Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1235 331. If Bu Laike Never Appeared...

Chapter 1235 331. If Bu Laike Never Appeared

"Wow! It's so exciting!"

Little Star, who was hiding in the cabin next to the dining room and eavesdropped on the conversation, was delighted, and her eyes widened even more after hearing Laike's prophecy to Jaina.

While she was quickly copying and writing in a notebook, she said to Sianni and Melinthala who were also staring at her side:

"Look, I just said that it is the tradition of the Proudmoore family to be kind and filial to a father! If Braike really died in the naval battle of Khaz Modan, it will fall to his sister to challenge Dai Lin body.

This is probably the curse on this family. Maybe Jaina will become a pirate mage because of it!

Destiny is really exciting and amazing. "

"Shhhhh, shut up."

The green dragon princess Merlinthra, who put her ear on the bulkhead, waved to Little Star and said:

"Don't bother me with the gossip, it's much more interesting than the nasty gossip about my mother from the druids, it's talking again over there"

In the restaurant, the three Proudmoores were all shocked by the "reveal" of the husband and wife team of Laike and Sefiel.

Especially Jaina Proudmoore, who is the protagonist of the prophecy.

She wanted to refute the outrageous prophecies of the pirate big brother in front of her, but a voice in her heart told her that maybe Laike was telling the truth.

It was an indescribable feeling.

It was as if Grom couldn't help but burst into anger when he saw Cenarius when he was in Moonglade, it seemed to represent a kind of "consummation" of fate.

This strange feeling made her flustered.

Could it be that he really wants to kill his father himself in the future?

This is wrong!

This is so weird! How could I do such a thing?

"And then?"

After the initial shock, Fenna immediately turned into a melon-eating crowd. She looked at her stinky brother and asked:

"What happened after little Jaina killed Dailin? Did she get peace?"

"Got it, but only for a short while."

Bu Laike said with a drawn out voice:

"And it also comes with a scandal with a green-skinned chief

Don't look at me like that, little Jaina, I'm talking about prophecy, you did have a long affair with a greenskin with a human soul.

And before that, before the undead disaster that swept the world, you even abandoned your prince boyfriend who loved you so much with your own hands.

When he needed help the most, you chose to retreat, leaving him alone to face the malice of fate.

And before that, you rejected Kael'thas Sunstrider's quest.

But the fragile peace you guarded was finally destroyed by the replacement of the green skin chiefs. On a bleak morning, the green skins used terrible weapons to razed the city you guarded to the ground.

Countless people died there, including your best mage friend.

After that, you fell into terrible self-doubt, and on a journey that felt like self-imposed exile, you found time to fall in love with a damned blue dragon, only to end up falling apart.

At the end of that prophecy, you returned to Kul Tiras, denounced as a traitor by your people!

They shouted in fear 'the daughter of the sea has come to kill them', and our mother was heartbroken by you and had to order you to be hanged

But in the end, your mother forgave everything you did, and she didn't want to lose her last child.

Of course, that's not the end of your journey.

In the fantasy story, you crossed the curtain of life and death to the world of the dead. You were tortured alone, but you still tried your best to save the last supreme king of the alliance and mankind.

Witnessing the scene of your evil ex-boyfriend being dissipated with your own eyes may be the last redemption you have won for yourself. "

Speaking of which, Bu Laike looked at the three dull people in front of him, he shrugged and said:

"I have to say that without my intervention, your life would be just as wonderful and full of legend, even though it was at the price of your life's ups and downs."

"How could I be such a jerk!"

Little Jaina stood up angrily. She stared at the stinky pirate and said:

"I will definitely not become such an evil guy! I don't want that kind of damn 'excellent' at all! I myself feel that the prophecy is an out-and-out sentimental bastard!

You must be joking, what a bloody pirate joke."

"No, it's not."

Sefiel raised his finger, put it in front of his eyes, and said to Jaina in a mysterious tone:

"What your big brother said is what really happened in another timeline, if it wasn't because this timeline has collapsed, I can take you to see with my own eyes what you will do in the future.

If you don't believe me and your big brother, we can also send you to the island of Zandalar or Dellano, and you can ask the dark prophet Zul and the leader of the Draenei, the prophet Velen.

They can also see the future that you originally had but was changed. "

"I refuse to believe it!"

Jaina covered her eyes.

She couldn't accept herself in the prophecy, but Fenna and Tenred, the siblings who were eating melons and watching dramas, cared about another thing.

The stupid warrior grabbed Bo Laike's wrist and asked:

"What about me? Brother, what am I going to be like in that future? Surely I'm going to live better than stupid Jaina? Have I made a career out of it?"

"Well, it depends on how you define 'career'."

Bu Laike blinked and said:

"The catastrophe of death that swept across the world spread to Quel'Thalas, your people suffered heavy losses, the Sun King died in battle, and the Sunwell was destroyed.

Mana addiction erupted on a massive scale, and Kael'thas Sunstrider made bad and terrible decisions in order to protect the people's connection, and finally ruined the Quel'dorei's hope of reuniting.

And you, you shine in war.

In that future, Fenna Jinjian despised Dailin's cowardly act of abandoning the Eastern Kingdom, and she completely broke with the Proudmoore family after her mother's death.

She converted to the Holy Light in the name of Jin Jianzhi, became a paladin, and formed the last legion in her homeland with Vereesa Windrunner.

She knew there was no hope of victory, but she was still unwilling to give up her hometown.

I don't see your end in the prophecy, Fenner, but I believe you will be a hero to the Quel'dorei in that future as well. "

"Ah, as expected of me!"

Fenner snorted triumphantly and said:

"Although it's not as happy as it is now, I can't accept this ending. That's right, I'm such a backbone. I searched all over Quel'Thalas and couldn't find an elf with more backbone than me."

"What about me? Big Brother."

Tenred blinked at Boo Laike too.

He didn't have any trouble accepting Bo Laike's true identity, and in fact, Tenred didn't know everything. When he took a hot spring in the Tiragarde Strait last time, this smart little guy actually noticed something was wrong.

He saw the tattoo on Bo Laike at the time.

Although it is different from Dai Lin's tattoo, both of them have the compass symbol on their chest, which is enough to prove that Bo Laike has some relationship with the Proudmoore family.

But Tandred was very smart and did not choose to continue to delve into it, but waited patiently until the current answer was revealed.

He looked at his big brother and asked with some doubts:

"If in that future, you died in Khaz Modan and Jaina did something terrible, why didn't I stop her? I wouldn't have let Jaina do something like that, would I?"

"Uh, your situation is rather special."

Bu Laike looked at Tenred, who frowned and said:

"You became the commander of the Third Fleet before the disaster broke out, but on a certain voyage, you were lured by evil forces and stepped into a prison.

You have been missing the vicissitudes of life for more than ten years, until Jaina returned to her motherland. At the critical moment when Boralus Port was about to be captured by pirates, you were summoned back to the material world by Jaina with a family-inherited pendant.

That was your high point, my brother.

You and your Lost Fleet saved Boralus and Kul Tiras from peril. "

"How did that happen?"

Tandred was not satisfied with this result, he said:

"It feels as if the malice of fate is deliberately targeting us Proudmoore. You died early, Jaina killed her father and walked on a terrible path. Fenner, who has the ability to stop all this, runs counter to us, and I was sealed in time.

Only the mother was left alone and struggling to support the family and the country.

Our future is miserable. "

"You think this is fate?"

Bu Laike looked at his younger brother playfully, he said:

"Didn't you find the black hand who connected everything in all these things?"

"Church of the Storm!"

Jaina said indifferently:

"In that future, the Church of Storms has not been eradicated in advance. Behind everything that the Proudmoore family encountered, there are shadows of them and the evil god they believe in."

"Can you understand your big brother's choice now?"

Seifel asked.

The little mage pursed her lips, looked at Bu Laike, and asked again:

"You just said that you saw my two prophecies. This one is already so miserable. The other future me will not be more outrageous than this damn me, right?"

"I think you'd better not listen to that one."

The pirate picked up his wine glass, took a sip, and said softly:

"This is for your unstable mentality, little Jaina, you may be a person cursed by fate, there is no good in the prophecy about you, only disaster.

I will feel pain and pity for you.

You worked so hard, but in the end you couldn't overcome the malice from fate. "

"No, I want to listen."

Jaina shook her head stubbornly, she said:

"I want to hear, what would my future be like without you, what kind of person will those changeable lives shape me into?

Perhaps in contrast, I can better understand the meaning of your existence to me. "

"Well, if you insist."

The pirate and the first mate dragon in his arms looked at each other, and both of them showed smirks of watching the excitement. Bu Laike put down his wine glass, coughed, and said:

"You in another future are even more terrifying. Remember the undead natural disaster that swept the world I just mentioned? It was supposed to be the prince who loved you so much that pulled out the cursed sword and became the king of natural disasters.

But in a different future, the one who drew that sword.

It's you!

Jaina the Lich Queen, for the sake of the persistence in your heart, you chose to give up yourself and sacrifice everything. You pulled out the magic sword and commanded hundreds of millions of undead to sweep across the entire Azeroth.

The first person to die under your sword is the man you love deeply. You awaken him into an undead with evil power, and let him stay by your side forever.

The disaster you spread killed many, many people, and you eventually turned the world into a dead and scorched earth.

That's right, another future that belongs to you is the script of the World Destroyer Demon King.

In that future, you still killed Dailin with your own hands, pierced the heart of Tenred with the magic blade, and strangled your beloved mother to death in the court.

When you invaded Quel'Thalas, Fool Fenner still chose to fight you.

But her ending was just as miserable.

No one in Kul Tiras opposes your rule, because everyone has been turned into undead by you, and their wails float across the endless sea.

Of course, there is still no place for me in that future, because I died early at the bottom of Khaz Modan.

Do you like this future? "

Bu Laike's voice fell, and before Jaina could speak, there was exclamation and noise in the cabin next to her, as if the eavesdropping little star stepped on Melinthra's foot excitedly.

Facing the future that Bu Laike answered, Jaina's face turned pale.

She was eager to refute this even more outrageous claim.

But what was horrifying was that strange feeling resurfaced in her heart again, as if fate told her that what Bo Laike said this time was also true.

Will he destroy the world in the future?


But why do I want to destroy the world!

"Actually, the prophecy about you is more than that."

Bo Laike coughed and said:

"I've also seen some silhouettes of the future, in one of the most bleak timelines about you, where you were replaced by demons at a very young age.

A cunning dreadlord took possession of your body and grew with your mind, eventually making you the 'Dread Queen Jaina' in service to the Burning Legion.

You have also been very successful in the intelligence field.

Because of your activity in the future, the demons invaded Azeroth in advance. I don't need to say more about the rest. "

"You are miserable, sister."

Fenna looked at the little mage sitting on the chair in a daze with a strange look, and she said:

"I will never bully you again. In all your life, maybe only you are happy now, and you even have time to think about the outrageous problem that your big brother is not the big brother you imagined."


Seifel also said with emotion:

"I can use the reputation of the bronze dragon to prove that what the captain said is true. In all worlds without him, terrible things will happen to you, Jaina Proudmoore.

Only in the presence of Brad Laike Shaw, can you have the possibility of leading to happiness.

Little girl, don't worry about those meaningless things anymore.

He is your big brother.

He is Drake.

Also Bu Laike. "

(end of this chapter)

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