Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1211 307. Frustrated People Have Their Own Sad Things, You Are Arrogant, So Don't Join

Chapter 1211 307. Frustrated people have their own sad things, you are arrogant, so don't join in the fun

While Laike was "playing" with the Sha of Pride, a few guys who came to the underground chamber were also suffering from arrogance.

But because the head of this evil force is on the side of the stinky pirates, the situation of Zhu Taran and the others is not too bad, at least not to the point where they will be captured by their irrepressible arrogance once they meet each other.

Especially Master Zhu and Stupid Fenner.

Their two guilty stele guards are almost completely immune to the impact of this negative force from the heart.

What's more, Master Zhu himself is a master monk who pays attention to the cultivation of the state of mind. For this kind of negative power that seduces people's hearts, he has always seen one and eliminated the other.

Therefore, Master Zhu, who likes to vomit blood to deter the enemy, is the fastest in the secret room.

He is almost unhindered.

Finner is a bit worse.

It's not that her sin tablet is weak, it was made by Bu Laike himself and kept by the stinky brother. The main reason is that Fenner thinks that the phantom sounds that appear in front of her eyes and ears after being surrounded by the Sha of Pride are "very interesting".

She could see her memory rolling, and those things she had done since she was a child that she considered "very powerful" kept coming to her eyes.

Even when she was five years old, she knocked down several elf kids who bullied her, all of which were turned up. This is the "glorious past" that Fenner herself has forgotten.

Looking at the small self in the illusion in front of me, staring at several slap marks on his face, riding on the waist of the little elf kid and beating his face vigorously, there are several stinky elf kids squatting beside him who were beaten and crying , Fenner felt that she had returned to her happy teenage years.

At that time, she was the master of the "Magic Kindergarten Class" she was in.

Those stinky elves have always disliked her status as a half-elf, and they deliberately found trouble. Ever since they couldn't help beating them for the first time, they were out of control.

Fighting every day is the same as going to work. If you don't fight for a day, you will feel uncomfortable all over your body.

It was probably at that time that the excellent warrior gene given by the stinky old man Dai Lin first emerged.

Moreover, the head teacher of the magic preschool class was a former student of Mrs. Jin Jian, so she always turned a blind eye to Fenner's troublesome behavior, which further contributed to the violence in Fenner's childhood.

"Oh, I forgot about this incident myself, I didn't expect to be so happy when I recall it now, I beat them four or five by myself.

Those bastards couldn't beat me and called the family guards. "

Fenner stopped where she was, blinking her eyes as she looked at the memory of the Sha of Pride in front of her eyes, she clapped her hands and said:

"I was going to be beaten that afternoon, but my mother happened to be busy that day, so I asked her boyfriend, Sir Salorian, to pick me up from school. Hahahaha, that afternoon was the happiest day I ever spent as a child.

Sir Thalorian beat all the family guards to the ground without even drawing his sword. In the woods next to the school, I also beat up those little kids who couldn't play with them.

Alas, I almost thought I had a dad that afternoon. "

Fenner sighed and said in a low voice:

"When I went home with Sir Salorian, I really felt like I was going home with my father, but I asked my mother a dirty question that night, and she beat me half to death.

This is no fun, get another one. "

As she said this, the illusion in front of her eyes suddenly changed, as if she was manipulating Fenner's emotions, and directly changed it to the time when Fenner felt that she was the most majestic, that is, the moment when the Supreme Warrior competed for the battle.

"Oh, was I so handsome back then?"

Stupid Fenner exclaimed and said:

"At that time, I thought I was already very handsome, but I didn't expect that from the perspective of others, I could be so majestic. If I were a man, I would be fascinated by myself.

Watch it again!

Come on, watch it again. "

Her joyful gesture made Ao Zhisha a little at a loss, it's not that big sister you look so happy, but you don't feel proud of yourself rising in your heart!

When you see so many powerful things you have done, don’t you feel that you are very powerful, and then you are very inflated? You have to expand your mind so that I can take advantage of it, and I can give you more power because of your arrogance!

Hey, don't think of me as a memory movie projector, okay?

You need to pay extra for playing like this!

Probably feeling the hesitation of Sha Ao, Fenner looked around, and saw that Sha Ao seemed to give up on her and scattered the blue mist of Sha energy, the foolish warrior stretched out his hand to grab it.

Shouting and shouting:

"Don't run away, I haven't finished watching it yet, let me see how good I am from someone else's perspective!"

This entanglement made the Sha of Pride run even faster.

It thinks that this mighty but silly fighter might have some brain problems.

Such a host can't be wanted, she doesn't even know what she will think in the next second, it's really uncontrollable.

"Hey, listen to my explanation. I don't feel proud because I have the imprint of sin imposed by my stinky brother. As long as I am proud, my head will hurt when I am proud. It will become a habit over time."

Finner explained:

"Furthermore, at least 80% of all the achievements I have achieved now are due to the arrangement of my stinky brother, and I can get the best results by obeying his command.

He is my 'external brain', so I don't feel at all when you show me these powerful things. It's all planned by the stinky brother. If someone else comes here, he can do such amazing things.

I mean, you gotta find something awesome that I did myself, without my brother being a part of it, and maybe I could feel proud.

Come on, let's try it. "

The Sha of Pride dissipated faster with the call of the foolish warrior.

Because it felt that Fenner was making a request that it simply couldn't fulfill, and most of the stupid fighter's achievements were related to Bo Laike.

And she's a bit too modest, the things she did couldn't be done by just a random person using the plan proposed by Bu Laike.

The Sha of Pride hates these humble guys the most!

It decisively gave up Fenner and Zhu Taran, who was basically unaffected, and focused on attacking the two guys in the rear.

Dailin and Grom rushed into the cave almost one after the other, and were captured by the Sha of Pride almost at the same time.

The blue sha energy dust enveloped the two powerful warriors, and the Sha of Pride, who was getting weaker and weaker under the devouring by Xalatath, began to quickly scan the hearts of the two guys.

There is no sin monument in the way!

very good.

All have glorious or terrible pasts!

very good.

They are all warriors with fierce emotions!


The Sha of Pride felt that he had finally found the right target, and it was going to speed up its attack.

"what is this?"

Dai Lin, who was holding a command knife, saw the blue mist flying towards him, and waved out the sharp blade wrapped in anger, cutting the blue smoke screen, but the Sha of Pride was not afraid of this attack.

It began to penetrate into Dai Lin's mind as quickly as it attacked Fenner's mind just now.

When the Sha of Pride took the dark judge Shanesh as its host, it learned about Dai Lin's past from her memory, and it easily found the most proud part of Dai Lin's life.

That was the time when the Kul Tiras navy had not been severely damaged. The fleet commanded by Dai Lin had absolute control over the South China Sea. The endless seas from the eastern continent to Kalimdor were all within Dai Lin's territory.

There is no more beloved king in all human civilization.

At that time, the war had not come, and the children had not suffered any misfortunes. Dailin was very successful in all fields, and the pride in his heart had reached its peak with the vigorous development of his career.

That's right, that's how it feels!

The Sha of Pride brought Dai Lin's will into that memory, it could feel the emotional changes in Dai Lin's heart, and it could feel that the power swallowed by Xal'atath was becoming stronger again.

This king warrior is an excellent host, his powerful power can be used for himself, and the arrogance in his heart is as huge as the entire endless sea!

As long as I can capture this heart, I can even compete with Xalatas and her evil boyfriend!

That bitch has already devoured the other six sha energies, as long as he defeats her and devours her, he can return with the powerful posture of Y'Shaarji!

"The good old days, maybe I should thank you, evil spirit, you let me relive the best years of my life."

Just when the Sha of Pride felt that he was only one step away from success, Dai Lin recovered from the burst of arrogance.

Even though he was covered with thick blue Sha energy, Dai Lin's eyes were still bright.

The phantom in front of the old soldier followed his emotional changes to the day when he received the news of his eldest son's death in battle, and returned to the day when he was decadent due to Drake's death.

After that, those painful memories continued to flow, even out of the control of the Sha of Pride, and finally fixed on the day when the Crucible of Storms fought against Laike the "Terrible Son".

This is probably the time that Dai Lin remembers most deeply. As the scene of his final defeat in the battle with his son freezes, the admiral also clenched the command knife in his hand again.

Metal-like luster surged from his skin, and the power of the titan creation blessed by the Lord of War surged in his body, squeezing this arrogant thing out of his heart bit by bit.

This process is painful!

But Dai Lin is a fighter!

Pain will not weaken his strength, it will only make him more dangerous!

"A failed king, failed father, and failed commander like me, how can I be proud?"

The general said in a hoarse voice:

"You remind me of the good times in the past, and it will only make me feel my downfall now, thank you, evil spirit, thank you for ringing the alarm bell for me.

Let me see clearly how far I am from what I want to get back, maybe I should be more humble. "


Sha of Pride was in a very complicated mood at this time.

If it could talk, it must have been yelling. What's wrong with everyone in the Proudmoore family? Do they all have psychological problems? Go see a psychiatrist, okay?

I let you stir up your pride, and you told me that you learned humility from the influence of my arrogance?

Your mentality is too distorted!

Did you throw away all the pride in your life when you were defeated by your son once?

Daddy Dai Lin, your evil elder son who eats Shamo raw is not as outrageous as you!

But seeing that Dai Lin had activated the power of the Titans and began to close his mind, the Sha of Pride, who had to race against time, knew that he could not waste time.

Grom Hellscream is its last chance!

It gathered the last of its sha energy and poured it into the orc chieftain's mind, shaking the memory of Hellscream.

It was almost a bloody world.

There is defeat and massacre in every memory, every thing done is bloody, there is no virtue in the heart wrapped in brutality, this is a roaring beast of murder, a man who only fights Raw madman.

The Sha of Pride felt absolutely stable this time.

Such a soul is the most thirsty for power!

He was the first orc chieftain to take the lead in drinking the blood of the devil. He had already sold his soul for power, and it was easy to do everything the first time and the second time.

It only needs a slight temptation to


Grom, who was holding Gorehowl, grabbed the blue Sha Energy that was rushing in front of him, and crushed it with his fingers clasped together. Of course, this action couldn't hurt the Sha of Pride who had no body.

But it represented the attitude of the orc chief.

For the power that came to his door, that cruel big face was full of disgust.

"Go away! The power that came to the door is not serious at first glance. Although I don't care about drinking the devil's blood, it doesn't mean that I am willing to be fooled again.

Don't interrupt my fight! "

The war chief slashed left and right with his blood roar, and he cursed:

"Dai Lin! Don't run away! Last time I let you seize the opportunity to win a game in a cheap way, but this time it will not be so easy, come on!"

Under the astonished gaze of the Sha of Pride, Hellscream ignored it at all, and rushed towards Dai Lin with an ax in hand, and the two soldiers fought into a ball in an instant.

The surge of anger swayed with extraordinary destructive power, shaking the entire cave.

What is "unscrupulous power"?

Sha of Ao who was left alone felt humiliated!

Howling, it lunged at Grom Hellscream, trying to root its arrogance in Hellscream's brutal heart in a last-ditch effort.

This bastard once led crazy thugs to wash a world with war, and as Dellano's number one warrior, he should have a lot of arrogance in his heart.

However, no matter how hard the Sha of Pride swelled into Hellscream's mind, Grom could not grasp the evil power of arrogance.

The orc's mind was even calmer than Bo Laike's when it took the onslaught of arrogance.

Not only was he calm, but under the flush of arrogance, Grom even had a completely opposite emotion in his heart.

He is guilty?

Such a murderer who shouted and killed would feel guilty?

He was not at all proud of the brutal things he had done in the past, and amidst the Sha of Pride's desperate whimpers, it found itself sending itself into a desperate situation.

Cruelty is just a disguise of guilt, and endless fighting is just a means of longing for relief. He is suffering from the bloody past all the time.

Here is a weary soul riddled with holes, the last fuel to be captivated by pride, who has spent the first half of his life in a dominating madness, and the rest of it will be free from destructive zeal.

He was a knife that slashed at his own world.

Now he is still sharp, but he is no longer controlled by darkness.

The last bit of strength of the desperate Sha of Pride is also consumed in this soul without it taking root, like a flame that is gradually dying out.

it knows.

it's over.

(end of this chapter)

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