Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1207 303. The Miracle Of Pandaria Is Really Good For My Own People

Chapter 1207 303. The miracle of Pandaria is really good for my own people

Bu Laike entered the Valley of Eternal Blossoms, but did not go immediately to hunt down the fallen Haixian.

Given how deep the Heart of Darkness was buried in his memory, it would take some time even if the mantid and fear insects were used to dig there, so he could do other things first.

The right is to warm up.

"You watch for me."

The stinky pirate said to Xal'atath, who smelled "delicacy" and stood up:

"The existence of the Sha of Pride is obvious. You can smell the stench from such a distance. Let me know when they are fighting the Guardian of the Heart of Darkness. It's just right to rush there."

"You're using me like a hound, you nasty pirate."

Xalatas said dissatisfied:

"I feel that the relationship between us has become strange. Look at you, and you don't even want to say 'please'."

"'Please' help me keep an eye on them."

Bu Laike sighed, rubbed his head and said:

"Do you want me to call you 'Sweetheart Baby' again?"

"Uh, forget it, it's too exaggerated."

Xalatas gave a strange and ambiguous laugh, and she made a kiss goodbye and said:

"Wait until I have new clothes, let's keep it private, my dear sweetheart, wait for my good news."

After finishing speaking, a wisp of off-white smoke mixed with scarlet disperses from the pirate and flows towards the other side of the Vale of Eternal Blossoms. The pirate shrugged his shoulders. It is good to have such a clingy and arrogant dark little girlfriend. .

While occasionally annoying, she can be used in many ways.

"Go and hunt the mantid."

Bu Laike turned to Fenner and Little Star and said:

"I will summon you when I have news, if you meet Yingjie, be careful, each of these guys is hiding, especially you, Fenna.

They may not be as powerful as you, but you are definitely no match for them. I've heard that Grom has suffered under their hands. "

"Hmph, stop looking down on people."

The stupid soldier tilted his head in displeasure, and said:

"Let's chop a Yingjie and show you, little Xingxing, let's go!"


Taking pictures of the beautiful scenery around with the dwarf camera, especially the little blue dragon princess who kept taking selfies with the two huge golden mogu stone carvings carved from the entire mountain peak in the distance as the background, was taken aback for a moment.

She looked at Fenner and said:

"Why do I want to go with you too? I have fought too much these two days, and I don't want to fight anymore. My mentor just taught me to find the wisdom of life in the peace of the soul, so go yourself.

I'm going to go to Qionghua Lake with Sienne and Melinsella to take a boat. It is said that Wulin Village has the largest waterfall in Pandaria to play in, and there are water spirits inhabiting there, all of them are as cute as little Lei Shi. "

"It's a war! You are still in the mood to go and see the scenery! You are really pissed off, come on!"

Fina grabbed Little Xingxing's ears, and led her towards the area occupied by the mantid while she screamed. Sianni and Melinsera looked at each other and followed.

They were worried about Xiao Xingbao running around alone.

Bu Laike dismissed the idiot foursome, and he walked down the golden stairs by himself, looking at the huge mogu warrior sculpture outside the gilded pavilion in the distance, and his thoughts returned to the good old days here.

"I can't make another young hero this time, can I?"

The smelly pirate complained.

Garrosh was still scrubbing the decks of the Naglfar, and the orc boy would never have guessed that he would have any connection to this sacred place.

Calculated in this way, Bu Laike can be considered to have changed Hou Shaoxia's tragic life?


When Bu Laike was thinking about life, he suddenly felt that the wind beside him was a little weird, and it seemed to always blow on his neck, as if someone was deliberately joking with him.

But the pirates looked left and right, and they couldn't find anything around them despite their constant perception.

He rolled his eyes, took a step forward, jumped into the shadows and disappeared on the spot. A few seconds later, a big horse monkey wearing crane feathers appeared in the breeze.

The hozen demigod Monkey King of Pandaria jumped around scratching his ears and sniffing constantly, as if he wanted to find Bu Laike, thus declaring the victory of this "hide-and-seek".

But he undoubtedly failed.

Bo Laike found out about his prank.

But he failed to detect the existence of the smelly pirate from the shadows circulating around him.

The hozen worked very hard, but the connection between Laike and the shadow was too deep. After a few minutes of trying to no avail, the big hozen jumped angrily on the spot, put his beloved staff of blessings on the side, and said :

"Come out! You come out, I admit defeat."

"Why are you teasing me?"

Bu Laike jumped out from the shadow of the Monkey King with a long face. He looked at the hozen demigod. The latter's spirit was much better than when he just got rid of the seal.

It seems that he has been recuperating well in Kun-Lai Mountains recently.

He asked:

"If you don't integrate your monkeys and grandchildren, what are you doing here? And I didn't see your help when fighting the mantid. You are still a demigod of Pandaria. You don't work hard at all. Watch out for the pandaren to complain about you!"

"What do you know?"

The Monkey King snorted, removed the wine barrel from his staff of blessing, glared at Laike, motioned for him to pick up his own wine jug, and poured a glass into the evil, half-melted skull jug liquor.

That gesture was very careful, wishing not to give him a single drop.

"You keep fish!"

The pirate shook his wine glass unhappily and said:

"Come more, you're stingy, you're looking for me to do something, is it so difficult to ask for a drink?"

"This is monkey wine brewed by me thousands of years ago! You bastard."

The demigod Hozen was very upset, and put away his wine barrel very preciously, and hung it on the stick of blessing again. He grinned and bared his teeth and said:

"Do you like to drink or not?"

"Drink, drink, why don't you drink?"

The stinky pirate rolled his eyes, raised his head and drank the glass of wine. Leaving aside the taste, the pirate felt the bones in his body stretch out as soon as the wine entered his throat, making a crackling sound.

It's refreshing, like soaking in a hot spring all day, and it's so comfortable that you almost squint your eyes.

When he opened his eyes from that blissful feeling, he saw the Monkey King staring at him, and the hozen was still rubbing his hands, looking expectant.

Before Bu Laike could speak, he explained the purpose of his visit:

"You have something that can be dreamed about, right? I smell that dream and reality intertwined. I don't want your baby either, but I want you to take me to dream in the Valley of Eternal Blossoms, into the Emerald Dream.

I'm looking for something that can only be found in the Valley of Eternal Blossoms. "

"Holy Tree of Blessings?"

After the hozen demigod finished speaking, the stinky pirate glanced at the Monkey King and said:

"You're looking for that World Tree of Pandaria? Is there something wrong with your staff?"

"Hey hey hey!"

The monkey king of the big horse stared wide-eyed and let out a series of surprise calls. He shook his flexible tail and said to Bu Laike:

"How do you know that what I'm looking for is the treasure tree of blessing? Even my good brother Shaohao doesn't know about it. Only the four gods in Pandaria know the existence of the treasure tree of blessing.

You are an outsider, and you cannot possibly know more about this place than we do. "

"I'm a prophet, the real kind, my dear monkey friend."

Bu Laike rolled his eyes and said:

"There are no secrets in this world that can hide from me. Tell me first, what are you doing with the treasure tree?"

"Repair the staff."

The Monkey King showed an embarrassed expression.

He looked left and right, sneaking like a monkey doing bad things, and showed the simple and round stick of Fu Zan in his hand to the end of the wine barrel for Bu Laike to see.

The pirate glanced over and found that there were two metal rings on both ends of this gorgeous staff, which were specially used to hang wine barrels, and the two metal rings were also very beautiful.

The only problem was that the technique was poor, causing cracks to appear on both ends of the staff.

"You made it? You really ruined a good thing!"

Bu Laike caressed the staff in front of him with a distressed expression. Although it was not his, the stingy pirate also felt a pang of pain when he saw the Monkey King treat the treasure like this.

"Oh, back then I was a young monkey, not sensible."

The Monkey King touched the monkey hair all over his face, and said with a sigh:

"At that time, in order to save trouble, I thought of imitating the appearance of Shaohao's dragon staff, and put a metal ring on my blessing, but it didn't work well and it cracked.

I didn't feel anything at the time.

But this time after I recovered from the sapphire curse, I found that the aura of the staff of blessings had dissipated a lot. If this continues, this precious staff from the mother of life will be destroyed.

You must not tell others, especially Yulong.

Back then, she was the one who gave me the staff of Fu Zan on behalf of Lord Freya. If she knew that I had broken the staff, she would definitely kill me. "

"Well, you also have people who are afraid."

Bu Laike sneered, and looked at the golden Valley of Eternal Blossoms behind him again. He rolled his eyes, took out the mask that his dog leg Ken Ken made for himself, and said to the Monkey King:

"I can take you into the Emerald Dream, but I can't do it in vain. I know that the hozen's craftsmanship of making masks out of bamboo is passed down from you. You also helped Shaohao make a mask that can remove the Sha Demon.

Help me change this mask to make it more powerful, and I will take you to the dreamland to find the treasure tree of blessing.

Speaking of which, I heard that the tree that Ms. Freya planted herself existed in both dreams and reality. Why can't I see it in the Valley of Eternal Blossoms now? "

"I can't see it for a long time!"

The Monkey King took Bu Laike's hozen mask with grinning teeth. He first complained about the rough production of the mask, and then explained:

"Yulong said that ever since Ms. Freya handed over the Staff of Fu Zan to her for safekeeping, the treasure tree slowly disappeared from the material world, and after the rise of the mogu, the treasure tree completely entered the dream world.

I have chatted with your people these days, and they told me that there is a group of people called druids outside, who can travel through dreams, but we don’t have such people in Pandaria, so I have been searching for so many years and I can’t fix my spell. stick.

However, it is precisely because there are no dream walkers in Pandaria that the emerald dream of this continent has always been peaceful. The treasure tree of Fuzao has existed in the dream for hundreds of thousands of years, so it should have grown huge.

Maybe I can take a few branches from the tree and take good care of the staff of Fuzao. "

"Yeah, I didn't even think of that."

The Monkey King's casual remark caught the eyes of the stinky pirate.

He didn't shirk, and took out Savaryk's flute, and whistled to call Miss Hisalley Crow.

After the preparations, the pirate blew a cheerful ditty, and when the gate of dreamland opened, he took the Monkey King and Miss Black Crow from the material world to the Emerald Dreamland.


As soon as she entered the dream world, as an orthodox druid, Miss Hisaly Crow exclaimed:

"My God, World Tree! There is also a World Tree here!"

"This is not the weak world tree of your elves."

Bu Laike stood with his arms akimbo, standing in a peaceful emerald dreamland, looking at the monstrous giant tree rooted in the dreamland of the Vale of Eternal Blossoms, its crown almost covering the entire valley.

A tree is as big as a city.

The leaves on it are lush and lush, the branches and vines hang down around, and there are brilliant light spots shining in the dream.

The pirate looked at the huge tree in front of him, and whispered:

"This is the tree that Ms. Freya, the guardian of life, planted herself after the Battle of the Overlord. It has lived for nearly a million years, and the Valley of Eternal Blossoms is closely related to it.

The fountain of youth in the material world and the treasure tree of the dream world together make up the heart of Pandaria, and it is its existence that makes this continent so fertile and lush.

You can't call it a world tree.

Perhaps it is more appropriate to call it the 'ancestor tree', it is itself a great life. "

"Even if the king of the forest is here, he must marvel at the green natural miracle in front of him."

Miss Black Crow didn't refute Laike, she just stretched out her hand, trying to touch the branch in front of her with the extremely excited mood of a druid.

But it was stopped by the Monkey King.

"Don't touch it, it has a will of its own, it's looking at us, you'll be considered impolite. Come, follow me, do like me, and be respectful."

The demigod Hozen gave a warning.

He leaned on the staff of blessing, raised the staff high, half knelt and begged the treasure tree to give him fresh branches to repair the staff that Ms. Freya personally used to guide countless great lives.

His prayer was heard by the huge treasure tree in front of him.

Amidst the hozen's cheers, a branch fell from the canopy that covered the sky and the sun, and the green branch was falling into the hands of the Monkey King.

It was enough for him to mend the rod of fortune, to make up for the mistakes he made in his youth.

Miss Hisalley Black Crow glanced at Braike, the pirate nodded to her, so Black Crow also stepped forward and knelt there, expressing to the world's first ancient tree in the name of the Cenarion Order tribute.

Her respect was also accepted, and a branch about the same length as the staff of blessings fell in the hands of Miss Black Crow, just like the "red envelope" given by the ancient elders to the lovely juniors.

But this is the material for making legendary weapons and even artifacts.

It's really so generous, just give it casually.

The stinky pirate observed the actions of the Monkey King and the Black Crow. He was the last one to come forward and half-kneeled in front of the treasure tree of Fuzhi. He didn't know what he said. The Monkey King and Miss Black Crow saw the huge treasure tree start Shake vigorously.

For a moment, they suspected that the stinky pirate said something that shouldn't be said, which angered the treasure tree, but in the next moment, dozens of branches fell from the canopy in a mighty manner.

If Bu Laike hadn't hid quickly, this wave would have been smashed to death by the branches dropped by the treasure tree.

"What did you do!"

The Monkey King looked at the slender branches in his hand, and then at the dozens of huge logs that were in front of the pirates. He shouted dumbfounded:

"What did you wish for?"

"Ah this."

Bu Laike scratched his head, turned back with an embarrassed smile, and said:

"I just said that my boat needs wood to repair, and the generosity of the treasure tree gave me so many branches it didn't need. Of course, it also made a small request.

I must do it, or I will never get out of this valley.

But it doesn't matter. "

The pirate looked at the dozens of large logs shining magnificently before him, rubbed his hands, and said with bright eyes:

"Anyway, that's what I'm going to do. This wave has made a lot of money."

(end of this chapter)

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