Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1228 324. My Name Is Tenred, An Ordinary Art Student, If I Fail To Pass The Entrance Examina

Chapter 1228 324. My name is Tan Ruide, an ordinary art student, if I fail to pass the entrance examination, I will pass the entrance examination next year.

"Let go of me!"

Tandred, who was dragged into the carriage by Fenner like a chicken, screamed loudly.

This twelve-year-old boy seemed to have some dignity as a man, and he didn't like being treated so nonchalantly by his violent sister in front of his family.

But the question is, how could he be the opponent of Sister Weili with his talent for what he can do?

He kept struggling, but he still couldn't get rid of Fenner's slender but powerful arms, which were like iron clamps. He was just lifted in the air, and after several minutes, he finally gave up struggling.

"Okay, Fenner, put your brother down, what does this look like!"

Mrs. Jinjian scolded, and finally he was put back on the ground under Tenrad's eyes as if he was saved, but Fenna was very dissatisfied. The stupid soldier folded his arms, snorted, and said:

"Your big brother is much more fun than you, you stupid kid who can't afford it, do you still want to cry for Catherine's mother?"

"I hate you! Stupid Fenner."

Tan Ruide blushed, and while arranging the clothes he had managed to get together today, he complained dissatisfiedly, but he was far from crying.

That's what Fenner said nonsense. As Dai Lin's youngest son, he also went out to sea with the boat, and no matter how bullied he was, he couldn't really cry.

It was not today, however, that Tenred had come to Tol Barad.

He came here a few days ago, because there is a pirate governor's mother who has a good relationship with Dean Lanyue, so this guy who came through the back door was allowed to enter Nassaras Academy for a few days in advance for "inspection".

But Dean Lanyue is Dean Lanyue after all. Compared with her disciples, she does not know how high the bottom line of an educator is.

Moreover, Nazaras College upholds the ancient rules and will not easily bow to power. Therefore, Mrs. Catherine's personal relationship can only help her youngest son go this far.

As an art freshman who wants to study the Art of the Elven Empire, Tandred has to pass a rigorous exam today before he can be admitted to Nathalas College.

This made Tenrad feel somewhat uneasy at this time.

He was about to report to his mother what he had seen and heard in the academy these days, but he suddenly discovered that there was an "outsider" in the large carriage that should only have the Proudmoore family.

"Mr. Bo Laike?"

Tandred sorted out the bow tie he had carefully selected, and brushed the elven robe he had modified by himself. He looked curiously at the great pirate Bu Laike standing by the window, wearing a very dark and evil robe.

He said in surprise:

"Why are you here?"

"Why can't I be here? My little Tenred."

Bo Laike wore the full-cover hood of the Corruptor's robe, and even his voice was filtered by the magic power to make a villain-like voice. He laughed twice, pointed to the row of ribbons and badges on his chest, and said:

"As the founder and current Grand Mentor of the Warlock School of Narsalas College, I have every reason and qualification to appear in this place today.

Don't look at my notoriety outside, my little friend, in Narsalas Academy, I am one of the only high-ranking college officials who hold real power.

What I mean is, if you piss me off, even if you pass today's exam, I have a hundred ways to make you 'voluntarily' withdraw from school."

He glanced at Tandred, shook his head again, and said:

"Of course, I will not use this power casually, and the academically rigorous Dean Alya Lanyue will not allow me to deal with a new student so openly.

But... I'm a warlock after all, and we take pride in playing tricks. "

These words made Tenred blink his eyes, and he seemed to feel that the guy in front of him had something to say.

Is this the legendary "blatant extortion of bribes"?

Before Tandred Proudmoore's thoughts spread out, Lady Catherine, who was sitting on the sofa drinking tea, shook her head, summoned her youngest son to her side, and said to Bo Laike:

"Okay, Lord Bu Laike, don't scare my little son, I invite you here today to ask for your wisdom to increase my son's chances and possibilities of passing the entrance examination.

It is not for you to pollute his young heart. "

"Hoo hoo hoo"

Bo Laike let out a strange grin befitting the sorcerer's dark image, and he said to Tenred:

"Of course, I will guide him with my heart. After all, you have paid an 'expensive' price for this."


Hearing the weird tone of the stinky pirate saying the word price, Tandred suddenly looked at his mother worriedly.

He really thought that Lady Catherine had made some kind of deal with the stinky pirates in order to pass her exams.

Mrs. Catherine glared at her very misbehaving elder son. She didn't continue to explain, so as not to make the description more dark, she simply changed the subject, patted the younger son on the shoulder, and said to the elder son who is addicted to playing cross-dressing:

"There are still a few hours until the entrance exam, let's not waste any more time, let's start now."

"Okay, no more fun, let's get down to business."

Bu Laike coughed a few times, walked up to Tenred, and said to the stinky brother who was staring at him:

"Show me the work you prepared in advance for the art exam, as well as your work description and your research paper on the field of erudition you are best at.

Someone should have told you about these conditions before, right? "

"Well, I'm ready."

Full of confidence, Tandred took out a huge portrait from his luggage, and took out two stacks of instructions and papers carefully prepared.

For art, Laike is not very good at evaluating. After all, he is not an artistic person, but there is also Lady Golden Sword, the real elf of the Millennium Quel'Dorei family.

As we all know, the artistic taste of the Quel'Thalas elves is in line with the taste of the upper elves of the Elf Empire. It is not a big problem for her "little mother" to appraise the paintings.

Bu Laike mainly reads Tandred's research papers.

As a poor guy who has been required by Dean Lanyue to do papers with extremely high standards all the year round, Bu Laike is absolutely strong in this area. To tutor a rookie like Tenred who has to accept the basic entrance examination is basically a sledgehammer.

"Wow, that's a really good drawing!"

When Mrs. Jinjian opened the painting hand-painted by little Tanred, the stupid soldier who was drinking fruit wine next to her suddenly exclaimed, and she said:

"Although I can't read it, I think it's great! The key is this aura! What I want is this aura. I even saw an elf that looks like me in the words."

She turned to look at Tenred.

Smelly brother's stinky brother scratched his head in embarrassment and said:

"That's really you, Fenner.

I drew this painting based on the great battle that took place in Stormsong Valley. I feel that as a member of the Proudmoore family, it is necessary for me to record the major events that happened in my country with my own hands.

It's not just you, it's Gianna and her father.

And those rumored to have appeared on the battlefield. "

"its not right."

Fenner quickly discovered the problem. She pointed to the center of the war oil painting in front of her, which was both realistic and artistically exaggerated. To be precise, she pointed to the mighty Dai Lin who was holding a trident and fighting against the big-eyed demon.

she says:

"The main character in that battle wasn't old man Daelin, in fact, it was Captain Bo Laike"

"Ahem, let him draw like that."

While reviewing Tenred's paper, Bu Laike waved his hand and said:

"I can't expect a small Kul Tiras artist to use a pirate as the subject of his paintings, he is willing to let me 'appear', I am already very touched.

However, this is also the problem with this painting.

You lack authenticity in a work of art.

As far as I know, because there are relatively few colleges applying for the art college in this opening ceremony, Dean Lanyue will personally serve as the examiner, and the former magic prince Farodis will be her deputy.

Both of these two were highly artistic figures during the elf empire period.

Apparently, points are deducted for this minor flaw. "


Hearing Boo Laike's words, Tenred became visibly more nervous.

"Don't scare him, Boo Laike."

Mrs. Jin Jian admired the brushwork and composition of the painting in front of her. She admired every part of the painting. She folded her arms in a fighting posture of a royal sister, rubbed her smooth chin and said:

"There are a lot of blemishes, but for a twelve-year-old to be able to draw it like this without any help is a testament to little Tenred's talent in this area.

Moreover, he is a human being, and his future cannot be measured by the requirements of the elves.

I think there is nothing wrong with this painting passing the exam. "

The approval from the little mother made Tenred heave a sigh of relief, and then the idiot's violent sister came up behind him, grabbed his ear and said:

"Draw me a majestic portrait too, my stinky brother, and I'll hang it in my cabin."

"Okay, as long as you don't bully me."

Tenred shrugged, smiled and agreed to Sister Smelly's request.

He turned his gaze to Braike in front of him again. Because the pirate was wearing a hood, Tandred couldn't see the expression of the pirate, but from Braike's constantly moving fingers, he could guess that the situation of this paper should be not too good.

""Preliminary Exploration and Research on the Mechanical Dwarf Civilization of Tiragarde Strait", this topic is very good. For laymen, they are easily attracted by races they have never heard of.

And this is a necessary skill to be a respected polymath. "

After reading the paper, Laike picked up the magic pen again, and while making corrections on the paper, he said without raising his head:

"However, the various arguments you cited in the paper did not post specific sources, nor did they include literature, which is not in line with the rigorous academic spirit of Nazaras College.

Secondly, the research process of this thesis is a bit short. Although it is logically smooth, it lacks the necessary detailed materials to prove some of your views on mechanical gnome civilization.

To put it simply, this thesis lacks a little 'informative' stuff, and it is difficult to attract the attention of the examiners.

Finally, there is your grammar. "

The pirate shook his head and said:

"By human standards, Tandred's grammar is excellent at his age, but it is very crude when compared to the formalistic elves, especially the Highborne.

In their words, 'the art of the redneck'.

However, this is not a big problem.

After you enter the Academy of Art, there will be someone specially assigned to teach you this aspect. You have to complete the knowledge of Salas, ancient Salas, Quel'dorei, and Kaldorei's variants of Salas within three months. study. "

At this point, Bu Laike stopped the pen in his hand, glanced at the frustrated Tandred, and said:

"What's the matter? Why do you show this expression?"

"I'm running out of time."

Tandred bowed his head in disappointment and said:

"It's impossible to rewrite a paper in a few hours. I guess I'm hanging this time, and I may be disappointed, but I won't give up!"

The little prince raised his head, waved his fist, and said with bright eyes:

"In the past few days, I have been observing in the Nazaras Academy, and I have seen their unique teaching style. In the library, I have seen those rare documents that really came from the imperial era 10,000 years ago.

Although it was difficult to read, the knowledge really fascinated me, and I once doubted whether my mother was the right choice to send me to this pirate's lair.

But now I have decided.

I must complete my growth and my studies here, and only here can help me become the best explorer, polymath and archaeologist.

I like the knowledge of the past, I'm not as brave as Sister Finn, I'm not as smart as Jaina, I'm not as great as Drake, but I think

I have also found my ideal and my future! "

This confident statement moved Madam Catherine very much.

She stroked her youngest son's blond hair and smiled very contentedly.

A boy's life is doomed to be difficult, but it is definitely the most perfect state of growth to find a lifetime of hobbies and career ideals at an early age.

"Well, although what you said is very inspiring, I don't think it's necessary to give up like this."

Bu Laike took out a pocket watch in the style of a mechanical gnome, looked at it in front of his eyes, and said to Tenred:

"There are still two hours and twenty-seven minutes before the entrance exam. I have circled the part of your thesis that needs to be revised. As for the missing references, it is indeed a big trouble.

But luckily, Lady Catherine has already paid for it, so, I'll give you this. "

With a "bang", a thick stack of books was placed on the table by Laike, and he said to Tenred:

"Good luck kid, I just finished compiling this set of "Geography of Azeroth", which contains a brief history of the civilization of mechanical gnomes and my exploration experience on Mechagon Island.

You won't find a more detailed documentation in this world. "

Bu Laike picked up the magic pen, wrote a line of words on a sticky note, signed his own name, and handed it to Tenred, saying:

"Now, I personally authorize you to cite my classics to enrich your thesis for two hours, enough for you to complete the revision and get a high score."

"Thank you, Mr. Bo Laike!"

Tenred jumped up from the sofa, he was happy to continue talking, but was interrupted by the pirate.

The guy said angrily:

"You don't need to thank me, thank you Madam Catherine, but we can only help you this time. After entering the academy, you have to rely on yourself. Nathalas Academy, that is a place where strength comes first, and it is difficult for the weak Early.

All right.

You can continue your research, I'm going to attend the opening ceremony. "

Bu Laike looked at the time and reached out to hold the wrist of his female companion Sefiel. He glanced at Fenner and said:

"Are you going? You can get on the podium."

"Don't go, there are a group of smart people there, why should I join in the fun as a soldier?"

Fenner snorted and said:

"I'm going to stay here to urge my stinky brother's stinky brother to finish this thesis, he is a rare 'artistic seed' of the Proudmoore family.

This family has produced too many warriors, commanders and captains.

The history of this family is full of violence and conquest, and it is time for a little more literary embellishment, so that its fame can be spread to the world in a more artistic way.

I can also proudly declare to others that my little brother is not a weakling.

His strength is not with sword or magic, but he is destined to be as powerful as me and Jaina! "

(end of this chapter)

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