Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1223 319. The New Pirate Clerk On The Nagfar

Chapter 1223 319. The New Pirate Clerk on the Nagfar


In the evening, the drowsy little Xingxing pushed open the door. She suddenly remembered that she had left Eragon outside today and hadn't taken it back, so she planned to find her little pet back.

But as soon as he opened the door, he saw the twin mogu queens walking hand in hand into the cabin next to her. Two shrunken mogu ladies were still discussing whether this ghost ship was worthy of their "royal dignity" ".

He ignored the dazed little star beside him the whole time, full of a kind of arrogance that a queen should have.

It wasn't until the cabin door closed that Little Xingxing woke up.

She widened her eyes and pinched herself again. The slight pain in her arm told her that she was not dreaming, so the little star disappeared in place with a whoosh, and sent herself into the captain's cabin with a precise teleportation technique.

"No, Captain! Those two mogu women found out that we lied to them, and they came to the door! They hid next to me and tried to assassinate me, scaring me to death!"

"What do you mean someone is trying to assassinate you? They really want to assassinate you and you send it in one meeting, and there is a possibility of telling a joke?"

Sitting on his own chair, Bu Laike, who was talking to Shaw, who was wearing a crane feather cloak, looked helplessly at the sleepy little star, and said with a pipe in his mouth:

"Also, I just invited the two Majesties to board the ship, please be polite to them, if you have nothing to do, go ask them how Thor used the Heart of Thunder back then.

Maybe you can learn a trick or something. "


Little Xingxing responded, and then saw Xiao Er sitting opposite the pirate. She exclaimed and protected her body in pajamas.

But then he realized that Xiao Er was not interested in women, so he relaxed again.

He also said hello to Xiao Er generously, and then opened the door and walked out.

"Your daily life is really fulfilling and lively."

Xiao Er watched Little Xingxing leave, then turned around and said to Bu Laike:

"Isn't it tiring to take a group of problem children around like this every day?"

"It's okay, you'll be fine once you get used to it."

The stinky pirate coughed, lowered his head and exhaled, and said:

"Continue to talk about the topic just now, regarding the 'hope of victory' that your child king said he found in Pandaria, I probably guessed what the 'oracle' he got.

But I can't tell others about this news at the moment, I can only show it to you. "

Bu Laike opened the drawer, took out a document and handed it to Xiaoer. The latter sat up straight and took it to open it. After just one glance, his expression suddenly became serious.

He spent a few minutes looking through the documents in his hand, then raised his head and said to the pirate:

"Can you confirm the effect of that thing? It can really free humans, dwarves, and gnomes from the curse of flesh and blood, promote them, or return them to their original powerful forms without side effects?"

"I can basically guarantee it."

Bu Laike rested his chin on his hand and replied:

"But you've also seen the explanation in the document, which is just a concept at the moment, and its theory was born out of the home-to-origin bomb we used in Stormsong Valley.

It was the first generation product, and it had serious side effects. The only 'experimental sample' who survived so far was Dailin Proudmoore.

Moreover, Dai Lin's situation at that time was very complicated, and it was impossible to explain it clearly in one or two sentences.

His situation is impossible to replicate.

Now the engineer under my command tells me that he is sure to rely on the data knowledge copied from the engine of Nalaksha to transform the unstable home-sourced bomb into a controllable model.

But it takes time.

Moreover, after the production is completed, a suitable test site and test subjects are also needed. "

Having said that, the pirate paused.

He glanced at Shaw and said:

"Perhaps you can arrange it for me?"

"This kind of thing can only be used as a plan for emergencies, not for the purpose of results."

Shaw shook his head and said:

"I can understand the significance of this thing's appearance, and I can also understand how useful it will be once the war starts, but... I have my difficulties."

"I can understand that life cannot be measured, and life cannot be used as a means to achieve certain ends."

The pirate waved his hand and said:

"Then as a plan.

Wait until the war starts to find a chance to test it, and I don't expect it to be a bottom card, just to tell you that what you came to Pandaria to seek has been obtained.

You can go back and report to the child king, keep your 100% mission completion rate and make him proud of you.

In addition, I may pass through Stormwind City in a short time. "

Bo Laike took down the jade pipe and said to Shaw who raised his head suddenly:

"I'm going to drop by Lothar, help me arrange it?"

"That's fine, as long as you keep a low profile."

Shaw nodded.

He said:

"Actually, King Varian has always wanted to see you again. He is very impressed with you. He has a heart for the Kingdom of Stormwind. He may need some advice from the Prophet.

For my sake, would you like to arrange a royal dinner for you? "

"Eat, okay! Prophecy, no."

Bu Laike shook his head and said:

"I am also a famous person now, you know, any magic stick with a certain status and fame will bear the burden of idols, and your King Varian is not a person who will obey the fate.

I hate to prophesy to such a guy.

I don't even bother arguing with them. "

"Ha, that's between you and His Majesty Varian."

Shaw stood up, tugged at his beloved cloak, and said to Bo Laike:

"I will be responsible for fulfilling the invitation. I can't guarantee whether I can get the prophecy of the pirate prophet. I will disembark when I pass by the waters near Kul Tiras. I will find the route back by myself, so I won't trouble you."

"Yo, the leader of SI7 also has idol baggage."

Bu Laike said with a drawn out voice:

"What? Will showing up with me, a stinky pirate, damage your dignity? Lord Shaw?"

"Why do you think so?"

Shaw glanced at the pirate strangely, and he explained:

"I just went to Kul Tiras to handle some business. If you want to know, I can tell you about the Ashvane family's secret transfer of family assets to the Stormwind Kingdom.

The Naval Intelligence Department under His Majesty Dai Lin has been cooperating with us all the time, this time it was just to exchange the information we have.

In addition, the Navy of the Stormwind Kingdom also intends to send a group of students to the Kul Tiras Naval Academy, and I will also be responsible for helping them establish a good relationship along the way. "

"Why do you send students to Kul Tiras?"

Bo Laike leaned back in his chair, smiled and said:

"Tol Barad also has a 'Naval Academy', for the sake of our relationship, I can give your students a 20% discount, and the learning effect is absolutely first-rate.

You know, trash can't survive two battles with me.

Going to the Kul Tiras Naval Academy to learn how to live on the sea is Tu Yile. If you really want to learn naval warfare, you need us pirates! Absolute practical training, the effect is outstanding.

Don't think about it?

Speaking of which, I am preparing to recruit a group of desperadoes to go to Beihai to serve as cannon fodder for me. This is a great opportunity to mix sand, you won't miss it, right? "

"How do you know that there is no eyeliner in your fleet?"

Shaw smiled subtly.

After waving to Bu Laike, he was about to leave.

After taking a few steps, he looked back at Bo Laike and warned in a low voice:

"Also! Stop making things up between me and Chi-Ji Tenzun, nothing happened to us! And you're dancing in the line of fire, you know I can't possibly be mad at you, but Chi-Ji Tenzun isn't necessarily. "

"What are you afraid of?"

The pirate snorted and said:

"I have a good relationship with Chi Jing Tianzun, you should hurry up and get busy with your business, we will see you in Stormwind Kingdom, and then you must do your best as a landlord.

By the way, tell your old and strong grandma not to trouble me when the time comes. "

Xiao Er nodded, pulled up the hood of Crane Feather's cloak, opened the door and left.

In the captain's room where there was only one person left, Bu Laike laughed a few times in a strange tone, and then glanced at the empty captain and Xal'atath, who was sleeping soundly and had no plans to wake up for the time being.

He suddenly felt a little melancholy.

Sefiel left temporarily for a few days due to business, and is now in the sea area southeast of the Jade Forest, where he is helping Kane and the others hunt down the hiding Buffalo Vulcan, and it may take a day or two to return.

Without the company of the chief mate, Bu Laike is rare and a little lonely.

He stood up and walked to the window, opened the window and looked out, just in time to see the little star calling his star dragon pet on the deck, and Eragon, whose body was shining with stars, was flying gracefully down from the night sky.

But the strange thing was that there was a drunk little murloc sitting on the starlight dragon's head, and it was unknown how Benbo Erba reached an agreement with the brainless Eragon.

What an amazing little guy.

The pirate was lying by the window, looking at the bright moonlight above his head, his mind drifted a little far away, and subconsciously activated the [Death Prophecy] that he had given out a long time ago.

Followed by the prophecy imprint, he could feel the position of his "target" at this moment.

Maiev Shadowsong is far, far away from this world, so far away that even the perception of this death mark has become blurred, but he can still feel the faint heartbeat of the life under the mark.

It's an amazing feeling.

The pirate raised his head and looked at the galaxy under the moonlight. He couldn't help wondering if Maiev was in one of the stars above his head.

I can still feel the "bond" with another person across the entire star sea, just like no matter where I go, I can feel the heartbeat in another world.

That faint heartbeat meant that Maiev was still alive.

This is good news.

Bu Laike was immersed in such silence, until after a while, he suddenly said:

"What are you doing in my captain's cabin? My lord the clerk."


Lorewalker Zhou Zhuo, who sneakily opened the door, pulled his pirate outfit a little uncomfortable, and whispered in embarrassment while wearing a three-cornered hat:

"I seldom have sailing experience, I am a little seasick tonight, so I want to find some books to read, but there are some strange books on the side of Little Star, your sister Fenna is very enthusiastic to share her books with me. collection of books.

But I'm not really interested in chivalry novels.

I heard people say that your captain's cabin is the place with the largest collection of books on the ship, so I plan to borrow a few books to read. Didn't bother you? Cloth Laike. "

"No rules!"

The pirate turned to stare at his new clerk, Zhou Zhuo, and said:

"You want to call me 'Captain'! The books are all there. You can pick them yourself. It seems that you remember to send them back. Don't touch those magic books. I don't think you can understand them even if you take them.

By the way, I just compiled a set of "Geography of Azeroth" by myself, and I just asked you, a professional, to help me polish it. "

Bu Laike walked to his own bookcase that occupied two walls of the cabin, took out a set of thick series of books and put them on the table, Zhou Zhuo stepped forward with great interest, picked up a book and opened it.

It was found that it was a folded map, and it accurately marked the area where the Undead Fleet had set foot. The content was so detailed that Zhou Zhuo was hooked just by looking at it.

He didn't go back to his cabin either, just sat at Braike's desk, eagerly looking at the most detailed world map in front of him, which is probably the most detailed collection in many civilizations.

For a Pandaren traveler who just walked out of Pandaria and greeted the new world with anticipation and apprehension, nothing could make him happier than the map in front of him.

"Your continent is here, the tauren's continent is here, ah, it turns out that Pandaria is close to the south of the world, and there is another wild and cold continent in the north.

But what about these blanks?

What do these blanks represent? "

Zhou Zhuo raised his head and looked at Bu Laike. He pointed to the large blank space on the map and said to the pirates:

"Is there any place in this world that you haven't been to and don't understand?"

"Yes, I have."

The pirate curled his lips and said:

"Although I don't want to admit it, I don't know everything about Azeroth's geography, such as the legendary Dragon Island, the legendary wild land on the back of the world, and so on.

These are the most popular legends on the endless sea, some of which have existed for many years, but have not been confirmed. I guess there must be a more complete world map in Nazjatar's palace belonging to Queen Azshara.

But that empress is a miser.

She will not share her collection with me so easily.

But this is also a good thing, which means that in my eyes, there are still unknowns worth exploring in this world, and I can also allow you to record all my adventure stories. This is your duty as the secretary of the Naglfar. "

Bu Laike looked at the satisfied Zhou Zhuo, and said:

"But one thing, when you go out to explore with me, you must close your hands, if you dare to touch anything, you will be chopped off!"

Zhou Zhuo was about to curse and swear, saying that he would change his past, but before he could speak, Bu Laike suddenly stretched out his hand and made a motion of silence.

He frowned and felt it, and said:

"There is something approaching under the water. This is really strange. As soon as she mentioned Her Majesty Queen Azshara, she sent an envoy? She said she was paying attention to me. I thought she was just saying it casually.

Now it seems that she is playing for real. "

(end of this chapter)

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