Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1220 316. The Simple Little Queens Of Thunder God

Chapter 1220 316. The Simple Little Queens of Thunder God

"Ah, why don't you ask me to stay longer in the Valley of Eternal Blossoms? The answer is simple. That valley is not as ordinary as you seem. A creature like me who is caught between order and chaos should stay as far away from it as possible."

When walking into the high palace of Thor's Throne, Laike also answered the little star's question.

He said to Little Xingxing mysteriously:

"The shaping power of that valley far exceeds the power of this world itself, and symbolically speaking, it is the closest place in this world to the stars and gods.

Although it is only a symbolic meaning and cannot have any substantial impact on the material world, even an arrogant guy like me dare not do some bad things there.

You don't even need to get to the bottom of it.

You just need to know that there is a good place, and if you have nothing to do, take a dip in the Spring of Youth in the Valley of Eternal Blossoms. I heard that it is very good for women's skin and physical health. "

After finishing speaking, Bu Laike used superb stalker techniques to unlock the three magic locks of the sealed hall in front of him, and then motioned for Little Xingxing to push it away completely.

This action drew a counterattack from the defensive force in this ancient palace, and the dazzling lightning turned into heavy punches and spears bombarded Xiao Xingxing who was caught off guard and completely wrapped her up.

And the cunning Bo Laike had already ducked aside.

Apparently he'd known for a long time that he'd be in trouble when he opened the door.

But Little Star is not what it used to be.

She ate the lightning blow that could melt steel head-on, but she was not injured at all. Her beating heart absorbed all the external lightning, making the little blue dragon princess laugh like eating a scoop of ice cream.

She put on a powerful posture, let the shining thunder suit wrap around her body, then turned her head and said proudly to Bu Laike:

"Do you think I am powerful?"


The pirate waved his thumbs perfunctorily.

"Then what do you think I will win if I go to fight with Azshara now?"

The confident little Xingxing asked again.

The smelly pirate blinked at this question, thought for a while, and said:

"The current you will probably arouse the Tentacle Queen's desire to collect more, make her fight you with all her strength, and prepare you a more beautiful big cage, so as to domesticate you as her court pet.

Such delicate pets with electrical discharges are sure to bring Azshara's hoard to the next level.

As for fighting.

With your current loose appearance, it is estimated that you can go through ten rounds in the Queen's hands?

Well, it should be about the same. "

"Hey, you underestimate me, don't you?"

Little Xingxing said something dissatisfied.

Bu Laike glared at her and said:

"If you say you are fat, you will be out of breath, right? No matter how powerful the thunder and lightning are, you have to hit them. When Azshara was shaped into the form of the deep sea naga, she could also master the power of storms and thunder.

And at the level of magic, her understanding of knowledge and truth is at least two ahead of you, Dean Lanyue!

Like a kid and a titan both holding the same spear, but can both guys do the same amount of damage?

You are just a 'false demigod' now, and you recognize your own strength. If you really want to fight, the spell weavers can easily rub you on the ground without using the authority of the magic net. You still have a lot to learn. "

"Okay, okay, you're right."

Little Xingxing has the confidence to refute anything with Bu Laike, but only in the field of strength, she has no confidence at all, so she can only shrug her head and let the pirates criticize her.

The two walked into this dusty palace one after the other. Unlike other ornately decorated palaces, this place is very empty but there are no more treasures and collections.

The center of the palace is extremely empty, like a super-large arena.

And there are various weapons on the weapon racks around the palace, and the styles of those weapons are obviously not for ordinary people, or even ordinary mogu.

They're huge, like they were made for a titan.

"Hey hey hey! Look there, these two sculptures are so strange!"

The sharp-eyed little Xingxing walked into the palace and immediately saw two huge mushroom sculptures visiting on both sides of the hall. She said in a surprised tone to Bu Laike who was already preparing for battle behind her:

"It's a sculpture of two women! They're so thin, and their legs are so long, and they have breasts, and they have strange decorations on the back of their heads. Is that a crown?"

"No, that's a phoenix crown."

Bu Laike took out the Saramani sword in his hand, and explained to the little star very academically:

"That's the tradition of the Mogu. Generally, only the emperor's queen is eligible to wear such a gorgeous decoration, just like the queens in the kingdoms outside have their own crowns.

But different from the outside world, each Mogu emperor has a big harem, they not only have their own queens, but also their own concubines.

It has a very cumbersome system inside.

This tradition is a powerful counterattack to the outrageous rumors that there are no women in the mogu! Not only do they have women, but they are much more involved in this aspect than other civilizations. "


Little Xingxing's expression became even more strange.

She asked back:

"But isn't the mogu unable to reproduce? When Mrs. Guo Ya and the others were making sapphire sculptures in the engine of Nalaksha, I watched them specially.

Those mogu didn't even have male sex officers!

They are all rocks!

What are they doing all this fancy work for? "

"Show your status, you idiot! It's the same as the Black Dragon King Neltharion had many consorts when he didn't fall, and the harem of the Red Dragon Queen and the Green Dragon Queen."

Bo Laike looked at the two huge statues of mogu women in front of him. He shook his head and explained:

"It is precisely because the mogu are all beings awakened from the stone statues that their numbers have been in an embarrassing situation. Even if they are sitting in the sacred place of creation like the engine of Nalaksha, the mogu emperors have to pay for every one of them. The life that is shaped is carefully calculated.

Creation energy is always limited.

In order to show their status and nobility, the emperors often spent precious creative energy to create rare mogu women to become their queens or concubines when they ascended the throne.

They really can't reproduce.

But the existence of these mogu queens and concubines can prove the emperor's superiority and authority.

Rather than a companion, it's more like a 'trophy', just like Queen Azshara wants to capture you as her favorite collection to express her unique and superb taste.

The same is true for the mogu emperors who fashioned their own queens. "

The smelly pirate snorted and commented disdainfully:

"It's really men's boring possessiveness and collection addiction! As for why the panda people rumor that there are no mogu women in this world, the reason is also very simple."

Bu Laike glanced at the little star who was recording with a small notebook, and was very absorbed in listening to the little star. He whispered:

"When every mogu emperor dies, the empress and concubines he created must be buried with him, and the mogu emperors can't bear to have their creations accompany the next emperor.

It's about their 'masculine dignity'.

In short, it is a very cruel tradition, and it has also led to fewer mogu women existing in the world.

If old Brian is willing to condescend to be a tomb robber, then he can dig any mogu royal tomb in Kun-Lai Mountains, and there is a high probability that he will find the remains of the mogu women who were buried with him. "

"Wow, it's so miserable."

When the female little Xingxing heard this, she let out a burst of mourning. She said:

"Born as a collectible and a pet, it has no status and dignity of its own, and can only exist as a pendant for the emperor, and cannot even dictate its own life and death.

Mogu women should be the most miserable women in Azeroth, right? "

"Well, sort of."

Bo Laike nodded.

He looked at the two Mogu girl titans in different colors, but with gorgeous shapes and gorgeous clothes. They kept their rocky form motionless, acting like two harmless stone statues of humans and animals.

He admired this magnificent stone sculpture with high artistic value, and said in a drawn out voice:

"But there are always exceptions to everything. Although the Mogu emperors have a cruel tradition of being buried with them, if a certain emperor dies unexpectedly, there is no time to arrange the burial ceremony and he can only be buried hastily, and the palace he is in is still sealed for a long time. In extreme cases, it is miserable. The mogu queens can still survive.

for example"

The stinky pirate took a few steps forward, tapped his war sword on the ground to make a clear sound, and shouted to the two sculptures in front of him in the language of the Mogu:

"Concubine Ji Lulin, Concubine Qiu'e! Your Majesty, the two queens most beloved and cherished by Emperor Leishen, I've already said this. How long are you going to pretend to be stone statues?"

No one answered Bo Laike's call.

The two stone statues were as dead as if they had no life at all. Under the surprised gaze of the little star, Bu Laike gathered a large shadow throwing knife in his hand, and threw it forward while his body was spinning.

These shadow throwing knives with the power of the void hit the two stone statues in front of them like celestial maidens scattered flowers. Once they touch the pure stone sculptures shaped by the engine of Nalaksha, the attached void will infect them.

This is a terrible end!


After two soft bangs, the stone statue in place disappeared, and the flying knife was left to hit the wall.

And the two heavy stone statues, which were twice as tall as ordinary mogu and nearly ten meters tall, appeared one after the other beside Laike with deadly dexterity that didn't fit the clumsy posture that stone statues should have.

The two irritated mogu queens held sharp blades like works of art in their hands, raised their feet, and stomped down viciously on this reckless outsider in a trampling gesture.

What's even more peculiar is that the twin queens of Mogu are by no means ordinary vases.

The two of them also have the ability to attack elements. The blue concubine Lulin in the front controls the cold stars, water and nightmare moonlight, while the fiery concubine Su'e in the back controls the bursting sunlight and fire.

This combined attack of ice and fire turned the entire empty palace into a double sky of ice and fire in an instant, and the divine power attack made Bu Laike unable to hide!

These two queens cooperate exquisitely, and there is a strange power connection between them, which makes their destructive power comparable to demigods when they attack together.

However, smelly pirates are not without skills.

In the sneers of the Eredar twins, the same two kinds of forces cooperated in the defense before and after the pirates. Queen Salolas swayed her shadow to resist the cold trampling of Concubine Lulin, while the high-ranking warlock Aureses controlled the flames to form The impact eliminated the flames trampling on Concubine Chou Su'e invisible.

Woman to woman, twin to queen.

Under a wave of offense and defense, Laike repelled the deadly attacks of the two mogu queens without even changing his standing posture.

This wave is evenly divided!

The slender mogu queens disappeared into the shadows as if they were dancing, and reappeared on the platform behind the palace. They assumed a fighting posture, and the fan-like knives on their four hands sprang out like saber-like teeth. The splash cast a gloomy and cold look on the dead and silent palace.


After the aftermath of shadow and flame dissipated, Bu Laike called out to the vigilant and silent mogu queens:

"We don't need to fight, and I'm not one of those remnant subjects of the Thunder God Emperor who came to force the palace to ask the two majesties to be buried with their emperor.

You have been hiding in this palace for nearly ten thousand years, but you never leave here. You are also very afraid of this, right?

Whether it's flesh or rock, once life is born, no one wants to die."

"Shut up! Outsider."

Concubine Ji Lulin scolded, her voice was deep and deep like the gesture of an ordinary mogu, but although she was indifferent, she still had the mellowness of a female voice.

She stared at Bo Laike and said:

"Our sisters are not just the emperor's playthings! We are also the emperor's former warriors, and we are not hiding here to fear our own fate, we are just guarding the secret treasure left by the emperor.

This is our duty. "

"But the emperor has been dead for more than 10,000 years after all."

Concubine Chou Su'e beside her sneered and put away the weapon in her hand.

Glancing at her sister, the mogu queen whose whole body was red like flames threw out a key and landed at the feet of Little Xing Xing.

She raised her airs and said:

"This palace has sensed the power left by the great emperor from this little girl. It seems that you are the heir to the great cause of the great emperor. Since you are the power from the same source, it means that your fate is like this.

After all, the emperor returned to his loyal throne, even in a weaker posture.

Since you are the heir, then you are qualified to take away the Emperor's secret treasure, and our sister's mission has finally been completed to take away the Thunder's secret treasure. "

The queen of flames took the hands of the sisters, and they both said in unison:

"Now, we are going to fulfill our established destiny and sleep forever underground with the emperor. You are not allowed to reveal our tracks to others."

These words made Xiao Xingxing and Bu Laike stunned at the same time.

A few seconds later, Little Xingxing was the first to let out a series of uncontrollable laughter while clutching her belly. She stretched out her fingers and pointed at the hands of Mogu in front of her, and she leaned back and forth laughing.

"Oh, no, I'm dying of laughter.

You two mogu playwrights!

Hahahaha, the acting is so clumsy! Is this an attempt to bribe us with Thor's treasure and let us let you live? Can you just say no? "

"Okay, stop laughing!"

In the midst of embarrassment, Bu Laike tried hard to hold back his smile, and he sternly reprimanded:

"She is a queen, not an actor, and her acting skills should be poor. Don't laugh, if you laugh again, I will haha, and I will stop pretending.

The two His Majesties are so innocent and cute.

First time doing something like this, right? "

There was an unconcealable smile on the stinky pirate's face, and he said to the silent Mogu queens in front of him:

"It's okay to be afraid, it's not a big deal, if someone told me I had to be buried with my lovers, I'd be afraid too.

What's more, there may not be any sincere feelings between you and the God of Thunder. No matter how sincerely you have worshiped him for more than ten thousand years, you should calm down.

I mean, it's time for you guys who've been tied down by Thor for so long to be set free.

Your Majesties, you can go if you want, the outside world has been turned upside down, and no one will ask you to bury a bad old man emperor who has been dead for so long. "

Bu Laike turned his body sideways and made a "please" gesture to the stunned queen.

He said:

"But the Mogu Dynasty has long since died, Your Majesties, you have to learn to work with your hands to support yourself.

The master of the mogu has also returned, maybe you can find an errand or something under Raiden's command, of course, if you can't adapt to the various cumbersome requirements of the titan-forged.

I also have a lot of job opportunities here for the two former queens. "

(end of this chapter)

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