Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1224 320. Pirates Of Pirates Involved In The Family Conflict Between The Tentacle Girl And T

Chapter 1224 320. Pirates of Pirates Involved in the Family Conflict Between the Tentacle Girl and the Octopus Monster


Laike fell into the water in a chic manner, causing waves on the quiet sea. While he dived into the water, the little murloc jumped off the side of the ship with his murloc pirates who were no longer what they used to be.

These guys, who are regarded as inferior races by others, wear leather armor tanned by Pandaren cobblers, and hold Amber weapons crafted by mantid Amber craftsmen.

There are also very strange "sonic guns" on their backs.

It's the ranged weapon that mantid hunters use, relying not on ammo but on Amber's resonant sound waves to stun and capture opponents.

The little murlocs also imitated the hozen masks, and equipped their murloc pirates with fierce masks, making them look more like a group of small submarine thugs.

And as the number one thug of the Guala Guala Pirates, Lord Benbo Erba's double bonus red stick, the murloc warrior Lao Blind, who is strong and strong, is even more of a shotgun.

Holding a refined green dragon halberd in his hand, and wearing a red cloak, he looked majestic.

The murloc pirates followed their leader and rushed towards the deep sea aggressively. Under the water nearly 30 meters from the sea surface, Laike hovered in the water leisurely as if walking on the ground.

The murloc pirates behind him croaked and dispersed, surrounding the three-headed naga in front of him.

However, as the besieged, Viper Ms. Vashki is not afraid.

This fair-skinned, beautiful, coquettish and vicious deep-sea girl is carrying a snake-backed war bow and a coral trident, and is wearing a poisonous snake light armor with a Nazjatar wand hanging on her waist.

She had a pair of arms folded in front of her chest, and the hair of flying little poisonous snakes above her heavily made-up face glared angrily at the murlocs who were showing off their might.

But Ms. Vashki herself looked at the combination of human pirates and murloc pirates with great interest.

She didn't seem to be here to fight.

The two male Naga warlords behind her did not draw their weapons either.

"I am here on behalf of the will of the Great Empress."

After a few seconds of silence, Vashki took the initiative to say to Bu Laike in front of him:

"When the queen learned that her captain of the guard bravely passed through the fog of Pandaria, and miraculously brought the ancient continent out of the seal, and sent the lost subjects back to the world ruled by the queen, she gave you great dedication. Appreciate it."

"Two mistakes!"

Bu Laike was suspended in the water like a real underwater creature, and he didn't move his body but stopped firmly in place. The surrounding water swirled around him, making his long golden hair flutter in the water.

He held up two fingers, waved them in front of Lady Viper, and said:

"First, the pandaren and Pandaria have not been the subjects and territory of the elf empire since ancient times, and the majesty of the queen cannot be controlled by other pandaren.

Second, this is not my dedication to the Queen.

In fact, if she didn't suffer from amnesia due to her age, she should remember that she 'sent' me to Pandaria without my permission. "

The stinky pirate spread his hands and said to Vashki in front of him:

"I really want to convince myself to serve Her Majesty Azshara wholeheartedly, but I can't, I will not be a loyal minister of the Elven Empire and the Naga Empire after all.

Of course, I will keep the title of "Captain of the Queen's Guard" as a memory of the beautiful past between me and Her Majesty the Queen.

Do you know that the scandal between me and Her Majesty the Queen has started to spread on the human side.

This is really bad. "

"The queen has never cared about the wild fantasies of her subjects. She believes that everyone has the right to dream, which is an inherent desire of life."

Vashj didn't care about Laike's madness.

Probably because the war maid and the Naga commander have been arranging eyeliner in Vasqier all year round. She understands the horror of the man in front of her better than other proud Naga commanders.

Out of the Queen's mission and respect for power, the formerly mean Lady Viper behaved quite decently in front of Laike, and her every move had the elegance that a Queen's maid should have.

She didn't say much to Bu Laike, she gathered a round and beautiful big colorful pearl from the water, handed it to Bu Laike, and said:

"The empress has a secret matter to discuss with you, chief guard, let your pirates retreat to a distance where they cannot be overheard. This is a conversation between you and her majesty the empress."

After finishing speaking, Mrs. Viper bowed to Laike very politely, and took the initiative to retreat a long way away with her two burly guards.

The pirate waved his hand, and the little murloc retreated with his own pirate.

At a distance where both anti-monitors could not eavesdrop, Bu Laike injected some magic power into the big pearl in front of him. The next moment, the pearl reflected a slender figure, projecting the upper body of Queen Azshara in front of Bu Laike.

This queen is really formalistic to the extreme.

Even the phantom she projected had to be a head taller than Laike to show her status.


"Your Majesty, are you in the royal bedroom? Why are you only wearing such simple clothes?"

Bu Laike looked at the figure of the tentacle girl in front of him with weird eyes, and the gorgeous and revealing attire gave birth to some thoughts of his own in his eyes.

"I can wear whatever I want in my palace, can you control me?"

But Azshara seemed in a bad mood.

She wasn't even in the mood to maintain her "queen's majesty". At the moment when the "communication was connected", the supreme queen, like an angry girl, frowned at Laike.

Undisguised anger and helplessness shone in Amber's beast-like pupils. She glared at Laike, and after several seconds of silence, she asked:

"What message did you convey to N'Zoth?

It has been going crazy since yesterday, and it has been asking me to go to its cage to have an audience, and it has repeatedly asked me to swear allegiance, just like a madman who has been stimulated to the bottom line.

This feels terrible!

That idiot really regarded himself as the savior of the Naga, and tried to become my god. The previous hypocrisy and obedience were nothing more than that, but now its behavior has reached the limit that I can bear.


Cloth Laike!

I am not the loyal and malicious chief guard, it is all because of you!

You intervened in the hypocritical and friendly alliance between me and N'Zoth. You influenced that big octopus with vicious thinking and made it start to provoke my bottom line. You destroyed the illusory peace that I have carefully maintained for 10,000 years!

What on earth are you trying to do? "

"Ah this."

Facing Her Majesty's very annoyed and aggressive questioning, Laike made a surprised expression.

He said in a strange tone:

"Let's not talk about this matter itself for the time being, my lord, it is really easy to be misunderstood by the way you speak.

What we are talking about now is like a beautiful young woman trying to maintain a "fake marriage" complaining to another man about how annoying her husband is.

And the young woman's anger also came from the handsome man in front of her as a third party intervening in the damn marriage she tried her best to maintain and didn't want to end.

You are declaring a terrible thing that terrifies me.

Do you think that in the perverted and distorted relationship between you and N'Zosi, I am the 'third party' who keeps making troubles between you and trying to separate you?

No no no, Your Majesty, it is not like that.

I really don't intend to get involved in your twisted relationship with N'Zoth, I just want to hide and watch the show. As for what I did, well, let me think about it, I can do a lot of things in Pandaria. "

The smelly pirate rubbed his forehead, making a gesture of deep thought.

And his damn statement before made Queen Azshara's rare mood a little out of control.

Her Majesty's eyes were offended and murderous, and she was thinking about whether to use a precise teleportation to reach the area where Laike was.

Then, before the supreme gods arrive, crush this stinky pirate who speaks nothing?


It seems a bit difficult.

After all, Bo Laike is not an easy guy to deal with, and the area he is currently in is not out of the range of Pandaria's dissipating fog.

Once he passes by, it is easy to immediately attract the intervention of the troublesome four gods, and then it will be five against one, although he is very confident in his own strength.

But taking the initiative to seek death does not conform to the thinking mode of a noble empress.

To sum up, although Her Majesty the Empress was angry, she could only restrain her unhappiness.

Now she must figure out the reason for En'Zoth's sudden madness before she can prescribe the right medicine and appease the damned Old God. It's not the end of their twisted relationship yet.

The Corruptor still has a little use value for the Queen, and valuable things should be put to good use, and now is not the time to throw them away.

"Ah, I thought of it."

Under Azshara's gaze, Bu Laike slapped his forehead and said to the vision of the queen in front of him:

"The reason why N'Zoth is so angry is probably because I executed the most capable dark judge under his command in your name? And I sent that humble and vicious soul back to N'Zoth's dark kingdom of God with my own hands. .

In order to shirk responsibility for her own failure, so as not to fall into a situation that is beyond redemption, she can only push her mistakes onto you in order to arouse N'Zoth's distrust of you.

This damn bad behavior is simply a complete treacherous generation!

It's really disgusting! "

The smelly pirate scolded angrily:

"I just gave her a small suggestion. I didn't expect that she would be so bold as to slander En'Zoth's favorite 'little pet' in front of the queen's master, and use this to provoke pets and pets. Hypocritical relations between masters.

Oh, as the head of the queen's attendant, I really wish I could strangle that vicious soul to death with my own hands! To express my utmost loyalty to Her Majesty the Queen


Why is His Majesty so angry?

Did I say something wrong? "

The phantom of Azshara in front of the stinky pirate was already trembling with anger, she scolded coldly:

"It was you who took the initiative and casually provoked this dispute. You know that this will bring great trouble to my life. You are happy and looking forward to seeing this scene where your empress is devastated.

Is this your response to my humiliating failure?

Why are you so narrow-minded man! "

"Uh, it's not my fault, Your Majesty, dark wisdom has always been a passive effect. I just noticed that there is a strange conflict between you and N'Zoth that I can take advantage of, so I just gave it a try."

The pirate spread his hands and said innocently:

"Will a conspirator feel joy because a conspiracy that does not expect success unexpectedly succeeds? No! I only feel annoyed. If I knew it was so easy, I should have provoked a conflict between you and N'Zoth .

That must be interesting. "

"Shut up! You viper!"

The Queen took a deep breath to calm herself down.

She looked down at Bo Laike and said:

"It seems that I didn't cover it up well enough, or maybe this is a well-known secret. That's right, I hate N'Zoth's insatiable greed, and the ancient god's excessive demands.

Ten thousand years ago, I had to conclude a humiliating agreement with it in order to protect my subjects, but I have been trying to get rid of it.

Your dark wisdom may be of use to me.

You killed C'Thun with a strange weapon in Silithus, I noticed it.

Bring it to me, my captain of guards.

Your evil plot caught me off guard, but maybe this is also a good opportunity, it is urging me to show sincerity, open its seal, and I will do as you wish to get rid of the ugliness that has been haunting me for ten thousand years tentacle monster.

When it dies in the seal, there will be no grievances between you and me, and you can calmly accept the fate of being loyal to me.

I love you so much, I don't even hate you for this damn plot.

You have to be content! "

"I am not honored by it, my lord."

Bu Laike complained:

"And I really don't have time to do this right now. In the face of the survival of Azeroth, the twisted emotions and taboos between you and your tentacle monsters have passed, and we can only go back a little bit.

However, since the noble empress made the request on her own initiative, as long as the time is right, I will help you fulfill your wish.

but i can't do it for nothing

The sword of the empire, Stromkar Warbreaker, is with you. After it drank the blood of N'Zoth, I need you to return it to humans. You can use whatever method you want, as long as you don't involve me. "

"Deal, my chief guard."

Azshara finally got a guarantee from Bu Laike, and Her Majesty's bad mood was relieved.

She waved her hands lazily, and lay back on her royal sofa, not caring about showing her slender and beautiful figure to her chief guard.

Of course, you can't look at the lower body. Although those tentacles are decorated with various jewels, they still look very permeable.

The top tentacle girl in front of her is a perfect combination of goblin and devil.

"Before solving the matter of N'Zoth, you may be able to help me deal with the matter we discussed last time."

Azshara yawned, and she said in an extremely charming tone:

"Alisande has become more and more rampant recently. She expelled my diplomats stationed in Suramar. Then, my guard chief, when will you be loyal to your queen and fight against dissidents?"

"Let's talk about it when I get back from Dellano."

Bu Laike tilted his head and said:

"Time has to be done one by one. Speaking of which, you sent your most loyal and capable lady, Ms. Vaschi, to be the liaison officer between me and your Majesty?"


The queen nodded, and raised her arm to pick up a berry and put it into her mouth. The slow and charming movement, especially the picture of the purple berry being put into the queen's mouth, made the pirate turn away.

"Hehehe, innocent boys are so cute."

The queen covered her mouth and let out a mature laugh. She chewed the delicious berries and said vaguely:

"Vashj has never let me down, and she won't let you down either. When you plan to betray, her presence can calm you down. Use her, in my name.

Goodbye then.

My guard chief, I wish you a smooth journey, next time we meet, maybe I will give you some 'reward', if you can win for me."

In the image of Azshara licking her lips astringently, the queen's figure dissipated. At the last moment when the illusion dissipated, Bu Laike suddenly said:

"Don't wear this purple royal underwear next time, my lord, it will show you have really bad taste. I tell the truth, purple is not for you."

(end of this chapter)

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