Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1229 325. Gifts And Surprises

Chapter 1229 325. Gifts and "Surprises"

When Laike arrived at the ceremony site in front of the mighty gate of Narsalas College with his warlock dogs, there was still some time before the ceremony began.

In the reception room, Dean Lanyue had just finished chatting with representatives of Dalaran.

The council of six sent Laike's old friend, Archmage Mo Della, as a representative. The female archmage also brought several precious tomes as gifts.

She had a good chat with Dean Lanyue, and she left with a smile on her face and a slight nod to Laike.

The smelly pirate also followed a very standard caster etiquette.

Although he wanted to poke fun at Master Mo Della's lack of charm, he couldn't keep Khadgar in Dalaran.

After all, in terms of physical appearance, Khadgar, who has become an old man, is really a good match for the graceful and mature Archmage Mo Della. But considering that I came here today as a master spellcaster, I can't say these vulgar jokes.

"Master Tutor, your outfit today is really majestic."

Braike watched the Dalaran archmage leave, then turned his head and gave his mentor a thumbs up. The latter stared indifferently until the warlock trio behind Braike compiled the completed "Geography of Azeroth". Zhi" as a congratulatory gift, Ms. Lanyue showed a slight smile.

She flipped through this set of precious knowledge and kept nodding. It seemed that she was very satisfied with the disciple's gift.

But the praise that the stinky pirate just said is not nonsense.

Today's Dean Lanyue is indeed dressed in a gorgeous, mature and majestic manner. She rarely puts on her spirit body the cumbersome dress of a court grand arcanist during the elf empire.

This thing has six layers of embellishment folds and lace on the outside of the clothes!

In full Arcanist diadem and cloak, the triple trail of his robes is as dramatic as a wedding dress.

It is said to be a robe, but it is actually no different from a set of formal ceremonial clothes. Even in the period of the elf empire, this kind of clothes could not be worn casually.

In the time of Prince Farondis, Grand Arcanists would only wear such clothes when they had an audience with the Empress on formal occasions, or held a great assembly under the Well of Eternity.

Among other things, it takes more than ten minutes to put on this set of clothes, and you need someone to help you tidy it up properly.

To be honest, ordinary women can't support the aura needed to wear this kind of clothes at all, even if they barely wear them, they are no different from clothes hangers or dolls for display.

It's definitely not just a set of clothes.

It represents the inheritance and power from ancient times. What you need to wear it is not a good figure, but the ability to control knowledge and the persistent pursuit of truth.

"This set of books is good."

Dean Lanyue folded the map in her hand and put it in place. She approvingly said to her disciple who was standing with her hands down:

"With it being treasured in the Great Library of Narthalas, you finally have your first real work in the academic world.

In this field of seeking knowledge and truth, you also have the qualifications to compete with us.

I can finally extend an invitation to you with satisfaction to join the most high-end magic association in Azeroth. The next time you're at the giant magic salon in Ms. Aegwynn's swamp house, you can come and listen in and give your opinion. "

"I'm deeply honored, really."

Although Bu Laike didn't care about this "reward", he didn't want to be too rude in front of Dean Lanyue, so he made a very moving gesture, chatted with the dean for a while, and then changed the topic to the opening ceremony.

He proudly boasted:

"I just saw Master Shaoen Moonclaw in the crowd outside, he came to watch the ceremony on behalf of the Cenarion Order, and came to the academy to teach as our external druid instructor.

With the addition of Master Farodin Valleywalker who has been living in seclusion in the academy, the Druid Academy of Nature has finally set up a shelf.

In addition, Drek'Thar Prophet who was invited to teach for a week in January from Blackstone Mountain, and Magatha Tidal Totem on my ship, with their assistance, the Shaman Elemental Academy can also be opened.

In this way, our Narsalas Academy has become the most professional magic academy in Azeroth. For this alone, we are better than the stubborn and conservative Dalaran, and the arrogant Quelza who does not know how to make progress. Russ has more potential.

Although it is still in competition, I believe that in at most ten years, the Nazaras Academy of Magic will become the world's top magic class!

Facing such a beautiful future, can't you smile more today, mentor? "

"Your information is out of date, my disciple."

Dean Lanyue couldn't laugh.

She sighed and said:

"I thought so too, since I want to rebuild the academy ten thousand years later, I must make my academy the best magic holy place.

For this reason, I not only maintain the Arcanist inheritance of the elf school, but also allow you warlocks to open a warlock academy, and accept psychics to form a death magic faction, as well as the academy you mentioned for druids and shamans.

I think so many mainstream spellcasters are enough for us to hit the ground running.

But when I communicated with Mo Della just now, I got a very strange news from her.

Laike, do you know that Dalaran has additionally stated in today's admissions that they are also preparing to open the School of Warlocks.

The Silvermoon Council of Quel'Thalas just passed a "Spellcaster Convention" half a month ago, and the elves, who have always been proud, will open the application qualifications for magic apprentices to all human kingdoms in the Eastern Continent one month later. . "


The expression under the cloth Laike mask is not very good.

He didn't say much, just let out a dissatisfied nasal sound, but the trio of warlocks beside him were filled with righteous indignation.

"This is malicious competition!"

The orc Xieyan was extremely dissatisfied and pointed the dog stick in his hand on the ground, and said angrily:

"These bastards are here for us. They want to compete with us for the few high-quality students."

"Dalaran and Quel'Thalas, who have always been hostile, have united! They want to block the future of Nazaras Academy."

Zarak also clenched his fists and shouted:

"We should teach them a lesson! This is a declaration of war in academia!"

The skinny boy Kanrethad had a gloomy face. He played with his legendary jewelry and said in a cold tone:

"Bah! A group of smart people, maybe we should create an 'accident'. Anyway, the waters of the eastern continent have not been very calm recently. I heard that there are remnants of the Bloodsail pirates operating in the northern border."

"Yes, this is competition!"

Dean Lanyue shook her head. She raised her hand to quiet the angry evil-minded warlocks. She leaned on the Aluneth Scepter and said calmly:

"Mo Della's visit is a challenge from the Kirin Tor, and Rommath, the Speaker of the Silvermoon of Quel'Thalas, has not yet visited, and it is the Quel'Dorei elves who questioned and examined us.

The magic world of 10,000 years is more competitive than it was 10,000 years ago.

But this is not a bad thing. The Narsalas Academy that has returned from time is not afraid of challenges, and we will use facts to prove our heritage.

You are not allowed to engage in petty tricks in secret.

But if they take the initiative to reach out, then I will give the warlock school the right to fight back. "

A cold light flashed in the dean's eyes.

she says:

"The game between truth and truth, the collision of knowledge and knowledge should be purer."

"Understood, Dean."

Bu Laike snapped his fingers, he stopped discussing the issue and asked again:

"However, each faction of our academy has its own great mentor as a representative. If you represent the Arcanist School, Dean, then wouldn't the Necromancer School have no one to speak for it?

Do you want Prince Farondis to temporarily transform into a lich?

He still has regrets in his heart, and the transformation ceremony may not go smoothly. "

"Leaving aside the transformation of Farondis, we all understand his situation."

The Dean shook his head and said:

"I already have a candidate for the great mentor of the psychic school. Kel'Thuzad just completed his transformation ceremony three days ago, and he will appear at the ceremony as the great psychic master.

This young man is truly gifted in the field of necromancy, and it is a good thing you discovered him, Laike, otherwise he would have been buried in the old traditions of Dalaran. "

"Wow, he has become a lich? This guy is really decisive."

Rubbing his chin, Bo Laike said:

"I knew that classmate Xiao Ke was an emotionless spell-casting machine, and it turned out that apart from his cat, there is no life in this world worth his attention.

However, mentor, I have another thing to tell you when I come back this time. "

The pirate made a gesture, and the trio of warlocks left the reception room obediently. Obviously, the evil captain wanted to discuss some secrets with the powerful dean, which was not what they should know.

To become a good warlock, talent and luck are not the first.



If you want to stay in this industry for a long time, you must have winks.

Warlocks who don't wink don't live long.

After the warlock trio left obediently, the pirate whispered to Dean Lanyue:

"About Gilneas."

"I know this, you don't need to say more."

The Dean shook his head and said:

"Do you know who the royal family of Gilneas sent to watch the ceremony?"

The pirate shook his head. He had only been back for less than an hour. Although the guest list was delivered to him, he had been instructing Tanred just now and had no time to look at it.

Ms. Lanyue glanced at him and said softly:

"Arugal, the 'Archmage' of Gilneas, and his orc shaman servant, Hagatha."


Bu Laike's eyes became subtle immediately.

These two guys are the first and second in command of the Wolf Worship Cult that he arranged in Gilneas before, and they are also the two of them who have been active in the Black Forest and Pyrewood Village, commanding the wolves there.

But now, the two guys I sent out were actually sent back by Gene as "representatives of the ceremony"

What does it mean?

"Provocation? Or a hint?"

Bu Laike narrowed his eyes and said:

"It seems that His Majesty Jin, who has taken back the Luna Scythe, feels that he has a great advantage.

Alas, if I'm not going to Dellano soon, I really want to go to Gilneas Royal City and have a good chat with my dear His Majesty Jean. "

"I'll continue to monitor developments in Gilneas."

Dean Lanyue said calmly:

"After all, there is only one sea area between that country and Tol Barad where the academy is located. If the matter develops to a necessary stage, I will find a way to intervene.

I don't ask you what to do in Dellano, if it is necessary, then do it with your heart, you don't have to worry about the academy and the North Sea, Nathalas has already joined forces with the undead pirates.

We will not sit by and watch your fleet fall. "

"You are not needed, mentor."

Bu Laike waved and said:

"All of you should put all your energy into finding the truth. My subordinates will take care of the battle in the North Sea. As you said, the realm of truth and knowledge should be purer and better.


Speaking of which, what I asked you for last time, Dean, look."

The stinky pirate rubbed his hands, and said to the troubled Dean Lanyue:

"The child is growing up, so I can't just let her sit idle all the time, right? I don't know how to teach the child, so I'm afraid it will spoil her. Why don't you work hard?"

"I want to explore the truth of magic, how can I have time to help you take care of the children?"

Dean Lanyue sighed, and said with a rare headache:

"And Naglfar is a special spirit body, the ship spirit of a ship. I have never taught this kind of students."

"But for an educator like you, how can it be challenging to educate ordinary children? You should try a new challenge.

I promise, that child will be obedient. "

Bu Laike persuaded for a while, saying:

"I'll call her here right now, and let her officially become your apprentice on this good day."


The dean thought for a while, then suddenly said:

"I happen to have a new apprentice coming over today. One is teaching, and the other two are also teaching. In view of your hard work, I have taken over Nagfar's teaching."

"Wow, this couldn't be better."

Bo Laike whistled, and without even asking who the Master's other apprentice was, he summoned Miss Ship Spirit with a figurehead.

Nagfar appeared in the reception room like a flash. The weakness of leaving the hull made the boat spirit feel a little uncomfortable, but when she saw her father, she still jumped forward with a smile after transforming into a little panda.

"Surprise! There are gifts!"

The ship spirit jumped into the pirate's arms, waved his fists and shouted:

"Dad said he would give me gifts and surprises, I've been looking forward to it since last night!"

"Well, Dad, I never break my promise, now, this is your gift."

Bu Laike took out a branch of the treasure tree from the bag and handed it to the ship spirit. When Nagfar smelled the strange smell of wood, he immediately jumped up in surprise like a bunny blinking.

"Wow, it's even better than the wood Little Xingxing brought back last time!"

Nagfar waved the branch in her hand in surprise, and she said:

"There are also peculiar characteristics. Using it to transform my hull will greatly increase the transformation progress of the Naglfar! It may be close to perfection and it may be a little short of the last, but it is already great.

Dad, how much of this wood did you take?

Is that enough for me to replace the keel? "

"It's not just the keel."

Bu Laike stroked the ship spirit's head with doting eyes, and he said:

"I have more than 30 logs, which are enough to replace most of your hull, and the rest can be repaired to the mast and bilge. In this way, your hull will be completely made of Fuzan Baomu and World Tree Noda Hill's branches.

There is no more powerful ship in this world than you. "

"I like this gift so much, Dad is the best!"

The joy of Chuan Ling couldn't be faked. She rushed over and hugged her father's face close to her own, looking happy. At this moment when Nagfal was very happy, Braike and Dean Lanyue looked at each other glanced.

He felt that the concentration of happiness was enough.

It's time to tell your sweet daughter about the "surprise."

"Little baby, look, it's not too long since you were born. Remember when I said I wanted to find you a teacher?"

Bu Laike stroked the hair of the good daughter, and pushed her to the serious face of Dean Lanyue.

He said to his good daughter:

"Come on, call the teacher."


Nagfar didn't react for a while, she blinked blankly at Dean Lanyue in front of her, and then looked back at the smiling pirate father.

A few seconds later, Chuan Ling burst into tears.

She sat down on the ground and yelled:

"I don't want to do papers! I don't want to memorize until night! Huh, daddy doesn't want me anymore, and threw me to the scariest person! I'm going to complain to my mother!

I don't want to go to school here at Blue Moon Aunt

help! "

(end of this chapter)

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