Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1218 314. What You Need Is A Miracle. Fortunately, I Have Many Of Them

Chapter 1218 314. What you need is a miracle. Fortunately, I have many of them

In the face of the cruel truth, Odin, who has always been stubborn and determined, also lay flat.

It's not that he is weak, it's mainly because what he saw today was too terrifying, he finally understood how his brother left without saying goodbye.

The resentment in his heart that Raiden sat on the sidelines and watched the internal strife and collapse of the Titan Guardians also disappeared.

He can understand Layden's choice.

It wasn't that his brother had abandoned his duties. In fact, Raiden was well aware of the impact this news would have on the Guardians of the Titans.

In order to avoid the same bad luck from befalling his brothers, Raiden, who had already collapsed himself, chose to exile himself after arranging everything.

He wants to keep this secret forever, so that Azeroth can live in ignorant bliss until the end of the world.

For a hopeless future that cannot be reversed, this is the last blessing that Raiden, the Guardian, can bestow on this world.

Seeing the two guardian brothers who had collapsed to autism sitting in a row, Bu Laike rubbed his head with a headache, while the little Xingxing beside him widened his eyes, watching all this in disbelief.

She touched her heart, looked at Raiden again, and finally understood why the Thunder God Emperor, who was an ordinary mogu back then, could complete the "feat of killing gods".

When Thor attacked Layden back then, Layden probably didn't even resist, allowing Thor to take his heart.

It is useless for the Great Guardian to ask for power, and the same is true for Odin now.

"Hey, Captain, you said we are going to grab Odin's War Heart now, will he resist?"

Little Xingxing said to Bu Laike in a very low voice:

"Why don't we learn from Thor, take away the heart of the villain Odin, put it on Fenna, she will be invincible in the future! Then trick the other Titan Guardians, and use the same method to defeat them one by one, Then take out the hearts one by one.


You'll have an army of Titan Guardians! "

"Uh, in a sense, what a great idea!"

Bu Laike looked at the little star in front of him with a stunned gaze, and said:

"Why didn't I know before, that you little bastard can be so scary when your mind is broken? You can think of such a vicious method?"

"Isn't that what you taught?"

Little Xingxing rolled his eyes, and responded cooperatively, while the stinky pirate shook his head. Little Xingxing's suggestion was a bit vicious and stupid.

If you really want to harvest Odin, Bu Laike doesn't have to wait until now.

He looked at Norusha next to him.

Although the loyal servant of the Great Guardian was also shocked by the message from Aman'Thul just now.

But because it is not a guardian personally shaped by the Titans, it is not so closely connected with the Pantheon, so it does not feel the terrible mental impact that Odin has received.

This mistake saved him instead.

But Norusha is also a very high-level guardian warrior, and he understands the meaning of the message just now.

This will see Lord Odin also give up all hope and choose to lie down in despair with his brother Layden. The Titan Guard is helpless and can only look at Bu Laike for help.

His reason told him that this magical smelly pirate must have a way to solve all this.

"What do you see me doing?"

Bu Laike noticed Norush's gaze, and he said in a surprised tone:

"You don't think I can save them both, do you?"

"Isn't that why you came here?"

Nowrush asked:

"You didn't come to save people, did you come to watch the excitement?"

"Uh, to be honest, I'm really here. Forget it, I'm not kidding."

Bu Laike curled his lips, stepped forward under Norush's hopeful gaze, and looked at Raiden on the left and Odin on the right with his hips crossed.

He felt that it was time to give the two decadent brothers a large barrel of wine, so that the two desperate guardians could get drunk.

"Come on, come on, you two look over here, I have something to say."

The smelly pirate sighed, snapped his fingers forward, and said to the two guardians:

"It's really important, don't put on such a damned decadent face, make people feel uncomfortable and want to give you two guys a big ear to wake you up.

Especially you, Lydon!

I don't even know how to rate you?

I think what I want to say today was told to you by that young mogu who had not yet become the Emperor of Thunder God more than 15,000 years ago.

But even if a wise man like him racked his brains, he couldn't wake you up from the decadence and loss, so I don't think I need to waste my words.

However, I think you should have noticed the similarities between me and Thor. "

Bu Laike looked at Layden, he didn't care about Layden's cloudy and dim eyes, he said:

"You and Odin, powerful beings shaped by the Titans themselves, are closely connected with the fate of the Pantheon. This is your honor and your nobility.

But you see, the harsh reality that you can't accept is no big deal to mortals like me and Thor.

It's not that we don't know the significance of the Pantheon to the world. We also know very well that after the destruction of the Pantheon, it is difficult to find a force in the stars that can deal with Sargeras and his Burning Legion.

We also know that no matter how hard we try, the future is doomed to be bleak, and there is even a great possibility that we will disappear completely in a terrible destruction.

But unrewarded effort is no reason to abdicate responsibility.

Just like what Thor said to you when he dug out your heart:

If you, a feeble god, cannot fulfill your natural responsibilities, then he, a brave mortal, will fulfill your responsibilities to this world in your stead.

That's why I've been reluctant to join the Pandaren in condemning Thor, even though he was a tyrant.

But all that he did and all that atrocity caused was because you didn't want to do it.

You are strong and you are weak.

When you are strong, you can prop up the sky with your arms, but when you are weak, you are not as good as ordinary people. At least we know that if we choose to fight, we may not win, but if we don’t fight, we will lose.

Well, I just want to say these long words to express my inner displeasure before actually solving the problem. You know, there are not always opportunities to scold the two gods.

So, after the complaints are over, let's get down to business. "

The pirate stretched his neck, and said to Raiden and Odin:

"I have a friend... um, a blind elf friend, who is currently active in the world of Argus, the home of the Eredars, the base camp of the Burning Legion.

That is a place very far away from Azeroth, Odin should know him.

You saw Illidan Stormrage leap into the Twisting Nether portal during the Battle of Dalaran. He didn't die. He was as amazing a man as I was.

And what's even more amazing is that he discovered some wonderful things during his travels in Argus.

It is difficult for me to describe the specific situation to you, but according to the information he passed to me before, he seems to have discovered a demon temple guarded by the fallen titan Aggramar himself."


Laden and Odin looked up at the same time, and the eyes of the two guardians looked at Bo Laike at the same time.

The stinky pirate grinned, waved his hand and made a classic opening gesture of the enemy-breaker swordsmanship, and said:

"It is the man you imagined. Illidan Stormrage saw him with his own eyes and was almost hacked to death by his sword. The information left by Lord Aman'Thul is incomplete.

The Pantheon was not completely destroyed, at least Aggramar escaped.

But this is not a good thing for him.

Lord Sargeras admired the former Titan's lieutenant very much, so he personally transformed Aggramar and shaped him into a dark god, personally guarding the ultimate secret of the so-called "Dark Pantheon" in the world of Argus.

Under Aggramar's personal guard, my friend Illidan Stormrage failed to find other valuable clues, but according to him, he heard the star-soul's cry for help in that demon temple.

A woman who called herself Eonar appealed to him, saying that the Burning Legion had found her hiding place among the stars, and they had sent an army to hunt her down.

He also said that other star souls are in danger of being hunted down.

In addition, the star soul named Argus has been corrupted, and the destructive witches and witch lords under Sargeras who are best at corrupting minds are pouring dark myths into that star soul day and night.

The dark pantheon of Sargeras is about to welcome its third and fourth members.

You don't really think that Lord Sargeras is a destroyer who only knows about destruction, do you?

His ambition for Azeroth does not stop at destroying the world!

Azeroth is said to be the most gifted Titan star-soul that can be born among the stars, and I think Lord Sargeras has already reserved a place for this world in his dark pantheon.

I mean"

The pirate spread his hands and said to Raiden and Odin in front of him:

"You are free to continue to feel sorry for yourself.

After all, the parents are gone, and the children should cry. But after crying enough, it's time to get up and do business, not to mention, your parents are not dead yet.

I'm going to Dellano soon, where I'm likely to meet Illidan Stormrage.

I don't know what that lunatic is planning to do, but because he has in his hand the sacred object of the stars that Lord Sargeras values ​​very much, the Sargerite Keystone that is said to be able to break the rules of space.

So I guess, that guy must be up to something pretty crazy.

Of course, there's nothing you can do right now.

After all, not even the most powerful titan guardians can set foot on the stars, but if Illidan's career goes well, you will soon be useful.

You are the last remaining armies of the Titans in this space of stars.

What I mean is, if I'm lucky enough to lead the great work of saving a Titan star soul, I will need two lieutenants who can fight well and won't cause me trouble, and at the same time bring their own dry food to fight.

Do you understand what I mean? "

Of course, it is impossible to motivate the two titan guardians whose minds are almost broken to their full glory with just a few words, but the true and false words of Braike did inject a glimmer of hope into Odin and Raiden .

Especially when he talked about the strange things that Illidan encountered when he was walking in the world of Argus, it gave people a very real feeling. After all, even a guy like Braike who just opened his mouth to tell lies, he couldn’t help it in a short time. In such a short period of time, a lie was made so real.

This is likely to be true.

Moreover, Odin had indeed witnessed Illidan jumping into the Twisting Nether Portal in the Battle of Dalaran. He was still in the seal at that time, but he saw it very clearly through the perspective of the heroic spirits.

At that time, he was still amazed by that elf's bravery, but he never imagined that that lunatic elf could bring him such a big surprise at this time.

Looking at the two leaders of the Titan Guardians who were silent but had a gleam in their eyes, Bu Laike sighed and said:

"I know that you have suffered serious psychological trauma, you may need evidence, but I can't give you evidence now, wait until I return from Dellano world.

I'll try to bring you some good news.

But it will be too late to wait until then, so I need you to adjust the deployment of Valhalla and the mogu and tol'vir while I am going to Dellano.

After I get back the evidence, we're going to act with lightning speed.

Very tight schedule.

That may be the last operation we can start before the large-scale demon invasion of Azeroth, you have to be prepared, if you drag your feet, then I will not take you to play. "

After speaking, Bo Laike took a step back.

He pointed to the dodgy little star behind him, then raised his head and said to Leiden:

"During another successful expedition, my dragon servant accidentally found your Thunder Heart, she needed it so I replaced it for her.

I hope to get your permission.

Besides, why do you mind if we take your heart?

You haven't used it seriously for a long, long time anyway, have you? "

Raiden stared at Little Xingxing with cloudy eyes, and Princess Blue Dragon was a little afraid.

But she still raised her head, tried her best to straighten her body and said to Leiden:

"I don't know if I can use your heart to make a career, Your Majesty Raiden, but as a member of the guardian system, I will try my best to make myself worthy of it.

I know the last person who took your heart did something very, very bad to you and I regret it, but I really have important things to do with it.

When I don't need it one day, I will definitely give it back to you!

I swear! "

"No need."

Raiden, who had been silent for countless years, raised his hand, and with the support of the joyful and loyal servant Naurush, the scarred titan guardian stood up.

He said to Little Star:

"Take it away!

I didn't fight back when Thor took it, I bless him for his career, and I will do the same for you. Blue Dragon, don't let this power down.

As for you."

Lydon's eyes fell on the pirate, and he said:

"I need to see the truth you tell, and then, I will fight for you!"

"Not for me, but for the world."

Bo Laike leaned over very politely, and he said:

"Fight for this world, die for this world, this is the mission you shouldered when you were born. I believe you can do it, His Majesty Raiden.

Have a good rest.

Azeroth needs you. "

After finishing speaking, the pirate led Little Xingxing out of the secret room. When they reached the top palace, Little Xingxing grabbed Bu Laike's hand with a beating heart and asked softly:

"Tell me honestly, is what you just said true? About Illidan."

"Is there any difference between true and false?"

The pirate glanced at Little Xingxing, and said:

"What they need is not the truth. The so-called evidence, I have as much as they want. Don't forget, I am a prophet."

(end of this chapter)

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