Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1231 327. People Who Prepare Surprises For Others Will Also Get Their Own Surprises Sooner O

Chapter 1231 327. People who prepare surprises for others will also get their own surprises sooner or later, are you right, Bu Laike?

"Dean, the ceremony will start in one hour. Dean Farondis invites you to visit the scene and receive the parents of the visiting students by the way, and then."

As the dean's assistant, Instructor Nitier knocked on the door outside the reception, and then poked her head in to call, but before she could finish speaking, she heard the crying of the child in it.

Immediately, I heard Bu Laike's very headache comforting:

"Okay, be good, don't cry, school is very interesting. Didn't Dean Lanyue promise not to give you too much homework? Be good, okay?"

"She lied!"

Nagfar accused with tears:

"I've seen Lanyue Aunt assign homework to Dad and sister Xiao Xingxing. There are so many papers! It's so thick that I can't finish it in a year. It's so difficult."

"But you promised me to go to school, and didn't you give you the gift just now?"

The stinky pirate looked at the distressed Chuan Ling's daughter with a headache on his face, and even Dean Lanyue, who was beside him, also looked helpless.

It's not that Nagfar dislikes her poor teaching standards, it's purely because of the dean's notoriously strict and "bad habit" of assigning homework.

If it was an ordinary child making such a fuss, the dean would have been annoyed long ago.

Liches have no feelings.

But Nagfar's status is special, and Dean Lanyue is also a bit fond of the house, and this child was born with a spirit body and was born in Hell. In the magic test just now, he showed an excellent compatibility with death magic.

This means that the ship spirit does not need to adapt, and can start to learn those obscure magics from the shadow world now, and maybe try the Lich Ascension Ritual when they are older.

Originally just tried at Boo Laike's request.

But after seeing Nagfar's talent, the dean also became fond of talent.

"Nitier, tell Farondis for me, I'll be there in a while."

The dean stood up, gave instructions to Instructor Nitil who was stunned at the door, and then turned to look at Miss Chuanling who was hiding in Bu Laike's arms and wiping tears.

She thought for a while, and said to Nagfar:

"Well, if you can complete the study plan I made for you in stages, I can promise not to give you homework, but the monthly assessment is a must.

Can you accept such a pattern? "

"Is there really no need to make papers?"

Chuan Ling sniffled and looked at Dean Lanyue.

She really wasn't pretending to be pitiful, as a child, she really didn't like that terrible question sea tactic.

She timidly said to the dean:

"But I'm going to take my mother and the others to Beihai soon. There are bad people there who want to bully us. I might not be able to make it back for the once-a-month assessment."

"It doesn't matter, you usually go to your school here, and Sefiel and others still have the ability to sail the boat without you. When you really need you, you can go back to the boat and steer it."

Bu Laike patted his daughter on the shoulder and said:

"As a ship spirit, you have to study hard. With enough wisdom and knowledge, you can better control the Naglfar, and you can better help Dad in the future.

I also hope that you will find more good friends in the academy. "

"Okay, I do."

The ship spirit finally nodded.

"Wait, little Nagfar, we have to agree on something in advance, lest you cry again later."

Dean Lan Yue, who insisted on principles, stretched out her hand and put it on Chuan Ling's little head. She said seriously:

"I don't need to give you a lot of homework, but you have to learn to find and absorb knowledge by yourself, and if you fail a grade, you will be assigned extra homework in the next month.

Your father said that you are very talented. I also saw your talent in death magic with my own eyes just now. I think as long as you are willing to work hard, you should not even fail the examination. "

"Then let me try?"

Chuan Ling got the guarantee from the dean. After being promised not to do the paper, she quickly showed a smile, looked at the helpless father again, tilted her head and made a request:

"It's too boring for me to go to school alone, I want little Lei Shi to join me! The dean is very good at ice magic, and she can also teach little Lei Shi.

Lei Shi's use of elemental magic is all based on instinct now. It's powerful, but it's a real wild way. The basic knowledge is in a mess, worse than me. "

"You are such a 'good friend'"

Bu Laike rubbed his forehead and complained in a strange tone:

"Is there any good thing that can't be thought of by your little friend, but when she encounters troubles, she will be on top with you."


Chuan Ling put his arms around his waist and said dissatisfiedly:

"I share all the good things with little Lei Shi! I even handed over my treasure house to her to take care of me. She is my best friend!

She also wants to make friends, but is timid.

She will be very happy if she goes to school with me at Narsalas Academy! "

"Who is Resch? Sounds like a troubled kid again."

The dean frowned and said to Bu Laike:

"I'm really not a nursery here."

"No, no, you will also like little Lei Shi. If everything goes well, you may personally cultivate an elemental creature with a future that is not inferior to the elemental monarch."

Bu Laike explained, and let Nagfar summon Resch.

A few seconds later, with a joyful cheer and splashes of water, the cute little Lei Shi appeared in front of Dean Lanyue in the fountain-like splashes.

There is also a troll-style jeweled crown slanted on her small head, which should be found from the treasure Curry of the Naglfar. This will be summoned by friends, and she was happy to be with the ship spirit Play.

But when he saw a stranger in the room, Lei Shi suddenly hid behind Bu Laike with a whoosh, poked out half of his head, and carefully looked at the curious Dean Lanyue.

"Hey, this little water spirit"

The dean's eyes were full of surprises, she felt something wrong with the elemental power from Lei Shi, she looked at Laike and waited for him to explain.

The pirate patted little Lei Shi on the head, telling her to come out boldly, and said to the dean:

"Lei Shi was born in the Fountain of Youth in the Terrace of Yongchun. He is a unique water spirit. The spring water of the Fountain of Youth comes from the depths of the Vale of Eternal Blossoms. The valley was used by the great guardian Raiden as the destination of the last power of Aman'Thul, the king of the gods. .

Although a lot of these divine powers have been dissipated over the long time, the little remaining is enough for Lei Shi to gain unimaginable talents from it.

She guarded the remnant spirit of Emperor Shaohao for another ten thousand years, which made her far more miraculous than ordinary water elements.

But as you can see, she doesn't use her powers very well.

She needs your guidance. "

"Well, you can always find these strange existences for me. The specialized elemental power may be worth studying. I will teach her all my knowledge of frost magic.

And Aluneth, the ancient arcane element, should also have a lot of strange knowledge that can be shared with Lei Shi, who is also an elemental creature.

As long as she is willing to learn. "

"Quick! Call the tutor, little idiot."

Nagfar cheered and appeared beside Lei Shi, pressed Lei Shi's unique moiré head to salute the dean, and chattered to his little friend about his going to school at Narsalas College.

When she heard that she was going to stay in the academy to study, little Lei Shi obviously expressed her expectation, but she was a little apprehensive and worried because she was afraid of strangers.

After getting the children's business done, Bu Laike was relieved.

He stood up and said to the dean:

"Then, I'll leave now, Dean. I'm going to meet Farodin and tell him about the seed. I'll show up at the ceremony later."

"Wait, Boo Laike."

Dean Lanyue stopped the pirates who were about to leave, and she handed her Aluneth Scepter to Nagfar and little Lei Shi, allowing the ancient elements in the staff to play with the two children.

She herself took out an elf pocket watch to check the time, stepped forward, and said to Bo Laike:

"You gave me a surprise. There is still some time before the ceremony starts. Come with me, and I will give you a 'surprise' too."


Bu Laike followed Dean Lanyue suspiciously, thinking that the "surprise" prepared by this lich was really exciting.

But soon, the pirate thought of another thing, and he said with some headache:

"Dean, I really don't want to shirk.

Don't reprimand me for my unfinished magic experiment. I've explained it many times. That magic project is not ready yet.

But I guarantee that when the time comes, I will give you an excellent and perfect record of the experiment. "

"I'm not worried about your research paper, my student."

Dean Lanyue led Bu Laike to the house not far from the ceremony, and said:

"Actually, I am going to use that thesis as your graduation assessment. I think you have absorbed enough wisdom from me and developed good research habits. After that, you will need to walk your own path.

Once you've completed your labs, submitted your thesis, and received permission, you'll be able to graduate from my classes.

In addition, help me carry the robe and drag the tail.

This set of dresses that Queen Azshara asked the court masters to design for arcanists is good for everything, except that it is too inconvenient to walk. "


When the pirate heard that he could graduate, he was suddenly happy. While helping the dean lift the triple tail of the dress and robes at the back, he said:

"Looking at your previous attitude, I thought I would never graduate in my lifetime."

"I'm just strict with you, it doesn't mean I want to trap you by my side."

The dean glared at the stinky pirate, and she said:

"Little birds have to learn to face the dangerous world alone. The more they learn in the nest, the better they can soar in the sky. Don't mention it so high!

You idiot disciple, do you want me to go away? "

"You are a spirit body, there is no such thing as being naked, and although your analogy is great, there are a few problems."

Bu Laike complained:

"First of all, I don't think I am a little bird that needs the protection of the mother bird. Secondly, I think I am already flying around the world. If you don't believe me, you can ask those kings and chiefs, and they will definitely give you an affirmative answer."

"I think Queen Azshara may have a different opinion on this."

After hearing him finish speaking with pride, Dean Lanyue replied casually, blocking the space for Bu Laike to continue complaining.

He shrugged helplessly, hugged the tail of the dean's robe, and followed her into the room that looked like a lounge in front of him, intending to see what the dean's "surprise" was.

As a result, as soon as he walked in, he saw the old Lich Meri who was resting on a chair.

And little Jaina who was with Meri.

The bandage on the little mage's arm has not been removed, and she still maintains the posture of the injured, but she is carrying a large scroll and a travel bag on her waist.

The look gave Bo Laike a bad feeling.

"I entrust my disciple to you, Lan Yue."

Meri was also a little surprised to see Bo Laike coming, but the old lich felt that this might be the arrangement of Headmaster Lanyue, so he didn't say much.

He looked busy and didn't waste time making pleasantries.

The old lich reached out and patted Jaina's shoulder, and said to Dean Lanyue:

"The attack on the Gurubashi troll city in Stranglethorn Vale has reached its final moment, and the evil god Hakar summoned by those trolls is approaching the material world. Perhaps the final battle will break out tonight.

I invited Aegwynn to make arrangements there to defeat its coming tonight. I'm sorry that Aegwynn and I couldn't attend the opening ceremony of Nazaras College.

We will send an apology gift the next time the Magic Salon opens. "

"It's important, you don't have to be so polite, Merry, the inspirations I got from discussing magic with you in the past are enough to make up for my regret."

Dean Lanyue smiled appropriately, and she said:

"It's not easy to deal with an evil god. If you need it, you can speak up at any time. I'm very busy tonight, but I can still spare some time for my old friend's request."

"Haha, I can't let you, the great elf arcanist, underestimate us humans."

Merry shook her head and said:

"We can handle it.

But next, my disciple will trouble you to take care of her. I hope she can learn the supreme wisdom from you here. I believe that under your teaching, Jaina will be able to discover all her potential.

I have no doubts about it. "

The little mage Jaina also saluted Dean Lanyue with very serious apprentice etiquette, but she quickly noticed that Mr. Laike's posture behind the dean was a little strange.


Bu Laike yelled.

He looked at Dean Lanyue, then at the old Lich Merry, and finally his eyes fell on the little Jaina who was smiling friendly in front of him. He said in an extremely complicated tone:

"Jianna is going to study at Narsalas College? After spending so long in Dalaran, did you finally realize that you can't teach such a genius at all?"

"No, Boo Laike, Jaina is just an exchange student at Narsalas Academy for two years."

The old lich explained:

"Her magic research has entered a new stage, and many complicated experiments are required to go further on the road of magic, but the destruction of Dalaran makes us temporarily unable to provide Jaina with the learning conditions she needs.

In order not to delay Jaina's study, I made this decision after many discussions with Dean Lanyue. "

"Little Jaina's application for exchange student study has also been approved by Lady Catherine and Her Majesty Dai Lin."

Dean Lanyue looked at her disciples, and she explained:

"So, for the next two years, there will be a talented new student in my class.

My disciple Bu Laike, Jaina Proudmoore, a famous magic genius in the Eastern Continent, will be your schoolgirl, studying with you, your ship spirit daughter and her water elemental friends.

I really miss it.

The last time I had so many disciples was ten thousand years ago. "

Dean Lanyue expressed emotion, she patted Bu Laike on the shoulder and said:

"Don't be so rude, say hello to your school girl, and see how happy she is."

(end of this chapter)

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