Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1215 311. Meeting The Gods 【3/5】

Chapter 1215 311. Meeting the Gods [35]

The hangover was still there, but Bo Laike woke up in the middle of the night without a headache, which made him marvel at the strength of the alcoholic talent again.

At this time, the Nagfar has set off from the Mantis Plateau and is headed towards the northwest of this sea area.

no way.

I can't go anymore.

They had been making too much noise in the Mantis Plateau for the past three days, Zhu Taran had already personally chased them away, and if they stayed any longer, Bu Laike would have to fight Zhu Taran again.

Although he is not afraid of him, the way the head Zhu vomits blood every time in every battle is too scary.

Those who knew that he was here to fight, but those who didn't know thought he was here to touch porcelain.

Besides, the most famous "emperor's banquet" in Pandaria was eaten for three consecutive days, and all kinds of fine wines could be made to satisfy the pirates who were always complaining for a long time.

They can finally leave the place where they fought happily.

The chefs of the Yulian gang can also take a break.

The high-intensity cooking for three consecutive days almost broke their wrists, but the rewards given by the pirates before they left were very generous, so the chefs did not make a trip in vain.

"Come on, have a glass of water."

The gentle first mate flashed and appeared next to Bu Laike who had just sat up from the bed, and handed him a cup of hot water with just the right temperature. She helped him straighten his messy hair, and said with reproach:

"Hu eating and drinking for so long, look at your haggard look."

"Well, I don't think I'm emaciated because I eat and drink."

Bo Laike took a sip of hot water to warm his stomach, and he complained in a low voice:

"Is Onyxia's body in estrus again? This frequency is a bit abnormal recently."


The pillow Sefiel had just picked up hit Bo Laike on the face, blocking what he was going to say next, and the chief mate was of course dissatisfied.

You happy-lived stinky pirate blame me for your emaciation?

You think beautifully!

However, after the fight was over, the chief mate still sighed, sat on the edge of the bed, rested his head on the captain's shoulder, and explained:

"I just don't you go to Dellano soon? It's been a long time since I saw you again, and I can't go with you. This may be the longest journey we have been apart.

I just want you to remember me better before you forget me after meeting Maiev. "

"I'll be back in a month at most."

Bu Laike held the shoulder of the chief mate, leaned against the head of the bed and whispered:

"It's not as evil as you said. This trip is not just for that stinky woman Maiev. I have business to do. Speaking of which, I will go back to Tol Barad in a few days and attend the opening of the academy. What about the ceremony?

I heard that in order to celebrate our exploration of Pandaria, the dean deliberately postponed the opening ceremony for half a month. She insisted that I attend.

Have you got your presents ready? "

"Well, it's packed."

Seifel closed his eyes and said softly:

"Please ask Zhou Zhuo and Brian for the thousands of Pandaren books rubbed from Mogushan Curry, as well as some exquisite artworks we found in the Tenjin Temple, and handicrafts made by Pandaren craftsmen.

They are all gifts that are very suitable for Dean Lanyue's taste, and she will definitely feel happy.

In addition, the geography of the continent of Pandaria has also been sorted out. In this way, the "Geography of Azeroth" compiled by you has also been completed. "

"I knew that without you, my life would definitely be a mess."

Bu Laike chuckled and stretched out his fingers, lifted Sefiel's chin, looked at the shy first mate, and said:

"Good wife and mother."

The two looked at each other, and the atmosphere in the captain's room became ambiguous.

Their cheeks approached slowly, but just as they were about to touch, the voice of the bear warrior Tull came from outside the door.

"Captain, I have already seen the island, and it is still surrounded by fog, but Miss Chuanling said that the problem is not serious, and I can land at any time."

This episode immediately broke the atmosphere between the two.

Bu Laike looked disappointed, and Sefiel covered his mouth with a chuckle, stood up and straightened his clothes, kissed the captain on the forehead, opened the closet and took out the washed captain's suit for him, and helped him put it on.

Finally a black three-cornered hat was put on his head.

"Go, I'll wait for you on the boat."

Seifel said something to him.

The pirate nodded, and glanced at the armor box in the corner of the closet, which marked the watchman's mark. He patted Sefiel's waist, pointed at the box and showed a weird smile.

The chief officer snorted angrily, glared at the smelly pirate, and disappeared into the cabin with a whoosh.

Bu Laike, who successfully molested the first mate dragon, laughed loudly. He walked out of the captain's cabin with a jade pipe in his mouth, and glared at the conscientious bodyguard of the bear warrior.


"I could have been happier, Tour, because of you!"

"You've had enough fun these days, Captain."

The naive Bear Warrior grinned and said:

"No male bear in heat in Grizzly Hills is as strong as you."

Uh, this probably belongs to the dumb-mouthed bear warrior who wants to flatter him, but his very primitive metaphor really makes Bu Laike unhappy.

I can only shake my head.

When walking towards the deck with Tull, he said to the bear warrior while puffing:

"You also know that I'm going to Dellano to do something next, but the Naglfar is going to the North Sea to coordinate the defense there, do you want to go to another world with me, or go back to Grizzly Hills?

My word is that the trolls of Zul'Drak are starting to move again, your people are preparing for war, and they may need you. "

"I'm confused too, Captain."

Warrior Bear scratched his head, looked at Ursoc's Claw on his wrist, and said:

"Lord Ursoc gave me its weapon to protect the civilization of the bear people, but I also have the duty to protect you, which is also my oath.

However, it shouldn't take long for you to go to Dellano and come back, so I plan to go there with you. If the war is tight, it won't be too late for me to return to my hometown. "

"Then I want to tell you in advance that what I did in Dellano this time was a bad thing."

Bu Laike reminds:

"You are a righteous bear man. Although you are on a pirate ship, you are out of tune with us. I am worried that you may not be able to accept what you want to see."

"What kind of consequences will the bad things we are going to bring to my civilization and this world?"

Tour asked:

"Is it good? Or bad?"

"Well, it's probably a good thing."

Bu Laike exhaled smoke and said:

"From the perspective of Azeroth, it should be a good thing. It can give us more strength when facing demons."

"That's all right."

Tur grinned, showing sharp bear teeth, and said:

"I'm not a pedantic fellow, Captain."

"very good."

The pirate nodded in satisfaction, he said no more, and walked out of the cabin to the railing of the poop.

On the deck in front of her, Fenna was preparing for landing with the shield girls.

The five little orcs were also mixed in, as well as some pirates from other factions who had come to help the captain before, the most conspicuous of which were a dozen huge tol'vir with rock bodies.

They folded their wings like sculptures and stood on the side of the ship, looking out to the huge island in the mist ahead. Their leader Tarim was reciting the epic prophecy of the tol'vir in a low voice.

They came to meet their gods.

Bu Laike Shaw assured them that they would, like the mantid, welcome back their ancient and great god tonight.

And above the ship, two mechanical gnome flying machines were buzzing back and forth. Lorewalker Zhou Zhuo and the disgruntled old dwarf Brian were sitting on one of them, arguing fiercely about something.

Brian's investigation of the Mogu'shan vaults was far from over, but he had to.

Because Bo Laike told him that he could see a titan guardian in person today.

Although the old dwarf is a strange person who doesn't care about the mission of the dwarves, his restlessness as an explorer and archaeologist makes him unwilling to miss this chance of glory that will never happen a few times in his life.

"Father, a Kul Tiras ship has been sneaking behind us!"

Miss Ship Spirit appeared beside Laike with a whoosh, and she brought her good friend Lei Shi, like a happy little follower.

Nagfar rolled his eyes and whispered to the pirate:

"Leish ran to see it, and she said that there was an old man who looked like you on that boat! It must be the cunning Dailin. Shall we sink it?"

"It's not necessary."

Bu Laike shook his head and said:

"That's surveying the coastline of Pandaria and collecting hydrological information. This is the special skill of Kul Tiras explorers. Don't worry about him. Let's land on the shore.

They can follow if they want to.

They couldn't get into the palace anyway. "


As soon as Bu Laike finished speaking, a dazzling thunderbolt fell from the dark and gloomy sky in front of him, hitting the center of the misty island, and sparked dazzling thunderbolt sparks.

This movement almost immediately awakened Little Xingxing who was eating, drinking, and sleeping in the cabin.

The blue dragon princess ran out barefoot in her pajamas, rubbing her eyes, standing next to Bo Laike looking at the island in front of her, frowning tightly on her pretty face.

He looked at his hands again, the heart of thunder that had been under control for the past few days seemed to be showing signs of losing control again.

Groups of blue-purple electric currents danced and entangled on her slender fingers. This strange situation made Xiao Xingxing cover her heart, and she could still feel the heart of Thunder beating abnormally fast.

"There's something on that island, and it's calling me."

Little Xingxing covered his cheeks in fear, and whispered to Bu Laike:

"I was a little bit scared, but it's not that I'm timid, it's just hard for me to describe the feeling."

"The thief who stole someone's heart is about to face the sufferer. Anyone who is ashamed will feel afraid, but this is a normal situation, so don't worry about it."

The pirate squeezed his eyes and said something to Little Xingxing.

But his words didn't make Princess Blue Dragon feel at ease. As the Naglfar passed through the fog and docked at the edge of this eerie and weird island, Little Xingxing's uneasiness reached its peak when he set foot on the land of the island.

Her hands and feet were a little weak, and she had to be supported by Seianne and Merlinsera to move forward.

Again, this is not for the faint of heart.

It was her tame thunder heart that was beating so fast that she was already showing signs of getting out of control, which made Blue Dragon very uncomfortable, like a patient suffering from a heart attack.

"Open the portal!"

Braike glanced at the little star whose hands and feet were weak, and he turned his head to give orders to Prince Farondis and the old man Sakir behind him. Soon, a portal from Thunder God Island to Kun-Lai Summit was opened. .

In the sound of the ground shaking, the adjutant of the Great Guardian Lai, the loyal and brave Titan Guard Naurush crossed the portal and came to this isolated island.

He had already been reshaped in the engine of Nalaksha. The energy required to shape this guy's powerful body caused the engine to stop directly, and it would take at least half a month to recover.

For this reason, Mrs. Guo Ya even had to suspend the work of the Jade Lotus Gang to make the sapphire golem.

But the Titan Guardian "pinched" by the Titan Guardian himself is indeed powerful. After getting a new body, Norusha's power easily reached the full-blown demigod state.

In order to adapt to the body, the ancestor of this mogu wandered around Kun-Lai Mountain yesterday, and easily accepted several mogu warlords nearby as his servants.

Today he also brought these "unworthy descendants" with him.

As soon as these mogu entered Thunder God Island, they immediately exclaimed. These stone beings said something like "Thunder God", "The King's Seat", "Emperor's Palace" and so on in their own language.

Obviously, they know the origin of this Thunder God Island better than others.

"What a rebellious place full of evil!"

Norush had already learned about the relationship between the Great Guardian Rai and the Thunder God from Bu Laike, which made him sneer at the looming huge palace surrounded by lightning and thunder.

The ancestor of the mogu waved his hand, pointed forward, and said loudly:

"Find the way for me! Everything in the way ahead must be cleared! Come with me, little ones, we are going to meet the gods!"

Norushe gave an order, and the mogu warlords who followed him immediately roared to let their soldiers charge forward.

With this group of brutal guys at the front, there is almost no obstacle for Bu Laike and his party to go to the Palace of Thunder God.

There are also some isolated Mogu tribes active here, but when they saw the mighty Norush, they all chose to surrender without exception.

The suppression of the ancestors in the blood makes these thugs who have lost their faith and fell into violence unable to resist at all.

These mogu living on the island of Thunder God were all loyal to the King of Thunder God back then. Under their leadership, Braike and his party soon came to the entrance of the Great Palace of Thunder God's Throne.

This palace really fully demonstrates what is gorgeous and majestic.

It occupies an area so large that a palace is comparable to Stormwind City, but when Norusha tried to open the gate of the palace, Braike stopped him.

The pirate took out a golden seal and tossed it in his hand, saying to Norusha:

"Wait a minute, I'm going to summon a guest, and he really wants to see the great guardian Lai."

"Is there anyone who wants to see the honorable guardian?"

Norusha scolded in dissatisfaction:

"Pirates! You have to respect the gods!"

"I have a lot of respect for them, you believe me, but this guest is too big, I can't afford it, and you can't afford it either."

Laike rolled his eyes and held up the golden emblem in his hand.

As he called that name, a bright seven-color streamer descended from the sky.

In an instant, the fog surrounding the entire island was blown away, and under the shining rainbow bridge, Odin, the king of war, strode out of it with a serious expression.

The moment he appeared, Norusha, who was still angry just now, knelt down on one knee and paid tribute to Odin, and those stunned mogu even knelt on the ground in unison.

But Odin simply ignored them.

The King of War stared at the palace in front of him, he pulled out his Lightning Spear Gungnir with his backhand, and roared:

"I feel my brother! He's imprisoned in this filth! Damned blasphemer!"


The Lightning Spear shot out in anger, and easily shattered the majestic gate of the Throne of Thunder amidst the surge of thunder. This proof of the Thunder God's most proud boasting of force was almost collapsed by Odin's shot.

"You are doing well, Bo Laike, you are the best titan messenger I have ever seen! If you are more sincere, you will be perfect."

Odin looked at the stinky pirate who was showing hypocritical fear, and he praised:

"Now, follow me and bring back my troubled brother."

(end of this chapter)

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