Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1221 317. Little Xingxing: Aww, I Am The King Of Thunder!

Chapter 1221 317. Little Xingxing: Aww, I am the King of Thunder!

"Your Majesty, walk slowly, be careful that there is a threshold here, don't fall down. The outside world changes too much, you may not be able to adapt to it for a while, but it doesn't matter, take your time.

You can finally feel the value of freedom.

What a poor woman. "

Bu Laike and Little Xingxing yelled, standing on the left and right at the door of this cold and dead deep palace like seeing off guests, saying goodbye to the two mogu queens who left here hand in hand.

It can be seen that after long-term fear and hiding, Concubine Qiu and Concubine Ji are still somewhat at a loss for the sudden arrival of freedom.

Perhaps the shadow left by the God of Thunder on them was too great, causing their bodies to tremble when they walked out of the palace.

However, once they accepted the fact that the Thunder God had long since died, even his heart was taken away by the little star, and there was no possibility of resurrection, the two mogu queens who had been terrified for more than 10,000 years soon became happy.

While Bu Laike and Xiao Xingxing couldn't bear to look directly at him, the two empresses, who were absolutely beauties by the standards of the Mogu, were like little girls on an outing, holding hands and bouncing away into the palace of desolate scenery outside.

They even happily hummed old mogu songs.

"They are really stupid and naive."

Little Xingxing looked at the key to the treasury that was forced in her hand, and she said to Bo Laike:

"Although they look vicious, they are actually very pitiful, and seeing them jumping and jumping happily, they always feel like oversized dolls.

It's kinda cute. "

"Cute? You know how 'cute' they are when you make them angry."

Bu Laike glanced at the little star overflowing with love, and he threatened:

"The pragmatist Thunder God obviously didn't mold the mogu twin queens according to the standard of shaping a vase.

You have also seen the elemental power they possess and their incredible dexterity. Using stone statues to create a body that possesses endless brute force, can maintain the agility of an assassin, and is not afraid of destruction.

They can tear your brain in half as easily as you can tear a grapefruit.

And they themselves have said that besides being the queen of the Thunder God, they are also the emperor's former generals. During the era of the Thunder God's Southern Conquest and Northern War, the number of battles they have experienced is definitely far beyond your imagination.

Being able to be given the duty of guarding the secret treasure shows that Thunder God also trusts their fighting power. Unfortunately, a man like Thunder God also misestimated the loyalty of the queens. "

The smelly pirate murmured in a low voice:

"He should be thankful that mogus don't have the ability to reproduce, otherwise, with the state of mind of these two majesties at this time, in a few years, Thor's crown should turn green."

"You can't think of something better!"

Little Xingxing said angrily:

"What if Concubine Qiu Ji and Emperor Thunder God are true love?"


Bu Laike grinned. He looked helplessly at the little star on Wenqing's head and said:

"The mogu don't have that kind of stuff, and stones can't comprehend feelings. If the mogu could comprehend the power of love, there would be no such thing as a pandaren uprising.

OK, I won't discuss this with you.


Let's find Thor's secret treasure. "

Bu Laike picked up his pipe and walked into the inner hall of the palace with the little star full of fantasies about the love story between the Mogu Emperor and the Empress.

Because the mogu queens guarding this place have oiled their soles, the defense mechanism here has not been activated.

The two guys came to the deepest part of the real Thor's Throne as if they were traveling, and opened the door of the treasure house with a key that was completely picked up.

But walking into it, what you see is a very strange sight.

The entire interior of the throne is hollowed out, and the mountain below the palace is almost hollowed out, creating a towering platform that is suspended independently of the surrounding buildings.

In the center of the platform, thunder and lightning danced endlessly, and there were four strange pillars with cloud pattern on the four sides of the platform.

"Look! The real Throne of Thunder, the weapon that matches the Heart of Thunder."

Bu Laike pointed to the floating platform in front of him, and said to the little star beside him:

"With it you are the real 'Thor', go ahead, this 'new toy' is yours."

"You haven't told me how it works yet."

Little Xingxing rubbed her hands, her beautiful eyes sparkled with joy, but the thing in front of her was very complicated at first glance, and she was a little worried about whether she could handle it.

"For this thing, you can rely on talent, and you can do it if you have hands."

Bu Laike took a sip from the jug, squinted his eyes and said to Little Xingxing:

"The heart that is beating in your chest is the 'key', play with it however you want, but be careful, the energy surge level of this throne is quite high.

Your strength is still unable to control the power of all four pillars.

If you really want to fight, just open one pillar at a time. "

"You seem to be familiar with it, come on, come on, you teach me."

Little Star grabbed Bo Laike's hand, and used a flying magic to lead him across the hollow terrain in front of him, and landed on the dusty Throne of Thor.

"Hey, why is there an ax here?"

Princess Blue Dragon took a "deep breath", and blew out a storm from her mouth to sweep away the dust on the platform. As a result, she found an "unexpected harvest" beside the Thunder Throne at the highest point.

A thunderbolt splashed, and a cool-looking big ax was placed on the ring of the throne in a casual posture.

The core of the ring fixed the two-sided ax blade in a peculiar way, and the surface of the battle ax was covered with blue cloud patterns, like scales forged by thunder.

When Little Xingxing lifted it up, the blade of the ax was still spinning half a circle amidst the surge of lightning, and then it was fixed in the opposite direction to the posture of a battle axe.

"It's called 'Thunder', and it's a battle ax made for him by the best craftsman under Thor's command, imitating Raiden's Titan weapon, and there should be a spear called 'Shocking'.

They were all used by him when he fought in all directions, and they were once a symbol of his invincible strength and majesty Wang Quan.

But after Thor completely controlled his power, he rarely used these two weapons. He didn’t take them with him when he was assassinated by the tol’vir in Uldum. Maybe this is the reason why he failed and died. . "

Laike glanced at Little Xingxing's discovery, and patiently explained it to her. Looking at the weird pattern in the center of the platform in front of him, he reached out and touched the golden ring in the center of the throne, but his fingers were stung by the incoming lightning. Numb.

It seems that this is really not accessible to everyone.

"Go up."

Bu Laike turned his head and said to the little star who was posing as a warrior and was still taking a selfie with Thunderbolt, who was waving his tomahawk:

"Activate the power of the throne, close the defense of this palace, and then dispel the lingering clouds over this island of Thunder God, which has not seen the sun for more than 10,000 years,

It was so dark everywhere, it felt bad.

We promised that we would give this palace to our pandaren friends as the main city, and we must clean it before giving gifts to show our courtesy. "

"Oh oh, ok."

Little Xingxing threw the cool and handsome thunder battle ax back into her bag, and she rubbed her hands and walked onto the throne ring on the big platform.

As she stepped into it, the golden ring on the ground popped out quickly amidst the sound of mechanical operation, and lifted her up to a high place amid the exclamation of Little Xingxing.

Then, in front of Princess Blue Dragon, two golden metal pillars engraved with mysterious patterns rose up, which were the switches to operate the throne, standing one on the left and one on the right in front of her eyes.

The entire Thunder God's palace roared with the opening of this mechanism, and the huge lightning rods above each palace were also fully operating at this moment.

Above the gloomy high altitude, a whirling thundercloud roared, and hundreds of blinding lightning bolts were drawn into the ground, and then transmitted to the Throne of Thunder God through complicated and complicated energy conduits.

The lightning flashed in front of his eyes, so that Laike couldn't help raising his hands to cover his eyes.

Such high-intensity concentrated lightning is enough to melt all arrogant creatures that step into the throne of Thunder God. Only life with the heart of thunder can bathe in thunder and lightning without dying.

At this time, the little Xingxing was like a goddess controlling thunder. Surrounded by the dazzling light, she stretched out her hands and clasped them on the metal pillar that bounced in front of her eyes.

"Pull it up!"

Amidst the cacophony of roaring thunder, Bu Laike shouted.

Little Xingxing immediately used his arms hard, trying to pull out the metal pillar completely, but it was too heavy, this thing was specially designed with the size and strength of the God of Thunder.

I can't move without any strength.

But fortunately, Little Xingxing is a giant dragon. Although she doesn't like to use brute force, her strength is far stronger than that of ordinary people.

"Ah ah ah"

In the roaring cry of the little star dragon, the power of the dragon is displayed.

The two metal pillars were pulled out of the ring of the throne bit by bit, the wind howled, the thunder roared, and the entire Thunder God platform came alive in this instant.

The pirate looked back, and the energy conduits on the four sides began to charge rapidly.

There is even condensed spherical lightning surrounding it, and the four different powers formed by Thor's control of the Thunder Heart are carried by four conduits, which is a miracle of power created by ancient knowledge.

In the eyes of Bu Laike, the energy level of the little star's energy accumulation is constantly rising.

With the blessing of this weapon named "Throne of Thunder", the stupid little Xingxing has been strengthened to the power of a demigod at this time. As long as she is on this platform and controls the endless thunder, she can always maintain this tyrannical power. strength.

Of course, this thing itself is just an auxiliary means.

Back then, Thor didn't need the blessing of the throne, and he could defeat the Supreme God with his own lightning.

Little Xingxing is still far away, but she has been endowed with the most powerful seed of power in Azeroth. She only needs to constantly sharpen herself, and eventually she can become the second Thor God in this world.

Or is it more appropriate to call it "the queen"?

"I pulled it out, then what?"

In the thunder light package, the little star's triumphant voice cheered from the thundering light curtain. She asked about the next move, and Bu Laike shrugged and replied:

"Then control them as you wish. With their cooperation, you are the real 'Thor' within the scope of this island. But remember my warning just now, don't open four conduits at once.

You can't handle it yet.

In case you overload them you will have to fix them yourself. "

"Oh, okay, look at mine."

The little star standing in the ring of the throne rubbed her hands.

When her eyes were shaking her head at this time, she pulled out a white lightning streamer. She put her hands on the metal control column, closed her eyes and felt the different forces constantly surging inside the throne.

She is trying to control this extraordinary power.

Soon, she found the doorway.

"Dark clouds! I command you, spread out! Let the sun shine!"

Little Xingxing raised his head and shouted to the sky.

Although there are layers of palaces blocking her from seeing the stormy thunderstorm scene on the entire Thunder God Island, she can feel everything around her through the throne.

With the cry of the little star, the huge lightning rods on the palace wall that was bathed in thunder and lightning stopped working in an instant, and the thunderclouds above the sky would no longer rotate without their call.

The entire noisy sky and earth quieted down in an instant.

The clouds harvested the rain, as if obeying the order of the female Thunder God, the dark and heavy clouds that had shrouded the Thunder God Island all year round quickly dissipated.

The first ray of bright sunlight slanted down through the thick clouds, and it was shining on the magnificent and gorgeous palaces, making those gloomy and indifferent palaces seem to be covered with bright coats.

In the exclamation of lorewalker Zhou Zhuo and old dwarf Brian, the palace in front of them seemed to have lost all evil and darkness, and became as bright and majestic as Yongchun Terrace.

"Hahaha, it's amazing!"

Little Xingxing felt everything she had done, and this feeling of "whatever she said" made Little Princess Blue Dragon's inner desire to command greatly satisfied.

She glanced at Bu Laike, who was full of encouragement for her to try, and her heart rallied. She stretched out her hands to hold the two metal pillars, and shouted again in the next moment:

"Thunder! Listen to my orders!"

"Boom, boom, boom"

On top of the glorious palace that had just been flooded with sunshine, there was another thunderstorm.

It was as if the warmth of the sun just now was just a dream, under the order of the little star, the gloomy and dark clouds gathered instantly, and the thick blue thunder light was like giant snakes wandering in the sky.

The wind blew like a monster and swept across the entire island, even setting off waves on the sea.

Little Xingxing felt that her perception was being continuously extended outwards. She seemed to turn into a thunderbolt walking in the sky, able to perceive everything around the island.

"Aww! I am the king of thunder! I am the king of the world!"

This powerful feeling as if she was transformed into heaven and earth made Little Xingxing a little carried away. She kept roaring in the middle two, letting her spirit merge into the thunder and lightning and wander around.

This feeling is great. Perhaps it is the first time she has really felt the temptation of power. She thinks that when a spellweaver looks at the world, he also looks at the world with this strong attitude, right?

But soon, our little Xingbao noticed the Kul Tiras warship struggling to advance in the strong wind at sea, and Dailin Proudmoore standing on the deck frowning at the changeable weather.


Following the thought of the idiot Xiao Xingbao, a flickering thunder light descended from the sky.

It precisely struck Dai Lin who was caught off guard. Fortunately, the admiral was powerful, and Little Xingxing didn't show any killing intent, but let him fall to the ground in embarrassment, his body covered with jumping electric arcs.

"Hmph! Let you bully my human servant, you scoundrel!"

Dai Lin was strongly paralyzed. In a trance, he seemed to hear a girl's vicious warning voice, but it is also possible that he was struck by lightning and thus lost consciousness.

"My Highness Xing Xing, enough is enough! Hurry up and put away your supernatural powers!"

Seeing that the little star is going too far, Bu Laike warned:

"If you keep playing like this, Layden will come to beat you up. He didn't give you this heart for you to play this kind of game."

"Oh, I know."

Little Xingxing reluctantly withdrew the Thunder God's power, and as she withdrew from the ring of the throne, the two metal pillars used to manipulate the Thunder God's Throne were also retracted under the platform with a crackling sound.

The thunder ducts around were still working, and the shining light added infinite majesty to the throne.

"Unfortunately, it can only be used on Thunder God Island."

Princess Blue Dragon looked at the magical platform under her feet with regret, and said:

"I can't stay here forever, but only when I'm here, I'm the real God of Thunder"

"So it's time to ask for help from the omnipotent spell-weaver grandpa."

Bu Laike whispered beside him and said:

"Isn't the powerful elders used in this situation? You can go back to the Magic Hub and beg the weavers to come here to have a look. I think this Throne of Thunder God can be made into a flying platform.

Although without the energy assistance of those lightning rods around you, the destructive power of Thor's Throne will be reduced, but it is enough for you now.

Since it is a weapon, it should be carried with you. "


Little Xingxing's eyes suddenly brightened, and said:

"My strength is equivalent to the strength of the blue dragon army. The law weaver will not refuse such a good thing. You are so smart, my servant.

Here, I reward you with a kiss from the God of Thunder.


(end of this chapter)

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