Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1216 312. When Fellow Villagers See Fellow Villagers, Their Eyes Are Tearful [4/5]

Chapter 1216 312. When fellow villagers see fellow villagers, their "eyes" are tearful [45]

The Throne of Thunder God, this is the palace built by the greatest mogu emperor, Thunder God, for himself. It is also one of the "spectacles" built in Pandaria during the reign of the brutal ruler.

The other two wonders are the Serpent's Spine, which holds back the mantid, and the Mist Walkway, which connects the Valley of the Four Winds, the Jade Forest, and Kun-Lai Summit.

These three buildings are the slaves of the Mogu Empire driven by Thunder God, and they were built in a short period of time with almost no casualties. Although they are all inherited by the pandaren civilization now, the pandaren have never forgotten that their ancestors lived in The sacrifices made under these spectacle.

Of course, Beaulieu's Spine and Veiled Path are also very important to the current Pandaria, so it is impossible for the Pandaren to tear them down, that would be too wasteful.

As for the legendary Throne of Thunder God, this said to be the greatest palace in the world is more like a legend that has been passed down for thousands of years.

After all, the Thunder God Emperor died thousands of years before the panda people revolted to establish their own dynasty, and no one has ever seen the legendary Thunder God Palace with their own eyes.

Even some mogu thought it was just a vicious rumor created by slaves to express their slander against Lei Shen.

But this great palace built on the basis of countless sacrifices and blood and tears is real. It was only hidden by a strange magic after the accidental death of Emperor Lei Shen.

Later, when Emperor Shaohao sacrificed himself to protect the Pandaria Continent, this ancient palace representing the Dark Ages was shrouded in mist and completely isolated from the Pandaria Continent.

But this is a good thing for Bo Laike.

The isolation of this vast palace, which contains all the treasures collected by the Thunder God during countless years of war, means that no one else has ever entered it.

This means that Bo Laike can finally make another real windfall!

"Hey, old rules, ten magic pockets per person!"

In front of the gate of Thor's Throne, which was shattered by Odin's anger, Bu Laike pointed to a large pile of magic bags piled up under his feet, gearing up for himself, and the incompetent subordinates who were eager to try shouted:

"When I follow the Lord of War to meet the gods, you must use our pirate's traditional arts to find all the treasures in this evil palace for me!

There are too many treasures, we only take the last value ones! Everyone must fill ten pockets. After you get it, you can get one pocket for yourself, and the rest will belong to the fleet.

If you can't do it, just wait to paint the deck for a month!

Especially you three! "

The smelly pirate pointed at the warlock trio and scolded:

"After we go back, we will attend the opening ceremony of Nathalas College, and many new students don't know the background of our Natharas College.

You are responsible for selecting the most valuable treasures from the collection of the God of Thunder, and bringing them back to fill the academy's exhibition room.

By the way, take my copy and get it done together. "

"All right, all right, leave it to us, Captain!"

Xieyan patted his chest and promised:

"I will definitely make it beautiful for you, so that you will become the most beautiful tutor at the opening ceremony."

And the five little orcs who participated in this kind of real looting operation for the first time were still a little numb. They looked at the ten empty magic pockets allocated to their hands, thinking that they would fill them with treasures, which would make people feel uncomfortable. Tremendous stress.

Where can I get so many good things for them?

"We're strong and we can take more and give more bags."

The Supreme Shield Maiden Heya whispered to Fina:

"Plundering is a tradition of our Vrykul. We have been away from home for so long, and we haven't brought any good things back. It just so happens that those shield girls are pregnant. Let them bring back the wealth we dedicated to the clan this time. .”

"It's a piece of cake."

Fenner snorted, looked at the palace in front of her again, and eagerly said:

"Brother Smelly said that dangerous and powerful beasts have lived in some basements below this palace, and this palace will be transferred to our Pandaren friends as the main city.

We should also clean up here for them in advance, I am obsessed with those dangerous things, Heya, will you go on an adventure with me later?

How many beasts shall we kill to practice? "

"Of course, that's what I want too."

The leader of the shield girl readily agreed.

Soon, the pirates, led by their respective leaders, slipped into the palace full of treasures of the Thunder God.

They're planning a big raid.

Seeing the pirates in action, the brutal mogu warlords were also envious, and no one knew better than them how amazing the treasures left by King Lei Shen were.

But unfortunately, they were not allowed by Naurush to participate in the looting.

As an orthodox titan guard, the ancestor of the mogu hated this kind of chaotic behavior. He also planned to punish his unscrupulous descendants who had become bandits after welcoming back the great guardian Lai.

The once noble titan guards have fallen to the point where they need to rely on robbing houses and occupying mountains as kings to survive!

What a shame!

"just in front!"

Little Xingxing, who was being carried on the back by Sianni, looked like she had a cold and a fever. She was pointing forward weakly, and there were sparking electric arcs on her fingertips.

She said weakly:

"The feeling of calling is right in front, in the biggest palace, it seems to be underground. My heart is beating so fast, I can't stand it anymore."

"Weak dragon."

The King of War glanced at Little Xingxing, but didn't intend to step forward to help.

He has always looked down on the race of giant dragons, and now that Little Xingxing "stolen" the Thunder Heart that belonged to his brother, Odin did not shoot Little Xingxing to death.

Of course, this face is most likely not for the little star, but for the stinky pirate.

After all, this disloyal pirate has been creating surprises for Odin ever since he got on line with Bu Laike. Even though he knew that Bu Laike had two hearts, the Lord of War didn't intend to punish him.

This guy is so useful.

Look at him, if you come to this foggy continent, you can find Odin's lost brother. This contribution alone is enough to make the tyrannical and harsh king of war look at the stinky pirate differently.

But Norusha took the initiative to reach out and use his Titan energy to help the distressed little Xing Xing through this difficult time.

The Titan Guard half-kneeled on the spot, took Little Star from Sienni's back, held it up in his hands, and coordinated with the restless Thunder Heart, allowing her to recover a little bit of strength.

"Hey, let me tell you in advance, even if we find the great guardian, this heart cannot be returned to him."

But Bu Laike saw through the true intentions of the "gentle" Titan Guard.

He didn't care about Little Xingxing's feelings at all.

Norusha just didn't want his master's heart to be damaged. After meeting the great guardian, as long as Lai gave an order, Norusha would definitely be the first evil guy who would cut Little Xingxing open.

The loyalty of this Titan Guardian is impressive, but his loyalty has reached the point of frightening stupid loyalty.

"This is the treasure belonging to the master!"

Norusha said in a low tone:

"No one is entitled to take it"

"That's why I brought my blue dragon servant here!"

Bu Laike retorted uncompromisingly:

"Thunder God stole Layden's heart, he is the culprit of blasphemy! Little Xingxing is also a victim of this god-killing conspiracy. I will have a good talk with him about this matter as soon as I meet Layden.

As the benefactor who had freed him from his terrible captivity, what was his heart?

Don't think I don't know, Raiden is not weaker than the Lord of War, his power doesn't come from his heart, his power is given by the Titan!

Having this heart is not important to Lydon, but it is very important to Little Star!


You stubborn titan! Before Raiden makes a decision, if you dare to hurt my dragon, I will let you experience the feeling of being corrupted by the void again! "

"Why are you arguing? Do you want to fight on the spot?"

The Lord of War squinted his one eye, watching the anger between Bu Laike and Naurush, rubbed his slag-like chin, and said in a drawn voice:

"I can be the referee for you, and the loser will keep the dog's head!

Seriously, even though my brother and I haven't seen each other in years and he's still imprisoned in a sad basement, I'm in no rush.

We still have a lot of time to waste.

Come on, fight, if you dare to fight, I will shoot you two bastards with one shot!

Is this for business?

Still for fun? "

When Odin gets angry, it's terrible.

A series of golden thunderbolts danced along the body of the King of War. Seeing that Odin was really angry, the stinky pirates stopped, and Norusha also fell silent.

After all, his life was saved by Bo Laike, so it seems a bit inappropriate to be so stubborn.

After handing the little star back to Sienni and Melinsera, these guys walked quickly to the central hall of this magnificent Thunder God Palace.

I don't know what kind of grade Thor is, he built this palace very huge.

It can even allow Odin under normal conditions to walk into it without bowing his head, and the aura of the Lord of War spreads undisguisedly, causing the dregs who have occupied this magnificent place in the long-term storage to run away screaming in horror .

"lizard Man!"

Sienne, who was following Bu Laike, looked at the ferocious beasts fleeing in all directions in surprise, and she said suspiciously:

"Why are there lizardmen here? Aren't they native beasts living in the Krasarang jungle?"

"Lizardmen are everywhere. They don't live in the jungle, they are forced to only move there. The other civilizations on this continent are too powerful, it's almost like a monster room!

When the giant beasts were fighting desperately, the weak monsters could only stand aside tremblingly, and there was a risk of being trampled to death if they dared to approach. "

Bu Laike shook his head and explained:

"But in fact, the lizardmen are nothing more than distorted lives created by the researchers of the Mogu Empire, imitating the way the Titans pinched humans.

The research on this creation has already begun as early as the era of Thor. Although the mogu are extremely powerful, their life needs to be produced from the engine of Nalak'sha.

There is no such thing as reproduction among the mogu, and each of them dies one less.

As a brutal but wise emperor, Thor noticed the importance of the servant army early on, and the lizardmen were the most successful of all his attempts.

The speed of reproduction is fast, the character is brutal and not afraid of death, and it has a strong regeneration ability, and the low intelligence is easy to be controlled. This is the best war race, just like the centaur.

But centaurs are more civilized than they are

The reason why there are lizardmen here is because the 'primarch' of the lizardmen left by Thor is here, and their ancestors are here. Oh, yes, Sienni, please do something. "

Rubbing his chin, Bu Laike said to Cyanne and Merlinsera:

"Help me catch the primordial lizardman named 'Primotheus', I want to give it to Dean Lanyue as a gift, maybe her psychics can help us find the control Lizardman's way.

Such useful cannon fodder, it would be too wasteful to let them happily loot houses in Pandaria. "


Cianne and Merlinsera looked at each other.

The two clever female dragons knew that it was Bo Laike who found a decent excuse to separate the two of them, after all, the next thing was not suitable for them to participate in.

Just look at the indifferent expression of the Lord of War.

Being around dragons makes the stubborn and arrogant Odin uncomfortable, and he has to resist the urge to beat them up at all times.

"Then, His Royal Highness Little Xingxing will entrust you, Captain."

Cianne handed the weak little star to Bu Laike, and the pirate carried the idiot blue dragon on his back. He nodded to Cianne and Melinthala, and watched them leave.

As the gate of the palace slowly closed, in the darkness, Odin raised the lightning spear in his hand and pointed it at the ground. His Titan power was released, easily destroying the stable and secret seal below.

Amidst the rattling sound of the mechanism, the ground of the palace sank downwards, and soon a huge staircase leading to the ground was formed.

Odin shrunk his body and jumped down, and Norusha hurriedly followed, but the stinky pirate was not in a hurry, he carried the weak little star all the way down the stairs.

When walking into the darkness, the shivering little star shrank her head. She was not afraid of the darkness, but the things that existed in the darkness.

She whispered behind Bo Laike:

"Captain, I'm so scared."

"What are you afraid of?"

Bu Laike asked.

"I'm afraid they'll disembowel me and take out the heart and return it to Raiden. After all, I'm really a thief, and that titan doesn't hide its dislike for me.

It hurts me and I don't want people to hate me. "

Little Star hugged Bo Laike's neck tightly, and she tremblingly said:

"You'll protect me, won't you?"


The pirate nodded and said:

"Don't be afraid, I'm here."

The stairs were so long that it took the pirate five minutes to get down to the ground.

In this basement, which is no smaller than the palace on the ground, Odin is rescuing a titan that is chained to the wall.

And Norusha did not hesitate to hurt himself to squeeze his own Titan energy supply to the Titan guardian titan with long white hair and a big beard in front of him.

He has a rock-like body covered with terrible scars, especially at the heart. In the broken rock, even scars like the scars left by human beings can be seen.

A horrific knife mark stretched from his forehead to his right cheek, blinding his right eye.

But even though it was so miserable, this titan still had a shocking majesty.

But in contrast to the majesty of the creator, there is the lack of energy on this titan, he is like a walking dead, not caring about the damage he has received.

It's even like losing my mind.

"My brother, above the Pantheon, what happened to you?"

A rare reveal of Odin's true feelings.

He supported his poor brother by the arm, and said in a sad and indignant tone:

"Is it the shameful godslayer who tortured you like this? I really call his evil soul back to kill again!"

"No, no, the great king of war, the noble Raiden's wounds may have been done by the evil Thunder God, but his desperate attitude has nothing to do with Thor."

Bu Laike stepped forward with little star on his back, and he looked at the rescued great guardian Layden in front of him.

He said:

"What is before you is a terrible secret, Your Majesty Odin, it's too late for you to leave now, and I'll tell you the truth, when I reveal the answer, it will be too late for you to leave."

(end of this chapter)

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