Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1237 333. Do You Still Remember The Loyal Sky? It Too Has Been Reborn In Flames! -【2/25】

Chapter 1237 333. Do you still remember the loyal sky? It too has been reborn in flames! -【225】

"On the first day of school, you should pay attention to politeness. The upper elves value this more, especially Dean Lanyue. Alas, she is good at everything, but occasionally she is too dogmatic.

But today is the first day of school, so there shouldn't be too much class pressure, so you must listen carefully and take notes. "

Early the next morning, in the captain's cabin of the Nagfar, Bu Laike, who got up early, was explaining the rules to his good daughter and her little friends who were going to school.

He said to Chuan Ling and little Lei Shi who were carrying schoolbags in front of them:

"Although the dean promised not to give you homework, there will definitely be quizzes in class. You have to be prepared. If you don't understand anything, you can ask your classmate, Jaina."

"I know! She's Papa's sister."

Nagfar raised his hand and said weakly:

"Aunt Jaina, I know."

"Well, you can call her that."

Bu Laike rolled his eyes, then glanced at Sefiel, who was holding back his laughter, and said:

"Send them to the academy. I'm going to the psychic school's laboratory. There are big things to do there today."

"Well, I will be responsible for bringing them back, you don't have to worry."

Seifel showed a smile of a virtuous wife, kissed the captain's cheek, and said:

"Go and welcome the return of your loyal sky, I know you have been preparing for this."


The pirate smiled and watched Sefiel walk out of the captain's cabin holding the hands of Nagfar and Little Resch. He stood up and was about to leave, but the door of the captain's cabin was pushed open a few seconds later.

Jaina, with a slice of bread in her mouth, seemed to be in a hurry to go to class. Her hair was a little messy with a large scroll on her back, and she didn't sleep well last night.

This will see that Bo Laike is preparing to go out. She didn't waste any time, took the bread out of her mouth, and said to the captain:

"Big brother, I went to school with Tandred, and I will live with him at school tonight, so there is no need to prepare dinner for us."

The smelly pirate froze for a moment.

Then he nodded with a smile on his face and said:

"Go, there is a farewell dinner at the governor's mansion tonight, and Mrs. Golden Sword will also come over. Remember to attend it with Tandred on time."

"Oh, I know."

Gianna, with flushed cheeks, turned around and ran out to find her dawdling younger brother to go ashore to school together, but because of the over-training by Fenner last night, Tandred's arm hurt so much that he couldn't even memorize the drawing board.

The stupid warrior also knew that he was in the wrong, so he helped the stinky little brother to carry all the belongings, and then asked the little Xingxing to borrow her special mount Eragon, and used this cool dragon to drive his younger siblings to the academy at lightning speed.

It would be too bad if you were late for the first day of school.

Soon, when Laike tidied up and walked out of the cabin, he heard the elf bell from the North Island far away, which represented the beginning of the first day of classes after the official opening of Narsalas College.

Many students from the Eastern Continent and Kalimdor have already gone to the teaching buildings of their respective schools, preparing for the first lesson of their careers.

Even the druid students and shaman colleges that have been established temporarily have their own exquisite teaching areas, but the students of the warlock school are outrageous.

They also had to cross the connecting bridge between the South Island and the North Island, and rush from the college to the Black Sickle Hermitage Tower on the North Island to attend classes.

Discriminated belongs to is.

And in less than 30 minutes after Bu Laike summoned the Hell Steed from the South Island to the North Island of the Academy, the latest news came from the Warlock Tower.

Two orc apprentices made a mistake in summoning the fel imp, resulting in severe burns from the fel flames, and were rushed to the Druid Academy for treatment.

On the first day of school, there were casualties in less than an hour. This school is really exciting!

As expected of you, warlocks!

The Druid Academy has accepted more than 20 tauren apprentices from the Highmountain and Grimtotem clans. Before the "visiting professor" Archdruid Moonclaw explained to them what natural will is, they can personally It's time to try to heal the wounded with the power of nature.

Hey, why don't you say that Nathalas is high-end?

Getting started is an actual combat drill, and you are still a student of the brother school, so if you have something to do, you really do it yourself.

This school is reliable!

"Quickly let the Church of the Holy Light send a few paladins and priests to stay here, and then ask the Sisters of Elune to ask for two months of sacrifices. According to this casualty rate, if the treatment can't keep up, my Great Warlock Academy is due. I’m afraid I’ll lose at least half of it during the exam.”

Bu Laike rode on the hell horse, complaining about the "shame of the academy" mentor Nitiel who was on duty at the academy today, but was so busy on the first day of work:

"It's really impossible to open a seminary for those priests. There are druids and shamans here, and there are not a few missionaries."

"You still have the face to say it!"

Instructor Nitil's face turned green with anger, and she scolded:

"Will you care about those lawless warlocks under your command? How dare you let the apprentices summon demons by themselves without a magic barrier? They don't abide by the academy's safety regulations at all!

Just wait for the dean to let you write a review! "

"Is it our fault?"

Bu Laike said with a wooden face:

"The warlock tower was built by us! Isn't it right that the conditions are poor? The academy didn't prepare a teaching place for us at all. If we really want to count it, the blame will have to be borne by Lanyue tutor himself."

I am not afraid.

Moreover, only two of them were injured in the ceremony of summoning the imps on the first day. Judging by the standards of warlocks, this is already a super high success rate, okay?

You have to know that wild warlocks deal with death every time they summon a demon, and most warlocks can't survive the first three years of their careers.

Besides, they were asked to sign a liability waiver agreement before enrolling. With today's incident, those careless guys will take care of themselves.

Don't worry, we warlocks have our own training methods.

Let's go, keep busy, if you can't figure it out, ask my ship doctor, oh, yes, she is still leading her apprentice to fish in the barren land.

I'm afraid it will be some time before I come back.

However, the Grand Druid of the Moon Claw is also a veteran, and he can rescue him as long as he does not die suddenly on the spot. "

After finishing speaking, Laike hurriedly rode his hell horse to the deepest and most mysterious psychic school teaching area of ​​the college. As soon as he got there, he saw a group of human death knights patrolling in front of him.

It seems that he has just awakened, and the armor he wears has the mark of the Psychic School of Narsalas College. The painting style of this place is different from other teaching areas.

The four windy psychic towers at the entrance alone are enough to bluff people.

And the most annoying thing about their school is that even the administrators who maintain the student dormitories on a daily basis are a few human ghosts selected from Tol Barad's cemetery.

It's a serious haunted house.

Laike really couldn't imagine that the students of the psychic school were a group of weird guys, but he was quite familiar with this place, and after wearing his Grand Master badge, the death knights patrolling the gate would let them go immediately.

The stinky pirate sent the hell steed back to the Twisting Nether, and walked towards the teaching area, passing by a classroom along the way, and took a look inside.

It was discovered that an elf ghost psychic was teaching the mysteries of anatomy to a dozen students. The faces of the students in the audience were all blue, and a few were hiding on the trash can outside the door and retching.

Tsk tsk, object teaching, really awesome.

Look at the freshness of the corpse. Hey, you guys killed this yesterday, right?

Just thinking about it and being terrified.

"What are you wandering around here?"

When Bu Laike, like the head teacher, was standing outside the classroom window watching with relish, a cold voice sounded behind him.

Kel'Thuzad, holding a grimoire, was wearing a mage's robe, and said to Bu Laike expressionlessly:

"Today is the first day of school. As the great mentor of the Warlock School, shouldn't you go to see your apprentices and give them a speech or something?"

"Hey, the real talker of the psychic school, the honorable Mr. Bigworth, is taking his stupid human servants out for a walk again."

The pirate turned his head, and said "Hello" to the black and white kitten lying on Kel'Thuzad's shoulder, and the latter meowed back to the stinky pirate.

It seems that after regular contact, it doesn't hate Bo Laike anymore.

After playing with the cat for a few seconds, Laike turned his head to look at the expressionless Kel'Thuzad, who was like an iceberg. Although the guy in front of him was no different from the previous look, the pirates could tell him at a glance. not human

Well, not a living person in the true sense.

This guy's body is dead.

Just like Meili Dongfeng's situation, after the soul completes the transformation ceremony and transforms into an immortal lich, this set of deceptive flesh and blood body is no longer necessary.

"Although I have two lich friends, I still want to ask, Lord Kel'Thuzad, how does it feel to be a lich?"

Bu Laike asked.

The Lich in front of him shrugged his shoulders, his eyes were not warm, but he said softly:

"Very good, the harsh time has opened its arms to me, I have countless eternities to squander, and without secular emotions, I can finally devote myself to the pursuit of truth without distraction.

I'm getting ready for what are you doing! "

Kel'Thuzad had just finished saying that he had no worldly desires, when he saw the stinky pirate reaching out to grab his beloved Mr. Bigworth's neck.

This presumptuous action caused the Lich's anger to soar for a moment, and he squeezed out the seal of the ice meteor technique in his hand.

As long as the stinky pirate moves slightly, a icy meteorite full of death power will flatten him and everything within a few hundred yards nearby.

"Ha, no one dares to say in front of me that they don't have any worldly desires, where are you now?"

The pirate withdrew his hand, and he said to the molested lich in front of him:

"Okay, just kidding, I'm just reminding you tactfully as a colleague, to protect your own weaknesses just like protecting the phylactery.

Nor are liches fearless.

Now, take me to see my baby, I heard, that waste fire demon is finally ready for the ceremony? "

"Well, Exotus is a very cunning fire demon. It can actually complete the preparations for the ceremony in a very short period of time, but it is always very cunning and tries to use its own knowledge to negotiate terms with us."

While leading the way, Kel'Thuzad stroked the kitten in his arms, and said calmly:

"In addition, the situation of the sky is more complicated, and it will take time to deal with the almost completely broken bones and messy vital signs, so I didn't ask it to speed up.

But recently it has become more and more tired, so I gently 'reminded' it about its situation.

After I personally removed a small section of stomach and promised to give it the status of a magic lecturer in the flame department of the academy, it finally sped up and completed all the preparations for the ceremony last night.

Seriously, I'm looking forward to seeing this loyal bird rise from the ashes.

I'm also interested in the ritual itself. "

Having said that, Kel'Thuzad glanced at Bu Laike and said:

"The fire demon told me that although ordinary elemental flames can also be used to complete the rebirth ceremony, if one wants to achieve a perfect rebirth effect, it is best to use the pure fire of Sufras.

I know it's hard to get that thing, do you want to postpone it for a while?

I personally handled the skeleton of the sky and its body, and it will last a while longer. "

"You mean this?"

Laike flipped it over, and a burning cupping pot appeared in his palm. Sparks ignited in the beautiful pot, and the light made the lich's ice blue eyes reflect sparks.

"so much?"

Kel'Thuzad was slightly surprised. He took the cupping jar and put it in front of his eyes, saying:

"It's more than enough to perform rituals for the sky, can I study the rest?"

"You, a lich, are not afraid of being burned to death by this pure flame?"

Bu Laike complained:

"When you feel that you will not die, you will become more self-confident, dare to touch anything, dare to research anything, right? Naturally, this jar of flames is used for a ritual.

But if it's two ceremonies, it's not enough. "


Kel'Thuzad said in surprise:

"Do you still have patients who need flame rebirth?"

"Not a patient."

Bu Laike glanced at the sky and said:

"It's needed to start a great life for a girl, but she doesn't need much. This can of sparks should be enough. Don't waste time, get ready to start."


Kel'Thuzad stretched out his hand and threw a death rune. In the cold atmosphere dotted with weird blue lines, the door of the underground laboratory in front of him slowly opened.

Bu Laike walked into it, saw an altar made of flame stone, and complex rituals on the ground.

The fire demon lord Exotus was not here.

Presumably it also knew that its greed might have offended Bo Laike and dared not show up here, but the preparations had been completed and it was no longer needed.

The pirate stepped forward, squatted down, and looked at the sleeping sky lying on the comfortable haystack.

This poor guy has become a lot thinner during this period of time, and he no longer has the mighty figure of the King of the Sky before, just like a patient lying on a hospital bed waiting for death to come.

It was badly injured in Hell, and in order to help its master, Gorm smashed most of its bones.

It is a miracle that it survived to this day.

In order for it to rest better, the Lich used the magic of sleep on it, and Laike stretched out his hand to caress the emaciated hippogryph in front of him, and he rested his head on the neck of the sky that had shed its feathers to the point of disfigurement.

He whispered:

"Sleep, sleep, good boy."

"When you open your eyes, I will give you a pair of unfettered wings, and you will carry my old villain of this new era to that splendid new world."

(end of this chapter)

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