Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1217 313. Longevity, The King Of Introversion Is Here [5/5]

Chapter 1217 313. Longevity, the king of introversion begins [55]

Great Guardian Lai, just by his title, you can tell that this guy is definitely not an ordinary person among the Titan Guardians.

In fact, his status is even higher than Odin, the Lord of War who is the chief administrator. In name, Lai is the real leader of the guardians of the titans.

His strength is also very strong, and ranks at the apex of all guardians together with Odin.

The two of them are uniquely powerful, probably because their strength comes from Aman'Thul, the king of the gods.

The god of the pantheon gave Rai his wisdom, Odin his strength, and gave them both the duty to lead all the Guardians.

From this point, it is not difficult to find that the Guardian system of Azeroth is actually a shortened version of the Pantheon. The power of all Guardians comes from the Titans, and even their organizational structure is exactly the same as that of the Pantheon.

However, Rai's noble status is not only because he is the chosen one of Aman'Thul, the king of the gods, but also because Rai undertakes the most difficult and important mission among all the guardians.

In addition to maintaining the Crucible of Origin, which is of great significance to the world, Rai is also responsible for guarding the wreckage left by the strongest ancient god Y'Shaarj. He needs to ensure that this ancient god, who is powerful enough to fight against the Titans, will not be resurrected again.


Although this "fight" means that Y'Shaarji was dragged out of the world by Aman'Thul and crushed to death, but this is the only treatment among all the ancient gods.

If you look at weak chickens like N'Zoth and C'Thun, they won't be treated so "valued" by the Titans.

In short, Lai is indeed a very important guardian, and can even be said to be the core figure of the guardian system of Azeroth.

He controlled the tol'vir and mogu as his servants, probably because he was born from rocks, so Rai thoughtfully used the Nalak'sha engine to create stone bodies for the tol'vir and mogu.

The tol'vir were given orders to guard the Furnace of Origination for eternity, while the mogu stayed with Rai, taking care of his affairs near the ancient continent of Pandaria.

With incomparable respect and love, his servants respectfully address the Great Guardian as "Rayden", which means "Master Lai".

But even with such an illustrious past, the Great Guardian currently has the least trace of Azeroth among all Titan Guardians.

Even on the continent of Pandaria, where he has existed for a long time, there is not a single word about Rai left. According to Odin, even before the collapse of the Titan Guardian system, the great guardian Rai had mysteriously disappeared.

None of his brothers knew where he had gone.

Without Lai's wisdom and coordination, the violent Odin finally fell out with the other guardians completely, and was sealed in the Sky Fortress for hundreds of thousands of years under the backstab of the inner ghost.

It can be said that a series of events such as the collapse of the Titan guardian system, the death of Tyr, the god of justice, the reactivation of the ancient gods, the end of the age of mythology, etc., are directly related to Lai's disappearance.

Odin once had no confidence in finding Rai, but now, he saw with his own eyes that his brother was still alive.

Although he didn't understand where Lai's indelible decadence and despair came from, the Lord of War was indeed happy for the reunion of his brothers.

Until the bad guy Bo Laike told him that his brother Layden knew a terrible, terrible secret.

"Is what he said true? Brother."

Odin half-kneeled beside the weak and decadent Raiden. This once vigorous and majestic guardian is now covered in dirt, and the only remaining eyes are full of cloudy light.

He seemed to no longer care about everything around him, and even turned a blind eye to his loyal servant Norusha who was healing him at the expense of hurting himself.

Odin's inquiry was naturally not known by the Great Guardian.

His chaotic posture made Bo Laike snort, and the face of this titan in front of him was full of complex emotions that were difficult to describe but understandable for pirates.

"Wow, it looks like a dried salted fish."

The weak little star lying behind Bu Laike described the current state of the great guardian very accurately at this moment, and this sentence caused her to be glared at by Odin.

But Little Xingxing was no longer afraid when she saw Lai like this, she bravely stared back, but Odin had already ignored her.

The Lord of War is inspecting the body of the great guardian. He wonders if his brother has been abused for too long, causing problems with his physical functions?

But logically it shouldn't be.

These titan guardians are all created by the world forger of the Pantheon, Gorgnas the Roarer, and they are serious "Titan creations".

Their bodies are pure and powerful, and they are the most perfect creatures born with divinity among the stars.

Few forces, other than the all-pervasive corruption of the Void, can affect a Guardian's health.

"Perhaps because of the heart, Lord Odin."

Norusha whispered next to him:

"Maybe we should."

"Shut up, why can't you always forget your heart?"

Bu Laike interrupted the "slander" of the foolish and loyal Titan Guardian viciously. He put the little star down, stepped forward, and looked up at the decadent big guardian leaning against the wall.

Under Odin's gaze, Bu Laike snapped his fingers and shouted to the Great Guardian of Chaos:

"Hey, His Majesty Raiden, Aman'Thul is calling for you among the stars, can't you hear me?"


Braike hit the "keyword". When he heard the name Aman'Thul, the chaotic Raiden immediately reacted. His muddy eyes glanced at the pirates, shook his head, and entered the dull state again. state.

"I mean it! I'm not kidding you!"

Bu Laike continued to shout:

"Those titan souls.

They lost their noble forms, and the world that provided the birth of the star soul was destroyed by Sargeras, so they could no longer be resurrected, and could only wander among the stars like lonely ghosts.

Every day the strength they can rely on dwindles, and the help they can find weakens every day.

You have wasted too much time feeling sorry for yourself, my dear Lord Raiden, and I know that hearing the news of the death of both parents makes you despair, but children always grow up.

You have to learn to live on your own.

And now, there is a very, very important thing for you to do. Those titan souls are being hunted by the hounds under Sargeras, and they are already in danger.

If you children who are pinched by your own hands don't help, then your parents will really be finished.

don't expect me to save them

I'm just a little pirate from Azeroth, and I'm not that good at traveling across the stars. "

"What did you say?"

After these words were spoken, Raiden’s reaction was left aside, Odin, who was trying to help his brother next to him, roared angrily:

"Shut up! Damn cunning pirate! You're talking nonsense again! Your blasphemy! Your damned demagogic dark prophecies

Take it back!

You viper!

Take back your venom! "

Lord of War is very exciting.

It is probably because Bu Laike's words perfectly confirmed the terrible truth that he had been guessing in his heart but was not sure, which directly caused Odin to lose control of his emotions.

Don't look at him as the Lord of War, as a naturally powerful Titan God Chosen, who controls the authority of war and battle, and is one of the most powerful creatures that exist in Azeroth.

But his indestructible soul also has its own Achilles' heel.

That is the only weakness at the soul level of all titan guardians, that is, they are too convinced of their creators, and once they receive any news related to the creators, it will have a greater impact on them.

For better or worse.

The performance of Odin in front of him is the most obvious example.

Seeing the golden anger rising all over him, Bo Laike had no doubt that this guy was going to summon Gungnir in the next moment to give himself a shot.

Mainly, it’s fine if other people say it casually, Odin is not so stupid as to believe anyone’s words.

The problem is that Laike's status as a "prophet" has been widely recognized, and every word uttered from the mouth of such a guy who can literally peek into the future and past needs to be carefully thought over and over again.

And the pirate's talking expression doesn't seem to be a joke.


As the center of the power of the order of the stars, the Pantheon, which fights to protect the creatures of all worlds, has really

"No! I don't believe it!"

Odin felt that his mind, which was as firm as the star core, had been greatly challenged.

An indescribable fear began to grow in the soul of the King of War, like a most terrifying bursting singularity, he could even hear the sound like glass breaking in his heart.


Odin's glass heart is broken!

He stood up, covered his head with one hand, roared, yelled, stretched out his hand to summon the lightning spear, and stared fiercely at the innocent-looking Bu Laike.

"Void lackey! I knew you couldn't be trusted! You're attacking our pure hearts with this poisonous language, and you're trying to win another shameful spoil for your void master!


Damn you! "

Odin pointed the Blitz Spear at Bo Laike.

Although his precarious rationality told him that there was no trace of void pollution around him, the Lord of War stubbornly believed that all this was the fault of the stinky pirates!

He is here to execute his long overdue judgment.

Perhaps when he first met Laike, he should abide by the principles of order creatures and get rid of the pollution source of this void, so there will be no such things after that.

Obviously, Odin's mind has problems, and it is likely that a certain logic point in his mind is stuck, causing him to fall into a state of being on the edge of a dead end.

But there is no way.

The truth he was about to face was too scary.

His spiritual world is falling apart, he must find a reasonable scapegoat for all the irrationality, otherwise his mind will collapse under the burden.

Had N'Zoth or Yogg-Saron been here, the Old Gods would have cheered and applauded Bu Laike's superb performance.

Look at this horrible guy, driving a titan guardian mad with just a few words.

With such language power, it is enough to call Bu Laike the "Sixth Ancient God"! And his divine power is likely to be bewitching or corrupt oracle.

"Hey! You are not allowed to lose your temper with my human servant!"

Little Xingxing is not afraid of tigers as a newborn calf, and this will see a sign of Odin's madness. The weak Blue Dragon Princess walked forward with difficulty, protecting the pirates behind her.

She bared her teeth and claws and roared at Odin in front of her. Dazzling thunder burst out from Xiao Xingxing's fingers and body, which was quite powerful.

Odin was provoked.

He roared and stabbed the lightning spear towards Little Xingxing and Bu Laike, Little Xingxing shrank his head with a frightened sound, and hid himself in the pirate's arms, but Bu Laike remained motionless.


The war spear dancing with golden lightning stopped three meters away from Laike. It wasn't Odin who regained his sanity, but Raiden, who had been in a state of confusion, suddenly stretched out his hand and grabbed his brother's weapon.

As expected of a great guardian.

In the case of Odin's angry shot, he can still grab Odin's spear, which is indeed a hidden strength.

"Lai! You"

Odin looked at his brother in surprise and anger.

Raiden shook his head at him, and under everyone's gaze, he pulled out a fragment shining with starlight from the wound on his chest, and placed it in front of his eyes.

Then, in the starlight crowd, the influence of an old man with a white beard in a blue robe appears before Odin's eyes, but this is not a real-time conversation.

It is a message from a long time ago.

"Sargeras. My most powerful brother has fallen into the abyss of destruction. We are powerless to resist and protect her! She is the last hope of the stars!

Keep up the mission Titan-Forgers. We will see you in the stars. "

In just a few words, the figure of the old man with white beard disappeared.

It seems that a lot of things have been said, but it seems that nothing has been said.

But one thing is certain, the identity of this white-bearded old man is the king of the gods of the Pantheon, the first Titan star soul Aman'Thul born among the stars.

He is also the creator of Odin and Rai.

With a loud bang, the Lightning Spear in Odin's hand hit the ground, and then dissipated into a golden thunder. Under the stunned gaze of Braike, the King of War seemed to have his spine broken in an instant. .

His always straight waist bent down, as if he lost all his strength in an instant, and fell to the ground with a plop, just sitting in a row in the corner of this dark place with his decadent brother Raiden.

He covered his head with his hands, muttering something to himself.

Seeing this scene, the stinky pirate rubbed his teeth with a headache.


It was originally agreed to come to save the decadent and desperate Raiden, but this time, Raiden's illness was not cured, and Odin, who came to visit him, was also disabled.

The King of War, who has been asking his followers to keep getting stronger and stronger and using all means to deal with the legendary Ragnarok, has also entered the same broken state as Raiden.

To put it simply.

All hope worth striving for was shattered countless years ago.

The mighty Pantheon was all wiped out under the attack of the dark titan Sargeras, leaving only their creations of the titans, a far immature star soul, and a group of mortals who were still fighting among themselves.

How should they deal with the Burning Legion that is already close at hand?

Even if they win the Burning Legion, how will they deal with the Dark Titan and the Dark Pantheon that Sargeras has already begun to form?


The fire of hope has been extinguished in the past, and all they have been trying to maintain is a lie about peace, like a reflection like a flower in a mirror.

The gods who protected them are long dead, and there is no need to fight anymore.

They are dead.




The next update will be on the 11th, and the number of chapters will be around 25, so stay tuned.

(end of this chapter)

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