Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1219 315. Tol'vir And Mogu, Your Gods Are Back!

Chapter 1219 315. Tol'vir and Mogu, Your Gods Are Back!

"Where are we going?"

With Layden's permission, the beating heart of Thunder in Little Xingxing's chest finally calmed down, probably because he no longer had to bear the charge of "heart-stealing thief", which made Little Xingxing, who valued his reputation very much, jump for joy.

She followed Bo Laike in the quiet and dead Thor's Throne, looked at the palace wall shrouded in gloom, and threw a flash of lightning, scaring the lizard people who were hiding in the darkness and peeping with vicious eyes and ran around.

"Let's go to the real 'Throne of Thor'."

Bu Laike, who was smoking a pipe, pouted his mouth and looked at the rear of the palace complex in front of him. The endless palaces rose up with the island mountain to create a raised supreme palace in front of his eyes.

The perennial cloud seems to emanate from there.

And every ten minutes, the blue spikes standing on the top of each palace like lightning rods will attract lightning from the cloudy clouds to fall. The entire palace was yearning for "food" like a greedy living creature, and the lightning and thunder that fell from the sky were the "meat" to feed it.

"What Emperor Thunder God left in this ancient palace is not only his wealth, but also his power."

The pirate turned back to Little Star and said:

"This heart of thunder has a matching 'weapon', which is the emperor's weapon that Lei Shen created for himself in order to better control the power of thunder and storms.

You have to get it to fully tap into the power of this heart of yours.

That's what we're here for.

Of course, as far as I know, Thor has left some very strange things in his throne, and the two poor prisoners have been locked up for tens of thousands of years, and they should be released in any sense. "


Little Xingxing blinked and said:

"Female? Is it a mogu? Are there any female mogu in this world? I saw all sorts of strange mogu stone carvings in the engine room of Nalaksha.

But Mrs. Guo Ya told me that there are no female mogu in this world.

Those stones don't need to reproduce."

"Who said no?"

The pirate glared at Little Xingxing and said:

"Don't listen to Mrs. Guo Ya's nonsense, she just hasn't seen it before, she really taught the children to go away, don't ask, you will know when you see her later."

"Wow, it's chasing it out! Hurry up, I'll lure it away, and you use magic to prepare to attack! Idiots, cooperate with me!"

Just when Laike and Little Xingxing crossed a high platform connected by a stone bridge, they heard the sound of chickens flying and dogs jumping below. Little Xingxing turned his head curiously and looked down at the Baizhang abyss under the bridge.

It could be vaguely seen that in the muddy pool, there was a huge creature chasing and killing the warlock trio.

Those three guys ran around, apparently intending to distract the monster's attention, but they didn't expect that the monster had nine heads, so no matter how they ran, they would be locked and attacked.

Looking very embarrassed.

"Shall we go down and help?"

The little star who just "tamed" Thunderheart eagerly looked at Bo Laike, the stinky pirate shook his head, curled his lips and said:

"These three weird guys ate so many resources from me and Nazaras College to cultivate, if they can't even deal with a mutated Hydra that eats garbage, then they deserve to die here.

Don't look at them as crazy, they have been with me for so long, they can be regarded as the best in the warlock profession. "


Little Xingxing thought for a while, then whispered:

"The three of them have been hiding their strength. When I was chatting with Grandpa Saqier last time, I heard that the old man leaked his words. Both Xieyan and Zarak have been promoted to legendary warlocks, and Kanrethad is only one step away from that hurdle. away.

They are also working quietly where you can't see it. "

"These three guys are very ambitious people. They know that if they don't work hard, they will fall behind. As the cause of the Undead Fleet is getting stronger and stronger, they must work ten times harder than before to be able to hold on to their current status." status.

If they want to go further, they have to squeeze more energy from themselves to seek power and knowledge. "

While crossing the bridge, Bu Laike said to the little star behind him:

"It's the same with everyone around me, I don't even need to tell them what to do, people who have aspirations and ideals will know what to do.

This is called healthy competition.


This is a very important thing.

But what puzzles me even more is that you are obviously in this environment, why don't you always feel that kind of invisible competition? Don't you feel anxious when you see others constantly tempering themselves?

Don't you have ideals?

little stars. "

"I have, I just don't think I need to be so tired."

Princess Blue Dragon curled her lips, stroked her hair and said:

"I am different from you, I have tens of thousands of years to squander, and now is not the time for me to pursue power, after all, I am just a young dragon.

Grandpa said that during this period of our giant dragons, we should travel to increase our knowledge, and we will naturally have more sleep for strength and so on. The power system of our giant dragon is different from your human orcs.

Besides, I'm so lucky."

She touched her heart and said:

"For something like power, if I don't want it, it will come to me by itself.

In addition, I am also a student of Dean Lanyue. I have heard the dean talk about your tricks a long time ago. I won't be fooled by you. Didn't they work so hard to pursue power and knowledge and end up taking advantage of you?

The stronger they are, the stronger you are.

You are simply the most unscrupulous boss, using your ideals and future to lure them to become stronger, it's like drawing a pie for them that they will never be able to touch! "

"who said it?"

Bu Laike blew his beard and stared and said:

"When did I make a cake? I gave them everything they wanted, fame, status and wealth, as long as they could get it, I never stingy with these.

I'm arguably the best boss in the world, and I myself sometimes feel generous to the point of being a prodigal. "

"whispering sound."

Little Xingxing pouted and stopped arguing about this topic.

The "generosity" of the stinking pirate comes at a price, there is never a free lunch in his fleet, and after staying with Bo Laike for so long, she has already seen through this.

While the two were discussing entering the apse of Thor's Throne, in the main hall they had just left, the great guardian Lai, who had been imprisoned in the underground chamber for thousands of years, also walked out with the help of his loyal servant Norusha. out of the cage.

He came to the palace and looked at the gloomy sky outside the palace gate. Even the light that was not dazzling made Lyden feel like a lifetime away.

The guardian with long white hair and a big beard stretched his body, just like a person who hadn't exercised for many years, he could even feel every bone in his body cracking.

And following Layden's activities, wisps of lightning and storm power also lingered around his body.

This is Rai's power coming back.

As Bu Laike said before, the Titan Guardians were all pinched out one by one by the Titans of the Pantheon, and their bodies have carried the highest divinity among the stars since their appearance.

Their strength does not come from a heart, or a weapon.

The world authority given by the titans is their real source of power. To put it simply, the guardians of the titans are bound to the world of Azeroth.

As long as the world exists, their power will not fade.

Of course, the absence of a heart that gathers strength will indeed bring some inconvenience to Raiden.

This will weaken his body's strength, weaken his resistance to corrosion, and make it more difficult to control thunder and storms when casting magic.

However, considering that the position of the Great Guardian has never been a warrior who fights the enemy hand-to-hand, he also appeared more in the form of a spellcaster in the stories of the Titan Guardians in the ancient times, so I gave my heart to the little one. In fact, there is no need to be too entangled with the matter of the stars.

"Great Raiden! After the world has changed, our supreme god, you have finally returned to this world to lead your loyal servants."

The moment Raiden walked out of the palace, the tol'vir warriors waiting outside the palace gate fell to their knees in unison, full of heavy anticipation and apprehension.

Their leader, the mighty Sunkeeper Tarim, was so excited that he couldn't contain himself. The god warrior who had completed self-purification took off his jackal helmet and put it in front of him.

Every piece of his obsidian skin was trembling, and he was afraid to look down at the legendary tol'vir Master Ra-den.

But he could feel that with the gaze of the titan in front of him, his body and his mind were complete and full of courage and strength at this moment.

As a family member who is very close to the guardians in the titan creation sequence, it is very normal to have such a reaction.

"I have heard your stories, and the tol'vir have guarded the Forge of Origination since I left.

You take my order before I leave as your mission and oracle, and you would rather destroy the beautiful land where you live than maintain the holy land that should be protected by me.


You are more guardians of this world than I am. "

Leiden said with emotion:

"I feel guilty for what you've done."

"No, great god!"

Layden's words made Talim feel extremely moved and terrified.

Obtaining Master Raiden's affirmation meant that the hard work of countless people of the Tol'vir in the past was worthwhile, but the master's attitude of admitting mistakes made Talim a little unsure how to respond.

The gods and warriors are not good at singing words, he can only speak the truth in his heart.

The big stone cat said respectfully:

"It is you who gave us strength, you shaped our origin, you gave us the meaning of existence, and you generously gave us the whole world.

Isn't it right that we pay for you and the world you protect?

When you travel far away to meditate and leave the whole world, it is up to us servants to shoulder your duties, this is not a sacrifice! It's an honor to be chosen.

Every tol'vir has never had a complaint. "

This sincere and simple response made Raiden even more silent. At this moment, the naturally powerful guardian didn't know what answer to use to respond to the servant's sincere feelings.

At this moment, he felt that what he had done in the past hundreds of thousands of years was simply an incomparable bastard.

He wasted so much time, allowing mortals to make sacrifices they shouldn't have to.

The emergence of this emotion made Raiden even more painful. Behind him, the Lord of War Odin, who was also in a sluggish posture, patted his brother's shoulder empathetically.

The golden titan looked towards the sky, through the clouds he could see the golden sky fortress suspended at the end of the sky.

He said:

"Like you, my brother, I've wasted too much time in the past.

I was unable to understand the meaning of the short existence of these ordinary lives, until I chose to observe their lives in boredom to pass the time.

I have seen a lot and I have understood a lot.

Although their lives are short, they are also wonderful and passionate, like condensing countless hours into meteors that bloom overnight, short and brilliant.

And because they have rich emotions, they can often do things that shock us all.

They will also protect the world.

For various reasons, they will also give everything they have to this world, even though that should be our duty.

we failed the world

But we still have a chance to make amends.

You and I have been released from the broken and lonely times, we have been free, but our brothers are still trapped in the holy place of creation. Tyr, the bravest, died in battle, and Loken, the wisest, betrayed.

Everyone else has disappeared.

I still can't see everything that happened in Ulduar.

But I feel the fall of the Guardians! Shocking depravity, the creatures who were once entrusted with the duty of protecting the world have become one of the world's biggest hidden dangers.

And in our age of inaction, the darkness we suppressed has poked its head out and mocked our weakness. "

Odin clenched his fist, and he said to Raiden:

"Come on, brother, we still have a lot to do."


Raiden nodded. He stroked the scars on his body, glanced at the tol'vir again, and said to Odin:

"I still need some time to adjust my state, I'm going to go to the Furnace of Origin to see the situation there with my own eyes, and I also need to retrieve my weapon and my shield.

If we're going to fight, I have to be ready.

Look at this continent in front of me, my brother, I have been away for so long, and life here is still full of prosperity and purity. Facts have proved that maybe without us gods, mortals can take good care of this world.

Look at them, they even did what we couldn't.

The crisis brought about by Y'Shaarj's heart was eliminated by them.

This really makes me feel extremely ashamed. "


Hearing what Raiden said, Odin's expression became a little weird. He hesitated for a while, and told Raiden the story of Braike and Heart of Darkness, saying:

"It was the guy who uttered wild words just now that solved the Heart of Darkness. Although I know he must have his own purpose for getting the heart, considering his actions are not harmful to this continent shaped by you.

So, I let him do that. "

"It's him?"

The great guardian Lai blinked his single eye in surprise, and said:

"I thought he was just an arrogant prophet, but I didn't expect that he has done so many great things, well, these real pasts have added weight to his words.

If he has prophesied the fate of the gods, then it seems I have more reason to look forward to it. "

"Hahaha, I've always looked forward to him."

Odin laughed out loud.

Acting like he wasn't the one who wanted to shoot Boo Laike just now.

Before leaving, the Lord of War had one last little question.

He looked at Layden and asked in a low voice:

"How did you shape the Valley of Eternal Blossoms? I can feel the strange power beneath that valley. How does it support the entire Pandaria and make this land so fertile and beautiful?"

Regarding this question, Layden shook his head.

With a hint of nostalgia, he said softly:

"I buried there the last vestige of power that Lord Aman'Thul bestowed on me across the stars. The beauty and richness of Pandaria was the last gift the King of Gods gave to this world that He had always cared about.

The Valley of Eternal Blossoms and those miraculous springs were not shaped by me.

That was a gift from the Pantheon.

They never left.

They are always here, watching over and protecting the world, and they are with us. "

(end of this chapter)

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