Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1208 304. It's Better To Come Early Than Coincidentally. Are You Right, My Dear Ms. Sha

Chapter 1208 304. It's better to come early than coincidentally. Are you right, my dear Ms. Shanesh?

"The branches of the treasure tree of fortune are good things."

After the three of them left the dreamland, the Monkey King was still introducing the blessed tree branch in her hand to Hisaly Black Crow with a sad face.

The hozen demigod is one of the people who knows this kind of tree best. After all, he has held the stick of blessing for thousands of years, and he knows its efficacy very well.

"This tree grows by absorbing the mysterious energy under the Valley of Eternal Blossoms, so that its energy transmission is almost without any loss, and because it is rooted in dreams and reality, it has a very unique ability.

It can change weight and size according to your heart. "


Miss Hei Ya looked at the warm Fuzao branch in her hand, she blinked her eyes and asked this monkey half-god humbly:

"Can it really change its nature?"

"Yes, but you need to use magic or true energy to drive it. It is just a tool. The damage it can cause or the greatness it can make depends on how you use it."

The Monkey King laughed and played the game he had played with Bu Laike and Little Xingxing again. He stuck the staff of Fu Zan on the ground and motioned to Miss Black Crow to pull it out.

But no matter how hard the elf druid tried, the stick didn't move at all. It was as heavy as a mountain. Seeing the monkey laughed and stretched out his hand to grab the staff, it was as light as a feather without any weight.

It keeps zooming in and out in the hands of the Monkey King. Although it doesn't shrink to the size of a needle all at once, as the pirates want to see, it is already very powerful to shorten the staff to the size of a dagger, or enlarge it to the size of a battering ram.

This is a magical thing that can't be seen anywhere else.

"When it comes to the skill of making staffs, no one is better than the Shal'dorei in Suramar. Of course, the elves in Quel'Thalas are also good at crafting."

Bu Laike also came up and said:

"You can take the branch that the treasure tree gave you to them. You know that we have connections. Of course, if you plan to make a druid staff, it's better to give it to your mentor.

He'll definitely be looking for the best staff makers to make weapons for you, and the Cenarion Cult really does specialize in this area. Or, you can take my word for it and leave it for now.

When it's time for your rite of rebirth by the flames, take it into the flames with you, maybe it will do wonders. "

"Rebirth of flames?"

The Monkey King got the materials to repair the staff. Although he was jealous of Laike's harvest, the hozen had a good attitude and put his jealousy behind him in a short while.

He listened to the conversation between Bo Laike and Thisalie Crow, and interjected:

"It sounds like something dangerous, like the Vulcan of the Buffalo."

"We're here for formality, you open-mouthed monkey."

Bu Laike blew his beard and stared and said:

"You can't say something good."

Thisalie Crow also didn't want to talk about this issue. She thanked the Monkey King, and then turned into a falcon and flew into the sky with a whoosh. This chic transformation magic made the hozen fascinated for a while.

He whispered:

"When I was sealed in the jade stone, I often thought how great it would be if I could turn into a bug so that I could escape.

I don't know if I can learn this druid magic?

If I can put on wings, I can also fly into the sky. "

"You can try it, maybe you can learn the powerful magic of transforming into seventy-two kinds of beasts, but after you learn it, you have to change your fat body first."

Bu Laike quipped:

"I think the Monkey King should be a fierce little man."

"Tch, what aesthetics?"

The Monkey King stretched out his hands angrily to fiddle with the crane feathers on his head, and said:

"Do you know why other hozens call me the Monkey King? Because I am a handsome guy that is rare among hozens. This kind of beauty is not something you, a hairless monster, can appreciate.

Gone and gone. "

He waved his hand and said goodbye to Bo Laike:

"I'm going to the Valley of the Four Winds for a stroll. I heard that there is a Stormstout Brewery over there. His beer is great. When I'm done visiting Pandaria, I'll go out and play with you guys."

"Hey, there's a war going on here!"

Bu Laike shouted:

"You've come all the time, really don't you want to help?"

"I hate war."

The Monkey King held his own lucky stick in both hands, and while bouncing around, he said without looking back:

"Do you know why Yulong gave me the Staff of Fu Zan? It's not because I'm good at fighting, but because I'm the one who hates war and has peace in her heart in Ms. Freya's prophecy.

I don't engage in hate wars, I only use my pranks to punish the bad guys, and I use force if they're obsessed. This is how I protect Pandaria, my pirate friend.

This is why I can become brothers with Shaohao.

Oh, right. "

At the last moment of leaving, the Monkey King suddenly turned his head and gave Bo Laike an ugly smile. He scratched his head and said to the pirate:

"I seem to recall something 10,000 years ago these days, I did see you, and I sneaked into Azshara's palace with you and Shaohao

All I remember is that we had a lot of fun. "

"Then why are you helping me? Even before the world collapsed, it was still a long way from Pandaria to Zin-Azshari."

Bu Laike pressed a question.

The big monkey shrugged, laughed and disappeared into a gust of breeze, and his sharp and mocking voice came out in the wind, saying:

"Because you shoulder a terrible and great mission. You are not the awakened you at that time, and you have not met the person who can awaken you."

"Hey, stinky monkey! Tell me clearly!"

Bu Laike grabbed his crossbow and shot a few arrows into the sky.

These guys are really annoying, they only give him a piece of information every time, and they can't piece together a complete truth at all.

"Little master, are you practicing your shooting skills? But I didn't see the prey?"

Xalatas' voice happened to sound at this moment, making the pirate very suspicious that his dark girlfriend was deliberately scaring him.

"The servants of N'Zoth are already fighting the Guardian of the Heart of Darkness, that big man is very powerful, beating those cultists and screaming.

There is also good news, the mantid Yingjie has been lured away by the idiot Fenner, and now the cave leading to the ground is very empty, it is a good time to make a surprise attack! "


Bu Laike blinked his eyes, he didn't expect to let Fenner go crazy and there would be such a good thing?

He asked:

"Duo Yingjie was lured away by Fenna alone? What did she do?"

"Well, she didn't do anything."

Xalatas said in a strange tone:

"It was a battle with a Yingjie named Wind Raider, evenly matched, but what really mobilized Yingjie was your father Fenner's passive 'Daddy Summoning'.

Dai Lin, who was visiting at the Pass of the Setting Sun, heard that her daughter was in trouble, so she and Zhu Taran immediately came to support her.

And the vengeful Grom also slipped out of the Pass of the Setting Sun and hacked to death another unlucky Yingjie. In short, the appearance of these guys made Yingjie nervous. "

"Tch, poor daughter slave."

Bu Laike sneered disdainfully.

Then, with a bag of Fuzao logs that he wanted to give to his precious daughter of Chuanling, under the guidance of Xalatas, he quickly rushed towards the cave where the Heart of Darkness was buried.

The baby has been freshly baked.

Tool people are useless, it's time to harvest.

On the other side, in the Heart of Darkness cave, the mantid dug down a tunnel tens of meters under the precise guidance of the Corruptor's servants, and then dug into a hidden, almost abandoned Titan chamber.

There is very little Titan energy left here, and it looks like it has been dusty for many years.

But when the cultists and mantid rushed in with excitement, the titan guards in the secret room immediately gave them a big "surprise".

A scorching golden ray shot out from the eyes of the titan, a mogu-like guard, and under the sharp sweep, the first batch of bastards who rushed into the secret room were burned to slag almost instantly.

A group of Bloodsail pirates were so frightened that they rolled and crawled, and escaped crying for their parents and mothers.

But the dark judge, Shanesh, has already smelled the strong breath of void, her whole body trembling with excitement, and N'Zoth followed her spirit to notice that Y'Shaarj's Heart of Darkness is just ahead.

The power from an ancient and powerful brother has been quietly sealed in time, like a gift from ancient times, waiting for a legitimate successor like N'Zoth to take it away.

"Get it! Get the heart of darkness in Ny'alotha! Hurry up, Braike Shaw is approaching, this is his trap! Touch it, and I can use your hand to draw the power of the ancient venerable. "

The low voice of the Corruptor echoed in the dark heart of its loyal servant, like the descending of evil divine grace, making Shanesh feel full of power for a moment.

That was attention from N'Zoth.

When she stepped into the dark Titan Chamber, the Sha of Pride in her body also rapidly swelled and surged because of the presence of Y'Shaarj's Heart.

It was the reverberation of an Old God longing to return to himself.

The titan guard guarding the heart of darkness was startled and angry. It discovered that the evil thing sealed away by its master showed signs of recovery after millions of years of silence.

All this stems from the evil woman in darkness in front of me!

"Evil servant! Get off!"

The loyal titan guards roared and clenched their fists, and smashed the red-eyed mantid that rushed towards them one by one. With the loud noise of the ground shaking, it called for the power of order it had been given, and sent it to the mantid holding the power of the void. The dark judge rushed over.

The latter kept throwing balls of darkness full of corruption and corruption, and the forces of order and chaos collided continuously, stirring up violent energy shocks, and soon there were black and white chaotic screams in this dark secret room.

"Sad stone."

The dark judge sneered, and she looked at the titan guards approaching in front of her eyes, and balls of tumbling blue Sha Neng wrapped around her other hand.

The Sha of Pride, boiling close to the Heart of Darkness, has almost condensed into a solid body.

This Sha Demon Remnant is the most special of all Sha Demons.

Even Emperor Shaohao had never really overcome his own pride, so the Sha of Pride was the only one among the seven evil spirits that had not been suppressed by the gods and had not lost its power.

But this is not to blame for Emperor Shaohao's lack of practice, it's really arrogance. This kind of emotion is a bit unreasonable. After all, whoever has made some achievements in all living beings and everything has no arrogance in his heart?

It is almost the only negative emotion that is difficult to get rid of by one's own state of mind. The arrogance bred by a stronger person is more terrifying and almost incomprehensible.

And now, the boiling arrogance was used by Shanesh to sneak attack!

When the titan guard raised his golden fists to give her a fatal blow, the dark judge unleashed all the arrogance sha energy in his body.

The blue smoke swelled like bubble gum in an instant and filled the Titan Guard's body like mud. Those moving sha energy rushed into the Titan Guard's body like crawling bugs.

The terrifying void power instantly turned into a big net of smoke, completely enveloping and restraining this powerful guardian, and constantly corroding it, trying to use it as a new carrier of arrogance.


The titan guards who have been guarding the secret place for nearly a million years are not as strong and powerful as they were when they followed their masters. Millions of years of time in this place without energy replenishment have made a pure rock like it weak.

Tortured by the Sha of Pride, it knelt down in humiliation.


The dark judge sneered.

She didn't even waste any time celebrating defeating a titan guard, or taking its life, instead sending herself deep into the titan chamber in a dark teleportation spell.

As she approached the sealed Titan hall step by step, her breathing became rapid, and there were goosebumps on her skin due to excitement.

N'Zoth urged in her mind.

The Corruptor has suffered an ignominious defeat, and it really hopes it can pull it back.


With a low sound, the door of the hall that had been dusty for millions of years was pushed open little by little by Shanesh, and the dim light behind her shone along her shoulders into the dark place in front of her eyes.

She is definitely the first mortal to set foot here in these millions of years.


This wave is absolutely stable.

Then, she saw the Titan sealed box that was tied up by four Titan chains and hung in the center of the hall in front of her, continuously tumbling purple-black energy.

The box is like a thick lock, gathering all the tumbling energy, only the opening at the bottom, dripping some purple energy like flowing water.

In the purple halo, a man with his back to her was standing there, still holding a flagon in his hand, his long golden hair seemed to be shining fluorescent in the dim light in the dark.

He was leaning on a black and white elven war sword, and in the shadow behind him, a dark lady whose face could not be seen was standing with her hands tied.

"Impossible! Absolutely impossible!"

The dark judges are all stupid.

She looked back at the titan guard who was corrupted by the Sha of Pride, and then at her own footprints in the dust. She shouted frantically:

"I'm the first person to step here! What are you doing?"

"I just walked over like that, aunt, just when you and Your Excellency Naurush were in an inseparable fight, I just walked over like that.

I also took the time to say hello to you.

But you were too busy talking to your chop suey master to notice.

You are so rude. "

Bu Laike pointed out the door and said in a drawn out voice:

"I have to thank you for helping me dig out this passage and get rid of the stubborn and stubborn Titan Guard. I really appreciate your efforts, so..."

He pouted, and said to Shanesh who was trembling with anger:

"You can choose your own method of death. I will carry out the execution myself, and you will be satisfied. When your stinking soul returns to Ny'alotha, remember to give me a good review."

(end of this chapter)

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