Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1212 308. The Period Of A Million Years Of Dormancy Has Come, Welcome The Return Of The Anci

Chapter 1212 308. The period of a million years of dormancy has come, welcome the return of the ancient venerable!

The erosion of the Sha of Pride in the soul seemed to take a long time, but it actually ended in a very short period of time.

However, while Laike was being entangled by the Sha of Pride, the mantid and the Dark Inquisitor had also successfully started unlocking the Titan Mystery.

As the dark servants serving the ancient venerables, the sonic magic of the mantid is very magical. In the strange resonance of several strange sonic pillars, the huge mythos placed on the ground began to move.

It's like a very high-tech box opening process.

Its outer shell was cracked to reveal the complex gears and mechanical structure that were constantly rotating inside, layer after layer of seals were opened, and the vibration of the Heart of Darkness became more and more obvious.

This last remnant of the ancient god who was crushed to death by the Titans millions of years ago also seemed to feel that his chance to see the light of day was at hand, and it also felt excited about it.

Also excited were its servants, the mantid heroes who had been badly repaired by Bu Laike were full of anticipation in their eyes, and these big bugs kept making weird insect sounds.

Others flap their wings in place.

The most sincere Supreme Korvan has fallen to his knees, chanting the prayers of the mantid to the ancient sages, longing for the dark gods to return to this era.

It hopes that the ancient sages can give the mantid power to overthrow this world controlled by false gods and the sons of titans in this era when the fog is opened!

But it was because of such sincerity that none of the mantid heroes showed the slightest greed for the heart of darkness that was so close at hand.

They clearly know that they are more suitable to be the carrier of the heart of darkness than any life, but they cannot go beyond that step to seize the majesty and power of the gods.

That is the greatest desecration of faith.

It's like the civilization that shackles them has preserved this ancient belief in the countless times that the ancient venerables have passed away, but the shackles prevent them from further ascending to theocracy.

This is a very contradictory situation.

However, Ms. Shanesh, the dark judge who was going through a complicated psychological struggle at this time, felt happy because of it.

When she noticed that the mantid treated the Heart of Darkness exactly as they treated sacred objects, she felt that her sudden ambition had more hope of being realized.

These foolish and loyal mantid only care about the return of the ancient venerable. As for the posture and identity of the ancient venerable, they don't care.

That is to say, as long as I can get the Heart of Darkness, I can

Hehe, what a beautiful day.

The smile on the cultist's gloomy face became more and more obvious. She looked forward to the Titan Mystery being gradually opened in front of her. If it wasn't for the limitation of her status, she would be so excited that she would rub her hands together.

She didn't even pay attention to N'Zoth's enlightenment and urging in her heart anymore, and even began to feel that the Corruptor was really annoying!

Why didn't I find it talked so much before?

But she has to be careful to hide her thoughts, at least before she gets the power of the Heart of Darkness, she can't be discovered by N'Zoth.

Otherwise the soul that had been guided into the Void would be instantly cursed by the Corruptor, which would turn her from the inside out into a Void-burned-brained monster.

In fact, under the guidance of the fallen will, Shanesh can maintain a human form and enough sanity to walk so deep in the void, all thanks to the protection of N'Zoth.

She can always complete all the "Oracles" sent down by the Corruptor and satisfy its desire to see chaos, which makes her the most powerful God's Chosen under the Corruptor.

But N'Zoth was not always generous to his servants, and he rarely forgave them for their failures.

Unless it is very important to those, such as Queen Azshara.

From this point of view, perhaps Shanesh should thank Bu Laike for blowing up Ny'alotha, and the destruction of the holy city of N'Zoth made the Corruptor seem to have a little more humility, making life for these dark servants much easier.

But that's about it.

Thinking about it carefully, the blessings that N'Zoth gave her seemed not enough to offset what she had done for N'Zoth, such as her family, her own life, and even her identity as a human being.

After getting rid of the layer of fanatical beliefs that obscured reason, Shanesh finally discovered the tricks of N'Zoth, a terrible boss.

It's just squeezing them.

Lure them into the bait with a little bit of power and forbidden knowledge, and then hit a dead end with no turning back, Boralus workers are paid to go to work in the factory!

What do these cultists have?

Will the death surprise that may come at any time and slip into the taboo abyss become the monster's destination if you are not careful? Well, such a bad life is really nostalgic.

At this moment, the determination and ambition in Xia Naish's heart became stronger.

And all of this was seen by the mantid heroes beside her. The heroes exchanged glances with each other, but no one exposed the cruel fact in front of them.

That is the sad mortal Shanesh, who has been captured by the dark majesty of the ancient venerable before he saw the heart of darkness.

She has lost the reverence for her originally weak god, and instead seeks to be the vehicle for the revival of the ancient venerable.

Haha, as expected, as in the legend.

No heart can keep awake in the face of the ruler of darkness. What it swallows is reason, what it breathes out is ambition, what it chews is hope, and what it gives is despair.

This pathetic woman. Did she really think that her little thoughts could fool these outstanding mantid warriors of all ages?

Everyone is just playing around.

After all, there is only one heart left for the Lord of Darkness, and if he wants to reign over this world again, he really needs a body contaminated with the power of the void.

Shanesh, the dark judge of N'Zoth, is very suitable. The Corruptor has cultivated her very well. She is already a container soaked in the fallen void, and she is also qualified enough to carry the remains of the ancient sages.

And her god N'Zoth was not urging her or scolding her. N'Zoth really didn't want to see his capable subordinates captured by the remaining divinity of Y'Shaarj.

It's saving her!

But Shanesh didn't want to hear it anymore.

The fire of ambition has been kindled, and nothing can easily extinguish it.


In the final crisp sound, the Titan Mystery in the Sealing Hall was completely opened, and a shriveled heart was exposed in front of the eyes of the dark judge amidst the thick and liquid purple energy flowing.

It's not majestic at all.

It looks like a monster heart that has dried up in time, and you can even see the blood vessels connected to its body and the purple breath that is constantly surging in it like fresh blood.

The only feature is that it is quite big, requiring adults to open their hands to hug it.

But the smoke and dust that began to weather and peel off when it came into contact with the air represented that the strongest creature that had ever existed in the history of Azeroth had reached its weakest moment.

It desperately needs a boost of energy to restore it to its former majesty that the world has forgotten.

The moment the Heart of Darkness appeared, all the mantid stood up as if they were inspired and uttered the song of insects. The joy was enough to overwhelm all rational emotions.

Their god has finally returned.

When the dark judge Shanesh saw the shriveled heart of darkness in front of her, she also had strong emotions rolling in her chest and heart, and she was too excited to restrain herself.

She almost instinctively stretched out a trembling hand towards the heart in front of her eyes.

N'Zoth's roar exploded in her mind, trying to wake her from the lure of being led into chaos and losing herself.

But for a moment, Shanesh only found it annoying.

She closed her heart and voluntarily severed her spiritual connection with N'Zoth. This was the first time she had so boldly disobeyed the God of Darkness she believed in.

But she wasn't afraid, and even felt a little relaxed.

She's never been so relaxed since becoming a cultist, and it's a great feeling to get back into herself, especially when her unbridled ambitions are only one step away from being realized.

A brilliant and beautiful future is in front of you, so real that you can touch it as long as you stretch out your hand.

So she stretched out her hand to the Heart of Darkness calling out to her.

At this moment, she is absolutely convinced that she is the chosen one! Maybe it was fate that made her become the revived ancient venerable in this era, that's right, it was her!

It can only be her!

With this thought in mind, under the indifferent and penetrating gaze of all the mantid, Shanesh, who had lost his soul, made a gesture of hugging, wanting to hold the Heart of Darkness in his arms.

She was going to welcome the greatest moment in her life, the darkness around her became so beautiful, even in a trance, Shanesh heard bursts of dark singing.

Like a hymn to the fallen.

The good news is that her hearing is very good, and she did hear the BGM of that god-like moment.

The bad news is, that wasn't playing for her.


The icy white sharp sword pierced from the back of the heart, and pierced from the front chest with an unstoppable deadly grace.

In the slight pain of blood dripping from the shining gentle blade, the serious sword girl Sharator warned Shanesh in a serious tone:

"Stay away! Master doesn't like people being so close to his baby."

"Yes, I don't like it."

Bu Laike's calm voice also sounded behind Shanesh, making the dark judge wake up from that abnormal trance in an instant, and his gloomy eyes tightened in an instant.

Only then did she realize what a stupid thing she had done.

"You just voluntarily rejected N'Zoth's rescue, right?"

With a weird laugh, Xalatas whispered in the ear of the trembling dark judge:

"You should know that doing this means that your body and soul are no longer protected by it, and you can be killed Well, I have seen so many dead people, but none of them did what you did to make me happy .

You are so cute, my little sweetheart. "


Shanaish rushed forward like crazy.

She didn't even care about the sharp blade that pierced her heart, she knew that touching the Heart of Darkness before she died was the only way she could possibly survive.

But at the moment she threw herself out, the cold black gauntlets grabbed her hair and pulled her back. At the same time, a flying black sword appeared in the hands of Braike. With an intimate gesture of hugging from behind, it swung at the head of the dark judge. The moment she got up, she gently slashed the sharp knife across her slender neck like a lover.

Standard and deadly, even with a touch of elegant cutthroat

"You can't go back to Ny'alotha, N'Zoth doesn't like such a rebellious soul."

Bu Laike hugged the trembling and desperate Shanesh, and in the tumbling darkness around him, he comforted softly like a dead priest:

"But it doesn't matter, I will help you find your way home, I will personally send you back to the holy place that you rejected, and I will guarantee that you can return to N'Zoth.

I think it's such a smart old god, it should know that Azshara has been dissatisfied with it, and the most interesting thing about this thing is, you know who sent me to Pandaria?

And who helped me snatch the Heart of Darkness from N'Zoth?

Huh, keep this message in mind.

It allows you to retain a little consciousness while you are being tortured by N'Zoth, and you can give it to the Corruptor as valuable information.

That's right.

My sovereign Queen Azshara has united with me.

She has granted me the post of Royal Chamberlain, and I gladly accept it. The mightiest pirate and the mightiest empress have stood together, and we have only one enemy!

Let my dear N'Zoth wash his neck and wait.

In addition, don't forget to tell my dear Corruptor for me that there is really not much time left for it to fiddle around. If it has to be messed around, I suggest some ruthlessness.

You know, it's so much fun watching an octopus or something dying.

This scene of tragedy is dedicated to Azshara! "

The last sentence was uttered by the stinking pirate in the most elegant ancient Elvish language, and then in the black flames ignited by his fingers, the body of the painful Shanesh was instantly ignited.

But with her throat cut, she couldn't even utter a scream.

In the "farewell hug" of the stinky pirate, it can only shake with a miserable posture and turn into burning ashes flying in the sky.

Flesh first, then bones.

In the end, only a white female skull filled with void power was left in the hands of the pirates.

A perfect collectible.

Surprisingly, after witnessing such a murderous tragedy, the surrounding mantid heroes did not express anything, they just watched all this indifferently.

They just need to see the ancient venerable return today.

As for who got this dark glory, it really doesn't matter at all.

"This thing is ugly."

Bu Laike strode forward and reached out to touch Y'Shaarj's dark heart. He turned his head and complained to Xal'atath, who appeared in the form of smoke with seven sha entanglements behind him:

"It is still tempting me. It says it can give me supreme power. To be honest, I am a little bit moved. If I eat it, I will probably have the power to hold Azshara to the ground and sing for me, right? "

"Hello, little master."

Salatas reminded:

"Miss Elune is watching you."

"Yes, Lady Elune is looking at me."

Bo Laike shook his head and withdrew his hand.

He slapped the heart energy contaminated by the seven evil spirits on his owl helmet. The moment the heart energy was inlaid, the invisible seven-color light shrouded and dispersed, adding a layer of spiritual halo to the pirates.

He took a step back.

While the mantid were kneeling in unison, they made a "please" gesture to Xal'atath behind him:

"Come on, my 'Ancient Venerable', enjoy all this, it's all prepared for you."

Xalatas did not step forward immediately.

Instead, she fell into the arms of the pirate with a body of smoke, stroking Bu Laike's helmet with both hands, and asked in a delicate tone:

"So, as the man who is about to become the ancient venerable, don't you have anything to say to me?"

"We need to finish that test quickly."

The pirate said helplessly:

"The dean is still waiting for my thesis. Your body is already being arranged. I mean, can you be in heat then?"

(end of this chapter)

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