niu couldn't understand the pandaren characters, so he could only look at Fern for help. Na.

This is an elf.

Aren't elves all learned and talented?

Maybe Fenner can understand?

As a result, the stupid soldier rolled his eyes and said to the old cow with a wooden face:

"Although I am an elf, I am also a warrior."


Kane nodded, and Fenner looked at Bo Laike with him. The stinky pirate was puffing away at his jade pipe, and he sighed when he saw the eyes of the two warriors begging for help.


"Hey, recognizing the characters of foreign races is the basic skill of a traveler. The expressions of the two of you really make me worry about the future of Azeroth's warrior community."

Of course, that being said, good-natured Bo Laike is more than willing to answer questions for his idiot friends.

While smoking a pipe, he sat cross-legged on the Xianglong saddle flying towards Niuzao Temple, admiring the surrounding scenery, and said to Kane and Fenner who were eager for knowledge with a long voice:

"The degeneration of the Yaungol even predates the time when Pandaria was sealed by the mist. They were also slaves of the Mogu Empire like the Pandaren, Hozen, and Jinyu.

After seeing the pandaren overthrow the mogu and establish a dynasty under the leadership of Fist of the Dawn Master Kong, the yaungol want their own civilization to do the same.

At that time, Ordos, an ambitious yaungol priest, got inspiration from the pandaren resistance.

He may have planned to do something secretly with the idea of ​​"I can replace him", but the supreme gods have a close relationship with the pandaren dynasty.

He needs strength to lead the Yaungol to rise.

Thirsting for strength, he begged some ghostly beings.

You have all seen the supreme gods of the pandaren, and you should know that the four gods are not only demigods of the wilderness but also control the power of the elements, and the pandaren also have shamanic inheritance.

Therefore, the elemental power of this land is stronger than that of other places.

The careerist Ordos himself is a shaman, and he prayed day and night for the most powerful existence of elemental forces, yes, our Lord Ragnaros, the Lord of Fire. "

Bu Laike curled his lips and said:

"Ragnaros is a real fun guy, he generously gave Ordos a lot of power, asking him to open the seal of the elemental realm in the material world.

But the Fire Demon King is also a very rude guy. He probably managed to find a sincere careerist believer in that era, so he was so happy that he accidentally gave him more power.

The fate of poor Ordos became worse because of this.

His body was seared by the eternal flames of Sulfras' fire, which transformed him from a creature of flesh into an elemental creature.

But Ragnaros is a stingy guy, and it doesn't give enough power.

As a result, Ordos became a half-flesh and half-elemental monster. He did gain the power of a demigod, but he also fell into never-ending pain because of it.

In order to alleviate his pain, he asked the buffalo people to imitate his path of "becoming a god", dedicate themselves to the flame, and dedicate their faith to him.

This eases his pain.

But we all know that most of these guys who live with faith have the potential to become evil gods. "

The smelly pirate shrugged, looked at Kane, and said:

"The Yaungol had their own gods, but their gods were too miserable to support their cause of rebellion, and the Yaungol were still in this divisive and nomadic state 10,000 years later.

If you want to rescue your distant relatives who have gone astray, and bring them back to the righteous faith of Mother Earth from the crooked path of believing in evil gods, you have to kill the source of the Yagol people's corruption first.

That's right, you have to kill an evil god!

Exciting, right? "

"It's just an evil god, it's not like I haven't fought before!"

Fenner excitedly clenched her fist and said to Kane:

"When are you going to kill that unlucky Vulcan? Call me together, I need to challenge a strong enemy to show my courage, or is it an evil god.

Don't hesitate, just do it! "

The mature and prudent Kane shook his head.

He stroked his horn and thought for a moment, then said:

"This matter cannot be done by the Bloodhoof Clan alone. It seems that I have to go to Thunder Totem first. If we rescue the fallen compatriots, then the brothers from Highmountain should also participate.

That is an evil elemental god. If we can get the help of Khazgoros' Hammer, our business will go smoothly.

But the question is, where is the Buffalo Vulcan?

Can he be ritually summoned? "

"Well, you're asking the right person this question."

Bo Laike rubbed his hands together.

His grin made Kane's heart sink.

When Bo Laike makes such a move, it often means that someone is about to be slaughtered.

The old cow sighed, stretched his hands and lay flat, and said directly:

"I have no money. You know the financial situation of the Bloodhoof Clan. Our Gaoling friends don't use currency either. I heard from Ulan that you 'inherited' the world's richest treasury from them."

"Don't listen to those antler bullshit, I don't have any treasure troves in Highmountain."

Laike scoffed and immediately denied the claim.

But Fenner's eyes lit up, and the stupid soldier rushed forward screaming, and said to the smelly brother:

"You still have private money? You bastard, give me some! I'm your sister, and you'll be the one in the future. Anyway, I want a quarter, isn't it too much?"

"Go, go, you are everywhere."

Bu Laike knocked on Fenner's head in disgust, making an empty sound.

He said:

"What's the use of your money? Food and shelter, even weapons and armor are covered by me. Do you want money for fun? Can you count it?"

After scolding the idiot Fenner, the stinky pirate looked at Kane who covered his mouth and laughed.

He said:

"I don't want money, don't worry, my friends, I still need you to give me the ray of Savras' fire that Ragnaros bestowed on him after killing the Buffalo Vulcan.

I am useful.

You go back and discuss with Ulan and Blackhorn, and come to me after you gather enough people to kill a burning evil god, and I will ask my first officer to take you to the hiding place of the Buffalo Vulcan. "

Bu Laike raised a finger and said in a mysterious tone:

"Without Sefiel's leadership, you will never find that place in your life, it is a place in the whole world that only my first mate can find.

It was a place of treasure that belonged exclusively to her.

So, Kane, do we make a deal? "

(end of this chapter)

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