Chapter 1222

The Naglfar stayed on the coast of Thunder God until noon the next day, before loading all the treasures that a group of pirates had brought back from the Throne of Thunder into the cabin.

The reason why it took so much time was mainly because the things that the pirates brought in were very precious and precious items that could not be bumped into each other. At the same time, there were also some magical items that needed to be sorted by category before they could be shipped.

Those who were assigned the plundering task by Laike were all old pirates who plundered Dalaran with him.

There is basically no need for others to point out the treasures. These old seals can always find the most valuable things from a pile of golden things.

The head of the Shado-Pan Sect, Zhu Taran, brought a group of sages from the Golden Lotus Cult and Lorewalkers, and came to Thunder God Island to receive the ancient palace at noon, when he saw Braike on the deck of his ghost ship reprimanding five young orc men and women.

That reprimand was simply too ruinous.

"You five! What are you really doing!"

The stinky pirate stood with his hips akimbo on the side of the ship, with a pipe in his mouth, and cursed at the five little orcs who bowed their heads in front of them:

"Such a big palace! There are so many treasures in every house! I gave each of you ten pockets and asked you to find valuable things. You are lucky!

Just give me back ten pockets of gold coins one by one, right?

This is really easy.

You five smart ghosts, even if you just take some other things, they are worth more than the money you took before! One of the blue bricks inside is more than 10,000 years old!

Selling to dwarves can make a fortune.

Say, who came up with the 'good' idea? "

The five orcs lowered their heads and did not speak.

It's very loyal, but it's a bit bad.

When the other pirates were looking for treasures, the five of them simply loaded gold coins back to save trouble. Anyway, what the captain wants is valuable things, and what is more valuable than money?

This is typical orc straight-minded thinking, until Bo Laike doesn't know what to say about them.

A group of old sea dogs huddled together to watch the fun, and some people made odds to predict what punishment the captain would give these five straight-minded guys.

Some people said it was lifting the mast, some said it was walking on the plank of the ship, and some people thought that these five guys would be driven off the ship to fend for themselves.

"You five are just trying to piss me off."

Bu Laike breathed out angrily.

He really wanted to hang these guys up and have a good meal. They have been on the ship for so long, and they haven't learned any dark wisdom, so they are really mad.

"Go, go, don't stick around here, go and wipe the deck in the next month, if you don't do it well, I'll beat you!"

The smelly pirate waved his hand and cursed angrily.

The fifth child hurriedly dispersed, lowered his head guiltyly and did not dare to speak for fear of doubling the punishment again, slipped into the crowd and disappeared.

Bu Laike shook his head, and took several deep breaths before he could adjust himself. He turned his head to look at the group of pandaren beside him who were holding back their laughter. Even the usually indifferent head of Zhu Taran's mouth curled up into a smile.

"I made everyone laugh."

The stinky pirate snorted and made a monk salute to everyone in front of him, saying:

"Thunder God's Throne has been cleaned up, I asked my useless subordinates to pretend, but I couldn't take away one tenth of the treasure that Emperor Thunder God left in that city.

But there is not much time left for us, so the rest will be returned to the original owner.

Thank you for your care during this period of time, we are cleared up. "

"Those are the ill-gotten gains that were squeezed from various tribes when Thor ruled Pandaria. They are full of blood and tears of various tribes in Pandaria. We don't think those treasures are worth commemorating."

Taran Zhu shook her head and said to Bu Laike:

"We are not short of money. Those things will be placed in the exhibition halls of the lorewalkers in various places for our people to appreciate and recall the past. The value of this city is much more important than the treasures in it."

On the ghost ship, the master monk looked at the dangerous and difficult to defend Thunder God Island and the big palace built on the mountain. He said:

"When it is known that demons are about to attack this world, having such a strong city is enough for our people to have a place to hide in case of danger.

And once the demons invade Pandaria, it will also become a solid rear.

Our thanks for handing it over to us in good condition, Laike, if you hadn't already set sail, I really would have stayed with you for a few more days and had a good dinner for you, thank you for your help. "

"Huh? Do you have food?"

Behind Bu Laike, Fenner blinked suddenly, and the stupid warrior excitedly bumped his brother's arm, saying:

"We're not in a hurry, right? Do you want to stay for a few more days? Eat and drink before leaving?"

"Uh, I'm just being polite."

Bu Laike glanced at Master Zhu's slightly changed expression, he blinked, laughed and said to Fenner:

"Don't take it seriously, look, your big appetite scares the head Zhu."

"Nonsense, I don't eat much."

Fenner retorted, then glanced at the silent pandaren, snorted, and walked lazily towards the cabin.

She is going to get a good night's sleep, and the next voyage will cross half of the endless sea. Fenner is also half an old sea dog now, and she knows that such a long voyage is the most tiring.

"In the underground tunnel deep in the palace, there are still some dangerous beasts entrenched."

Bu Laike exhaled smoke and said to Zhu Taran:

"After you take over, you'd better send someone to clean it up. Some of them are very dangerous. In addition, some blue dragons may come here after a while to remove some dangerous facilities in the Throne of Thunder God.

I'll let you know in advance to avoid any conflicts. "

"Is it a dangerous thing left by Thor?"

Head Zhu nodded and asked again:

"Removing those, will it affect the island's defense system? We still have to rely on it to deal with demons."

"It may affect, but the blue dragons will use their magic to make some repairs for you."

The smelly pirate pointed to his feet and said:

"This Temple of Thunder happened to be built on the node of the underground magic network off the coast of Pandaria. Even if the blue dragon's magic should be used, it would be enough to support the shield that defends the entire city. Ordinary demon legions cannot break through it.

Besides, don't you still have four gods?

With any one of them sitting in this city, the island is impenetrable. "

"Well, it's true."

Zhu Taran smiled, and he looked at the rear of the Naglfar. On the watchtower above the main mast, Feixue and Xianglian, outstanding disciples of the Shado-Pan sect, were standing there, holding a pirate and watching from a distance. The mirror looks around.

After staying with Bu Laike and his group for a while, the ascetic temperament of these two excellent disciples dissipated a lot, and they looked very happy and lively.

"This is a personal request, take care of my disciples."

Master Zhu said something in a low voice, then stretched out his hand and stuffed a jade pendant engraved with the logo of a white tiger and a bear claw into the pirate's hand. He whispered:

"Because of your contribution to Pandaria, I have discussed with Master Wan Xueliu and Gu Chuanyun, and we think it is very appropriate to give you the title of 'Shado-Pan Outer Sect Honorary Master'.

Although we stand on different positions and walk on different paths of power, your arrival has indeed brought changes to Pandaria. I apologize for my previous vigilance and hostility, Bu Laike.

You are an old friend of the panda people, and this land welcomes you back anytime. "

"I'm really touched, Master Zhu."

Bu Laike picked up the jade pendant in his hand and looked at it. He made a hypocritical and moved look, wiped his eyes and said to the great master in front of him with tears:

"Finally someone can see my painstaking efforts for the peace of this world, you really know how to be sensational, you bastards.

Do not worry.

I will often come back to see my spiritual hometown in the future. "

"Well, you don't have to come often."

Zhu Taran twitched his eyes and said:

"I mean, once in a decade or so is about the same."

"Good old wish!"

Bu Laike immediately changed a displeased expression and said:

"After a long time of trouble, you are sending off the plague god. Are you uncharacteristically so enthusiastic, okay, okay, you want me to go, right? I will leave in the afternoon, and go to receive the palace.

Stop by to meet Ra-den, the creator of Pandaria, the legendary deity.

In theory, you are all his servants. "

"Pandaren are not anyone's servants, even if the other party is a god."

Zhu Taran didn't correct Bu Laike's title of "Old Zhu" this time, he nodded to the pirate, walked a few steps, took off his great master bamboo hat, and waved it casually.

The bamboo hat spun and flew towards the pirate, who held it in his hands.

"I'll see you off."

Without looking back, Lao Zhu waved his hand very chicly and said:

"Next time we meet, I'll buy you a drink. Goodbye, stinky pirate."

"Tch, why are you pretending to be handsome?"

Bu Laike stood at the bow of the boat, watching a group of pandaren go to the Thunder God Palace. He adjusted Zhu Taran's bamboo hat and put it on his head. He was about to go back to the captain's cabin, but suddenly he looked back at the forest on the other side of the coast. .

The smelly pirate frowned, and disappeared in place with a whoosh.

A few minutes later, he walked into the jungle by the coast, followed the sound all the way to the depths, and took out the Salamani battle sword.

While bypassing a dense forest, he saw a brutal "murder scene".

One of the mogu warlords gathered by Norusha and a dozen of his elite mogu guards were brutally dismembered here, and the gravel and remains of the mogu were everywhere.

The assailant attacked extremely ruthlessly, none of these stone corpses were complete, and the Mogu warlord himself had his limbs cut off, leaving only one head to be trampled under by the murderer.


Bu Laike raised his sword and let out an exclamation. The two murderers in front of him turned their heads and looked at him coldly.

"What's the matter with the two queens? Didn't you prepare for a new life yesterday? Why did you start killing people and dismembering them?

How did this unlucky guy mess with you? "

the pirate asked.

The murderer in front of his eyes was the mogu twin queens who just got rid of the fate of imprisonment yesterday, Lulin and Su'e, the favorite concubines of the God of Thunder, these two slender mogu ladies shrunk their bodies, making them look like ordinary mogu About the same size high and low.

It's also fortunate that there is no such thing as blood in the mogu's body, otherwise the corpse dismemberment scene in front of him must be very bloody, not as embarrassing as it is now like a black workshop quarry.

Facing Bu Laike's question, Lulin, the eldest sister of the Mogu twin queens, said angrily:

"Don't mention this bad luck. My sister and I went to see Raiden yesterday. The master of the gods was indeed very kind. He generously accepted us and let us follow our ancestor Lord Norusha to restore the glory of Mogu. and fight.

We would love to.

We thought the past of suffering was over. "

"But this idiot has been harassing us since last night."

Her younger sister Su'e kicked the head of the stone statue under her feet with contempt, and said:

"Because he followed Lord Norusha earlier, he asked us both to become his princess, and he also said that this is the tradition of the Mogu, saying that beauty is only for the strong.

It's a pity that although my sister and I are beauties, he is not a strong man. Not to mention compared with the Thunder God Emperor, even the Emperor's subordinates are much more powerful than him. "

"It turns out that times have changed, but they haven't changed much."

The Mogu twin queens seemed very disappointed, sister Lulin shook her head and said:

"The mogu may be able to re-enter civilization from barbarism under the leadership of the ancestors of Norush, but now they are just a group of bastards infected by violence.

Such a population is not worthy of our service, and Master Raiden did not force us to stay.

Now that we are free, we have our own right to choose where to go. Hey, outsider, you look like a strong man with style, and the little sister beside you who has inherited the power of Thor is not bad either.

You said yesterday that you have a job offer for us? "

"Yeah, great job opportunity."

Bu Laike glanced at the battle sword in his hand, put away Salamani, rubbed his hands together and said to the Mogu twin queens who were "applying for a job" in front of them:

"I'm planning to go to another world to snatch a very powerful thing, and I'm worried that I don't have a powerful helper to accompany me. If the two Majesties don't mind, I can go through the entry procedures for the two of you right now.

The benefits here are very good. As long as you have the ability, you can get everything you want, even... rebuild the Mogu Dynasty in the new era!

Mogu women have always been the playthings of emperors since ancient times, but I think the times should have changed. Perhaps the appearance of two female emperors in the Mogu Dynasty is also a great improvement.

I can help you realize this great ideal. Of course, you have to show your ability.

By the way, you may not need much money, so how do you pay your salary? A more powerful stone body? Or a more powerful elemental force?

Or is it a magic weapon or something? "

"Since when did we say we wanted to be mogu queens?"

Lulin asked back in surprise, saying:

"Don't set goals for us indiscriminately!"

"No, sister, what this outsider said makes a lot of sense."

Her younger sister, Su'e, who is more fiery, blinked her eyes and said:

"We've always admired Thor, haven't we?

Look at the mogu of this era, sister, they are weak and have lost the inheritance of bravery, and they really need a powerful leader to lead them.

Who else is more suitable than us?

Perhaps after our rebirth in the new era, we really need a great goal, just like Thor ended the chaotic era of Hundred Kings, we can also do something next.

Outsider, you look like a smart guy, would you be the chancellor of the two mogu kings? "

"Of course I would, my two Majesties, it is my honor, we can achieve each other."

Bo Laike grinned and said:

"Golems and pirates are best friends forever."

"Come on, Your Majesty, come to my ship, and we will discuss this plan slowly."

(end of this chapter)

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