Chapter 1225

"Need me to get you a cabin, Lady Viper."

Bu Laike returned to the deck of the Nagfar. He looked back at Vashj who was following behind and "swimming" on the deck with a meandering body, and asked politely:

"There is a pool in the bottom deck. It turned out to be the place where my murlocs lived. It may be very suitable for aquatic creatures like you. But it is also the territory of my Void Wardens, so you need to live with them.

Don't worry, they are very polite people and will not discriminate or bully you because of your special appearance. "


Vashj hummed mockingly with her snake-like tongue, and the most loyal and jealous maid of the Empress stared at Bo Laike with envy.

This stinky pirate has undoubtedly won the Queen's favor, which is a treatment that Vashki, who has served the Queen for more than 12,000 years, has never received.

She said angrily:

"Do you know how many Wardens have died at my hands? Those nasty ones have been trying to pry into Nazjatar's secrets since the Sundering.

But everyone they send will be discovered by me and executed by me.

What you should worry about is not that they bully me, Lord Bo Laike, you should worry that they can survive a few days in my hands"


Before Bu Laike could answer, Sira Moonguard, who appeared from the shadows behind Vashj, spoke first:

"Pull out all your 'hair' tonight, and put you on a leash tomorrow, and at dawn the day after tomorrow, you'll be my new hound

Mistress of Spies, Vashj, you have killed twenty-seven of my sisters in the past three hundred years, and I want you to die twenty-seven times to pay for this heart-wrenching death. "

Sera's pyramid rested on Vashj's scaly neck, and one of Vashj's six hands was holding a poisonous snake-scale dagger behind her back, which was also pressed against the gap in the Moonguard's Warden's armor. place.

When these two well-matched guys met, they were on the point of the needle, and the sparks caused the pirates to stare round their eyes.

"Okay, okay, I knew it wouldn't be that easy."

Bu Laike stepped forward, pressed Sera and Vashj's shoulders, separated the two women who were staring at each other, and said:

"Hold your killing intent, ladies.

Adults know that life is not easy and that compromises are necessary, and now I need you to maintain a semblance of peace until the day my false allegiance to Queen Azshara is broken.

I promise, Sierra, when that day comes, you can have everything you want, whether it's Ms. Vashj's hair or her head.

As long as you can get it. "

The pirate comforted his watchman, then looked at Vashki with a sneer on his face, and said:

"Forget it, you can find a room to rest in the poop, and prepare for a long journey, Mistress Viper, since Queen Azshara asked me to use you, then I will not be polite.

I need you to accompany me on the journey to Dellano. I heard that you are the best hunter and assassin in the Naga Empire. I also want to see the power of Azshara's Edge. "

"You'll see, Captain."

Mistress Viper proudly put away her weapon, snorted and walked towards the poop with her waist shaking.

Behind her, Sierra Moonguard put down the pyramid nonchalantly, and she looked at Boo Laike, saying:

"Can I bury her somewhere in Dellano?"

"I don't recommend you do that."

Bu Laike says:

"But if you have to do it, don't let me know, be safe."


Serra grunted in satisfaction, nodded to the pirate, and disappeared into her own shadow.

The pirate was startled by the hatred between women and women before. He walked into his captain's cabin while complaining about why women should embarrass women, and started his daily learning journey.

A day later, the ghost ship finally sailed out of the sea of ​​mist, entered the territory of the South China Sea and began to head towards the sea of ​​Kul Tiras, where they will take a rest and put Shaw and the pregnant shield girls back to the Broken Isles. , and then direct to Tol Barad.

The Naglfar is already familiar with this voyage and does not need guidance from the captain, so the stinky pirates have lived comfortably these two days, the kind of comfort that temporarily escaped trouble.

To pass the time, Bo Laike also looked at the intelligence summary that the red-haired Jack had just sent. He wanted to know what happened to the outside world during the time he spent in Pandaria.

As a result, the first piece of information made Laike's eyes widen.

"A prison in Quel'Thalas was breached? Amani trolls?"

The stinky pirate sitting on the captain's chair held a green apple in his hand and took a bite. He carefully read the information, and quickly tasted something different from it.

"Good girl, bring your Aunt Fenner over here."

The pirate glanced at Miss Chuanling, who was sitting on the other side of the desk, frowning as she was doing the paper. He glanced at Nagfar's answer on the paper and shook his head.

This child must have not studied hard recently, and he made several mistakes in the multiple-choice questions he had already completed. How can such a level satisfy Dean Lanyue?

Miss Chuan Ling suddenly raised her head, looked at her pirate father, and said with a hint of surprise:

"Don't you need to make papers? Can I go out to play? The murlocs organized the Snail Grand Prix today. It's very lively, and I want to watch it too."


Bu Laike sighed, and said to the tortured Nagfar:

"Go to the game, but this set of papers must be finished before tonight."


The ship spirit let out a cheer, jumped off the chair and rushed into his father's arms, pecked the pirate's face fiercely, and then disappeared into the captain's cabin with a smile on his face.

Well, Nagfar's current form is no longer the mature look of the black dragon princess, probably because she played too much with little Lei Shi, she doesn't know what child's idea, she changed her body shape into a cute one red panda.

That's good news for Boo Laike.

A good thing in every sense of the word.

Soon, Fenna, who was sweating and practicing martial arts, was sent to the captain's room. The stupid warrior was used to the ship spirit's behavior of moving others casually.

She didn't care, leaning on the Ashbringer in her hand, she took out a bottle of wine from the smelly brother's wine cabinet very familiarly, bit off the cork, looked at her brother, and said:

"What's the matter? Heya is still waiting for me, tell me quickly."


Bu Laike handed Fenner the information that Quel'Thalas Prison was invaded by trolls, blinking and said:

"Is it about you?"


Fenner glanced at the information in her hand and exclaimed:

"The efficiency of that chick Anaris is pretty good. She got online with Councilor Darkan so quickly. I know this prison. It happens to be right next to Daysome City, which is Darkan's management area.

It seems that they must have reached some shady deal. The prison is full of thugs who are dissatisfied with Quel'Thalas Wang Quan, and they are the most suitable pirates. "

"I knew it!"

The smelly pirate sighed and said:

"You provide her with information, what will she give you in return?"

"A sword! A very powerful sword."

Fenner said with bright eyes:

"I suspect it is the sword of Stromkar Empire that was lost in the Battle of Dalaran. Anaris said that she could help me get information about the sword. She said that the sword fell into the hands of Naga.

I'm planning to grab it back if I get the chance. "


Bu Laike was even more helpless, he said:

"The sword is in Azshara's treasure Curry. How did you snatch it? You are being used as a weapon by others. Forget it, go practice your martial arts. I will find you again if there is anything to do."

"Oh well."

Fenna didn't care about the groaning of the stinky brother at all, and with a boldness that a soldier should have, she pushed the door open with the wine bottle and left.

Bu Laike looked at Fenner who was leaving, and he noticed that the silver light of courage and supernatural power on the stupid sister was more shining than before. It seems that the trip to Pandaria has greatly improved Fenner.

It's just this brain.

Forget it, don't talk about it.

He picked up the second piece of information, which made the pirate a little bit hard to laugh.

This is about the recent changes in Gilneas, and the intel says that the werewolf problem seemed to be put on hold after Genn returned to Gilneas with the Luna Scythe.

According to the report of the uncrowned man's eyeliner in Gilneas, in less than a month, at least five wolf packs in the Black Forest surrendered to the king's commander.

Moreover, after Jin returned this time, he began to promote the idea of ​​"coexisting with werewolves" across the country, which represented a change in Gilneas' official attitude towards werewolves.

Some of their lords even began to take the initiative to contact the werewolves in the territory, and began to try to "zhaoan" those dangerous creatures just like their kings.

However, the change in the official attitude suddenly put the originally thriving Wolf Worship Cult in an extremely embarrassing situation.

These guys who claimed to be rebels against the tyranny of Gilneas lost their biggest weapon of public opinion in an instant. The officials began to accept the existence of werewolves, and promised to give werewolves the hope of curing wildness and the same status as citizens.

The so-called rebels suddenly lost their footing.


Laike threw the information on the table, and he frowned and said:

"The change of Gene's attitude is a bit too fast. It seems that my previous guess has unfortunately come true. Poor Gene has been affected by something more terrifying.

and Goldrinn's request

Gilneas is in trouble, really big trouble.

But what does this have to do with me, a smelly pirate who is about to travel far? "

The pirate shrugged, picked up his pipe and picked up the third piece of information.

This is the message sent back by the Uncrowned from Suramar. The grand magister Elisande held a grand coronation ceremony for himself a week ago.

Self-appointed protector of the Nightborne and queen of Suramar, she has finally taken a crucial step on her way to independence.

No wonder Queen Azshara is so angry.

Elisande's behavior basically announced that the last elf faction related to the elf empire had essentially broken away from Azshara's rule. If the naga were not still there, this coronation ceremony could declare the complete end of the elf empire .

"Wow, holding the two artifacts of time and space, and having contact with the Magic Legion, plus the contact with Kaldorei to make peace, it seems that my dear Ms. Magister is full of confidence."

Bu Laike laughed out loud. He thought for a while, knocked on the table, and planned to call the chief dragon, but Sefiel was still on the mysterious time island of Pandaria dealing with the affairs of the Yagol Vulcan and hadn't returned yet.

The smelly pirate had no choice but to go to the treasure room of the Naglfar in person, choose a few gifts and give them to Sera, and asked her to arrange for the Uncrowned to send someone to the Grand Magister.

In the name of "King of the North Sea" Bu Laike Shaw, I sent it to congratulate the coronation of the great magister, and by the way, contact the diplomatic relationship that does not exist between the two parties.

Although we are not friends.

But the coronation of others is a big event and must be taken seriously.

In this way, you come and go, maybe a friendship will be born. Who can say for sure about this kind of thing, and from the information about Elisande's coronation, Laike also saw another meaning.

The demon hunters in Suramar should have successfully evacuated.

In the information of the Uncrowned, they only saw a few nightborn demon hunters appearing at the coronation ceremony, and there was no trace of the Illidari.

After ordering the gift, Bu Laike went back to the captain's cabin and continued to read the information he had missed.

He saw the news sent back from Feralas, saying that General Shandris Feather Moon, who had not shown up for a long time, had returned to his loyal Feather Moon Fortress, and according to gossip, the returning General Feather Moon Seems to be in a good mood.

The news made the Stinky Pirate give a meaningful, obscene smile.

It seems that under his suggestion, Ms. Shandris finally got what she has been asking for all along. The lovers who have been in love for more than 10,000 years are finally married. The estimated time until her brother-in-law Jarod Shadowsong officially appears Not far away.

"Shouldn't it be a gift in this case?"

Laike rubbed his chin, considering whether to give Shandris a big red envelope.

After thinking about it later, I decided to forget it. After all, being chased all over the world by General Yuyue, who is skilled in horse bow and horse, is also a terrifying thing.


The pirate dismissed the tempting idea and picked up the next message, only to blink at a glance. It was from Lordaeron.

There is a small albatross symbol below the information, which means that the information comes from an "albatross" in Bo Laike.

Word inside says that King Terenas and his court are considering making Princess Calia Menethil the official heir to the throne.

The news made the pirates instantly interested.

"It seems that Alsace's irresponsible travel has already had a serious impact on the Menethil family, and the old king also realized that the conflict between him and the prince could not be reconciled, so he was forced to make such a choice.


Old King, that's the way I want to see things go. "

Bu Laike held the information and stood up, with a smile on his face, the long-awaited preparations were finally coming in handy, as if the seeds planted a long time ago were finally about to take root.

The expectation of this harvest made him feel happy.

However, there was nothing worthy of attention in the subsequent intelligence. Whether it was the war preparations of the troll kingdom in the Northland Continent, or the changes of the goblin plutocrats in the South China Sea, none of them could cheer up the pirates.

After reading the information in one afternoon, it even bored Laike.

"Without a guy like me making waves, the world has been so peaceful for the past half month. It's really meaningless. For a world that is preparing to deal with the invasion of demons, these guys' performance can be called lazy.

What a burnout, folks. "

Bu Laike pushed open the window of his captain's cabin and watched the sunset outside the window. He exhaled a smoke ring, sneered, and said:

"I still have to put some pressure on you, and present higher and worse sins to this world, as well as livelier and more exciting performances. Well, Azeroth without me is as boring as I expected."

(end of this chapter)

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