Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1236 332. Proudmoore's Pirate Angel---Monthly Ticket Plus [1/25]

Chapter 1236 332. Proudmoore’s Pirate Angel——Monthly Ticket Plus [125]

"I need a little time to get my head around"

In the restaurant, little Jaina looked at the bad captain Bu Laike who was holding the first mate dragon in front of her. Her attitude was not as firm as before, perhaps because the stinky pirate's initiative and frankness made her feel some of Braike's intentions .

Or maybe it was because the "prophecy" made by the stinky pirate really scared her and made her think more.

In short, at the end of this "family dinner", the little mage stood up and said to Bu Laike:

“I can’t change my long-term habits all at once. The education I’ve been taught since I was a child tells me that pirates are not serious people, and it’s hard for me to connect this bad image with the big brother in my heart.

As for your concealment, you have explained it very clearly, and I can understand it.

I just need to convince myself.

This takes a little while. "

"Of course, I will give you enough time, my sister."

Bo Laike stroked his long golden hair, and he said:

"Then I'll be on the island for a few days to do some things that I have to do, and then I'm going to Dellano, where I'm going to do some things.

Maybe there will be bad news in the near future, and I can't guarantee you that it will be a good thing.

But I can tell you that I have my plan, and I hope you can also make judgments based on your own reason, especially you, my sister.

I know that my image in your heart is already bad, and I don't want to add bricks to this bad image.

Well, that's it for today. "

"Let's meet again next time."

Fenna rubbed her stomach and stood up, with a satisfied face. Not only did she eat well today, but she also listened to enough gossip. It was really satisfying both physically and mentally.

And Tanrad beside her also rubbed her stomach with a painful face.

He ate a little too much, and urgently needed some exercise to digest his food, and this gesture was also noticed by Fenner. The stupid soldier's eyes lit up, and he took Tenred's collar and led him to the lower cabin.

"Come, come, sister, let me check your martial arts skills. As the weakest member of the Proudmoore family, you, a little guy, must be paid close attention to."

Fenner walked forward as if carrying a chick, and said:

"You don't need to be as powerful as me and your big brother, at least you can't become a powerless and chubby polymath like Zhou Zhuo, right?"

"Huh? Are you talking about the pandaren who took the exam with me today?"

Tandred, who was held by Fenner, exclaimed when he heard Zhou Zhuo's name. He said:

"That pandaren master is so powerful, he showed me the pandaren's painting skills during the exam today, called ink painting, are you and him also friends?

Do you also speak the pandaren language?

Fenner, teach me. "

"Okay, I'll teach you three tricks as soon as you catch me with a sword."

Fenna laughed and took Tenred away. In the restaurant, Laike looked at Jaina who got up, and saw the little mage rubbing her belly in embarrassment.

The dinner prepared for four people tonight was almost eaten by Fenner and Tenred. Bo Laike and Jaina just talked and didn't even move their chopsticks.

He shrugged and said to the little mage:

"If you're hungry, you'll be hungry. Don't hold on. I'll go to the academy. The reception is almost over, and there's nothing delicious for you. I'll ask the chef to serve you a bowl of noodles."

After finishing speaking, he patted Sefiel on the waist, and the empathetic first officer stood up and disappeared into the restaurant. Bu Laike also stood up and said to Jaina:

"I know you need to be quiet now, so I won't bother you. Here tonight, or go back to the academy to rest, my first mate will make arrangements for you.

It doesn’t matter if you really can’t accept this truth, I’m not a person who is so weak that I need my sister’s acknowledgment to have the confidence to live.

Just as you have not given up hope during the time of Drake's death, I can wait patiently until the day my sister is willing to accept a pirate into your family. "

After finishing speaking, Bo Laike straightened his clothes, put the pirate hat on the table on his head, picked up his pipe again, and said to Jaina:

"To tell you the truth, showing the truth to you today has made me settle a worry, let me finally bid farewell to the past gracefully, and start my journey again.

Sorry you were the last to know. "

"But I was the first to see you."

The little mage sitting on the chair sighed and said:

"In order to take care of my mood, you took the time to play the cross-dressing game with me for so long while thinking about life and death. I have no reason to blame you.

Sorry for the hurtful words I just said, I don't hate Mr. Laike, let alone big brother, but when you two become the same person, it's hard for me to accept.

It's hard for me to describe the feeling."

"I know, it's like you finally won the big prize at the lottery shop of the goblins, but the other party told you that if you want to receive the prize, you have to pay an extra handling fee first."

Bu Laike made a joke, saying:

"You want big prizes and you don't want to pay them, so you get into a conflict. Everyone does that, and there's no apology for that.

Eat something and take a break. "

He exhaled the smoke ring and walked towards the door of the restaurant. After taking a few steps, Jaina suddenly asked:

"Mr. Laike, I ask you a question, please answer me truthfully."

"The robbery of Dalaran was really not done by me, but by the evil Gaboa. If you don't believe me, I'll catch him and you will interrogate him yourself."

Bu Laike turned around and spoke for a long time, then blinked and looked at the little mage again.

The latter froze for a moment, and then burst out laughing without holding back.

She tried her best to restrain her smile, waited for the pirate, and said:

"What kind of wicked pirate joke is this?

I didn't ask you this, and the Council of Six knew about your robbery of Dalaran. Everyone just pretended not to know because you repelled the World Destroyer and the Polluter.

What I want to ask you is very serious, please answer seriously. "

"Well, don't ask where my pirate treasure house is, and my treasure house unlock code words."

Bo Laike spread his hands in a very candid gesture.

He took down his pipe and said:

"Just ask."

"Have you always thought of me as your sister?"

Jaina tilted her head and asked:

"I mean, after you decided to give up your identity as Drake Proudmoore, do you still regard me as your relative? In Pandaria, in the Dread Wastes, you didn't actually drop by the battlefield.

Did you feel that I was hurt, so you came here on purpose? "

"How do you ask me to answer you?"

Bo Laike made a troubled gesture, rubbed his forehead and said:

"From the beginning to the end, the only thing I wanted to bury was the name of Derek Proudmoore. I hated everything about him and spent the rest of my life feeling like a thief who stole other people's lives.

I didn't really reconcile with myself until I slew Gul'dan on the Broken Shore.

But I'm not trying to shake you off.

The fetters of blood cannot be avoided. It is precisely because I am a prophet that I understand everything more thoroughly. Everything that happens in your life and that of all your family members is related to me.

That is not a fact that can be changed whether I want to admit it or not.

So, what do you think?

What do you think is your position in my heart? "

"What a cunning answer! It seems very sincere, but has been evading the question."

Jaina made an angry gesture.

When Safiel personally brought her a bowl of fragrant seafood noodles, she said to Bo Laike:

"Don't use rhetorical questions instead of answers, please? Mr. Laike, I want to know the answer."

"Oh, little sister, your big brother is a very shy person, and he occasionally avoids expressing his true feelings, for example, he always calls Maiev a stinky woman, but in fact, both Xal'atath and I know , he can't forget the mysterious elf who took part of his life."

The first mate dragon put the hot noodles on the table in front of Jaina, she smiled and said:

"Let me answer for him. He regards you as a part of his life. When he gave all his malice to this world, he gave you and me all the good things he left behind.

He is not without boundaries.

His bottom line is those of us he will keep in mind.

Are you satisfied with this answer? "

"I want to hear him say"

Jaina looked up, but found that the man named Laike, who was actually her big brother, had disappeared, which made her show a dumbfounding expression.

And Seifel shrugged, and said to the little mage in the tone of someone who has experienced it:

"Look, that's the man, they always find an excuse to slip away before it gets too serious, but I can bring him back, do you want him to tell you?

little princess. "

"forget it."

Jaina picked up her fork and said:

"What I said is that I need some time to calm down, but I think it is him who needs more time to adapt. If I behaved very irritable and bad today, he should be more sad than me, right?

Sai Feier, you said, why the more powerful a person is, the less able he is to face himself calmly? "

"I do not know either."

Safiel sat next to Jaina, watching the little mage eat, she propped her chin with her hands, and said to Jaina:

"But I can tell you a little secret, and you will forget it after you hear it."


The little mage with delicious noodles in his mouth raised his head and looked at Seifel.

The latter showed a mysterious smile and said softly:

"Braike Shaw's biggest enemy is Drake Proudmoore, he has been trying to prove that he is stronger than Drake, better in every way, in order to make all the comparisons between the two of them people come to a unified conclusion.

He's trying to prove that he doesn't need his past identity to be part of your family.

It turns out he's doing pretty well.

Fenner, Mrs. Golden Sword, Mrs. Catherine, Dai Lin, and Tenred all accepted his new identity and his new life. You are the last 'referee'.

Your comments are very important to him.

You don't even know how much he has done for you. In order to let you have happiness, he even changed the fate of the prince and the orc who will be entangled with you in every future. "


Jaina blinked and said:

"I haven't received a letter from Arthas for a long time. Last time he asked someone to deliver a letter to me, saying that he and an orc were undergoing an ancient trial in a place called Nagrand.

He also said he would bring me a gift.

Alsace is the worst! "

"When you start hating and worrying about a guy, you're not far from having some weird connection with him."

Safiel sighed and said:

"Hey, it seems that even someone as miraculous as Bu Laike can't completely change your destiny, and you will still be entangled in this future.

What a headache. "


"Hey, what are you doing hiding here alone? Are you crying? No way, no way?"

Finner's voice came from the shadow cast by the poop of the Nagfar. On the poop platform of the ghost ship, Finner, who had just beaten her younger brother, was refreshed.

She stepped out wearing a warrior vest and wanted to blow some air, but at a glance, she saw Bo Laike lying on the railing of the platform, overlooking the ocean.

So Fenner taunted as usual, and got a blank stare from the handsome blond pirate.

It was dusk at this time, on the darkened sea, a crescent moon could be seen at the end of the sky, the pirate was leaning there, holding his pirate hat in his hand, with some different emotions in his eyes .

As Fenner approached, he said:

"If you really have nothing to do, why don't you just wipe the deck? Don't bother me."

"I still need to mop the deck?"

Fenner snorted and said arrogantly:

"I'm the boatswain now, the officer on the ship, just direct the sailors to do it. Tell me, let me tell you a secret about how I feel today."

The stupid warrior looked around, winked and said to the pirate:

"Jianna has actually accepted this truth. I secretly sensed her thoughts just now. Although she is a little sad, she has really begun to accept it.

She said it herself, she has been doubting your identity since a long time ago, and now it is just a positive confirmation. "

"Do I need you to tell me this?"

Bu Laike squinted and said to Fenner:

"With the power of the seven evil spirits in my hand, I can easily perceive the emotional changes of all of you, okay?"

"Then why are you showing like this?"

Fenner folded her arms and leaned against the railing, letting the sea breeze blow her hair with the same color as Bo Laike, and said:

"This kind of melancholy look is not the stinky brother in my memory. You should now face the sea breeze with your arms akimbo, pondering one dark thought after another, and then show a cold and cruel laugh."

"Hey, what kind of bad image do I have in your heart?"

Bu Laike complained:

"You're exaggerating a bit, aren't you?

I'm just... this wasn't the scene I was going for, I wanted Jaina to find out for herself and see what she really thinks about me.

But I still took the initiative to uncover the truth because I was worried about the mental health of my younger siblings. The result was not bad, but it lacked so many twists and turns and the fun brought by the decryption process. "

"Just talk nonsense."

Fenner rolled her eyes and said:

"After listening to your prophecy and Safiel's confirmation today, I know how bad we would be without you. With those bad comparisons, I realized how lucky I am now .

When I was a kid, the priests of the Holy Light would always lie to us and say that everyone has an angel watching over their lives.

I never believed those.

But I believe it now. "

The stupid warrior patted his brother on the shoulder, and she said:

"You are our pirate angel, Bu Laike, you changed our tragic fate, and we never said thank you."

"Hey, don't be so provocative."

Bu Laike said without looking back:

"I'm not the kind of softie who needs to be thanked for everything"

"No, that's not what I meant."

Fenna stretched out her arms and hugged the stinky brother, she leaned her head on Bu Laike's shoulder, and whispered:

"You always don't let us be wronged, but we thought about asking about your grievances. Do you have any grievances in your heart? Brother, tell your sister. Today I will also be a bosom big sister."

"No! I'm a happy heartless pirate."

Bu Laike raised his head and looked at the crescent moon.

A smile curled up at the corner of his mouth, and under the glow of the sunset, he whispered to Fenner:

"I won't write all my grievances on my face like this annoying moon."

(end of this chapter)

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