Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1232 328. Baby Bu Laike Is Upset, He Decided To Destroy The World

Chapter 1232 328. Baby Bu Laike is upset, he decided to destroy the world

"Hello, Mr. Bo Laike. Oh, it should be Senior Bo Laike."

In this lounge, little Jaina, who is about to start her new study career, is really happy. With a tone of revealing surprise, she raised her left hand and waved to Bu Laike, saying:

"I said it when we said goodbye last time. We will meet again soon. I have also heard all kinds of stories about your magic research field. I am looking forward to studying with you.

In short, in the next two years, please give me more advice. "


Looking at the polite Jaina in front of him, the stinky pirate patted himself on the forehead,

He felt his face twitch, so this is the feeling of getting a 'surprise'? No wonder those who were given 'surprises' by him were so angry.

"Hehe, what was I expecting?"

The stinky pirate lamented the impermanence of fate in his heart, he made a strange voice, and whispered to Dean Lanyue next to him:

"Is this the so-called 'surprise'? Hey, Dean, if you are a lich, don't prepare 'surprises' like others, you really have no talent in this area!

If it's a twist drama then I'd rate it zero.

Because I am only frightened now, without the slightest joy. In addition, I think I should lose my temper to express my dissatisfaction with you and Merry's private actions.

You have sought the consent of all but me!

I don't think this is a mistake in your busy schedule, you did it on purpose!

Mentor, you know, since I rescued you, I have always respected you, and the master-student relationship between us has also been handled very well.

But this time.

You guys are going a little too far. "

"Hey, do you think I, an absolutely sane lich, would risk breaking with you to prepare such a surprise?"

Dean Lanyue sighed, and she replied in the language of the soul:

"This is a joint request from your parents. They hope to replicate the contact process between you and Fenner, so that you and Jaina can also have family affection.

Just because this is your family matter, it is not easy for me to intervene, so I chose to accept their request.

It's probably for the same reason Merry didn't tell you in advance, we don't want this to ruin our relationship with you.

I think you should be able to understand that apart from your factor, it is currently the best choice for her to let Jaina come to Nazaras Academy to continue her studies in magic.

Unless you are willing to let your sister go to Quel'Thalas, which is full of arrogance and racial discrimination. Fenner's experience shows that it is not a good place to study. "

"I can understand, and I'm a very rational person, but that doesn't mean I can accept it calmly."

Bo Laike said something to the dean, took another deep breath, and leaned over to little Jaina, he said in a gentle tone:

"This is really a big surprise. I welcome the arrival of the little princess very much, but I need to deal with some things urgently now, and I may have to miss today's opening ceremony, which is really disappointing.

But after I finish my work, I will definitely prepare a grand welcome dinner for the arrival of my elementary school girl. "

"Is there anything more important today than the opening ceremony of the academy?"

Little Jaina asked in surprise.

Bu Laike put his hand to his mouth and made a silence, and said with a smile:

"Of course it's something related to pirates. Good boy, don't ask too much, it's not a good thing."

After speaking, Bo Laike in the robe took a step back and disappeared into the shadows.

Regarding his departure, the old Lich Meili flashed a trace of worry in his eyes. He looked at Dean Alya Blue Moon, but the latter shook his head at him, signaling that he didn't have to worry.

Dean Blue Moon had absolute confidence in Bo Laike's will and his dark wisdom, and she didn't think the pirate would be one to evade problems.

Although this parental arrangement may have offended Laike, who has always been very self-conscious and unwilling to be restrained, the dean believes that his outstanding disciple can finally solve this problem perfectly.

Just like the miracles he has always created.

"Come on, kid, there's still some time, I'll take you to meet your school girls."

Dean Lanyue stretched out his hand to little Jaina, and bid farewell to the old lich who was about to go to fight against an evil god who descended on the material world.

She took Jaina out of the lounge, and in the swaying tail of the long skirt that the dean unassisted, the little mage suddenly asked:

"Dean, er, mentor, is Mr. Bo Laike angry because of my presence?"

"Why do you think he is angry?"

Dean Lanyue pushed his own crystal glasses and asked:

"Can you feel the emotion behind his mask?"


Jaina was a little puzzled, she said:

"I'm not a particularly sensitive person, but when I'm with Mr. Bou Laike, I can always feel his mood changes, even if they are very small.

Although he tried to maintain calm when he left, there was anger shining in his heart, was it because of my sudden appearance?

Think about it too, although he serves the big brother, how can a pirate like the daughter of an admiral? Perhaps my arrival was a mistake. "

"No, he's not mad at you."

The dean shook his head and said softly:

"The reason for his anger is himself.

He can play with kings and chiefs in applause, he can set off a storm of war in the endless sea, and he can influence the rise and fall of countries and civilizations.

He is a powerful man.

But even he couldn't fight against himself.

One is longing for change, chaos and endless sea, and the other is looking forward to peace, reunion and beauty.

He is complicated and changeable because the two villains in his heart are always fighting. No one can subdue anyone, and no one can defeat anyone, but any war will end at some point.

Whether my disciples are willing or not.

He has to learn to reconcile with himself.

He has to accept his past so that he can better shape his future. Bu Laike Shaw has a faint inner demon, and I felt it when I met my apprentice.

It's not about you, it's not about us, it's not about the world.

That's his private business.

We should not be involved.

Come on, boy, you may be able to speak on behalf of this year's freshmen at Nazaras College, and I hope you have prepared a speech in advance. "


"What's the matter! Why are you so angry all of a sudden?"

In the pirate tavern in the town of Losberg on the South Island of Tol Barad, Fenna, Sefiel, and Little Star rushed over together, and what they saw after entering the tavern was a mess all over the place.

A lively tavern brawl just broke out here, and the stinky pirate in the sorcerer's robe punched all the bastards in the bar to the ground.

Now he was sitting alone in front of the shattered bar, letting the terrified vulpe bartender tremblingly pour wine for the pirate commander.

"Hey, let me ask you something."

Stupid Fenner was wearing a long skirt, holding the hem of the skirt and stepping over the sprawling drunkards on the ground, and kicked unconscious a dwarf pirate who was trying to peek under her skirt.

Walking to Bu Laike again, looking at the stinky brother who was out of breath, she said very dissatisfied:

"What's wrong with you today? You lost your temper so much? It's not like you. If you are unhappy, tell your sister quickly. Maybe you will be happy if you say it.

Hey, bring me a bottle of wine without water, or I'll beat you. "

Fenner popped out a gold coin to the vulpe bartender, and the latter swiftly delivered a glass of colorful cocktail to Her Royal Highness, and also prepared drinks for the two ladies behind.

"I'm planning a hilarious plan!"

Bu Laike drank the wine in a tasteless manner, and said to Fenner without raising his head:

"I'm planning to get an unfinished mechanical homing bomb from Mechagon and drop it at the opening ceremony later, to see how many lucky ones can survive the light of homing.

I think this plan is great, what do you think? "

"I think you're going crazy, maybe because years of drinking have finally worn your brains out."

Finner scoffed at this.

She leaned on the bar, admiring the embarrassing gestures of those weak chickens who were beaten to the ground by the stinky brother, and said:

"It's not like what a normal stinky brother should say at all, you have to do bad things to have benefits, I don't see any benefits for you to do such things.

Seriously, what happened? "

"Jianna was placed in Dean Lanyue's study class, and she will stay there for two years, and I haven't been able to graduate yet"

Bu Laike picked up the wine glass, drank it down, and said with a wooden face:

"The most annoying thing is that this matter was arranged by Catherine and Dai Lin. They thought that I could become a brother and sister in their eyes with you, so they thought that Jaina and I could also use this to cultivate our relationship.

I doubt very much that Catherine must have brought Tenred along, probably for the same reason.

I can understand how a mother wants her children to be harmonious, but "

"Wow, I told you at the beginning, it must be good intentions for Catherine's mother to suddenly come to become a pirate! You didn't believe it at the time."

Fenna also drank the cocktail in her hand in a sip of righteous indignation, she said to Bo Laike indignantly:

"Look, did you hit me? She's just using you."

"Uh, although it's the captain's private matter, I shouldn't express my opinion casually."

Little Xingxing held the fruit wine, squeezed her eyes and said:

"But I don't think this should be regarded as being used, right? Madam Catherine's intentions are good, no matter from which point of view, this is not a bad thing.

Although Captain Stinky must have some psychological problems and has been concealing his identity, I think a family should be neat and tidy. "

"You two shut up!"

The first mate, Seifel, who knew Bo Laike best, shook her head. As the pirate's pillow, she obviously had a better understanding of Bo Laike's mentality.

Chief Mate Long snorted, and drove out Fenna and Little Xingxing who looked displeased, and asked them to guard the door.

She herself stood beside the pirate, helping Bo Laike pour a glass of wine with her own hands.

She whispered:

"Captain, everyone around you wants you to be happy and be accompanied by your family. But you are the only one who has been resisting this. I don't want to delve into the past of my beloved man.

But these problems will not be properly resolved just because of delay.

You also know that little Gianna's mentality is changing, she is in a period of growth, and she needs a good role model to lead her to grow, and she has always separated you and Drake into two images.

I think if we continue to hide it like this, the result may not be too good.

Maybe it will turn her into hate because of love.

You said it yourself, and after Pandaria experienced the baptism of the Sha of Pride, you also started to solve this problem, and you planned to reveal your identity after Dellano's trip.

Although this incident is sudden now, I think, isn't this a better opportunity?

Maybe it's the favor of fate. "

Bu Laike didn't answer.

He just silently raised his glass and drank it down. After a long silence, he lowered his head and said softly:

"I'm used to walking around the world as 'Blaike Shaw', but everyone around me wants me to go back to being 'Drake Proudmoore'.

I've made a compromise.

I see Catherine as my mother and call her mother, I see Fenna as my sister and let her come into my life, and even for a while I was trying to accept Dailin

But His Majesty Dai Lin is too mighty.

Having a father like him really stresses me out, and I think I need to take a break, so let's just keep this weird situation of mutual antagonism and cooperation for now.

I really think of little Jaina as my sister and Tenred as my little brother.

But I really don't want to see Drake's face forever in their eyes anymore.

I'm even afraid to see me in their eyes, that's not the real me, it's just their memory of the person from the past.

But Drake is dead.

He left in the dragon fire of Khaz Modan, and the person who came back to life in the hell under the sea is called "Bu Laike Shaw", and the person who controls this body is called Bu Laike!

Boo Laike has done a lot for Drake, and he doesn't owe Drake anything.

Boo Laike doesn't want to be Drake either!

Not at all!

Can you understand my thinking? Seifel.

Or, let me ask you a question. "

The smelly pirate raised his head and looked at the first mate dragon.

He said:

"Who the hell do you like? Boo Laike? Or Drake?"

"I like the person in front of me."

Sefiel also picked up a glass of wine, matching with the dress on her body gave the first mate a unique beauty.

In this messy bar full of fallen people groaning in pain, the Chief Mate raised his glass to the pirates.

she says:

"No matter what he calls himself, what I like is not his name, but his soul, a free, wild, unfettered soul that fights the sea."

"Well, my dear Sephiel, that's the most touching thing I've heard this year."

Bu Laike threw away the wine glass, and embraced the first officer in front of him in a smart way, and the two kissed in this messy place, until a few minutes later, under the gaze of the panting Sefiel, the stinky pirate blinked. blink.

He asked:

"I suddenly had a crazy idea, my dear Sefiel, what do you think little Jaina would answer me if I asked that question?"

"I'm not your sister, how do I know?"

The chief officer shrugged, straightened his hair, and said:

"Perhaps you can ask her yourself."

"good idea!"

Bu Laike snapped his fingers, turned from decadent to full of enthusiasm in an instant, rubbed his chin and said:

"Then let's ask, this may destroy the spiritual world that a young girl carefully built for herself, but considering that I am a pirate who does all kinds of evil.

So, whatever.

Come on, my mate.

Let's do something bad to entertain ourselves. "


More will be added tomorrow, 3+25, so stay tuned.

(end of this chapter)

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