Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1234 330. I'm Tired

Chapter 1234 330. I'm Tired

There were four brothers and sisters sitting in the dining room of the Nagfar.

Only Sefiel is an outsider here, but considering the impure relationship between her and Bo Laike, she is also a member of the family.

The food in the restaurant was very rich, but except for Fenner, the other three people were not in the mood to touch their chopsticks.

His Royal Highness Little Xingxing and her evil friends are hiding in the next door and eavesdropping, but the pirates don't want to bother with them.

The little murloc who came to watch the excitement chased away the ghost musician who was playing music with a vicious voice. It sat in the pile of musical instruments by itself, beating the drums, making rhythmic tones.

Alas, I have to say, this little idiot does have a bit of musical talent.

Just a bit noisy.

"Watch the excitement and watch the excitement, please be quiet!"

The stinky pirate turned around and shouted, the little murloc pouted, put down the drumstick in displeasure, and grinned at Laike, meaning why are you angry at me?

Are you capable of beating your sister?

"Hey, eat them all, why are you sitting there stupidly?"

Fenna, who was holding a chicken leg and gnawed it deliciously, raised her head and looked at her younger brother and younger sister. She showed a cheerful expression, and greeted her in a cheerful tone:

"Hurry up and eat, if you don't do it, the food will be cold. Pandaren's delicacies must be eaten while it's hot. I won't say anything about Jaina. She also enjoyed it in Pandaria, but Tanred didn't eat it, right?

Come, take a bite of this eight-treasure elbow flower, which will make you swallow your tongue into your stomach. "


Tandred glanced at his sister who was sobbing with his head down, and then at the expressionless big brother with a pipe in his mouth. He whispered to Sister Fenna who was serving him food next to him:

"The two of them."

"Shh, kids, don't ask, eat your meat."

Finner glared at Tenrad.

He put a large piece of fragrant elbow flower on his plate, and handed him the knife and fork. The little prince hesitated for a moment, and felt that it was better for him not to make a sound in the scene before him.

So soon, he and his sister began to enjoy this rare delicacy.

Hey, don't tell me, it's really delicious.

Especially for Tanrad who grew up in Kul Tiras, the dishes in front of him really made him raise his brows happily, and then seeing a table full of delicious dishes, he suddenly felt sad .

Good guy, what kind of life did I live in the past!

You are a prince, eating pig food every day is really a ghost!

Dry rice dry rice!

The little prince took a peek at Jaina and Braike, who were confronting each other, and immediately turned his grief and anger into appetite, and started to eat. He also whispered to Fina about whether he could hire a pandaren chef to take care of the daily meals for him and his sister at Narsalas Academy. .

"I remember the first time I saw you after the accident was in the court of King Terenas"

Bo Laike took down his pipe and said to Jaina who bowed her head in front of her eyes:

"Back then I was called 'Orc Slayer' by them, and back then our dear Lord Deathwing was still indulging in his role-playing games at court.

And when we spoke, he was less than three hundred meters away from us.

You asked me about Drake, and I'd love to tell you that he's dead, in the fire of the red dragon, and the fire of the dragon ended his fate.

The cooperation between Hai Xian and the orcs brought the life of Drake Proudmoore to a complete end in the sea area of ​​Khaz Modan. Sadness overwhelmed you, and a new soul was born on his corpse.

After suffering, he relied on the power of the curse to return to the world from the bottom of the sea.

I still remember that my first meal in the wetlands was to share a hard-to-catch fish with that stupid little murloc. At that time, my body was severely burned and disfigured, and I had to wear a mask to survive.

I decided to give me a new identity and get rid of the past completely.

I know that Drake Proudmoore can't appear again, otherwise the conspiracy against me will be one after another. At that time, I was not strong enough, and I could only use death to become a ghost wandering the world.

My strategy proved to be successful, and after finally overthrowing the Church of the Storm, I finally avenged my first death with my own hands.

Are you still going to say something?


Do you want to face all doubts answered by your big brother with silence?

This attitude of yours really breaks my heart, which is probably the reason why I have never planned to reveal my identity to you.

You only want the flawless Drake back in your memory, not a big pirate Bo Laike who did bad deeds to survive in your life. "


Jaina looked back, wiped the tears from her eyes, and yelled at Bo Laike:

"It's not what you said! It's not that I can't accept my big brother becoming a pirate, I just can't accept his concealment and deception!"

"Hey, little girl, before you prepare a lie... you have to understand who you are facing."

Bu Laike knocked on the table and stroked the black owl helmet that he put on his hand. When his fingers touched the helmet, a faint halo of seven-color streamer spread around.

He said to the little mage in front of him:

"The experience in Pandaria is not only that you have gained experience, I have also gained a very magical power, I can perceive your emotions, when you tell this lie, I can feel your complicated heart.

If you really want us to discuss an outcome today, I think you should be more honest, instead of trying to respond with lies to my sincerity that I finally made up my mind to solve the problem.

You just can't accept your big brother becoming a pirate! "

"Yeah, Jaina."

Fenna threw the chicken bones in her hand on the plate, and while wiping her hands, she picked up a grilled fish. While sharing the delicious food with Little Brother Tanred, she reminded her sister:

"I'm connected with you, I'm like a 'humanoid lie detector' when you speak, don't hide anything anymore, lies hurt the sincerity.

Bo Laike is an adult, he can accept this.

You don't have to worry about hurting him with your true thoughts. "

"I can rewind time thirty seconds ago."

Safiel beside Bu Laike also said quietly:

"So that you can reformulate your words to answer that question, my little friend Jaina."

Facing the three-way siege, Jaina bit her lip aggrievedly, and after a few seconds of silence in response, she breathed a sigh of relief and looked directly into Bo Laike's blue eyes for the first time.

she says:

"That's right, I can't accept my big brother becoming a pirate, and no Kul Tirans can accept this result! You are the prince of Kul Tiras, you are born to maintain the order of this sea, and Not on its opposite.

I believe what you say is true.

Your struggle to survive the naval battle of Khaz Modan, the hardships you had to change your face to survive, the hardship you had to hide to protect me when you first came into contact with me.

I can understand your behavior.

If we switched identities, I would probably do the same.

But you have so many options, why do you have to be the kind of man the Proudmoores have been fighting against? You betrayed your name, you betrayed our heritage.


In fact, I have always doubted your identity. When I was in Nanhai Town, I asked my mentor, and he has been doing his best to protect you. "

"That, sister, let me interrupt."

Tenred, who was eating, suddenly raised his hand and whispered to Jaina:

"I am also a Kul Tiran, and I am also from the Proudmoore family, but I don't think it is an unforgivable sin for the big brother to become a pirate.

Remember what Mom said to the two of us before leaving Boralus after the events of Stormsong?

For our country, there are many things that Proudmoore cannot solve, but a pirate can openly attack the "pillar of darkness" that supports Kul Tiras.

If Big Brother had chosen to return to the family from the very beginning, he would definitely not be able to reveal the true face of the Church of Storms so easily, even his father could not do this.

Before he appeared, no one in Kul Tiras doubted the sea sages, those dark servants deceived the entire country, and you and me.

It was big brother who rescued us from lies, he endured humiliation for the sake of the country!

You can't accuse him so rudely. "

"I'm starting to like you, you stinky brother."

Fenna admired Tenred's "speaking out of justice", she laughed and hammered her brother's head lightly, and Bu Laike also laughed because of Tenred's words.

He picked up a glass of wine, shook his head and said:

"Actually, I'm not as righteous as Tenred said, although getting rid of Haixian is indeed part of my plan, but it's not the main reason why I chose the path of piracy.

You know, people always learn something after they experience a death.

I just want to change my life and experience the feeling of being unfettered and free. Maybe I am indeed a dark guy by nature, but the period of being a pirate is indeed the happiest period in my short life. .

It turned out that I was a good fit for this line of work, and I had everything I wanted in a very short period of time.

I like who I am now more than when I was Prince Drake.

That's why I'm determined to fix this today, Gianna, I've tried but I really can't be the perfect big brother you imagine.

I am a flawed human being.

I'd rather get back to my life as Boo Laike Shaw than continue to be your good big brother.

I have been taking care of your emotions, which makes me feel tired.

And I realized that it's not going to be good for your growth any longer, whether it's from my point of view, or from Drake's point of view, I think it's time for us to end this pretend game.

As you can see."

Bu Laike stretched out his hand and held Sefiel's slender waist, and the first mate sat in the pirate's arms very cooperatively.

He sat on his pirate captain's bench, hugged his lover, smoked a pipe, and looked at Jaina.

He said:

"This is me now, abandoning Drake's name and his past, and reshaping my life and soul in the sea. My current name is Brad Laike Shaw.

You can keep calling me Drake, that's your right, but you can't ask me to go back, my sister, because it's not fair to me!

You are like a delicate but tenacious moonlight lotus, representing all the good qualities in this world.

I am willing to give you the whole world to let you spend your life happily.

But I also have to have my own world.

Moreover, I want to emphasize that, looking at all the contacts between you and me in the past, except for Drake's identity, I have not lied to you about anything.

Including your big brother fighting against darkness in a secret war, including him saving the world several times, including helping those righteous partners

All this is true.

If you know my story, you will know that although I walk between chaos and order, I have done no less for this world than those righteous people.

I think that as long as you ignore the dark parts of the big pirate story, what is left is enough for you to outline the image of a great big brother.

Think about the good, now you not only have a big brother who is bright and upright, but also a big brother who is dark and evil but chic and handsome, buy one get one free, you earn money. "

"Hey, this is different from what you said!"

Fenner patted the table unhappily and said:

"Didn't you agree that you would use your warmth to attack? Why are you so straightforward? It's not like you don't know that everyone in the Proudmoore family is a stubborn ass!

They decide that once they do one thing, they will never look back.

Although Jaina is a mage, I know how much she obsesses with the big brother in her heart. She is also a magic donkey, you can't do that. "

"Do not!"

Bu Laike stroked Sefiel's long hair, he looked at Jaina who said nothing, and said:

"I believe my sister is strong enough and sensible enough, she has enough wisdom to convince herself to accept all this, and she is also wise enough to look at it more rationally after the fantasies about the 'beautiful big brother' are extinguished.

I know it's cruel to take away a child's dream, but putting it off and deepening her fantasy of never having it will only make things more difficult. "

Having said that, the pirate rubbed his eyes and said:

"I'm a prophet, and I've dreamed about two scenes countless times, about you, Jaina, do you want to hear it?"


The little mage snorted stubbornly.

Bo Laike smiled, and he said in a drawn-out voice with a reminiscence of the past:

"The first prophecy is that after a few years, a terrible death will infect the eastern kingdom. Except for the kingdom of Stormwind, the other kingdoms will perish in that disaster. Countless humans and elves will die, and the whole northern border will be reduced to hell. .

And you, my sister, you who have grown up at that time, will shoulder the responsibility of saving, and take over the mission that Dai Lin gave up in the most difficult times.

You will take the remnants of the northern border to Kalimdor, where you will rebuild a home for those who lost everything.

But as the price of protecting the homeland and peace.

On a misty morning, you will join forces with the orcs to slay the stubborn Daelin who started the war on the beach outside your new country.

You, who killed your father with your own hands, persuaded yourself in countless nightmares that it was for peace. "


The three guys present spoke out at the same time.

But Safiel in Bu Laike's arms glanced at them and said faintly:

"I'm a bronze dragon, and I can travel through different timelines, and I assure you guys, what my husband said is true. Jaina would have done something like this in one timeline.

And throughout her life, she will repent of this stupid and stubborn decision of her own.

little girl.

You don't have any reason to hate your big brother, it's because of his presence that saved you from that sad ending. What he has done for you is far beyond your imagination.

If I have such a big brother, I will desperately keep him. "

(end of this chapter)

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