Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1238 334. Phoenix? What Is That Ugly Thing? ---Monthly Ticket Plus Update【3/25】

Chapter 1238 334. Phoenix? What is that ugly thing? ---Monthly ticket plus [325]

"The poor little bird suffered horrific injuries and it took me over a month to stitch the broken bones back together.

It should have died on the battlefield. If you didn't have a way to save it, I, a heartless lich, would even think that you let it live to torture it on purpose. "

In Kel'Thuzad's private laboratory, the new lich first puts his cat owner in a beautifully decorated cat nest, and then places the cat nest in the place farthest from the ceremony site.

He was obviously worried that this flame rebirth ceremony would affect his beloved pet, and when he was preparing for the experiment, he said to Bu Laike who was squatting beside the sleeping sky:

"For such an injury, it is a blessing to let it die quickly. If you are nostalgic and don't want to let go, it will only make you all suffer. The cycle of life and death is a kind of beauty that does not need to be disturbed or destroyed."

"I'm asking a question that might offend you."

Bu Laike raised his head, glanced at the indifferent lich, and said:

"If Mr. Bigworth suffered such an injury"

"Your question doesn't make sense."

Kel'Thuzad glanced at him, and said coldly:

"I'm not going to hurt my beloved kitten like some trash pirate."

"Not always."

The pirate whistled oddly, pointed to his eyes, and said:

"In the prophecy that I can see, there is a future where you will take your kitten into a rut of evil, and of course, you will still be good to him, and he will still be your favorite cat owner.

But the problem is that you, who are immersed in evil, gave it too much freedom, causing it to be killed by a cheap adventurer once a week, and then resurrected in your necromancy ritual, and the cycle repeats.

It's almost like the cat owner is atoning for your sins. "

"That proves that Mr. Bigworth loves me as much as I love him."

The brain circuit of the newly promoted lich is indeed different from that of ordinary people.

He snorted triumphantly, and asked gloomyly:

"So in the prophecy you saw, what happened to the adventurers who hurt my kitten?"

"They are miserable."

The smelly pirate stood up, rolled up his sleeves and walked forward to help the Lich activate the flame circle on the ground, and whispered:

"Because they hurt the lovely Mr. Bigworth, they will be tortured by you madly, and after death after death, they may beat you.

But they will never want to get all kinds of treasures you have collected, they can only get the perfunctory of the most garbage collection. Instead, it's the caring people who take care of your cute kitty that loves to run around, and you will be generously gifted.

Not only will you put water in the battle, but you will even give them your most precious collection at the suggestion of Mr. Bigworth, who has had enough of playing with strangers. "

"Well, that does sound like something I'd do."

Kel'Thuzad rubbed his chin, so satisfied with the prophecy that Laike saw that he didn't even try to refute the prophecy's description of his fall into evil and darkness.

Obviously, this cold-tempered guy doesn't care whether he will become an evil person accused by thousands of people in the future.

This is really a terrible sociopath.

"Before I pour the fire of Sulfras into the Firestone, you will hold the poor firmament."

The Lich quickly adjusted the frequency of the magic power required for the ceremony, and after he fine-tuned the power of the magic power input, he gave instructions to Laike.

He pointed to the magic circle on the ground that began to glow with dark red ember luster, and said:

"The flame rebirth ceremony provided by Exetus was improved by me and Prince Farondis. Because we are not in the realm of the fire source, we need to use magic to complete the continuous burning of the flames, so as to simulate the flames of the fire source. situation of the border.

This will make the effect of flame rebirth slightly different from the orthodox ceremony, but you can be sure that your bird will be transformed into an elemental creature.

In this way, it can get rid of the weak flesh and blood that can no longer be restored, and accompany you in an almost eternal posture. "

Having said that, Kel'Thuzad blinked and said:

"Actually, if you don't consider the result, I would recommend you to use the Necromancer Transformation Magic. I can personally repair the missing flesh and blood of the sky, and maintain it in its most majestic form forever.

And the soul strengthened by the death aura will no longer have the risk of being injured, except that it will become cold and ruthless, it will not be any different from before life.

Of course, it will remain as loyal to you as it has always been, and even more loyal. "

"Death is a terrible thing."

Bu Laike glared at the lich who gave the boring suggestion, and said:

"This is not the 'reward' that the loyal sky should get. I suggest that after this work is done, you should go and check your mind. Your way of thinking is very abnormal.

Stop talking about these funny and boring things, let's get started. "

"As you wish, Great Teacher."

Kel'Thuzad let out a cold, deep laugh.

He took out the cupping jar he had just obtained, and gently twisted off the lid. The moment it came into contact with the air, the Flame of Savras, which had been burning weakly in the cupping jar, instantly expanded.

Its flames became active and turbulent, filled with an endless majesty that would burn the world.

And when the flames danced, it seemed that a very distant existence was awakened. In this laboratory, angry roars and scoldings like lava burst could be vaguely heard.

It was Ragnaros, the Lord of Fire, who felt the pure flame he had lost, and he was trying to open the elemental rift in this place to personally punish these bastards who dared to desecrate the fire of Ragnaros.

But not mentioning that the elemental seal of the Fire Source Realm is still stable, it is said that the difficulty of opening the elemental rift in Nathalas College is several orders of magnitude higher than other places.

The Fire Demon King was incompetent and furious.

Kel'Thuzad and Bu Laike dared to conduct experiments in this place openly, so they were not afraid of it jumping out to interfere.


Amidst the deep animal cries, Big Bear and Big Wolf were summoned. When they saw the emaciated and pitiful sky, they made sad low cries, danced around it, and stretched out their tongues to lick its neck and cheeks.

This kind of contact made the sleeping sky move its eyes, and then opened them. In the cloudy eyes that were tired and full of pain, the loyal beast saw its beast friends and its smiling master.

"Needless to say, my dear sky, today you will be free from the torment of weakness and pain."

Braike stepped forward and picked up the skinny hippogryph from the haystack. The big horn took the initiative to carry it, and together with Braike put it into the flames that were constantly flickering Center of the circle.

The two beasts retreated.

The pirate stayed beside Sky, patted the withered antlers of the hippogryph, and said:

"Hold on a little longer. Soon, nothing will separate us. The herd is waiting for your return."


The weak Hippogryph couldn't speak, so he could only respond as firmly as possible in the soul link, and rubbed his head on the pirate's arm as in the past.

It is very difficult for it to complete this action today.

And at the entrance of the laboratory, when Kel'Thuzad was about to activate the Flame Stone, a black-feathered falcon fell from the sky like lightning, flapped its wings at the entrance, and flew in, then turned into a druid and stood in the frost claw and Big Horn.

Miss Hisaly Crow, who had just finished teaching the apprentices of the Druid Academy, finally caught up with the resurrection ceremony of the sky, and she did not come alone.

Behind her were two storm crows flapping their wings and riding the wind down.

Those were the "Visiting Professor" Shaun Moonclaw Archdruid hired by the academy, and the specially invited Raptor Archdruid, Miss Black Crow's mentor, Skyscreamer Omulon.

These orthodox druids are also very interested in the fusion of nature and primordial flames proposed by Laike. Furthermore, as elders, they want to protect Hisalley.

Once there is a problem with the ceremony, they will rescue Miss Black Crow from the misery of failure.

"Just watch from the sidelines, don't make any noise, and don't touch anything in my lab."

The indifferent lich obviously didn't like outsiders entering his territory, but because of Bu Laike's face, he just reminded him casually. Then he began to disintegrate the fire of Savras burning in the cupping pot in his hand.

The two Archdruids had seen the world.

When they saw the flame, the two looked at each other in astonishment.

This Nazaras Academy is really rich in treasures. They actually have this kind of pure primordial flame that does not exist in the material world, and they even use it to save a dying and weak Hippogryph.

Even druids who love nature feel that such behavior is a bit too extravagant.

However, Miss Hisalie Black Crow, who is familiar with the story of Cang Qiong and Bu Laike, doesn't think so. She knows that for the sake of Cang Qiong, the pirates specially hired someone to kill a fire bull evil god.

This is basically the most sincere expression of the deep emotion between hunter and pet.

Two-way rushed to belong to is.

"it has started!"

The lich's fingers wrapped in the extremely cold breath flicked lightly.

It was as if a precise scalpel had cut through the flames and split them into two precisely. The dancing flames even outlined golden flames in the air, and then dripped onto the flame stones engraved with runes in front of them.

The scorching breath was transferred through the connection between the flaming stone and the magic circle on the ground, and in the next second the line of the magic circle was ignited, and turned into a tumbling scorching fire that gushed out from the ground.

In an instant, the sky in the magic circle was completely ignited.

The burning of the primordial fire is quite frightening.

The moment the hippogryph's fur and flesh came into contact, it scorched, and it screamed in pain, but the pain hadn't reached an unbearable level.

The flame runes on the magic circle on the ground rolled in the flames, like brand marks, engraved one after another on the body surrounded by flying ash.

The people who were bystanders couldn't help but sweat.

They could even see through the surrounding flame curtain, the flesh and blood of the crouching sky turned to ashes, and in some moments, only broken bones remained standing in the flames.


The great wolf, Frostpaw, howled in pain, turned its head and complained to Hisalie Crow:

"My uncle knows you are nervous, but can you hold your own hand? You pinched my ear so painfully! Although I am your friend and your natural sentinel, but believe it or not, I was forced to bite you!"

"Ah, sorry."

Miss Black Crow glanced at the ear of Frostpaw she was holding, and retracted her finger with apologetic face.

In addition to the worries and blessings for the sky, Miss Black Crow also has worries about herself. She looked at the remaining half of the Flame of Sufras in the hands of the Lich.

She knew that those were for her.

And all that Cang Qiong experienced in front of her was a "promotion rehearsal" for her.

"Don't worry, it's not as painful as it looks."

Bu Laike fixed his eyes on the flaming ceremony in front of him, and he whispered comfortingly:

"The pain in the sky is because it has suffered serious injuries. To change its life form, it must first absorb enough vitality from the flames, and only then will there be pain from the flames.

But you can skip this stage and go straight to the elementalization process.

You have seen the four gods in Pandaria with your own eyes, and that is your final form, a powerful, majestic, elegant and beautiful demigod created by the perfect fusion of life force and elemental power. "

"No matter how much you say, I can't change my nervousness. It's not you who really want to go up to accept the elemental injection for promotion."

Miss Black Crow complained:

"I think I must be crazy, or I was too deeply influenced by your dark wisdom, I would accept such a crazy suggestion.

The most frightening thing is that even now, I don't think I have any regrets. "

"Shh, it's about to break out of its cocoon and be reborn, witness this scene."

The pirate interrupted Miss Crow's complaints.

He looked forward with full expectation. In the rising high-temperature flames, the power of the fire of Sufras had been fully aroused, and the sky that had been burned with flesh and blood turned into a crimson cocoon wrapped in flames.

The three druids on the sidelines perceived it most clearly. The big cocoon was like an egg about to hatch, and a prosperous life was being bred in it.

"Hey, use that!"

The pirate looked at the lich and reminded him. Kel'Thuzad, who was also watching the beautiful life that was about to be born in the ceremony led by himself, was awakened.

He smiled apologetically, took out a strange giant egg that the pirate had just given him from his hand, and threw it into the burning flames in front of him.

"what is that?"

The Archdruid Moonclaw asked in doubt.

"It's a phoenix egg from Pandaria."

Miss Black Crow explained:

"It's a mysterious and noble legendary creature in the Mist Continent. Bu Laike got it from the Lorewalker, and I have sent the two I got back to Moonglade.

But their hatching requires careful attention, and the Lord of the Forest has promised that he will work hard to make the noble phoenixes nest in Mount Hyjal.

This egg is meant to reshape the sky."

Speaking of which, the Druid murmured in a low voice:

"B Laike has always been coveted about the elemental phoenix next to Prince Kael'thas Sunstrider, and he is about to get his wish today."

"Tch, the phoenix of Kael'thas? What an ugly thing! My sky is the most beautiful king of the sky."

The pirate curled his lips in disdain.

A few seconds later, with the slight sound of eggshells breaking, a golden flame shone in front of everyone's eyes. With the resonant neighing of birds, a beautiful and noble creature flapped its wings and flew out of the flame ceremony. out.

It has a huge flaming body. When the eagle-like wings are spread out, the flaming feathers are surrounded by fire, and the elongated tail feathers float in the air, and there are eye patterns like peacock feathers at the end of the feathers.

The movement of it flapping its wings caused the temperature in the laboratory to soar sharply.

The loyal sky was reshaped, no longer in the shape of a hippogryph, and its antlers turned into nine slender feathers, like the beautiful bird feather crown of Chi-Ji.

It flew and danced in the air, with a noble and elegant posture, and looked at its master while circling, and flew towards Bu Laike with a kind of joy of resurrection and homecoming.

This action caused all the guys beside Bu Laike to dodge outwards in unison. Anyone who saw a large ball of fire flying towards him would have an instinctive reaction to dodge.

The only pirate who didn't dodge would yell in horror:

"Hey, get smaller! Stupid! Also, put out the flames! You're going to burn me to death at such a high temperature! Hell, is the little star's stupid thing going to happen again?"

(end of this chapter)

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